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Saturday, February 4, 2017

"Starting Today or a Long Time Ago" (a singular long time goal)

(Many people have long and short term goals in their lives – some with written, specific, personal goals – however, this is very few – indeed less than 1% of the population. And of those with goals many never keep records of accomplishments or the journey taken. Lastly most do not have that one long term goal which all other goals are based upon – i.e. where will they be after leaving this mortal probation? Below is my eternal long range goal – and why, how and when it is to be accomplished. By having such a goal – are all of the other goals in all six areas of my life –which I’ve control over: 1) Personal; 2) Family; 3) Ethical/Spiritual; 4) Physical; 5) Financial and 6) Social; either tangible or intangible – long term or short term – going to bring me closer or further away from this singular long term goal? If the answer is yes – closer – then the goal will be worked out as the following long term goal – if the answer is no – further away – then it will be put aside until it will bring me closer – or discarded if it will never bring me closer! c/ork 2/4/17)

“Starting Today or Long Ago”


Seemingly forever to be setting goals
was it the age of eight first learning
understanding their importance to me
others as well sometimes included
now some 65 years later still engaged
always with the most important goal
foremost in all my thinking and doing
for without this one singular goal
I’d be like a ship on the seas drifting
without compass or helm/rudder
sails shredded or engine broken
going nowhere and arriving always
starting today or long ago we’ve each
a time to trim our ships upon the seas
gathering strength from our Father
as on each Sabbath day we can
recharging our batteries fully
able to withstand the worldly winds
knowing where is the safe harbor
returning to our Heavenly Father
from where we left in mortal birth!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

1.       I will live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all aspects of my life moment to moment continuously in my; thoughts, actions and verbalizations.
a.       What I’ll do in my life:
                                                               i.      Daily and regular prayer – individually, spouse, family
                                                             ii.      Read the Scriptures daily – individually, spouse, family
                                                            iii.      Hold Family Home Evening weekly
                                                           iv.      Go to the House of the Lord (Temple) as often as possible – not less than every three months (4 days at a time)
b.      Share the Gospel whenever opportunities arise
                                                               i.      Mention Church by name in conversations
1.       to see if it ignites interest
2.       If not at least others know who I am and where I stand
                                                             ii.      Sharing my writings on-line and in blogs
                                                            iii.      Inviting others to pray when needful and appropriate
c.       Measuring
                                                               i.      Review in nightly prayer with Father
                                                             ii.      Being grateful in all things
                                                            iii.      In Journal
d.      Obstacles
                                                               i.      Distractions of the world – tv – movies – casual conversations – music
                                                             ii.      Setting up specific times for each task – make a schedule which can be routine and missed if not accomplished each day
                                                            iii.      Keeping track of contacts
e.      Visualizations
                                                               i.      Temple pictures in the home (or office)
                                                             ii.      Pass along cards
                                                            iii.      Book of remembrance
                                                           iv.      Family photos at the Temple
                                                             v.      Family photos
f.        Affirmations
                                                               i.      I am a literal child of Heavenly Father
                                                             ii.      I am a literal brother of the Savior
                                                            iii.      We can be an eternal family
g.       Solutions (to d. above)
                                                               i.      Careful planning – individually, with spouse and with family
                                                             ii.      Planning each day
1.       Identify six tasks for the following day (if done at night) or for today (if done in the morning)
2.       Prioritize the six things – two ways
a.       Order of importance
b.      Grouping of things which can done together
c.       Journal entries
h.      Destination
                                                               i.      There is only one real destination – To enter the Celestial Kingdom with my family – progenitors and descendants
                                                             ii.      Mid-way destinations – peace within – happiness and joy in knowing doing Heavenly Father’s will
                                                            iii.      Enduring to the end knowing what I know is both true and eternal
2.       Is the goal worthwhile and achievable and do I want to take the journey on the path to Zion?
a.     Yes !!!!
b.        No

Copyright © 2017 – cji