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Monday, April 29, 2013

"Rambling Thoughts" (short essay)

Thoughts of what is happening today – and therefore a bit disjointed - c
First: What of Former Secretary of State Ms. Clinton?
Our nation is in some great difficulty such as our most recent Secretary of State Ms. Clinton had few if any International understandings - however, her husband Slick had this in abundance and this is what she and others have relied upon. Whereas our current WH occupant thinks he is intelligent - President Clinton was extremely smart and this is why he did not fight the Republicans and/or Constitution but used both to further his agenda in an agreeable manner that was acceptable. Therefore he used those like Gore and others to try to slam the ball instead of him.
Lying is acceptable in many nations and cultures in the world and has become foot loose in the United States in the last 100+ years - but actually starting with the election of 1804 and then being cemented with the Jacksonian Era.
Heavenly Father when he sent us to this earth he gave us the freedom of choice - to choose right or to choose wrong! As long as the world continues without the Second Coming this will never be taken away - which accounts for the Scripture of the two edged sword - and the Savior saying he did not come to earth to bring peace.
First - what was Ms. Clinton supposed to do - that which she swore an oath to do! Which it appears that she has not. She has neither defended the Constitution or has she fulfilled her role as Sec State honorably. She as her husband before her and many of this current administration has been found being untruthful under oath. Were her answers rhetorical or outright lies?
Second: Who are we today?
As for the righteous and unrighteous among us - we've to understand where we stand and not them - as they'll be accountable as will we for what we know and what we should know - for what we've done or should have done. There is nowhere in the original Ten Commandments which condone lying - cheating - stealing and multiple other items which many in our nation could not account to be in obedience with fully - maybe the most absent would be keeping the Sabbath Day Holy - whichever day of the week one chooses to call such. Certainly many profane the name of Lord daily - if not hourly. Further - how many really understand to love all - hating none - not approving of the sin (of the sinner) but still enjoining them to repent.  All is a horrible contractual word - it omits nothing and includes everything. The Egyptians had this saying - "Everything there is I see and everything that I cannot see" which W. Shakespeare used in Hamlet. Contractually all is completely inclusive!
Heavenly Father and His Son understand and know what is going on - but unlike the adversary they will not intervene - however, they've made covenants which they will not break either. We've been told in Prophecy that the Constitution will stand as long as there are righteous men/women to be found (unlike Sodom).
Whereas we in the US continue to embrace chess as your comment indicates - the rest of the world no longer does - the new game and the one which China plays is 'Go' - there is no checkmate - the King and all others will or do die - for it is based on total conquest and the elimination of the other side or of all opponents.
Back to Ms. Clinton:
Yes she might gain the Oval Office - as the voter fraud (as mentioned in other posts) is rampant and only the leader of the Democratic Party will be elected - with the 100% vote of the 109% voter turnout in the large urban areas of our nation. We must hope if this happens that Slick will keep her in line with the Constitution (which would be my guess he would).
Much will happen between then and now - first - we've a current administration which is seeking to enact 'Martial Law" - in an essay I've written on another site I've entitled this, a "Chaotic Totalitarian Dictatorship"
Third: What is the Foreign Policy of the US today?
America has a credibility profile which is causing fits of laughter around the world - we've no foreign policy and since the Reagan administration there has been no one to put one in place!
We've to appreciate that with the mess we're in we've become a 3rd world nation - and when the $ is removed as the world currency most likely the US will be bankrupt and China will not allow for an extension of lien. Much like what France did to Germany in 1933! (Note: this means a nation cannot pay the interest on their loans.) 
One might check the latest from the women in Congress from CA - the climate change is causing women to become more sexually addicted to fend off their insecurities for food and protection. Of course we realize these same people vote and procreate!
The insanity in our world today is becoming what was foretold by almost all of the Old Testament Prophets - and was part and parcel of the history of the various nations which in the name of their god/gods have murdered, raped and maimed throughout history.
Conclusion – none – each to draw their own as each need to be doing their own research and study – which is why we’re in the situation we are in – as most are doing anything for themselves unless it is selfish and self-serving and not for the better good! c/ork
“Rambling Thoughts”
Cascading water in endless torment
falling upon each other over and over
scrambled our thinking with so much
pondering, answering and over again
never completing a thought coupled
till found unwilling as tumbleweeds
blown by the winds helter-skelter
rambling thoughts combined as one
never knowing what next to come!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

Sunday, April 28, 2013

“A Chaotic Oligarchy” cji 4/28/13 (essay)

