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Monday, February 18, 2013

“Remember All the Adversary Wants”

“Remember All the Adversary Wants”
Yesterday I introduced a new word ‘Salvationcide’ and with it comes the understanding that all the adversary wants is for anyone in mortality to gain eternal salvation in the presence of the Father and the Son (our Savior).  Over the years of my life I’ve sought to fully understand the relationship between a wife and a husband. When dating my bride and eternal companion we spoke of this often. When being interviewed by her minister in preparation for our wedding and I spoke to him on this he got angry with me and refused to marry us. When my companion inquired as to why he said, “I’m not going to perform any marriage which will not make it.”  That was 44 years ago and amid the good and bad times we’re still striving to ‘make it’.  There is more to this from when I was in the Far East and invited to attend a Bible Study Group by a friend of mine. We went and at the beginning of the meeting the minister conducting asked a quite simple question, “What does 1 Peter 3:7 mean?” When no one answered I replied, “It means a wife and husband are to be married for time and all eternity.” He promptly threw me out of the meeting.
Over the years I’ve often been reminded of Matthew 22:29-30 as dealing with marriages in heaven. However, those making the comment misuse this comment – it does not say there are no married people in heaven just that marriages are not performed there. They leave out the earlier part in which the question was asked to which man was the woman to be married to in the resurrection. In addition, they fail to harken to what was said in Matthew 16:18-19 – in giving Peter the sealing power. Again in Matthew 18:18 the Savior repeats what he said in Matthew 16. “Matthew 18:18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Modern Christian religions have lost the meaning and understanding of these Scriptures. When one reads the Bible in its entirety there is a singular view which pervades the whole – and that is the eternal nature of the family. It is the only part of mortality that continues past the veil. In 1 Peter 3:7 we’re told that the husband and wife are to be heirs together forever! Throughout the Saviors ministry on earth he talked of mansions being prepared for us. If one believes the creeds of men and women this has no meaning or relevance for the most one can hope for it to be an administering angel. And further that the Father and the Son have no physical being – but are invisible and as nothing.
Currently no ordained minister, rabbi, preacher, priest, nun, deacon, pastor, cleric, or any religious leaders of the 100,000 or mores churches found this earth who’ve been ordained to their positions by other men/women or schools have the authority to seal on earth what will be sealed in heaven. None! Not one! And if they presume to say or think they do it is in conflict with the stated beliefs of the churches they claim to represent. This power and authority can only come from the Savior or one of his called representatives (Prophet’s and Apostles) and be performed only in the House of the Lord – dedicated for this purpose, i.e. Holy Temple.
Many have found it convenient to perform a sealing for their parishioners but do so without any authority from the Federal, State or local government in which they hold their certificates to conduct or preside for their various churches. This would or could be likened to one preforming surgery on their friends with a license received through the mail – yes they can do the surgery – however, they’ll be liable for the results in the various courts of law within the land. For the Federal, State and local laws do not accept such medical licenses received through the mail.
The same is true of the Priesthood of God is not to gained from colleges or universities; from schools of divinity; from one saying they woke up one morning and felt called; or any other mortal means – for the Priesthood of God can only be confirmed by the Savior through His Prophets and Apostles. This was true in the meridian of time – in the days of Adam – Moses – Abraham – Enoch – and also today with the restoration of the Savior’s Church once more on this earth in these the latter-days.
Thus the adversary by convincing the majority of the people in this world that all of the above writing is not true – he has achieved his goal of having people alive today commit salvationcide. Without the sealing performed in the Temples of the Lord on earth today – one cannot achieve the highest degree of glory in the Celestial Kingdom (of which Paul taught), if they’ve had the opportunity to hear, read or otherwise learn of the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these latter-days.
Now there are billions of people who’ve lived on this earth who’ve never heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – and some never will during their mortality. What will happen to these billions of people. According to most of the mainline religions of today they’ll all be damned – plain and simple. To the person with common sense this should seem and is ludicrous. Everyone who has ever lived in mortality from Adam until the Second Coming will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ taught to them in the fullness. It will occur in the millennial period after the Second Coming as taught by most of the Prophets and especially by John.
Lest one think this is an escape clause for refusing to hear the Gospel if they could in mortality – it is not – for if you could have heard it and refused – you will treat it the same way in the millennium. Too many live a life of the worldly thinking that they’ll wait until just before their end – or that when they pass someone will do their vicarious work for them (reference Paul once more).  Nope! Heavenly Father and the Son will not be fooled by one’s deceptions.
Thus it is the Sealing which takes place in the Holy Temples (when they’re on this Earth) that marriages and families are bound for time and all eternity if they live worthy of those covenants they’ve made in the Temple.  For those who had joined the Saviors Church when there was not a Temple on the earth they will enjoy all of these blessings if they stay worthy to their baptismal covenants. For those who were alive when there was a Temple but they did not have the Priesthood and were unable to attend they will enjoy all of the blessings as if they had been to the Temple if they remain worthy.
The Church of Jesus Christ is on the earth once more – in this last dispensation of time – it is called as directed by the Savior, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Similarly as the Church during the meridian of time was called, “The Church of Jesus Christ” as directed by the Savior. The organizations are the same – for they’ve the same organizer – the Savior. But most will care not or unwilling to live to the covenants, commandments, statutes, or laws as set down by the Father and the Son. For which reason the adversary and his followers rejoice!
Remember all the adversary wants is for families not to be sealed for time and all eternity – and/or couples. Marriage is okay – till death do you part – even being good and striving to be righteous is okay – just don’t join the Saviors Church – believing any church is the same as any other – and this is okay. Remember the Savior has said, “If you love me keep my Commandments.”  Yet most of the known world that has any recognition of the Ten Commandments do not keep them all – all of the time. Especially the one about Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy – due to the multiple ideas of what might be intended. There is one place where this Commandment if fully followed – it is Tonga – in their Constitution it is a violation of law to do anything but keep the Sabbath Day Holy.
So much of what we think and what we do depends on the outside stimuli in our lives – all too often forgetting why we’re here and what we should be learning and doing. The confusion, noise and contention is all part of the adversaries methods to keep us from remembering the covenants we made with Heavenly Father when we left his presence to come to this earth for our mortal probation. May we return to the Scriptures – literally accepting them – praying and gaining the understanding promised in James 1:5 and so many other areas – to again seek to return with our families to our mansions on high with the Father and the Son.
In the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork
“Remembering All”
Putting away the worldly
remembering all we are
of our royal birth rights
eternals families on high
covenants in obedience
worthy to feel the Spirit
remember all we knew
before coming to earth
each as a child of God
having been taught all
before crossing the veil
found now in mortality
our own probation to live
seeking the refining fire
once more to be found
remembering all and all!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

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