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Thursday, February 21, 2013

“To Become Past Feelings” (short essay)

This was sent to me and in response I had the following thoughts – c/ork


“How will police officers react after they no longer believe they are part of the society which they have been charged with policing, when they have become used to shooting pregnant ladies and old men?”



“To Become Past Feelings” cji 2/22/2013 

(see Ephesians 4)


The American desensitizing of its citizens began in earnest in the early 1900’s – with the advent of public funded schools by the Federal Government.  However desensitizing has been ongoing literally since Adam and Eve! Most fail to remember how really old Adam and Eve were and can only rationalize the Cain and Able were typical 20 year olds. This is not the case – for Cain to hop over the fence – visit Able in the field and kill him – without any remorse is inconceivable without some priming by the adversary. To make a person become without feeling (desensitizing) takes time and manipulation of multiple events to make them seem disjointed while actually being a long term plan.


Yes Satan and his minions get lucky once in a while but mostly they follow well used plans for their earthly conquests. The only idea is to get a human being in mortality to not seek the Celestial Kingdom with their family for time and all eternity. Sometimes they capture the human being and bring him into outer darkness as they themselves are found and bound. But mostly they’re satisfied with bringing most to the Telestial or Terrestrial Kingdoms. And in some cases just to keep some of the very elect into the first two levels of the Celestial Kingdom.


Father intervened after the almost total decay of feelings at the time of the great flood. This cleansing only lasted until the time of the building of the great tower when the desensitizing had begun to overtake the inhabitants of the earth once more.  Thus the languages were confounded so that families could not communicate with others and slowly a migration took place away from a central area. From this point history is filled with the continued decay of human feelings with an occasional exception here and there.


Back to Satan and his minions and their continued intervention.  We learn in Job he can only be allowed to go so far – but most don’t have the faith or endurance of Job so give in much quicker to seek worldly instead of Celestial goals. Whenever things weren’t going fast enough – Satan introduces new measures into his game plan to speed things up. He had some real highpoints throughout the Old Testament times – which are very well summed up in Ezekiel (if you haven’t read these Scriptures you might be wise to do so – and one can then easily apply them to today).


Let’s skip some history and move forward in time to when Satan introduced evolution and the survival of the fittest (Darwin and Spencer).  As this lost its appeal – he started with the Civil War – Indians Wars – and up the current continued conflicts of today. Remember Wounded Knee – the soldiers were so intent on massacring the Indians in their crossfire they killed fifty of their own. What did our Federal Government do? They awarded multiple Medals of Honor to those involved in first disarming the Indians and then murdering them in cold blood. This is very relevant to today in that the Government is seeking to disarm the citizens while buying up millions of rounds of ammunition – the estimate is that the Federal Government now owns (possess) enough rounds to expend five on every American Citizen. (We’ll come back to this.)


By the time of the early 1900’s it was obvious to Satan that the family was a real problem in his plans. Yes he’d introduced prostitution, adultery, pedophiles, drinking to excesses – but he couldn’t break down the basic family structure. He thought that the desperate condition of the immigrants coming to America would do it – that the idea of harsh conditions of homes, communities and even the availability of food to eat couldn’t destroy the family, so what could? He had to get the mother out of the home! And this was accomplished by the child labor laws and the introduction of Public Schools funded by the Federal Government.


What a masterful stroke – he took the working family – with children working they helped the family survive – kept off the streets and the family intact. But with children now forced to be in schools – it forced a further decline in the standard of living for the families. This in turn made it more difficult to meet ends and the idea of starvation forced women (the mothers – a sacred calling) back to work again. Indeed it took the father out of the home for more time due to the need for him to work longer hours.  And what about the children – no longer having or being able to work they started to have idle time on their hands. And the saying goes, “idleness is the Devil’s workshop.”  Remember now this was in America – in Russia at the same time a revolution had occurred which promised a ‘workers’ paradise.’ No longer the trusting family relationship but the disillusion and trust within the home by dividing loyalties between the home and state.


Then we encountered WWI and WWII – amid the great depression – which really decimated this nation and much of the world. Following all of this Korea, Vietnam and now the disasters around the world in the name of Islam. In addition to all of the conflicts – Satan introduced leisure time. Which in turn added to the mixed messages of roles in mortality and rights and wrongs. What was once sacred and called the Sabbath Day became the day of the Big Game – or other such diversion to seek to reword another of the Ten Commandments. We must remember – the 1st, - 2nd and 3rd Commandments hit the dust late in the 19th  Century – in the US and around the world. Soon followed; Honoring the Father and the Mother; Thou shalt not steal; Thou shalt not covet; Thou Shalt not bear false witness; Thou shalt not commit adultery; which left only two remaining – Thou shalt not kill (murder); and Keep the Sabbath Day holy.  Knowing most would not murder someone – Satan ignored this one – and went after the Sabbath Day with great success. Business are now open on the Sabbath – and the only reason they succeed is that customers come to purchase – eat – play games – take in sporting events – movies – buy and sell in flea markets – and so on.