“A Chaotic Oligarchy” cji 4/28/13
What follows will be a combination of comments on various subjects relating to the state of affairs in the US at this point in time. Everything from approval ratings for our past Secretary of State Ms. Clinton who it appears has committed perjury under oath – to the usage of terminology regarding Communism/Socialism – and the affect education in our nation has played on these above matters. Certainly with the lack of an objective – truth-telling Main Stream Media (MSM) – we’ve a distorted nation and chaotic reasoning going on either for us or forcing us into decisions.
First a comment on polls in America - these are paid pollsters - they've an agenda – Ms. Clinton has a 73% favorable rating in the polls which basically only represent the 21 major Urban areas of the Blue states which one would expect to be about correct! One must remember in the previous 2012 election from these same areas in the actual voting 108%+ of the registered voters voted and in some instances voted 100% for only one candidate!  These same people when polled would vote the way they're told which is for the person with the 73% rating. In the US to be elected President you need only win 20-22 states to win the election - less than 4% of the land mass of the US contain these 20-22 urban areas!
On Communism - which is not really meeting the true definition of the same - this is the Socialism (a way of life) dependent upon the dictatorship or ruling junta (oligarchy) which is allowed unlimited power to meet the needs of the people whether they like it or not. A Russian defector who was one of the leaders of the Public Relations for Russia in the early 1950's wrote a book telling how through the manipulation of the MSM they were able to push the totalitarian dictatorship (Russia is not a Communist Nation - it is an Oligarchical Totalitarian Dictatorship) in the US! In the 1960’s The Vietnam War provided the needed 'opportunity' to alter the US educational system over the brink and into chaos. (Note: you could avoid Nam by being in College; then by being a Teacher; then by being Married; then by having Children - end of story; as in the 1970's and continuing to present divorce was the choice made by those above when they no longer needed to avoid Nam or any other war/conflict.) Therefore they ended their marriages (and set the pattern today of either no marriages or most which have a wedding ending in divorce) - had their degrees - and were tenured in the educational system - and by the 1980's and 1990’s were the administrators as well. How better to implement Socialism and the Oligarchical Totalitarian Dictatorship in the US.
This leads us to education in the public school systems which was designed in the early 1900's to make everyone 'equal' and that means with common beliefs - as determined by those who designed the system – by Dr. Dewey (if anyone remembers) who was a Humanist. We've to remember - the schools are the ones who've preached 'in loco parentis' not the family or parents. If one decides to abdicate their parental responsibilities to the schools they've endorsed Socialism as a way of life! We must remember there are those today openly calling for the rights of parents to be abolished completely (read the papers). Unless one was blind – deaf and apathetic this has been going on for the past 110 years in our educational system. Only the wealthy and powerful really are gaining from the educational system which has nothing to do with the public schools. To assay those who indicate the gifted and talented one must remember these are quickly separated from their peers in the inner-city schools (as much for their safety as anything else) – and given an elite brain washing. Only when parents (plural) stay the course and keep involved will any values – morals – purity – and indeed an objective education be accomplished.
At the age of 11 years old (1955) I rewrote a school system (note: I called this a ‘Guided Progressive Educational System’ where students were taught based on their interests and in small group settings of between 10-15 students ranging in age from 10-17 years old). At the time I wrote this I was asked ‘sarcastically’ if I didn’t like the system how would I change it? Most adults (especially teachers) laughed at me – (some didn’t) and therefore I read an average of three to five books a day until I could go take the GED in the military - after the age of eight one is accountable and responsible for their actions and choices - thus we've each choices on how we gain our educations. (Note: the High School librarian knew of my quest for learning and would pick out three books a day - six on Friday for me to read - she believed in the Constitution and truth. As for the other books they were of my choice – many in sports especially sailing/baseball and basketball.) About ten years ago the last time I saw members of my adopted family (my age 5 was adopted) – the step-mother inquired how I’ve accomplished so much as she handed me my report cards from middle and high-school since I was so dumb? Her sister who was with almost couldn’t contain her anger and laughter (we had always been good friends). See my parents (per se’) didn’t care much of what I did as long as it didn’t detain them from their lifestyles. 
Thus today – there are still plenty of books to read – or even listen to (which we do daily in our home) if one wants to learn and grow.  However, if one chooses video games - violence on TV – to disregard for the Commandments - and to defile themselves (which are all adoptive behaviors) after the age of eight - then they'll get what they deserve (not earn) in life. Our education system is designed to make each person the best of the worst and the worst of the best! Money and power - decide who become the elite in the classrooms via better teachers (hopefully) - better books - and less violence in the classrooms.
The polling – system under one chooses to live (if they’ve a choice – most of the world doesn’t but in the US we still do) is determined on several things – among them a good objective education – firm beliefs in their self-worth – and a desire to learn. When one has none of these or other intangibles – they’ll follow the crowd doing what they’re told and only making waves where they think they can get away with making them. Violence and the size of the waves have been increasing disproportionally over the past six decades till the tsunami is the rule and not the exception in our inter-cities and wherever groups gather together (whether college/high school age or adults).
