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Saturday, February 24, 2018

"Okay Here Goes"

A. Okay here goes – first and foremost I want everyone and anyone who reads what I’ve to write to know some very specific things:
1.   The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s Church – it is no man’s or woman’s – it is the Lords!
2.   Whoever is at the head of the Church on this earth is a Prophet of God – called by the Father and the Son and no one else!
3.   The Church wavers not to anyone on this earth for political or other reasons.
4.   No other Church in the history of this world can make this claim –
a.   Each dispensation has been led by a Prophet of God
b.   Each dispensation has never wavered from the Teachings of the Father and the Son.
5.   Understand I’m testifying to you of the truth of what is above – there is no doubt – no question – nothing that can alter or change this testimony – it’s my testimony – cjingerson

B. The Prophet
          1. The Prophet is the Prophet for the whole earth.
          2. With the Prophet is the 1st Presidency and the Quorum of the 12 Apostles – as in the previous dispensations when the Gospel has been on this earth.
          3. There is only one Prophet on this earth at one time – while the members of the 1st Presidency and the Quorum of 12 Apostles have the same keys – but they are dormant until needed.

C. Understanding the above – let’s look at the world of men/women today – most live in blissful ignorance justifying either their belief system or the lack of one. There are thousands if not 10’s of thousands of churches in the world – all are man/woman based except one. All are a reformation which came before their current existence. All have their truths (and we accept all of their truths) – however, none – repeat none have a Celestial Authority – i.e. none claim direct revelation from the Father or the Son. As in their creeds none claim revelation – and most that the heavens are closed and have been. (Read the various creeds there’s nothing hidden.)

D. Certain concepts are important to know:
1.   Marriage is between a woman and a man – no wavers.
2.   Marriage is eternal – forever and ever – read your Scriptures – 1 Peter 3:7 (and many others)
3.   Marriage has to be performed by one having authority not by man/woman – but by the Father and the Son.
4.   Eternal marriage is performed in the House of the Lord – i.e. The Temple as referred to by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – of which one can enter only with a Temple Recommend signed by two Priesthood holder (usually a member of the Bishopric and one from the Stake Presidency).
5.   Any other marriage performed anywhere else is not an eternal marriage and is only good during mortality – most actually have a divorce degree – ‘till death do you part’

E. About the Priesthood of God:
1.   Only men are called to the Priesthood – this has been for over 7000 years. Why?
a.   First the Priesthood is not a calling of either power or anything manmade reason
                                                 i.    The Priesthood is divided into two levels – The Aaronic and the Melchizedek
1.   The Aaronic is responsible for the physical aspects of the Church –
2.   The Melchizedek is responsible for the Spiritual and the Administrative functions
3.   There are multitude of references where one can learn more.
                                                ii.    The Priesthood performs most all of the work done outside the home at all hours of the day or night
                                               iii.    Such things are as follow without any specific order:
1.   Running the meetings in the Church
2.   Supervising the collection of tithes and offerings
3.   Membership records
4.   Providing Blessings to members 24/7 who are sick or in need – in homes or in hospitals
5.   Ordaining all members to callings as sustained by the members
a.   Callings can include from Sunday School teachers to those leading the music and everything in between
b.   Each member is interviewed after consensus of leadership (including sisters and brothers) that this is the right person for this calling.
c.   After sustaining then the Priesthood set the person apart for their calling.
6.   And all other administrative duties as needful to organize and run from the smallest branch to the overall Church.
2.   This is only a teaspoon of the Priesthood

F. The Relief Society or the Sisters of the Church:
          1. The Relief Society is the oldest known Women’s Organization in the world - https://www.lds.org/callings/relief-society?lang=eng
          2. The Relief Society is led by a Presidency of Sisters called by leaders of the Church and sustained by the membership of the Church
          3. The Relief Society is responsible for the physical and spiritual well-being of all of the Sisters in the Church.
                   a. Lessons – teachings – Scriptures, Manuals, and all materials as they pertain to the uplifting and betterment of the all the Sisters not just in the Church but all Sisters in the world.
b. Home Keeping and all things both domestic and for the well-being of single and married and widowed sisters.
                    c. With all of the various responsibilities of the Sisters within the Church – Relief Society; Young Women; Primary; Childcare – Temple Work – to name a few –

G. The Sisters and Brothers of the Church:
1. One has to understand – oneness – for those Sisters and Brothers who are married – Sealed for Time and All Eternity  - they’re work is at becoming one with each other and the Father and the Son. For those single Sisters/Brothers this is to be looked forward to. For the widows (Sisters or Brothers) they continue to help others understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the meaning of oneness in eternity.
2. All Sisters/Brothers are to look out for each other – their families – their friends – and neighbors.
3. Okay – one must understand – the role difference not as man/woman describe them but as the Lord describes their roles. One must consider – the phone rings at 0200 and it’s a family in need of a blessing – the kids are in bed – it’s cold and rainy outside – who would you rather have go and get another to administer to one who’s sick either in the Hospital or their home? Think about it – contagion – possibly a nursing mother – infections? Simply this is why the Priesthood holder has this responsibility – it makes common sense – unless you want to ignore the teachings of the Savior.

H. What is the usually end of the Prophets of God?
1. Up until the late 1850’s it was to be murdered – tarred and feathered – forced into jails and prisons on false charges and even today the total blasphemy of today’s media and politically correct world. Since the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – and His Church – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the media, churches, pastors, vigilantes, mobs, and hatred has surrounded the Church. Why? And it still continues today – an example is the NYT Obituary on President Thomas S. Monson – and they’ve gone further to justify what they’ve written. Stoning, murder, blasphemy and unlimited hatred. As we’ve seen from a part of the world and this nation founded under God – it seems to be intensifying rather than abating.
2. One must remember some states have had extermination orders – eviction orders – raped and murdered women and children – forced members into the freezing cold – homeless – this in America – think of it!
3. At one point in time each of those reading this have to determine to themselves is any of this logical – common sense – or does it foment from contention, confusion, discordance – one is of Father the other of Satan.
4. One must remember – the same responses in the days when the Savior walked this earth – hatred, murder, spreading negative information – when the reformation churches started after the death of last Apostle in the Euro-Asian part of the world the what which came after the Apostasy – was organized by men/women – and they went out and systematically killed any residual from the Church as Organized by the Savior. Over the centuries this has continued in the effort of men/women in the name of religion – even still today!

The current article in the NYT is nothing less than more of what has been going on for millennium – belittle, stone, Click here: Petition Demands NYT Apologize, Rewrite Obit of Mormon Leader  - wake up my friends – I testify that Thomas S. Monson was a Prophet of God – in the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork

“Okay Here Goes”


What is actual truth
Ever since my youth;

Seeking in best books
The Holy Bible books;

Starting at age eleven
Intrigue my mind to leaven;

Details and research/prayer
Knowing my need to care;

Therefore my need to share
This knowledge declare;

The world attacks always
Never its mission strays;

Satan is their instigator
Our world’s greatest hater!

Copyright © 2018 – cji

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