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Thursday, February 21, 2013

“To Become Past Feelings” (short essay)

This was sent to me and in response I had the following thoughts – c/ork


“How will police officers react after they no longer believe they are part of the society which they have been charged with policing, when they have become used to shooting pregnant ladies and old men?”



“To Become Past Feelings” cji 2/22/2013 

(see Ephesians 4)


The American desensitizing of its citizens began in earnest in the early 1900’s – with the advent of public funded schools by the Federal Government.  However desensitizing has been ongoing literally since Adam and Eve! Most fail to remember how really old Adam and Eve were and can only rationalize the Cain and Able were typical 20 year olds. This is not the case – for Cain to hop over the fence – visit Able in the field and kill him – without any remorse is inconceivable without some priming by the adversary. To make a person become without feeling (desensitizing) takes time and manipulation of multiple events to make them seem disjointed while actually being a long term plan.


Yes Satan and his minions get lucky once in a while but mostly they follow well used plans for their earthly conquests. The only idea is to get a human being in mortality to not seek the Celestial Kingdom with their family for time and all eternity. Sometimes they capture the human being and bring him into outer darkness as they themselves are found and bound. But mostly they’re satisfied with bringing most to the Telestial or Terrestrial Kingdoms. And in some cases just to keep some of the very elect into the first two levels of the Celestial Kingdom.


Father intervened after the almost total decay of feelings at the time of the great flood. This cleansing only lasted until the time of the building of the great tower when the desensitizing had begun to overtake the inhabitants of the earth once more.  Thus the languages were confounded so that families could not communicate with others and slowly a migration took place away from a central area. From this point history is filled with the continued decay of human feelings with an occasional exception here and there.


Back to Satan and his minions and their continued intervention.  We learn in Job he can only be allowed to go so far – but most don’t have the faith or endurance of Job so give in much quicker to seek worldly instead of Celestial goals. Whenever things weren’t going fast enough – Satan introduces new measures into his game plan to speed things up. He had some real highpoints throughout the Old Testament times – which are very well summed up in Ezekiel (if you haven’t read these Scriptures you might be wise to do so – and one can then easily apply them to today).


Let’s skip some history and move forward in time to when Satan introduced evolution and the survival of the fittest (Darwin and Spencer).  As this lost its appeal – he started with the Civil War – Indians Wars – and up the current continued conflicts of today. Remember Wounded Knee – the soldiers were so intent on massacring the Indians in their crossfire they killed fifty of their own. What did our Federal Government do? They awarded multiple Medals of Honor to those involved in first disarming the Indians and then murdering them in cold blood. This is very relevant to today in that the Government is seeking to disarm the citizens while buying up millions of rounds of ammunition – the estimate is that the Federal Government now owns (possess) enough rounds to expend five on every American Citizen. (We’ll come back to this.)


By the time of the early 1900’s it was obvious to Satan that the family was a real problem in his plans. Yes he’d introduced prostitution, adultery, pedophiles, drinking to excesses – but he couldn’t break down the basic family structure. He thought that the desperate condition of the immigrants coming to America would do it – that the idea of harsh conditions of homes, communities and even the availability of food to eat couldn’t destroy the family, so what could? He had to get the mother out of the home! And this was accomplished by the child labor laws and the introduction of Public Schools funded by the Federal Government.


What a masterful stroke – he took the working family – with children working they helped the family survive – kept off the streets and the family intact. But with children now forced to be in schools – it forced a further decline in the standard of living for the families. This in turn made it more difficult to meet ends and the idea of starvation forced women (the mothers – a sacred calling) back to work again. Indeed it took the father out of the home for more time due to the need for him to work longer hours.  And what about the children – no longer having or being able to work they started to have idle time on their hands. And the saying goes, “idleness is the Devil’s workshop.”  Remember now this was in America – in Russia at the same time a revolution had occurred which promised a ‘workers’ paradise.’ No longer the trusting family relationship but the disillusion and trust within the home by dividing loyalties between the home and state.