Next the Oligarchy is dependent on the dumbing down of a society – this is done with entitlements – in those nations who’ve traditionally had a very high standard of living – not to be compared to where subjection and dominion have been the rules as in Russia/China/India/SE Asia/S. America/Africa/Middle East – and other 3rd world nations. France/Germany/Great Britain/Australia/Canada and especially the US are the exceptions to having had high standards of living associated with Freedom! France has been decimated over and over again by warfare and now the over-taking of their nation by Islamic Jihad (which is brewing). Germany is almost the same condition – especially those who lived in East Germany after WWII. The Scandinavian Nations are finding their loose moral fiber and social programs have become a breeding ground for Islam immigration and welfare drainage of all their resources. Japan is self-contained but is threatened by China – who’ve a long memory and are seeking revenge (study history). Spain lost most of its perceived prestige after the loss of their fleet sailing from the America’s was captured by the Dutch in the 1630’s (one has to remember it was Queen Isabella who brought together Spain in the late 1480’s – and consolidated it with the Inquisition by brutality which set the stage for much of the settlement in Florida and other areas – while killing and disenfranchising thousands and thousands within the confines of her rule. (Note: many forget the bombers in Spain by Jihadist’s were told it was in retribution for the defeat in 1492 of the Moors in Southern Spain that they carried out their bombings.)
One of the greatest fears of the Founding Father’s in the United States was the un-sedated appetite of the wealthy and powerful who were among their ranks. Thus the elections – separation of powers – no pay for public officials (which back fired) – the States to have powers not designated to the Federal Government in the Constitution (which President T. Roosevelt reversed) – and no retirement. By the usage of the MSM – one by one over the next 200+ years the theory and beliefs of the Founding Fathers have been replaced by their worst fears. With the taking of the US off of the gold standard (Federal Reserve System – 1913-16); the direct election of Senators (removing the power of the states to control this office) in the early 1930’s; setting up the public dole under FDR; and robbing of the Social Security System by the 1938 Congress into the General Funds; the political appointment of Supreme Court and other Federal Judges who now make rather than interpret law; a Congress which have continued to vote themselves both exclusions from law they make and to give themselves pay raises and other benefits not for the general public; and the Executive Office which by-passes the Congress/Courts and the Constitution we’ve had our Republican Form of Government dismantled. We now have what could be termed as a Chaotic Oligarchy – with the sole goal to self-destruct all that the United States has held sacred since the American Revolution. The entitled out-vote the workers and producers – while the government seeks to appease the worthless to be more worthless – by adding more and more to the dole – when already bankrupt.
One must appreciate in an Oligarchy while the majority (up to 96% or higher of the population suffer) the leadership does not – and they control the military.  (Note: the Department of Homeland Security is building its own military – armed and provided for by our taxes and or by our apathy.) Indeed several of the top echelon of leadership are Islamic and have no allegiance to the US. Called now a Chaotic Oligarchy because the 4% all think they’ll be running the show after martial law is declared – our weapons removed and most imprisoned and/or murdered (all from within) – while China waits at the door to just walk in!
To sum up the above - manipulation of the MSM - brainwashing in the schools - worst of the best or best of the worse - most don't care as it is only semantics - abortions - child parents - entitlements - and we are effectively back in the age of Homer (or the Archaic Age) - with all the bells and whistles of why Socrates' had to drink the hemlock. We now are facing the same choice – metaphorically – as we either align with the idiots who seek to destroy the Constitution and our freedoms or will be murdered either with the hemlock or a bullet. Hitler and others have proved most other ways are too messy and leave to much of a record. The government has us in an effective catch-22 – one way or the other if things do not change they’ll have control – if we individually try to resist they’ll have control and if we unite to resist they’ll claim us to have committed treason and have control.
However, there are simple solutions all which make common sense to ending this take-over of our freedoms. We as a nation have to return to the Scriptures – adhere to the words of a Living Prophet and stop paying someone else to tell us how to read and understand what they have so diluted with Greek Philosophy and dare to call it Christianity or religion! Most seem to have no sense of the Old Testament – and the rest have ignored the simple truths as preserved by William Tyndale of which he said, “even a pusher of the plow can understand the Scriptures now” (paraphrase) – and that was in the 1500’s (not now or in in 1820). How much more should we understand today. As one screaming into the winds of corruption most will ignore the simple truths – as taught by the Savior – and through His and His Father’s Prophets then and now – because it is too easy – and their families and peers would consider them fools to do so. The way is there and clear – each must choose – but sadly most already have and Babylon is far more exciting than to be obedient and listen.
My tears are those for loss of those who I call my friends who think me the fool for provided what is truthful. Both known and unknown who someday could be with Father forever with their families (loved ones) -  c/ork
“What is Truthful”
Simple stuff all there in writing
multiple languages to be found
nothing hidden or mysterious
common sense as covenanted
between Father and us long ago
for to return home is the only goal
with our loved ones and families
being obedient to what is truthful
taking the lonely trek to Zion today
holding fast to the Word of God
nothing wavering and or missing
shedding of the tears found in joy
and not the tears of frustration
knowing many have lost so much
by the teachings of those so paid
to have the agenda of Babylon!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