As for Thou shalt not murder – (killing is what happens in self-defense and combat) – murder is when you take another’s life as did Cain – Able’s. Of course the ultimate goal of desensitization is to make murder acceptable within a society.  With what took place at Wounded Knee and other locations Satan knew it was a matter of time. Remember Satan had great success in the extermination of the Mormon’s in Missouri, Illinois and other locations in the 1830’s and 1840’s – even into the late 19th Century. Murder to be justified has to have a mob mentality – without feeling – and if any that of they’re doing the world a favor. Amazing how many get on the bandwagon when hatred comes into play – along with envy and other non-feelings of justification.


How to make murder universally acceptable began with the invention of the Movie and then the television. With the advent of the silent movies – pornography also began to achieve its own marketplace. When one reviews the Scriptures an in-depth reading – shows that sexual immorality is the surest way to desensitization of a nation or culture. The next best way is violence and more violence – and the easiest way is to start with the small children. The TV became the babysitter – and with the TV came the cartoons with more violent acts per minute than the mind can absorb. Soon these youngsters became teenagers – and the need for more graphic violence – until today whatever anyone wants they can find on DVD – Blu-ray – Video games or at the movies.


Throw into this mix  feminism – gay rights – more sexual immorality – and the idea of quickie divorces.  Remembering of course in the 3rd Century Satan did away with the teaching of Eternal Marriage – and introduced “Till death do us part” – then further destroying marriage by the introduction of ‘running home to mommy or daddy’ instead of becoming as one and thus spoiling future generations of youth by said mommy and/or daddy (already divorced).


To further enforce all of this our music on radios, CD’s and especially live bands – the noise level continues to increase the numbing and loss of one’s human abilities to think and reason in common sense. If you ever consider the lyrics of many of the songs, hard rock, and other forms of sounds emanating from the idea of music – one will quickly understand Vance Packard and the subliminal messages of the 1950’s gone awry. 


Today – our sworn protectors of the Constitution – laws and our very safety are being trained to kill (murder) on demand of the Federal Government – without regard to feelings of guilt or remorse. Indeed we’ve a culture which condones ‘knock out gangs’ the murder, rape and maiming of so called deprived cultures over those who’ve worked to improve themselves. All in the name of Political Correctness – and if any disagree they’re a racist and a threat to socialism and absolute control by those in command. 


There is a saying, “the only benefit achieved by the laying down of one’s weapons of defense is to ensure a massacre occurring.” Never has anyone ever lived who was told by another, “Lay down your weapons – surrender what we want – and you can go free!”  However, a nation which can no longer feel emotions is prepared for others to die that they might gain in their deaths. 


“Past Feelings”





Driving into the hailstorms of life

naked hallucinating from drugs

creating a vacuum for a mind

relentless in finding some stimuli

having denied anything of worth

demanding more and more junk

ignoring history as being unknown

as in illiteracy having been grown

choosing to demean your spirit

denying your royal birth right

adopting loser behavior in glee

having become past feelings

cold, dead while yet still alive

decaying and destroying life

without guilt or ever remorse!



Copyright © 2013 – cji

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

“A Spirit of Interest” (an essay)

“A Spirit of Interest”
cji (Charles J. Ingerson)
(Author’s note: There are many quotes and references which can/could be provided – however, I’d rather not take away the journey of another in trying to seek pure truth and knowledge. As each must understand there is nothing easy about doing so – and while one could be prompted by the various references – it might seem too easy and nothing of great value should be too easy. c/ork)

Knowledge: One of the attributes of God (Isa. 46:9–10; Acts 15:18; 2 Ne. 9:20). Knowledge of divine and spiritual things is absolutely essential for one’s salvation; hence the gospel is to be taught to every soul. “How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?” (Rom. 10:14). Knowledge is not obtained all at once, even by revelation, but line upon line, precept upon precept (Isa. 28:9–10). The scriptures, and also living prophets, are given so that the people might have knowledge of things of God and “know how to worship, and know what you worship” (cf. D&C 93:19). Knowledge is one of the endowments of the Holy Ghost (John 14:26; 16:13; D&C 34:10; 121:26–33) and one of the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12:8; Moro. 10:10; D&C 46:18). Peter lists knowledge along with faith, patience, kindness, and virtue as necessary acquisitions for one who would seek for a divine nature (2 Pet. 1:3–9). Since no one can be saved in ignorance of the gospel (D&C 131:6), and one progresses only as fast as he gains knowledge (HC 4:588), it follows that the person who gains knowledge will have “the advantage in the world to come” (D&C 130:18–19). 

