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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

“Liberal Flags Waving” cji 3/28/13

“Liberal Flags Waving”  cji 3/28/13
Speculation on my part but most likely very close to the truth! Gay rights is but a liberal flag waving and the media loves it for their own.  It would be my guess that there are very few on either side of the fence; much like the false headlines we’ve seen over the past 70 years.  The media need and use whatever is available to forward their own agenda which is Socialism (not realizing they’re the first to go). Same as those finding out in certain very liberal states that they ‘the entitled’ are the first to lose their rights to martial law selectively applied.

Further our nation needs distractions – for if the truth of the matter be known – our nation is going bankrupt on a bobsled in a downhill race. Time is running out for the ultimate attempt at the destruction of the Constitution and the Freedom ensured under it. The rest of the world is planning on dumping the US Dollar as the world’s currency and in fact many main-line nations already have in actual business transactions if not in documentation.

And in reality most Americans don’t care – don’t know – and don’t want to know what is going on – as long as they can think they are immune to what is going on. Think of a large bird burying its head in the sand. This is a very good description of our Congress, Supreme Court and others who are sworn to protect the Constitution – they don’t care! Maybe that is harsh but did any of them intervene to talk about the fraud in the last election? None – not one with other than a splash of water so they could say something to those who elect them. Yet the fraud was so open and blatant that the blind, deaf and dumb could easily recognize it and this isn’t racism it is fact! Did the media do anything to acknowledge – a resounding NO comes to mind – and in reality they were part and parcel of what took place. It matters not who was elected but one might question if there are any morals, values, honesty, virtue, goodness, or any other attribute of caring about what is going on – the answer sadly is no for the majority of America and almost of our media, congress, legal system, and especially in whole our government.

The financial war in the United States has almost been lost – when I was interviewed by AP shortly after (within the week) of 9-11 they asked what I thought? I told them it was a strike against the financial heart of America – similar to when the Dutch Fleet caught the Spanish Fleet in mid-1600′s with all of their stolen gold, silver and other artifacts. It took Spain 30 years to go upside down – I projected 10-12 years for the US to do the same. One could call it a terrorist attack – but it was a political attack against the United States by those who’ve declared war against all our Constitution stands for – including the Middle East, China, India, Russia, North Korea – and many more could be added to the list. But mostly funded by the Chinese (again I refer everyone to the Chinese book entitled, “Unrestricted Warfare” 1999 (in English) which is nothing short of the ‘Mein Kampf” of China to the world. And as with the original no one is reading it or one would guess are very many Americans reading or studying the Constitution – especially within our government. The Supreme Court is only supposed to rule on whether a law in which has been passed is within the rights of the Constitution or not – instead we’ve been getting the ‘morning barnyard slop’ of political correctness!  But they get away with it because no one has a clue except for their political balloons and then again the media makes a minority seem like a majority. (Note: Leon Trotsky did this in the lead up to the Russian Revolution – calling the minority the majority.)

We’re so far in debt we’ll never get out – never – as our current POTUS and his Vice and their families drop a million here and there on their personal trips, vacations and excuses with the tax-payers money. Gay-rights – is not the issue – mirrors and bright lights are the issue! Beguiling one and all – as Lincoln said, “you can fool some of the people all of the time – but not all of the people all of the time” (words to this thinking). Currently in America the media is fooling the majority of the people all of the time – as is our government – and another 30% most likely don’t care – while what remains make posts and emails and write our fingers to the bone to each other.
Remember this is a government arming itself against its own citizens – led by several who’ve an allegiance to other nations and beliefs. Thus to divide and start class warfare is what our government wants to take place – insanity – yes – but never the less the facts all point to this one conclusion. Thus our civilization as we know it is in grave trouble. And again I remind one and all that one needs to have their priorities in order and understand their belief systems. Too many are abandoning all to the highest bidder – seeking slavery rather than the expected death which awaits the losers. When the Savior counseled his Apostles he expressly told them they would have to ‘endure to the end.’  Each of them knew this meant to their deaths in mortality. How many of us have heard this same command – better how many of us understand why we must be obedient to this direction? Our national leaders have no such belief system and certainly feel they will be the winners in spite of the truth of the situation.
The world is continuously at war – one would have a difficult time deciding when there has been no warfare within this world.  Funding for this warfare worldwide is led by China – and we’ve a nation so far in debt to China as to never get out. But what all have to realize is that China doesn’t care – all they care about is being the last one alive – and nothing else. Should anyone doubt this read and study the history of the past 63 years. China plays the game called ‘Go’ which is different from the ‘Chess’ the rest of the world somehow embraces most likely because the King never gets killed. The game of  ‘Go’ has one winner and all others are liquidated out of existence. If anyone believes anything else then their beliefs will not deny the truth of the desired outcome.   
So while the liberal flags waving today in the media and in the courts – power mongers spewing the rhetoric of chattering birds or squirrels – pretending millions support them and their points of view when it is doubtful many even care – as long as they’re just left alone.  Crime in the cities is on the rise – in spite of the most strict gun laws – even a baseball bat or hammer makes a good weapon. Chaos is just around the corner for those who do not have a thorough understanding of the reason why we are here in mortality and the tests we’ve to pass. Being right or wrong matters – sadly most don’t care or are only in it for the short run and the money, power or to satisfy their carnal desires. The liberal mantra is quite simple – we’ve had with us since Cain slew Able. Hedonism, socialism, communism, and the list continues with one voice and one thought. 
Pondering who we are is important – understanding where we came from and where we might go is equally important – none of it is a secret – but then again most are in it for the money and thus have to teach, preach and follow the party line. China doesn’t care one bit of any of it – that is the Chinese Government and their loyal army. It would appear our government doesn’t understand any of this – and blind as the bats and deep swimming fish – could care less.  c/ork
“Liberal Flags Waving”
Winds blowing a harsh east wind
finding no rest or peace to stay
drying everything in its path found
caking the muds and denying water
brittleness induced into all touched
screaming and flashing mirrors high
lying and beguiling day by day each
believing more and more their voice
liberal flags waving in shamefulness
pretending to be the leaders proud
while simply the tools of other fools!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

“Almost Being Lost”
Finding paths long abandoned
searching for water to drink
seeking stars to find the way
yet overcast and blankly gray
almost being lost is just the same
sweat and fear entering within
breathing quicker and shallow
unknowing where one’s going
most likely to find their way
going nowhere quite fast
almost being lost the same!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

“Very Close to the Truth”
Wringing one’s mind to search
hoping beyond hope to discover
wanting pure truth and not half
doing away with Greek thought
no need for myths or tall tales
so many come almost to know
being very close to the truth
then turning away or denying
unable to grasp the reality there
coming up empty no more known!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

“Continuous Warfare”
Never in our lifetimes without war
Our land and our lives each tore;
Started long before our mortality
Something of collective reality;
Earliest known men/women each
Where our histories do us teach;
Continuous warfare preferred
Unwanting peace preserved;
Man refusing the joy of the quiet
Rather engaged within life’s riot!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

Day to day seeking to survive
how to live and why to stay
many it is simply to be so
unknowing no other way out
paying the masters for a right
servitude and slavery okay
others wanting more to become
unable the price able to afford
existence such a fragile thing
when being found unworthy!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

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