Saturday, April 27, 2013

“Being Perplexed” (an adoptive behavior) cji 4/28/13

“Being Perplexed” (an adoptive behavior) cji 4/28/13
Over time and space many say they’ve found what another has said or written ‘perplexing’ and therefore have difficulty with what was said and especially by who said or wrote the statement in question! In the world the idea of confusion and contention is rampant and therefore intended to be beguiling and or rhetorical or both. Truth sometimes has little to do with what the world/worldly deal with in their thinking and or their actions (or both).
However, when one is dealing with a truth-teller (i.e. a Prophet of God) there is nothing perplexing or confusing or contentious with what they teach, say or do! The problem is upon the receiver not the provider!
First the perplexing statement is most likely not perplexing! - The way we receive it makes it what we think it is! The Church does nothing perplexing if we've done our own homework - understood the principles - studied the matter out - we'll know what they've said makes sense! I'm sorry that I've not a problem with where the Brethren clarify something in writing then reason why it is what they wrote! If one wants to be part of the worldly they'll never understand the Brethren and therefore as the Gospel of Jesus Christ  is perplexing to the worldly - so is that which even members fail to understand via their own spiritual understanding!
At my age I’ve learned most things are very simple and are part and parcel of taking care and protecting the those involved. What the worldly do or don't do has little to do with being a 'just' member actively engaged in the garden or vineyard. Thus we choose who we are by what we seek to understand rather than to be just perplexed!  Those who’ve done their own homework – read the Scriptures – Old and New Testament and other revealed texts such as the Book of Mormon – should find nothing in the Gospel of Jesus Christ confusing – contentious and or perplexing.
If one allows another to read, study and or rehearse for them what to believe or think then one should be prepared to be confused – in contention and perplexed with what is presented. Indeed if one actually pays someone else to do this homework for them – (the word in the school systems is called deception or cheating) and then takes credit for it as their own effort then they are liable for the consequences! Most don’t consider this in their thinking as the charismatic rhetoric of the Greeks which transcends into our lives today won’t allow them to consider it!  The Father and Son give no such ‘free passes’ on one who takes another’s paid viewpoint for what they have had their Prophets say, write and preserve.
Being perplexed is an adoptive behavior of choice – and it is only accomplished by one not doing their own homework, their own research and refusing to listen to truth. Sadly most of the educated world are found to be such – calling common sense a mystery – and rhetorical lies – truth!
“Being Perplexed”
Awakening on the Sabbath Day
pretending it is just the weekend
thus only a time relaxed to play
choosing how one will time spend;
Being perplexed with the simple
determined to make all a mystery
covering their lives in a wimple
ignoring wisdom in God’s history;
Rather not to understand and pray
found in play saying they disserve
being perplexed their way to stay
from Zion’s road to thus swerve!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

Thursday, April 4, 2013

“What would be my Recommendations” (Part II)