Somewhere long ago a bug came by and bit me and in the intense pain thoughts came which have never ended.  The bug was called curiosity! The cure was only found in research and seeking the understanding of truth.  Since I was very young initially in my observations of those around me they made this seem rather obsolete as the things and illusions of the world/worldly were much more important. 
Torn between the two – a quest for knowledge and the quest for the worldly was very painful. To be ridiculed by those around me for wanting to read everything I could get my hands on – or the desire to have friends and be accepted was most profound.  It made me question why one couldn’t have both. (Note: Much later in my life I’ve learned that President Spencer W. Kimball had said, “One can study to learn anything they want to learn – however nothing is easy – and one must apply themselves.” (paraphrased.)
Thus, to have a desire to read and also having acceptance within my peer group was one of the first goals I wondered about. Unlike the laws of natural science which say that opposites attract one another and those alike repel one another – could in some situations they repel and/or attract one another differently? This premise allowed me many experiences in life and continues to do so. The quest for knowledge of truth – and that of acceptance within a circle of friends has merit and commitment have always been the cornerstones of my thinking and doing.
The quest for education is multi-folded in that what the traditional school systems offer is greatly lacking and only fills the primitive needs of socialization (for good or evil) and then becomes repetitive over the years. In only the areas of specialization is there the continuing merit of ‘lock-step’ to the notes of the various teachers one encounters. Sometimes this can be excellent – and at others boring, political, gender neutered, with the understanding of garbage in and garbage out.
"the Lord requires humility, not ignorance." Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1970), 206.
However there is another way of looking at education and that is from the point of view of the student pursuing their needs within and without of the traditional educational systems. Here the student sets up his or her own reading and research objectives – knowing that within the libraries and now the Internet the potentials for information are almost unlimited. There is a caveat which is most important and that has to be the inner motivation and self-discipline of the individual.  Whereas our society has endeavored to instill fear and incentive motivations with great success – this has to be the motivation of one’s own attitude and how they think within. 
Thomas Lawrence said, “There’s two types of people in the world – those who act and those who react. Those who act control their own lives – while those who react allow others to control their lives.”  Which are we to be found?  Well if you only know about Thomas Lawrence from the movies and not having read the in-depth books about him – most likely you don’t even know who he is – and therefore as a reaction dismiss whatever he has to say and why it might be important. 
Winston Churchill was known to give anyone 30 seconds maximum to see if he was of value to engage in conversation. Most failed to meet his expectations of preparedness in conversation or intelligence for his time to be used. Many would call this lacking tact, while in reality it was maximizing Sir Winston’s ability to discern and thus to act to what was best for both himself and the other person. Many will record in their books about him how mostly those in his company would be subject to his talking and their listening – some learning and some bored. 
Many times in the workplace people have asked me, “Why don’t you even say ‘good morning’ before you start into working?” My reply was mostly in my mind – why are you asking such a question? However, in answering them I would indicate that while working on something I prefer not to be distracted.  Similarly, when answering the phone I simply say, “Chuck!” and the person calling knows their talking with me and can get to the point – and/or figure they’ve a wrong number. In either case it expedites the conversation. 
Flowers, bright lights, bands and other such things are not for the work place – while it would appear these are now the norms – what some call simple courtesies actually are time wasters. Simple courtesies used to be someone who knew they job – knew what they were supposed to know (and hopefully more) – and were ready to utilize another’s time wisely. 
An example a very successful salesman (both professionally and within his personal life – family) would interrupt what he was doing when someone came into his office or professional space.  If this was not a client he would start a stop watch – and when the person was done he would stop it. At this point he would then bill the person for the time taken based on his hourly value (translated from his commissions per hour) and expect to be paid accordingly.  Those he worked learned quickly and if they did interrupt him it was not to talk about sports or other non-business related issues.
There are many such examples one could provide to show the reasons for both social interchanges – and professional interchanges.  Almost all of them are a direct result from our educational experiences. Let me give one more example; during the Vietnam Conflict (being politically correct) – many of us veterans were returning to the colleges and universities to complete our required educations (i.e. the degree).  Of course in almost every class there were those who opposed the conflict and our presence in their classes (both students and instructors).  It would seem many did not have good class control and one day some of these detractors were talking while the instructor was trying to teach. After one warning for them to be quiet – all of sudden there was a scream – a crash – and the message was relayed to the instructor he wouldn’t be interrupted anymore. Actions speak louder than words for those who need to react to stimuli.
The difference is that when one is paying for their education then they are responsible for this education and its quality!  Many forget the sacrifices some make to meet the worldly requirements because they’re on the dole either from their parents, business or a scholarship without any strings attached.  Yes they do have to pass – and yes to graduate would be good – but in either case the fear of the punishment isn’t all that motivating. It has been my experience many students could pass any class taught in any school without much internal effort (note: this would not apply to the medical/sciences/math or other highly technical forums).  Externally most instructors ‘tap’ the board or other such signal to indicate a test question is coming up. Most educational classes in the general studies seldom present other than multiple choice exams. For those paying for their own educations this is almost an insult to their striving to learn all they can learn for their investment made. (Note: with one exception in all of my college teaching – I only ever gave one Multiple Guess test – all of the others were ‘take home’ essay questions. When turned in I would grade them and then return them to the students of their revisions and corrections – and then place a final grade on them. I cannot imagine what there could’ve been I didn’t want the students to learn or understand.)