Then we encountered WWI and WWII – amid the great depression – which really decimated this nation and much of the world. Following all of this Korea, Vietnam and now the disasters around the world in the name of Islam. In addition to all of the conflicts – Satan introduced leisure time. Which in turn added to the mixed messages of roles in mortality and rights and wrongs. What was once sacred and called the Sabbath Day became the day of the Big Game – or other such diversion to seek to reword another of the Ten Commandments. We must remember – the 1st, - 2nd and 3rd Commandments hit the dust late in the 19th  Century – in the US and around the world. Soon followed; Honoring the Father and the Mother; Thou shalt not steal; Thou shalt not covet; Thou Shalt not bear false witness; Thou shalt not commit adultery; which left only two remaining – Thou shalt not kill (murder); and Keep the Sabbath Day holy.  Knowing most would not murder someone – Satan ignored this one – and went after the Sabbath Day with great success. Business are now open on the Sabbath – and the only reason they succeed is that customers come to purchase – eat – play games – take in sporting events – movies – buy and sell in flea markets – and so on.


As for Thou shalt not murder – (killing is what happens in self-defense and combat) – murder is when you take another’s life as did Cain – Able’s. Of course the ultimate goal of desensitization is to make murder acceptable within a society.  With what took place at Wounded Knee and other locations Satan knew it was a matter of time. Remember Satan had great success in the extermination of the Mormon’s in Missouri, Illinois and other locations in the 1830’s and 1840’s – even into the late 19th Century. Murder to be justified has to have a mob mentality – without feeling – and if any that of they’re doing the world a favor. Amazing how many get on the bandwagon when hatred comes into play – along with envy and other non-feelings of justification.


How to make murder universally acceptable began with the invention of the Movie and then the television. With the advent of the silent movies – pornography also began to achieve its own marketplace. When one reviews the Scriptures an in-depth reading – shows that sexual immorality is the surest way to desensitization of a nation or culture. The next best way is violence and more violence – and the easiest way is to start with the small children. The TV became the babysitter – and with the TV came the cartoons with more violent acts per minute than the mind can absorb. Soon these youngsters became teenagers – and the need for more graphic violence – until today whatever anyone wants they can find on DVD – Blu-ray – Video games or at the movies.


Throw into this mix  feminism – gay rights – more sexual immorality – and the idea of quickie divorces.  Remembering of course in the 3rd Century Satan did away with the teaching of Eternal Marriage – and introduced “Till death do us part” – then further destroying marriage by the introduction of ‘running home to mommy or daddy’ instead of becoming as one and thus spoiling future generations of youth by said mommy and/or daddy (already divorced).


To further enforce all of this our music on radios, CD’s and especially live bands – the noise level continues to increase the numbing and loss of one’s human abilities to think and reason in common sense. If you ever consider the lyrics of many of the songs, hard rock, and other forms of sounds emanating from the idea of music – one will quickly understand Vance Packard and the subliminal messages of the 1950’s gone awry. 


Today – our sworn protectors of the Constitution – laws and our very safety are being trained to kill (murder) on demand of the Federal Government – without regard to feelings of guilt or remorse. Indeed we’ve a culture which condones ‘knock out gangs’ the murder, rape and maiming of so called deprived cultures over those who’ve worked to improve themselves. All in the name of Political Correctness – and if any disagree they’re a racist and a threat to socialism and absolute control by those in command. 


There is a saying, “the only benefit achieved by the laying down of one’s weapons of defense is to ensure a massacre occurring.” Never has anyone ever lived who was told by another, “Lay down your weapons – surrender what we want – and you can go free!”  However, a nation which can no longer feel emotions is prepared for others to die that they might gain in their deaths. 


“Past Feelings”





Driving into the hailstorms of life

naked hallucinating from drugs

creating a vacuum for a mind

relentless in finding some stimuli

having denied anything of worth

demanding more and more junk

ignoring history as being unknown

as in illiteracy having been grown

choosing to demean your spirit

denying your royal birth right

adopting loser behavior in glee

having become past feelings

cold, dead while yet still alive

decaying and destroying life

without guilt or ever remorse!



Copyright © 2013 – cji

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