“What would be my Recommendations” (Part II)
The first part of the recommendations spoke of the sorry state of affairs our world is currently in – and discussed things which one might do to better understand the real purposes of this life and thus build up one’s spiritual fires. The main importance was to study the Scriptures for each individual by themselves – to pray, research, ponder and ask questions of the Lord for clarification and understanding.  Without this background and a sure knowledge for each individual then one’s spiritual fires will be found cold and still feeling no effect of the zephyrs of pure knowledge from the Lord.
If any who’ve received this have started on this path – which in reality is quite easy to do – embracing self-discipline to gain what is really important during mortality or to decide religion is all a hoax. For as presented in most of the world today – religion is both confusing and supports contention – one church with another – one sect with another – one person with another – till where Satan has enjoined most to not even want to discuss it anymore.
(Note: just yesterday – when talking with a new friend – they were emphatic that they never discussed religion, politics or sports – as most were sure ways to get into either an argument or a fight. Then they went on to tell what and why they believed what they believed.)
Thus Satan has achieved a major victory in the world when he can take what is most important to one’s eternal life and treat it as a non-subject without either contention or confusion. 
Remember the purpose in one’s reading and studying and asking questions of the Lord is to discern; where they came from, why they are here, and where might they be going? And to know and understand why this is important – especially to know that the church they are attending (or not attending) will provide common sense answers and meet the letter (as well as the Spirit of the Law) as presented in the Scriptures. If it does then you know for yourself – and if it does not – each must ask, “Why doesn’t it?”
The second part of the recommendations now deals with the more immediate physical and tangible things one must be doing. These are the recommendations from Prophets of both the past and present. Lots of men and women make a lot of money for themselves teaching what the Prophets have taught without mentioning them. 
This will neither be a complete list or one which easy to accomplish overnight unless one has sufficient ability to do so.  Most of us will be found knowing this is something which will both take time and using our resources wisely.
1.   Have a year’s supply of food which you are able and accustomed to eating.
a.   This means don’t store what you’ve not acquired a taste for or the ability to digest. (Thus don’t have a year’s supply of wheat if you’ve no grinder and have not eaten ground wheat.)
b.   Included should be the following: water; dry foods; more water; canned foods (watch the expiration dates and the condition of the cans – some have lasted a century or more and were found still good – while others maybe a week or two); wheat; barley; honey; peanut butter; jams/jellies; home canned meats, vegetables and fruits. Always strive for the essentials and on most survival websites you can find these lists – adjust it to your needs.
c.   There should be emergency supplies; something to start a fire; warm clothing; blankets; sleeping bags; tents; sturdy shoes/boots; extra socks; laundry detergent; soap; toothpaste; scissors; knifes; guns and ammunition; generators and fuel (know how to work them); flash lights and batteries; tools; and other items as needful for your environment and abilities.
d.   You should have a small supply of medicines – which has become more difficult with the various federal regulations.
e.   Emergency communications equipment – ham radio – two way radios – ways to contact your loved one’s when there is no power or phone connections.
f.     A three month supply of cash to meet all of your bills including mortgage – as while things are closed down the banks will be counting the time against you – as in the various depressions of the past.
2.   Remember when the physical items are needed it is too late to go to the store to get them as this nation and others have learned when there’s an approaching storm must stores sell out of everything (even non-essential items) within 36 hours. And after the storm looting and stealing begins – with few exceptions where even the local law personnel are involved.
3.   Be prepared to be isolated form power, communications, places of business, without a source of money (banks will be closed).
Now there is nothing above which hasn’t been taught for the past 100 years by the Prophets of the Lord in these latter-days.  However it is quite safe to say very few have bothered to commit to do these things. Many may have some things but not all – and if they’ve wheat they haven’t started to eat it and rotate their storage – or even have a means to grind and prepare it for consumption. It is also noted there will be no effective government to come in provide assistance – as in our hurricanes and storm conditions today. And one must also remember that the government only helps those high profile areas and ignores those not in their voting block areas. Check the floods in Iowa and the winter storms in the Rocky Mountains!
As you’ve noted in my comments I repeatedly mention a Prophet of the Lord on the Earth today – whether one believes this or not really makes little difference but when one considers the need of one – these last days would surely be a good time to have one. There’s nothing anywhere in the Scriptures which says there will never be another one – while multiple religions teach this as a truth – referencing the last chapter of Revelations (even knowing Revelations was written before other books in the New Testament).  However one can find similar wording in other books of the Old Testament – but the world continued to receive revelations! Only men/women teach that the heavens are closed and how could they know this if the heavens were closed? In any event – trust me on this one – you’ll have to find this out for yourself. I know there is one – but this doesn’t mean that you do or even want to know – but I know since I read the Scriptures for the first time in 1955 – at the age of eleven years old – I surely wanted to know whether there was one or not – and if so, who?
This weekend would be a good time if you choose to find out if there is one or not – as the person the Father and Son have called to represent them will be speaking in General Conference on Saturday and Sunday. http://www.lds.org/general-conference/watch?lang=eng is where you can watch from your home on the Internet. For sure this is one question I would be asking the Lord to help me to know.
Next will be the discussion of recommendations is of the importance of the Holy Temple – which in your readings – especially in the Old Testament is one of the most important aspects of the teachings of the Prophets. Have you thought to ask why? Most do not and just take is as part and parcel of the Old Testament and one of the things destroyed by the Romans in 70AD.  But oh how the Jewish nation over the generations of time has lamented the loss of the Holy Temple. 
Remember the Temple was where the Savior went each time he was near to it. Even as a child he was found teaching the doctors and scholars in the Temple court. The Temple had a purpose especially to the eternal family! However, as much which has been lost this is no longer taught. The Temple was not the Synagogue. So why two separate places? In writings of scholarship not shared with the common people – there are the writings which discuss the Savior taking the Apostles and their families to the House of the Lord and Sealing and teaching them. Throughout history the purpose of the Holy Temple has been considered Sacred.  Of course by the worldly this is no longer so as men/women have violated their covenants and openly mocked and displayed the Temple ceremonies.
Surely when one is able to study the records throughout history this is most likely been the case in the past as well. Some must have been because the early Egyptians tried over and over to imitate it and this has carried over even to today. Thus with the modern usages of video – movies – some apostates have given this information to the worldly. 
The Temple has the purpose of doing the work for the living and the dead (as Paul taught) – for those who were not on the earth to do the work while in mortality due to their not being a Temple (direct lineage of those who are worthy). One might want to consider this – as this is another important aspect of the tangible things which must happen on this earth in order to be sealed in heaven (see John).
Thus this is the second list of recommendations – again all is prefaced on the single fact that there Heavenly Father – and his only begotten Son – Jesus Christ (our Lord and Savior) and they are two distinct beings of flesh and bone (as testified in the New and Old Testaments and other Scriptures). 
May each of us have the wisdom to understand what we know and what we don’t know and to be able to seek what is most important in this mortality – and I leave this with you in the name of Jesus the Christ – amen – c/ork
“Wherefore Shall I Be”
To become as the small child
teachable – forgiving – loving
bringing forth great happiness
understanding and accepting
finding joy and truth together
never worrying over the lesser
just wanting hugs and warmth
knowing surely the answer full
wherefore shall I be as a child
teachable – forgiving - loving!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

“What Would I Recommend” (As to what is most important with all of the trouble in the world today)

“What Would I Recommend”

(As to what is most important with all of the trouble in the world today)





As long as I can remember many have asked, “What would you recommend?”  And in almost all cases when I was between the ages of 5 to 15 no one really cared what I would recommend. It was also learned that when an adult laughed at my suggestions I was on to something which needed further research. This is neither bragging but only factual (and I’ve writings since the age of 10 years old to document my thinking).


Today we live in a very complex and difficult world if we decide to make it to be as such. Really our existence in mortality can be simplified and easy to go from point ‘a’ to infinity if we allow ourselves to do so. Most don’t and most want authority and control without either earning such status or meriting it on their own. Money buys and controls the actions of most all of those living in other than 3rd world nations. But our subject today will be the United States of America as we find it today.


First am I one qualified to address and make recommendations? Certainly if one wants advanced college degrees – or a pedigree of powerful benefactors or positions held – and the idea of being politically correct the answer is ‘no’.  However, if you want someone who continues to do research daily, considers the history of the world for the last several thousand years (and what is known back to about fourteen thousand years – I might be a person to address this question – and therefore give a recommendation.


