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Sunday, November 4, 2012

“Or is It?” (an essay)

“It is Easy or Is It?” cji 11/04/12
It is easy to be obedient or is it? When one begins life it is much more difficult to be bad than good.  However, when one wants to cross the line to the other side and not obey. Think when one falls down – how quickly they try to get back up! One doesn’t want to stay down – they want to be up. 
When falling down over and over due to poor choices or sneaking to the other side of obedience – soon they find they don’t want to get back up. As the thoughts enter their minds that they’re not good enough to stand up for what is right or worse not worthy to do so. Thus the adversary wins the day – as he’s much more at his command in the worldly sense of things. He uses peer pressure – movies – music – noise – games – and whatever will accomplish the task at hand which is to keep someone down mentally. 
Then is forgotten their birth right of being a child of God. The positive behavior to survive found in everyone born into mortality is destroyed by the adoptive behavior to not care.  When one gives up hope and/or becomes apathetic to right and wrong – then it is only easier to sleep and ignore than to try to make anything better or right.
In addition, the false usage of language and the meanings of words and actions destroy self-worth – replacing it with selfishness. The confusion involved in mixed meanings and understanding allow good to be interchanged with that of evil. Nothing is left that is either white or black but found in their place is confusion and contention.
One must understand why each is commanded to become like a small child – to re-grasp their innocence – their willingness to do right for the right reason all of the time. As the child then found full of love and forgiveness without judgment.  They are unconditionally found to be good.  It is in the growing older progression that one continues to be good or righteous or makes decisions or finds an environment which leads to poor choices.
Sadly the world condemns this behavior or having a righteous goal – having decided there is no such thing as soul – and therefore no eternity – followed with there is no right or wrong.  There is no need of a God or Commandments or obedience – for there is only now. There will always be found degrees of evil or good even within those who find nothing eternal in their lives. Peer pressure applies its own rules wherever found in control.
It is easy to be obedient if one chooses to do so – however, when has not consciously made this decision to be obedient for themselves – and covenanted with Heavenly Father – then in their life nothing will be easy.  One who constantly has to make decisions on the spot – outside influences can force a wrong decision.  Temptations only become temptations when one hasn’t decided how they will deal with them in advance.
In closing, most forget that to be evil initially requires great effort.  This is because it is against the nature of a child to be wicked.  It is as they are growing up that they are taught wrong choices are okay by parents, peers or outside influences.  Thus having been then taught it is okay to be carnally minded – then as men/women they become more carnal in their choices and actions. Agency and the choices are there for everyone to be good or bad.  For those who live without either accepting of good or evil  in their lives then they strive to make others believe as do they will end in the dilemma of having to choose moment to moment of what they will do. 
Selfishness is keyed by one who understands not the eternal but only the worldly aspects of this life. The adversary is an external source on people and their decision – physical – to destroy – confuse or make contention. The adversary deals in sex, the pocket book and other physical desires. In doing this then the emotions, feelings, seeing and hearing become numbed and unable to focus on the right or the ease of which it once was to be obedient.  Then the answer of whether something is easy or is it – becomes more complicated to answer.     c/ork

“Or is It?”





Choices to be made now

without time to think or plan

one must decide in a moment

whether to be good or evil

seconds of decision-making

holding one’s life in suspense

to be obedient as the infant

loving, forgiving, forgetting

or as the adult to be carnal

selfishly to indulge in all

causing contention’s fury

thus obedience difficult

with decisions yet unmade

while when one prepared

understanding prevails

it is easy to be obedient!


Copyright © 2012 – cji


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