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Saturday, February 9, 2013

“Lord, What Thou Have Me to Say About the Celestial Kingdom, Eternal Life and Salvation?”

“Lord, What Thou Have Me to Say About the Celestial Kingdom, Eternal Life and Salvation?”





Thus in asking the question above, “Lord, what would thou have me to say?” (This question has been asked by many over the history of this earth and our mortality.)  It is to discern what the Father would have me say about the Celestial Kingdom, Eternal Life and Salvation.  This question is for me to know how to address the membership of our Ward and others who might partake.  Thus it is specifically addressed to those who’ve been baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!


This presentation is one of the ways in which I’ve been prompted in answering questions about the Celestial Kingdom of which Paul refers to in the three degrees of glory after this life. Hopefully, it’ll be clearly and simply made available for all who can read or listen to what is needful for the Celestial Kingdom, Eternal Life, Salvation and all of the other alternatives which the world considers 'as saved'.  This talk/essay must be approached as anything worthy of discerning truth. Each individual so tasked in this life to work out their salvation - and not ever leave this to another. 


Over the past 180 years this question of what is needed to inherit the Celestial Kingdom – have Eternal Life and Salvation in the fullness expressed by the Son – has been answered many times – between the 1830’s and today.  As recently as the current Ensign it is discussed clearly by President Henry B. Eyring.  Yet most hear the answer but just don’t want to comprehend it or simply don’t understand. 


Simple put the answer is, “One must be obedient to the covenants, commandments, laws and statutes of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” At Baptism one is found to be in this state of readiness if they’ve truly repented, have faith, and then receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  Over the years we’ve heard how many in the Church were denied the ordinances of the Temple (or House of the Lord) – but where this is required of those who could’ve entered it is not of those who did not have this available to them. (See the teachings of Joseph Smith, Jr. and Brigham Young). 


Every person ever born into mortality can be saved. Each one of the beasts of the field, birds in the air or fishes in the oceans/lakes will be saved. But being saved is only the beginning.  Which none are barred from this except by their own choices to do right or wrong – good or evil – live the commandments fully or not i.e. denying the Holy Ghost (once received) and the shedding of innocent blood.  Being saved was accomplished by the Atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


However, it must be understood all of those born on this earth regardless of gender, culture, and race can earn the blessings of the Celestial Kingdom! One earns this by being worthy from the sins of the world!  For those who’ve joined the Church through baptism and then confirmed a member of the Church – took upon them the knowledge and understanding of the required obedience to all of the commandments, laws and statutes of our Father and Son.  “If you love me, keep my commandments!” 


How is this possible?  Simple – be obedient!  If one obeys only the first two commandments completely there would be no need for additional ones – but since most need things explained out in more detail the commandments have continued to grow in turn. 


Let’s look at the basics! 

1.   Have a current Temple Recommend

a.   Over the age of 12 (with the Bishop)

b.   All over the age of 18 should have a current Temple Recommend

1)   For those within a year in the Church – one to do Baptisms

2)   For those with more than a year in the Church a Full Recommend

2.   Keep the Ten Commandments and all other commandments, laws and statutes (willingly)

3.   Sustain those called by the Lord for stewardship over you

a.   Do your Home Teaching

b.   Do your Visiting Teaching

c.   Fulfill your callings

4.   Pay a full Tithing

5.   Pay a generous Fast Offering

The above are the basics for entering into the Celestial Kingdom!  Nothing more or less – these are to be lived fully and willingly by each individual member.  As most know there is much involved in these five items – and since none of us are perfect – we’ve much to grow into.  However, doing all of the five above will surely help us grow. 


Justice must be met – this was done by the atonement for those who do not deny the Holy Ghost or shed the blood of someone who is innocent!  Mercy is what has been extended by the Savior – grace is to give us the strength to endure when we’ve done all we can do. 


Each has much to do – the doctrine of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – allows for no excuses for those who should know and understand. It would be my understanding when Brigham Young implied, (This is a paraphrasing) “Many of you might be Mormons but few are Saints.”  Where do we stand – and which side of the aisle will be found? Without a Temple Recommend if of age would be to be a social member only.  For without a Temple Recommend there will be no Celestial Kingdom, Eternal Life or Salvation in the presence of the Father and the Son.  For each member having a Temple Recommend (except those under the age of 12 years old) should be their greatest possession.


There will always be questions of those who’ve lived and been members of the Lord’s Church but never had to have a Temple Recommend – or those who reach the age of accountability and cannot yet have a Temple Recommend or those who live where there is no Temple available to them.  The answer is almost universally the same – when one is Baptized into the Lord’s Church as the Savior has organized with Prophets and Apostles and the Priesthood of God – then to live worthy in full obedience to all of the Commandments, Statutes and Laws – then their eternal salvation is made sure!


For the first ten years after the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ again on this earth there were no Temples available to all of the membership of the Church.  Indeed, Kirtland (March 27, 1836) was the first Temple built in the latter-days and when the Saints were forced to flee Ohio there was no Temple until 1845-46 one was partly finished in Nauvoo, IL (which was soon burnt to the ground by mobs. It would be years longer until a Temple was dedicated in St. George, UT 6 April 1877.