Over the years I’ve always believed that the wheel has already been made usable within our knowledge as have multitude of other good and poor inventions – so why try to redo them? Plato taught, “The Greeks have invented nothing – but we’ve improved everything already invented.” Thus in each of our lives it would be foolish to reinvent the wheel – when one can read what others have presented on the subject of concern. This however is not as easily done today as fifty or one hundred years ago – as much in the presentation of non-fiction is in reality fiction with only circular documentation.


Most today do not check on sources referenced by an author even one presenting highly questionable materials. Most enjoy the patter of oft repeated ideas as facts rather than seeking to know the difference between an idea and fact.  Let me explain if you believe evolution as taught by Darwin’s disciples – then you will only do your research to support the Theory of Evolution as a proven fact rather than understanding it has never been proven – and Darwin himself in his writings said he had never been able to prove it – always only going back as far as ‘two’ of everything.  This is also true in the studies of DNA – and when new research shows the fallacy of the various conclusions already presented as fact – they deny the new research as being flawed. Denial is always the way to overcome new findings and making them irrelevant as one can no longer burn someone at the stake for apostasy or heretical practices to the politically correctness of the day. (Note: We are getting closer in the US to again practicing imprisonment and harassment of those who disagree with those seeking to destroy the Constitution as we currently know it today.)


Therefore, if I make recommendations (which I will do) – it would be my understanding most will reject part or whole of what I would communicate. First, rejection will because what I recommend is too easy and contains too much common sense.  Secondly, because my recommendation requires one to do their homework and research – not take anyone else’s word for what is true or false? Lastly, my recommendations won’t be used because too many have no intention of ever changing because change requires risk.


At the forefront of what should be addressed is the destruction of marriage and the family unit which has been on-going for quite some time – indeed the very words in most weddings are, “Till death do us part” giving marriage a final ending point – whereas in the Scriptures it clearly indicates that husbands and wives are to heirs together forever.  Sadly after the 1st Century AD (I’m old school) the reformers couldn’t understand what this meant – but most scholars (especially Jewish) could clarify.


However, with divorce so easy to obtain and the sexual revolution (which has been on-going for several thousands of years) – seems to have destroyed even the purpose of marriage – welfare – entitlements – sexual educations and free handouts in schools promote it as well. Besides the tax benefits – for the worldly purposes they really don’t need marriage with the exception of the tax breaks. While us old traditionalists understand what love is and the difference between what lust and selfishness is known to be. 


Within our nation several things have sought the destruction of the family as we perceive it is mostly due to the Child Labor Laws and the Public School system which forced many families to go from poverty levels to abject poverty levels in the early 1900’s and literally forced the mother in the home into going to work or taking work within the home.  In Russia Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin did a fairly successful job of it in having neighbors report on neighbors – but then Stalin came up with his own final solution – allowing street gangs to run wild – and then sending the army into to eliminate the street gangs – lest anyone forget the millions upon millions he had killed. Hitler did it with selective breeding.


Another point in fact was the immigration system especially among the ‘bosses’ where many of the young women were put in cribs to service dock workers and others – the American dreams was pure illusion. Thus long after slavery was removed – slavery still continued (even today in some places – one need only to understand the prostitution rings in all of our major urban areas) but in a form where government officials who partook and owed patronage to those who ran the cribs and controlled important voter blocks. 


More to date we’ve psychologists who are proclaiming a family that teaches values and religion within a home are causing mental illness upon its children and therefore are pushing for legislation to call this child abuse. Indeed don’t ever invite a social worker into your home if you’ve children or grandchildren as they’ll destroy whatever they see (especially within the more liberal states) but generally within the federal bureaucracy – as they’ve a zeal only matched by the former SS troops of WWII. 


The music, video games, TV, movies, DVD’s and other entertainment (including the Public School system and Colleges and Universities) teach nothing about morals or values except in very isolated instances – and ACLU makes havoc with those few. One can use abusive language – lie, cheat (over 70% of all students admit they cheat), deface and otherwise be profane – but one cannot say a prayer – dress modestly – or go against the demeaning peer groups. 


You’ve movies which get more headlines than what is happening in DC and the lies and beguilement found therein. Athletes who have live-in boyfriends or girlfriends are praised in the media (as long as they’re not married and have extra mates running about). Of course left to their own devices many make a joke out of all of the things which build a good, lasting marriage.


Soon we’ll no longer have a separation of the sacred and the profane – with the sole exception that the profane will be popular and accepted – and the traditional sacred will once more be persecuted as in the past several millennia. It’ll be a Holocaust of the many against the few - with MSM supporting the many – and mocking the few (as they do already today). 


When an agency of the government has become nothing more than a eunuch one must consider how many other agencies are also made so? When so much of our Constitution is ignored – bypassed and treated as mostly outdated and irrelevant one must ask what else is considered the same. The Supreme Court has been chastised before the whole world – while the ignoring of Congress is also known worldwide by this administration – what else has meaning? The fact that the MSM reports only what is positive to the current administration and gets publically warned when they don’t toe the line – what else will occur? When a nation can find out all of the secrets of a person’s life when the government wants to discredit them – i.e. the Chicago way of the little black book – forcing their resignation and also demeaning their past and present recommendations – which is next?