Frustration is always an internal part of the two divisions of education. The first being those who are going because it is expected and if they want a high paying job – or promotion it is almost mandatory. The second for the student who really wants to learn and understand the material internally while meeting the outside requirements involved in providing for themselves and their families. These two separations are those who are investing in themselves and their family to learn and grow; and those who others are investing in to be a better human resource within the structured business environment seeking for the further initials after their names. 
The frustrations are in several areas - first, the instructor trying to meet the needs of both and second, the full participation of the students to make for a positive learning experience for all in the classes.  When an instructor is confronted with the two divergent students – trying to give value to the one and satisfaction to the other is in conflict with good teaching.  Skills and knowledge important for the one who wants to learn – are separate from the student only seeking to keep score and mark off one more class. Secondly, it is found that with the divergence it is much like a team sport in opposition to an individual sport. When one has to deal with a ‘prima donna’ the team will not function well – while the prima donna in an individual sports hinders no one. 
Going back to the desire for learning more truth and knowledge which will lead to truth to me is the most important reason for gaining an education.  Within the system of the US schools and many within the world of literacy the idea of seeking for truth and knowledge that leads to truth is usually a prescription for drinking the hemlock. The idea of one continuing in their integrity, honesty, virtue, worthiness, moral values and a firm belief system is ‘Old fashioned’ and therefore obsolete in today’s educational environment.  Thus whenever approaching this line of pursuit one has to be self-sustaining as in an individual sport – but being a team player in that with those few others of the same direction there must be interaction.
(Pausing for a moment:
Let it not be misunderstood – one’s relationship with the Father and Son are paramount in each person’s life. Thus this is implying the importance of family, home and understanding fully in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let none forget or even ponder that there is even anything more important! And in the Gospel of Jesus Christ – education, the learning and discerning of truth is most important. Thus education is mandatory for eternal salvation and becoming perfect even as the Father is perfect (see Sermon on the Mount).
Education is both a team sport and an individual sport of choice by those who seek really to learn and discern both spiritually and professionally. The two are intertwined for all of the laws of nature are so not by chance but by design!  The statistical odds of finding a world organized such as this world in which we live – by pure chance is infinitely beyond our minds to comprehend. As an example take 20 decks of cards (52 in each) – with different markings – open them – ruffle each a couple of times – and then drop them from a twenty story building – and expect to see them all lined up by the appropriate deck – and in the order in which you took them out of their boxes when you get to the ground where they landed. One might do this several billion times and never get the desired condition and at that not even close to the desired condition.  It could be then suggested that the truth of this matter will never once occur ever. Yet the earth is here – we’re here – the matter in which we live is perfectly organized for life to survive and the only alterations have been by man’s inhumanity to man and the earth.  
Doctrine and Covenants 131:6 “It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance.”
Thus the pursuit of truth is both real and achievable if one seeks to go forth and attempt this goal or series of goals (as no goals exist separate and apart from other goals).  However, one must start on the journey knowing that success is in the journey and not just the destination.  Since this part and parcel of my two pronged set of objectives at a very young age it has required an unending search.  My life has consisted of reading, researching, asking thousands if not millions of questions, praying (a lot), and listening to the message as a result of each stimulus encountered. 
The reading has to be directed yet not counter-productive. It implies reading the best of the books available – which can be discerned by experience and prayer.  Some are recommended – others by a glance at a shelf of books – still others by having an interest in the subject matter provided in the title. The basics of all reading material are in the Scriptures. Yes these have been translated by some with personal and political motivations and today they’ve been revised to meet the criteria of those seeking more and more justifications.  However, even good has come out of the revisions in that some have gone back to the original languages and without the ‘personal’ editing – have presented something similar to what was written either at the time of the Savior or before.  While there are also books of Scripture unedited and in the original translation by a Prophet of God.  That the worldly do not accept these makes them no less true – and they are found in companionship with the multitude of records being found all around the earth today.
Proverbs 15:28-33:
28 The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.
29 The Lord is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.
30 The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart: and a good report maketh the bones fat.
31 The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise.
32 He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.
33 The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.