Thus one can see even while the growth of the Church continued the opportunity for Temple attendance and Temple Ordinances was greatly limited. Yet all of those who were Baptized and Confirmed Members and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost by proper Priesthood Authority and stayed worthy were and are entitled to all of the Blessings as those born when there are now Temples in over one hundred and twelve locations and counting.  Indeed those men and women who could not attend the Temple for various reasons due to the restrictions of the Lord had/have lost none of the Blessings promised upon all who come unto him and join His Church either two thousand years ago or today.


Lastly – to conclude – we must fully learn the gift of love and loving of all persons as found in the 2nd Great Commandment.  Moroni 10:21And except ye have charity ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God; neither can ye be saved in the kingdom of God if ye have not faith; neither can ye if ye have no hope.”


I leave these thoughts with you in the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork



2     Nephi 31:20.

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Harold B. Lee (2000), 148

Preach My Gospel

Elder Bruce R. McConkie

Articles of Faith 1:3

See Russell M. Nelson, “Salvation and Exaltation,” Liahona and Ensign, May 2008, 7–10.


Quotes on Eternal Life, Celestial Marriage/Kingdom and Salvation:

“In our prayers we seek to know what God would have us do, what we should do to find peace and happiness in this life and the next, and what lies ahead of us. The Doctrine and Covenants is filled with answers to such questions asked by ordinary people and by prophets in humble prayer. It can be a precious guide to teach us how to receive answers to questions about our temporal well-being and eternal salvation.”


“With Nephi I declare: “Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.”


“One of the blessings of the restored Church is living prophets. President Harold B. Lee (1899–1973) had a beautifully clear understanding of priorities. He taught, “Much of what we do organizationally [in the Church] … is scaffolding, as we seek to build the individual, and we must not mistake the scaffolding for the soul.”


“Through this power, He redeems and exalts His children, bringing “to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”


“God’s whole purpose—His work and His glory—is to enable each of us to enjoy all His blessings. He has provided a perfect plan to accomplish His purpose. We understood and accepted this plan before we came to the earth” ([2004], 48).”


“There are two purposes for life in mortality. The first is that we might gain experiences that we could not obtain in any other way. The second is to obtain tabernacles of flesh and bones.”


“… Everyone in the Church who is on the straight and narrow path, who is striving and struggling and desiring to do what is right, though [he] is far from perfect in this life; if he passes out of this life while he’s on the straight and narrow, he’s going to go on to eternal reward in his Father’s kingdom” (The Probationary Test of Mortality, devotional address, Salt Lake Institute of Religion, Jan. 10, 1982, 8–9).


“Eternal life is the phrase used in scripture to define the quality of life that our Eternal Father lives. The Lord declared, “This is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). Immortality is to live forever as a resurrected being. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, everyone will receive this gift. Eternal life, or exaltation, is to live in God's presence and to continue as families (see D&C 131:1–4). Like immortality, this gift is made possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. However, to inherit eternal life requires our “obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel” (Articles of Faith 1:3).”

“Eternal life, however, is something altogether different. Immortality is about quantity. Eternal life is about quality.

To use a metaphor, immortality is how long the dinner lasts. Eternal life is what is on the menu and who is with us at the table.

Eternal life is “the greatest of all the gifts of God” (D&C 14:7).”

“If immortality is God’s work, then eternal life is God’s glory. However, eternal life does not come automatically. We must purge our hearts of evil and fill them with the desire to do good continually. Our Heavenly Father, with love that is scarcely within our power to comprehend, desires more than just our immortality. He desires each of us to partake of this greatest of all gifts: eternal life.”


“We read in the scriptures, “if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.” (D&C 14:7.)”

Mark 10:17–30; 12:41–44. A rich young man asks what he must do to gain eternal life, and Jesus teaches that trusting in riches can keep a person out of the kingdom of God. Jesus praises a poor widow for casting two mites into the treasury.

Luke 12:13–21. Through the parable of the rich fool, Jesus teaches the dangers of covetousness. He exhorts his followers to seek heavenly, rather than earthly, treasures.

Luke 14:15–33. Through the parable of the great supper, Jesus teaches that those who follow him must be willing to forsake all else.

Luke 16:1–12. Through the parable of the unjust steward, Jesus teaches his followers to seek spiritual wealth with the same enthusiasm as those who seek worldly wealth.

“Jesus taught that his disciples must be willing to sacrifice anything that he asks of them (Luke 14:26–33). What are some things early disciples were asked to sacrifice? What are some things disciples today are asked to sacrifice? What has the Lord asked you to sacrifice? How have you been blessed for making these sacrifices?”

Testify that to receive eternal life, we must be willing to put away the things of the world and serve the Lord with all our heart, might, mind, and strength. Encourage class members to be grateful for earthly blessings but strive to view them in the proper perspective.

“While salvation is an individual matter, exaltation is a family matter. Only those who are married in the temple and whose marriage is sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise will continue as spouses after death6 and receive the highest degree of celestial glory, or exaltation. A temple marriage is also called a celestial marriage. Within the celestial glory are three levels. To obtain the highest, a husband and wife must be sealed for time and all eternity and keep their covenants made in a holy temple.”


“Eternal Life and Salvation”





Why for is the Sabbath Day to be

can we answer this simple question

are our lives filled with the desire

seeking always to do Father’s will

finding comfort and true happiness

understanding the truth of all things:


Though out the world light brings

removing the mortal life’s darkness

hearing and knowing the voice still

loving and following our eternal sire

allowing our whole being to cession

thus eternal life and salvation to see!


Copyright © 2012 – cji

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