Part of a conspiracy is founded in not always in what one does – but in what one does not do – or not allowed to do!  We’ve a past Secretary of State who it appears lied under oath being ignored by MSM – we’ve a current Secretary of State who committed treason (with documented videos and in his own words) but the MSM doesn’t say a word. We’ve Presidents who get away with whatever they want ignored by MSM while a sports figure is made to stand the 19th degree and as well private citizens who are found guilty before trial based on lies.


The US is screwed up – and currently it appears that not one government agency is doing anything about – no one is willing to say – the emperor is naked.


“The left's social deconstruction program is a war of ideas and concepts. Claims of equality are used to expand institutions and ways of living until they are so broad as to encompass everything and nothing. And once a thing encompasses everything, once a rose represents everything rising out of the ground, then it also represents nothing at all.
Deconstruction is a war against definitions, borders and parameters. It is a war against defining things by criminalizing the limitation of definitions. With inclusivity as the mandate, exclusivity, in marriage, or any other realm, quickly meets with social disapproval and then becomes a hate crime. If the social good is achieved only through maximum inclusivity and infinite tolerance, then any form of exclusivity, from property to person to ideas, is a selfish act that refuses the collective impulse to make all things into a common property with no lasting meaning or value.”


A Friend of mine passed this on to me: “Just finished reading a short historical review of the evolution of the Chickasaw Native American tribe from their original homeland in Mississippi to the south central section of Indian Territory, now Oklahoma, and the center of both Emil's and my own roots. During the 1850 to 1906 period of transition (many would more accurately characterize that period as "forced by lies, deception and arms") the Chickasaw Nation had built a far better school system than any of the other "Five Civilized Tribes" elsewhere in Indian Territory that had been forced upon the other tribes. This was totally unacceptable to the powers in Washington D.C. who eventually forced their communal systems upon the Chickasaw's and lead to the demise of the values held dear by the tribe as well as a system that was producing well educated individuals. Only during the past 40 years, under the espousal of "diversity and tolerance" have they made resurgence. Past history suggests they will once again come under the scrutiny of Washington's "wisdom".
Edmond Pope (2013)


When one classifies a religion as a way of life – the left presupposes that Socialism is their religion – and therefore we have to honor their claims (choke, gag, throwing up) – and they’ll then deny ours.


Over time when a parent or parents abdicate their responsibilities to the school or other peer influences – then the sin be upon the head of the parents! Sadly, starting in Kindergarten – 1978 – I wrote a letter to the Principle of my son’s school indicating to her that we had not abdicated the responsibility of our son to her! She complained and ranted and raved – I picked up the phone dialed the Superintendent of Schools – and reminded her I was the parent and she was not.  In the schooling of both of our son’s we were vigilant and worked our schedules so that one parent was in the home when they were home. We watched no TV – and still do not own one – other than to watch movies which we own.


Noah building the Ark – maybe but they are our responsibility and no one else’s.  How many parents have taken this time? Most have not regardless of their various religious beliefs – they say and do one thing and then contradict themselves within minutes or hours – thus allowing the children the same options.  A friend once quoted, “Is what we’re doing re-teachable; if not why not, for it is what others will learn to do.”


The left has forgotten or more than likely led such permissive and hedonistic life-styles with their peer groups provided their morals (or lack of them). In the 1970’s the Ford Foundation found that the attitudes (or motivations) came not from within the home but outside the home. That parents had abdicated their responsibilities to the state – tv’s – music and peers (who had the same upbringing).  Thus we had the unknowing teaching the unknowing about what they only learned in music, movies and television.


There are some very strong groups of parents who’ve not abdicated their responsibilities – however, more and more the state is cracking down on them. Home-schooling has become a major target – especially by the social services within a community (even here in the Deep South).


It is interesting that the hardest thing for a person to do is change – which is only done to gain a benefit or avoid a loss – but our population are rather like the frog put into luke warm water – and will stay while the heat is turned up – until they are consumed with change they never would’ve opted for – but in the smooth beguiling of our politicians they succumbed.


Okay this is the background and what is happening – several persons of immense wealth are trying to take over our nation within our political system – they seem to enjoy an oligarchy and have since the direct election of Senators (mid-1930’s) and what they want has nothing to do with the Constitution or the freedoms we now enjoy within the US. We’ve seen in the past several major depressions – all caused by the wealthy in which they not got wealthier but also reposed millions of acres of farmlands and personal property through their banks and mortgage companies. The only thing they don’t want to happen is for the nation to go absolute belly-up – with the exception of China and Islamic Extremists.


So here are my recommendations – predicated on one simple truth from the Holy Scriptures: “We worship Heavenly Father – and we obey and serve His only begotten Son – Jesus Christ – as two separate and distinct individuals with bodies of the flesh and bone!”  If you do not accept this premise then whatever else I’ve to say really doesn’t matter. The second premise is that, “All persons ever to have had a mortal body of flesh, bone and blood – are saved by the Atonement of Jesus the Christ our savior and redeemer.” And the third premise as taught in the Scriptures is, “That one can earn eternal life and thus salvation by obedience to all of the Commandments/Statutes and Laws set forth by Father and the Son and as given to the world through their Prophets and Apostles in the past and today.” 