Secondarily to the Scriptures are the everyday books one encounters especially within the schools – i.e. required reading.  When one has an assignment to read something it becomes a task – while if one gets the next year’s reading list and reads them because they want to read them the experience is much more valuable. I can remember reading Shane for the reading of Shane much more than when required the following year in school.  Being an un-satiable reader everything I could get my hands on when I was young I read. Fortunately a librarian saw me struggling trying to find more books to read – so she started picking them out for me. Each day after school she would have 3-5 new books for me and on weekend six or more. By the end of my Junior year in school we had to submit a list of books we read – I turned in a list of over 100!  The teacher called me a liar in front of the class – and we marched down to the library. The Librarian initially agreed with the teacher that the list was not accurate – and then produced her own which had over 150 titles of which she knew I’d read. (Don’t think the teacher ever apologized.)  Thus I learned the value of record keeping – while yet understanding the need to reread and reread certain books for the rest of my life.
Reading for 80% or more retention requires at least six repetitions. This may seem like a lot but try it sometimes with just one book of the Bible and see how more you learn and discern with each reading. The excitement grows with each new reading when you discover how much you’ve missed on the previous readings. 
Once a year if not more I re-listen to various talks or reread books/talks of great interest to me - each time I gain more insight to it and the context in which it was given. Noted that when one listens or reads anything the first time much is missed as our minds try to evaluate and correlate what we are hearing or reading. Comprehension and understanding or what we read or hear comes somewhere after the 6th time of listening or reading material especially as important as what is being taught as truth.
This would be no different from reading Scriptures - my wife and I are somewhere between the 17th time or more reading the Old Testament together – the 30th time of reading the New Testament and somewhere around the 70th time of re-reading the Book of Mormon.
Over and over we go through the books of Scripture - following the various references - reading additional material for clarification and discussing with each other what we understand.
Truth as doctrine is hard for many to grasp - when I was growing up I was not a member and would run away often - while having long walks between rides hitchhiking (1959) I had long discussions with my Elder Brother - these were not prayers - but I needed someone to talk with and I figured he was more likely to listen than Father in that I just needed to talk.
Understand there is a lot of true doctrine most in the world won’t accept - it doesn't mean it isn't true - the same as many deny the Savior's resurrection - it is still true - it did happen. Remember also that there is nothing easy in the understanding of truth if one desires. Each must remember on this quest that the world/worldly will do anything to beguile, distract or tempt one to lose their way.
Researching is different from reading – as it requires one to have points of reference – knowing where to go for several divergent points of view on the same subject matter. It also requires having read everything that deals with the subject prior to the research. Someone should always research a subject which they enjoy and seek to know more. To want to know more – requires that one must know something to begin with.
The only way to know what something means is that one has paid attention to the stimulus all around them. One has to pay attention to the gifts which are free and then to seek the knowledge which requires effort and a sincere desire to accumulate resources for one’s whole life! The mind is a tremendous research library with files upon files all organized and easy to access. Can you feel the joy found in this simple observation?
Sadly all too many violate their birthright to capture and preserve all of the knowledge of which they’ve been exposed to and sought after.  Rather than order is found absolute clutter! There is no excuse for this but plenty of justifications. Even those who do retain and facilitate their storage bins often forget the sources of their education. Taking the credit unto them and forgetting their teachers – yet even more so forgetting the Father! The Father from where all things come. Too many reject the source of all wisdom and knowledge – while pretending that men/women have audacity to deny these gifts of learning.
A spirit of interest might address this issue of the pride of men and women – in contrast to the blessings so freely available from the Father.  Over the decades of my life I’ve pondered this for to acknowledge humbly the achievement of goals set so early in my life. Always seeking to find Father’s home where I could join Him and His Son our Lord and Savior as it spoke to me when reading the Bible at age eleven. Never once did I ever deviate from the desire to know more and more about my Heavenly Father. Many long nights on lonely highways when hitch-hiking around the East Coast of our nation I’ve had long talks with Him. Mostly with the Son as I felt it easier to speak with my Elder Brother.
Thus, over time I tried to discern what keeps everyone from seeking pure knowledge and truth. Especially today when there’s so much available free to anyone for the grasping. Think of it this way years ago on the merry-go-round ever once in a while the brass ring would be available. It was strictly chance for one to grab one. Yet today those seeking the brass ring are all looking in the wrong places. Minds are being destroyed before even having a chance to blossom.
Why? Think about what our youth and adults do today – and have been since the early sixties.  Created was a culture of self-satisfaction indulging themselves in the momentary needs? When is the last time one saw someone sincerely pray on TV, in the Movies or in video games? Even worse can you imagine a book without profanity? One cannot even walk in a store without being confronted by the profane and lewd. The dress or undress of people today is appalling and yet totally accepted by those who’ve turned to this alternative lifestyle without the Father or the Son.
Violence, noise, pornography, profanity and any other distraction one can imagine – is it not understandable that the pursuit of truth has been abandoned?  Indeed, all of the potential which is available to those alive today – is wasted by the distractions of the world. Thus creating a class within our culture of those considered mentally deficient to the understanding of truth and morals which build a society.
How much of our population is now considered mentally deficient - when one answers or inquires on about their education - that one cannot be inclusive of all that is encompassed in their thoughts in seeking for brevity. We’ve become a nation of ‘cute’ ‘curt’ answers and innuendoes, rather than seeking positive replies. Most are today ignorant to what is going on outside of their small primitive worlds.
The usage of the word ‘primitive’ is not made without thought – think back to the times before the Internet, Cell Phones, Portable Games and for some the fear of going outside their small safe zone. The isolation of many in our population is very similar to the isolation of the primitive tribes and cultures one can read about as ancient history.

