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Sunday, March 3, 2013

“Could it Happen?” cji 2/28/13

This is all hypothetical – but it is what I dreamed – and so thought to share - chuck

“Could it Happen?”  cji 2/28/13


January 11, 2017 - Reporting from our hidden location(s) around the United States – we bring you an update on the latest rioting and detention of citizens. We’re now in the 78th day of the Executive Order declaring Martial Law on October 27, 2016


Review: Without reason or provocation the President issued Executive Order #14358 declaring Martial Law. Within an hour following the Declaration of Martial Law – every major city (urban area) within the United States as if on a predetermined signal found rioting to begin. The damage within the first two or three days was devastating – with thousand killed and many more thousands injured. Quickly any thought of emergency assistance was lost. Hospitals were forced to lock down due to the gangs breeching their doors and stealing drugs/syringes, raping and killing personnel and otherwise destroying equipment.  Next hit were the stores and banks – soon there were no places for one to be safe. Apartment complexes were invaded and with windows broken residents were thrown to their deaths in the streets below.


Events to Date: Evacuations from the cities and urban areas were in mass confusion while fleeing as they ran into a perimeter of military vehicles and check points on every main thoroughfare. Each vehicle had to show photo Id’s which were checked by a computer data base. Some were let through while others were detained – with all of their belongings taken from them. (We know the database was on how they voted or were registered to vote and whether they were gun owners for those detained.)

When a family or individual was detained their vehicles were given to others who were not detained. This has further incensed the population and armed resistance began against the military and the rioters.


Within the first full week – the National Election was held in the confusion and the President won his 3rd Term in office – by an overwhelming majority. There was no way of checking the results as when the announcement was made – the polls were destroyed as well as the voting machines and software. (It is noted that those running against the President were in hiding and still remain so as of today.)  In addition, both the House and the Senate are now firmly (if not unanimously) in the hands of the Presidents party.


Within three weeks of the Executive Order total chaos was found in every major urban area of the United States. However, most of MSM was still operating with the exceptions of Fox News and all other conservative outlets which would not kowtow to the administration. Many of the noted talk show hosts are either in hiding or were murdered within the first week of the rioting. It has been reported that their places of residence were the first targeted by the rioters.


After the seventh week it was announced by MSM and the WH that four of the Supreme Court Justices announced their immediate retirement and all are gone into hiding. Other Judges around the nation have similarly announced they’ve vacated their federal appointments. 


Current Situation: What continues as we report today are the following events. All of the major urban areas of the nation are in flames; homes, businesses, and all of the infra-structure have been or are in the final stages of total destruction. Bodies litter the streets and it would appear that major plagues are engulfing the rioters who cannot leave the cities which are still cordoned off by the military (which mentioned earlier were detaining citizens fleeing).  (This is very similar to Russia in the 1930’s when Stalin had the great purges. He used gangs and thugs to accomplish his goals and then had the military do the same to them as a way of restoring order.) 


Today the MSM has again repeated the plea for all armed citizens to lay down their arms and they’ll be treated fairly by the government and military. This is in spite of one or two groups in Central PA which did this and in front of witnesses were shot on the spot of their surrender – charged with treason in a time of war.  It appears that the military is in full control in the following states with very small centers of resistance; New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington, Oregon, California and Washington D.C.


The states of the highest continued resistance remain; Texas, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, Oklahoma, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Missouri, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, Tennessee, Kentucky and Louisiana.


Those states which are almost under control are the remainder. Which the military and the government have indicated have not been worth the while to worry about currently. Thus we’ve a nation divided with strong resistance – to having given up.  Wholesale slaughter has occurred where pockets of resistance have been taken over in all of the states. Those who came forth early have been sent to retention centers.


We’ve recently gotten an update on the retention centers. They are located in remote areas and appear as huge warehouses. Most have three separate building for housing the detainees. When being processed families are separated – husband going to one – wives to another and the children to a third including infants (this is a random process where men, women and children can be sent to anyone of the three enclosures). The elderly are led to another location where upon processing are given an injection and then are not heard from anymore. In addition, those with either illness or disabilities are sent to the same location where shots are administered.


Once separated into the three buildings all clothing is taken away – men, women and children. Once inside – they are to fend for themselves for sleeping areas on bare floors. The facilities have one massive lavatory which all use in common without paper, toilets or showers. There is nothing within the building which can be taken apart or used as a weapon. It has also been learned that hardened criminals with violent records are randomly placed in these buildings. Once a day food is brought to each building – mainly stacks of sandwiches – and left for first come first serve until there are no more available. (Dr. Spencer would be proud of his thesis, “Survival of the Fittest.”)  We’ve no further report of what is happening within the various buildings!  The government when questioned about the dire conditions – which they denied categorically – stated that the fear of potential suicide and prisoners harming each other required measures to be taken and then again denied what was reported was not the case.


Conclusion: It would appear that the government feels it is functioning and dealing with the affairs of state in oblivion to the effects of the Martial Law. The Chinese and Russian have both offered to provide troops and assistance if requested. The UN has dismissed complaints from Canada, Australia, and Great Britain about what is happening in the United States. The Islamic Centers are saying that the actions are just and have their full approval.  Otherwise, many nations in the world are also under siege as if taking the lead from what is occurring in the United States.


Until next time we can report – signing off from an unknown location(s) – and thanking those who’ve helped provide us protection. 



“Could it Happen”





Opening our eyes to see today

can we focus on the tomorrow

will we learn from history truth

which can and will be repeated?


Is what we read in the MSM real

sugar-coated and false beguiling

seems to be missing what we see

therefore which is real or false?


Could it happen - freedoms lost

too many unaware all included

only the elite of wealth and power

holding hands in evils glee today;


Planning for the morrow to arrive

wherein it’ll be too late to refuse

bound and gagged one and all

in what history long ago taught!



Copyright © 2013 – cji

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