Almost all Christian denominations repeat the Lord’s Prayer – not understanding that what they’ve been praying for, i.e. the Restoration of the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has already occurred.


To my recommendations or what I would recommend:

1.     That everyone understands that we are in a mortal probation and as such we’ve to prepare ourselves for something beyond this mortal existence.

2.     That everyone should individually take the time to read the Holy Bible (preferably one prior to all of the various revisions and translations and changes since 1880 – of which there are some 56,000 or more in print with more coming of the presses continuously).

3.     Understand how we have what we have today called the Holy Bible – and understand that some 3400 books were omitted or changed when the Bible was put together in the late 1400’s and early 1500’s till the arrival of the KJV Bible.

4.     Read the Old Testament – especially these books and remember each book of the Bible stand on its own – and the Bible is not just one book but 66 individual books.

Old Testament

a.      These books listed above contain much information which is written for our day to understand and learn from for our growth and eternal salvation.

b.     One cannot be saved in ignorance – and allowing someone else to think or talk for you is about the same thing.

5.     Read the New Testament – all of it – there is much to be gleaned – and most especially in the books after the four synoptic gospels.

6.     Pray about what you’ve read – does it make sense – if it does then there should be multiple references that there should be more (and there is). 

7.     A couple of key Scriptures have always gotten my attention –

a.      1 Peter 3:7 – husbands and wives to be heirs together forever!

b.     The first marriage was performed by the Father – for Adam and Eve – in the Garden – and was for time and all eternity (as there was no death (spiritually) at that time – or mortally.

c.      James 1:5 – if any lack wisdom – and verse 6 – asking in faith nothing wavering.

8.     All of the above recommendations should give you a path to follow – in answering these questions:

a.      Where did I come from –

b.     Why am I here

c.      and where am I going when I leave here?

9.     When you’ve done the above – ask if you’re on the right path to eternal life and salvation to live once more in the presence of the Father and the Son with your family in tact – forever?

10.                       In John – they talk about sealing on earth what is to be sealed in heaven – and if not sealed on earth there will be no sealing in heaven – understand this is talking about the covenant of Eternal Marriage – for time and all eternity – which can only be performed in the House of the Lord (Holy Temples) and by the proper Priesthood authority given by the Son – to those of His Church on this earth – no state – federal or local government – no university – divinity school or man can either take or give this authority without the Saviors Church being here on this earth led by Prophet’s and Apostles.


If you want to understand more – understand the trial and tribulations of this earth are going to get far worse – as men/women are set on their destruction and warfare – greed and lusts – and having absolute power – in the service of Master Mahan – while we know this – but this isn’t of our concern – as ours is for our family – those who preceded us and those who’ll come after us – to return to Heavenly Father and the Son. Remember Jesus said, “I have overcome the world,” and thus if we are found fully obedient – then we will be found as just men and just women in his sight. 


There is no magic formula – it requires study – prayer – more study and seeking to know what is absolute truth – and not just the imaginings of those Gnostics, or others from after 150AD – who designed a religion of convenience denying only but a select few to be able to be saved.


If you were a parent and you wanted your children to understand your teachings – would you try to confuse them – cause contention among them – or otherwise present nonsense?  No – you would want them to understand – you would keep it simple and of course it would make complete common sense. Well our Father in Heaven is the same way – he loves every one of us – and as such He has provided what is needful for us to return home someday to Him and be reunited with our loved ones forever and ever. Yet many simply will not accept the simplicity or what has been saved for us to study, instead following those who teach some scriptures with Greek philosophy, mystery and things which just don’t make any sense. Thus following as Paul foretold and taught – ignoring the Gnosis – and replacing it with man’s wisdom or logismoi.


My recommendations really deal only with the achievement of an Eternal Family Unit. Money, politics, wealth, power, lusts, greed and avarice are all worldly things and have nothing to do with either the pre-existence or with Eternal Life and happiness. Paul teaches of three degrees of glory – or kingdoms – which the highest is the Celestial. And within each degree of glory there are found varying level – we don’t know how many. However, we do know that in the Celestial there are three levels – and only in the top level are found eternal families for time and all eternity. This is what the Scriptures teach.


Now a final note – as most of you who read this know I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or Mormons).  We’ve a companion volume to the Holy Bible – each testifies of the other and both testify of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Rather than taking someone else’s word for what it says I would lastly recommend that you read both the Bible and the Book of Mormon.  Thus you can know for yourself whether my recommendations are valid or not. Understanding what I’ve indicated above – most will not – and that is okay – for all I was asked for was ‘what would I recommend?’  Each person has their agency to find what’s best for them – may the blessings of Father and the Son be upon all – in the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork




“Reality of Who, What and Why?”





Long ago my search began about reality

what is really the purpose of the life to be

am I here as a dust speck on a large table

or is there something more to be discerned

for is mortality all there is to be and end all

or is there more than meets the eye of each?


Reality of who, what and why do I reach

seeking for some eternal or distant call

truly am I about this to be ever concerned

or is there much more to understand if able

so much there is I want to eternally see

a voice tells me there’s more than mortality!


Copyright © 2013 – cji