In the future when one writes or tries to teach new ideas and or plans of actions for interactions to try to be more clear assuming that those who are on the other side of the conversation do not understand what is being said or why. It is not part of their safe zone – and they question the validity of actually seeking for truth or correct answers in a work environment which is only worried about the bottom line and not how they get there.

Thus those attempting the educating others in this way (seeking truth and what is right) would seem a waste of their time in doing so - as many attending classes feel they know all that stuff and it is not important to the performance of their assignments in the work force, indeed it is almost counter-productive.

Our nation is being set up by experts in guile and political correctness. Over the past three to four generations the apparent push is to the belief system of non-caring, non-sharing, and everyone deserves the credit for their accomplishments no matter how they achieved them and who they stepped on to get there.

The leaders of our educational systems and tycoons in the business world – have created their own form of religion. Because the formal definition of religion or an 'ism' is 'a way of life' - thus they can refer to their way of doing business (and education is a business) as 'a way of life' and thus continue the circle to being a religion. They’ve replaced traditional religions which are found confusing and not really in tune with the mores of those alive today, i.e. antiquated. It is okay to believe in God – but don’t overdo it because He doesn’t really care! They will then reference the creeds of the various churches and say, “I told you so!”

One must always do their own homework - and in this nation today we’ve generations of those who are mentally challenged due to the decay of the education system and the drugging of those who make waves – (as noted above) the distractions of video games - noise in the form of music/etc. and the violence on TV - Movies and finally the total lack of virtue and/or morals needed within a society to mature and grow positively.

That some show self-initiative has allowed them to overcome our societal norms and rise above the pettiness of the streets is a great deterrent to the establishment of the norm – i.e. the average is okay – being the best of the worst or the worst of the best – is to be average or normal. The preference is to teach that no self-initiative is better – and no one wants to rock the boat!
However, it is the boat rockers – those who can learn to think and act for the correct reasons – doing the right thing every time – in every situation who will and can lead this nation out of the problems which have occurred. It is an uphill fight we must never forget this didn’t occur over night and has been both staged and carried out by experts in illusion and deception.
Can those who’re found to be mentally deficient overcome this condition? Yes! However, the fear and incentives of our current society have to be overcome by their personal and internal attitudes. This is where the good teachers and leaders have to step in teaching correct principles and stop worrying about political correctness. 
Will attitude motivation replace fear and incentives in our society?  Most likely change would come very slowly if at all. Since a teacher in business or industry is dependent on another for their salary – the teacher in the school system has to teach the correct school (government) mandated lesson plans – and higher education teachers are dependent upon the number of students who attend their classes (and the student reviews).
The avarice and greed of our current society at all levels – from the mentally poor to the entitled rich are very reluctant to change the status quo. There is change only within an individual if there is much to gain and nothing or very little to lose. Risk is not into today’s vocabulary for those who feel they’ve much to lose and little to gain in the way of physical or tangible wants. Thus the truth and associated relationships to the Scriptures have little to do in their lives other than appearances to others. And certainly none want to look different within their peer relationships or foolish.  Apparently mocking truth and Father are not as much a concern.
Thus the mentally deficient (whether rich or poor) will maintain using as little of their internal potential as needed to sustain their lifestyles. Returning to the frustrations paragraph earlier in this text – one must remember there are excellent teachers who want to teach and have their students be internally motivated to learn – but the restraints of apathy which embraces our nation today almost forbids this from happening. 

Albert Einstein said (or is quoted as saying), “On a clear day when I could see forever – maybe I was using 10% of the talent that I had been given.”  If that is the case with Albert Einstein then where do we stand in the talents and resources given to us?
Mostly I’ve spoken to the education, reading and research – and why some do and some don’t apply themselves. The next part is the ability to ask questions with merit! A question without merit is not a question – but a rhetorical imitation of a question. Each question has to be asked with the anticipation of an answer based on sound knowledge from one who should have such knowledge. Sadly it has been my experience many of the answers to my thousands and even millions of questions (which I still ask everyday) have been left wanting. Too many have the ‘pat’ answer or the correct answer – or the one they’ve been taught in the schools (or they’ve taught) which have neither substance nor relationship to reality or the literalness of what you are asking about. 
Whenever I think of questions and the asking of them – the song, “Don’t Rain on My Parade” and the idea of when asking questions I want people to rain on my parade so can acquire new wisdom and understanding. When I’ve unsolvable situations I share the situation with others – having a note pad in hand to write down what others say as it might contain something I’ve overlooked when they tell my situation cannot be addressed. Never once in my life have I regretted asking too many questions. However, I have regretted in not asking some when I should have.
One last point on my asking questions. For over twenty plus years I had searched for a Church which measured up literally the Bible I had read at age eleven. Time and time again I was dismissed or asked not to return to various congregations due to my asking of questions. What I would do was take the answers given – go home and double check them against the knowledge I had acquired about the Scriptures and also double check the passages of Scripture to which accompanied the question and the answer. Then I’d go back and explain why the answer given was a good answer it was not literally in companionship with the Scriptures. Indeed many were not even in tune with the existing laws which applied at the time of the Book under consideration. Soon as I grew older my wife would be told she could come back but to leave me at home.
The next step was to discover a piece of truth – and then to pray about it to get the insight of the spirit to which we’re all entitled. As some would say I wearied the Lord with my prayers. Pondering – presenting my conclusions to see if they met with Father’s approval or I needed to start over again or somewhere in the middle. Prayer is the most powerful resource one has in this life – the Book of James if full of reasons why we should not only pray but to expect answers if the prayer sincere and worthy. All of my life I’ve struggled with prayer in that Father has so met my needs that I’m worried I spent too much time being thankful without addressing things which I should.
Each piece of truth fits into the puzzle of having Faith and Hope – until one takes these two items and transfers them to knowing! This is important – we’ve a trillion items of Faith and Hope we need to transfer to knowing in this lifetime. As children it is easy to accomplish – therefore I totally endorse the idea of becoming like little children to ease this process from the distractions of the world.
Listening the Spirit or promptings presented after sincere prayer is like having a heavenly choir making a presentation and you’re the only audience. Learning to recognize and not ignore the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is the most valuable gift from Father.
Thus I’ve accomplished explaining the first part of my goals to seek after knowledge and wisdom leading to pure truths. What of the second to be accepted by my peers and or friends throughout this life? This is much more difficult to accomplish because one has to be a master of everything – contrary to the voices of the world – wherein one can be a master only of one thing – or good at many but a master of none. I’ve always felt this was hogwash! Who was to say what the potential of a human being – a child of God could or couldn’t accomplish? 
Therefore my life had to have value which lifted others and at the same time – kept me humble and grateful. When I was young I doubt there was anything I was very good at other than never quitting anything I started. I was good at getting beat up by bullies (smile), but that didn’t last for long.
Thus I decided to tackle sports. Whatever I did I did on guts and practice. I would spend hours shooting baskets in our backyard. Or I’d watch baseball and determine I could play one position better than anyone else – mainly 2nd base. My hitting was abominable – but I could get hit with pitches and I could run like the wind (out running the bullies). If I could get on first base – I could steal 2nd and 3rd. In basketball I refused to give up – and eventually was making all-star teams. Tennis, soccer, and other sports would follow. Sailing was my best sport for some reason the communications between myself and the sailboats was like a oneness.
Did any of this make me liked by my peers – no! Yet I had one characteristic which did – no one could be bullied in my presence. I was the one who would intercede on behalf of anyone in trouble anywhere and at any time. It became known even though I was a loner – that everyone was safe when I was around. This began a responsibility which I could be accountable for and has lasted me throughout my lifetime. I’ve still very few close friends (mostly in the cadre of brotherhood found within the military).
However, even this has some drawbacks – as I’m thought to be social as I speak to everyone, including total strangers and have as long as I can remember. I trust very few – trust means to me allowing someone to have my six or to be responsible for my family when I’m unable. Most know me as a person of integrity while thinking I’m somewhat off base in my belief in the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which I cannot deny!
Joseph Smith, Jr. talked about this idea of being liked or having friends in relationship to his seeing the Father and the Son.  He indicated that both the Father and Son knew he had seen them – so why were the worldly trying to tell him he hadn’t and to deny his testimony. He said something like this, “I know I had a vision, the Father and Son know I had a vision – so how can or would I ever deny this.” His integrity depended upon his acknowledging what he had seen and heard – while the world would not accept the word of a fourteen year old boy – who was then persecuted and hounded the remainder of his life – almost every single day! This was done not just by the layman but by the clergy most of all.
If Joseph Smith, Jr. could withstand the attacks against him for seeking truth – why can’t I or others? Indeed if he was attacked for acknowledging truth – why shouldn’t we be? Abandoned by friends – he never wavered – why can’t we be the same? Thus, in my life friendship is general while at the same time extremely limited. One must also appreciate my best friends are within my own family, i.e. my spouse, our children and their immediate families. Reaching out most likely I could list by name those who both consider me a friend and I them.
Changing subject some, over the years I’ve learned to respect those who know what they’re supposed to know – those who honor their vows in marriage – who teach correct principles and live them! Paul J. Meyers said, “Is what you’re doing re-teachable and is it what you want others to learn how to do?” 
Everyone is an example of one kind or another – one can be a good example of a good example or a good example of a bad example – but somehow each will be observed by others. What one does is far more important than often what they say.  We’ve all something to measure up to in our lives and if we fail – we allow others to fail also. However, if we succeed many others will as well by our example. We cannot determine the success or failure of anyone but by our example many will try harder or less based on their observations.
What really then is the difference between my quest for knowledge and another’s? Many have achieved great academic successes where as I’ve not – except in achieving the information for which I sought to know more. Many have multiple degrees and letters after their names – which are recognized by the world and worldly – which I have not nor really desired in lieu of what I did seek to accomplish.
Yet most important are two overriding concerns – have I helped anyone to be lifted up each day and secondly have I kept myself unspotted from the world? Each is difficult to discern the first more than the second. Mostly you will never know what affect you will have on another – but to see a child smile is worth all of the blessings in the world. The second in that inside each of us is a harder judge than anyone else about how we’ve survived the temptations of the day. In each or our lives I would suspect we’ve slipped from time to time – so the answer would be more have we repented – made restitutions – and tried to slip no more?
Lastly there are two more concerns – are we human beings or human chattel? For those who are human beings are we of the royal birthright or just run of the mill mistakes of chance in evolution? One has to be either one or the other.  If we are of the first and have a royal lineage to the Father and the Son – are we living worthy of such a foundation? And if we’re the latter do we even care what or why we do what we do? One must appreciate that it takes more faith to be in the second group than the first. However, being in the first requires obedience and self-discipline within all aspects of their life.
The choice when we attend to business matters or personal matters each require certain behaviors if one is found as a child of God – while being chattel nothing really is required except not to be caught in doing wrong or telling lies to further one’s accomplishments. When we attend classes to learn are we a team player or a prima donna? Do we give value added to all we encounter or are we a parasite taking and destroying the host?
Do we understand the simplifications of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on our own actions, reading, research, questions, prayer and the promptings of the Spirit or do we depend on others to tell us how to react? Do we understand what the Savior has taught literally – or do we take the teachings of men/women and the schools presented as logismoi without question or caring?
Someday depending on how you answer the questions of which you are – where you came from – why you are here and where you might be going it will matter. If you profess the belief of creatio ex nihilo – then you believe the creeds of men/women and the school and the teachings of Darwin/Spencer and nothing really matters. The Gnosis of this life as taught by the Prophets and the Apostles as directed by the Father and the Son require serious considerations by each of us in all the aspects of our life!
These truths need to be addressed in our Professional, Social, Ethical, Family, Mental and Physical areas – with both a study of the tangible and intangible aspects. Each is able to discern what is needed whether it be to enjoy the company of peers – or the seeking of truths. I’ve learned that if one decides on the seeking of truths you may never really enjoy the company of peers either in the workplace or in other areas of social human conduct.
Partly the reason is that everyone is found at a different level of accomplishment and therefore their needs are different from all others. Yet we are to be social and interacting with others in all of the aspects of our lives. This requires a special almost sacred balance day to day and even hour to hour in what we think, say or do. One might also say, in what others think, say or do affects us as well.
When my older son was on his mission – many told him he was very naive. I expressed to him to say thank you to those persons because that was a very strong complement! How else can one be found unspotted from the world? For to be accused of being without guile it the world today is surely a blessing to be sought for within one’s inner self. 
May we all so seek to be found naïve and in the search of pure truth. Lest any think it a mistake that I’ve omitted Charity from those pursuits – it has been my experience that one seeks for this gift most of all – and cherishes the attainment of it. However, only Father can measure us to understand whether we have it or not – but without it none will ever enter back into the presence of our Father and our Savior His Son Jesus Christ. 
Thus in the pursuit of education – to seek for the truth of all things where are we found? As a spirit of interest questing for more and more – or as the passerby seeking only what will benefit themselves in and of the world and worldly? Questions we need each to answer in this mortal probation.
(Note: some clarifications need to be added. First, let no one mistake my relationship to the Father and the Son – I fully understand what the Savior has said that we worship the Father!
Second, my relationship to the Son our Savior and Redeemer is one of a younger sibling who can someday be like him. I reverence Him second only to the Father – and when I speak to the Father in prayer it is through Him as he has commanded.
Third, when I was young all I had was my understandings of having read the Bible once all the way through and then to study upon it from time to time as any youth might do. Therefore when I used to run away from home – and I indicated I spoke with my older brother this was as a child or youth would do. There was no more or less of a relationship other than he was someone I felt I could talk with.
Fourth, my quest for truth is unending – for as I learn and glean some – I find that much more to learn and discern – and I expect this to be unending.
Fifth, my friends are few and far between – this does not mean I do not have many acquaintances with who I interact. There are many I hunt with, golf with, those I used to sail with, and those I’ve gone to school with over the years. Indeed there are many who I’ve attended church with. Yet these have their lives and I have mine – away from our social encounters.
Sixth and lastly, I love being alive and having the opportunity to stretch and grow moment to moment every day. Happiness and joy are found in my life – looking forward to the trials and tribulations of the refiner’s fire.
My Testimony: I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church spoken of as the restoration of all things prior to the Second Coming of our Savior and our Lord Jesus Christ. That Joseph Smith, Jr. is the Ben Joseph spoken of in the Scriptures and Hebrew Texts. That Thomas S. Monson is the Prophet of the Lord on this earth at this time – and we should each give heed to his council. 
Brigham Young said, “There is a great work for the Saints to do. Progress and improve upon, and make beautiful everything around you. Cultivate the earth and cultivate your minds.” Hopefully, we’ll each use the resources provided to accomplish this direction from a Prophet of God. Please understand we’re all a work in progress – some of us a little more difficult to define and get it right.
In the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork
“A Desire to Learn”
Questing as an old knight
seeking the windmills lost
charging into howling gales
retreating never to be found
ever forward and onward
libraries to conquer fully
books upon books to read
so much wisdom to heed
going faster and not slowly
looking always outward
traditions never to bound
crossing dangerous straits
paying each and every cost
today an old rusty knight;
A desire to learn so deep
wanting so much to know
wearying day to the night
staying strong in the fight
striving to achieve it right
my mind possibly to grow
with no time even to sleep;
Shall intelligence ever come
will my quest ever be done
windmills old and supreme
winds and blowing rains
enduring the piercing pains
when learning to glean
literacy having to be won
coming so slowly to some;
Each year to become a me
still so much I’ve to see
in my learning to be free
all doubt willingly to flee
molding and forming me!
Copyright © 2013 – cji