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Monday, March 1, 2010

"Failing Government"

"Failing Government"


Jumping from buildings
rivers breaking bounds
mountains in upheaval
ice and cold and chill
forgetting the important
thus failing government
leaving pain and agony
suffering and remorse
teaching false doctrine
stealing another's agency
as a ship without rudder
and a sea without end!

Copyright © 2010 – cji

The word Oligarchy hits the nail on the head - we've no longer a Republican from of government - and we've no longer a two-party system (if ever we did) as the Constitution was not written with this intent. Sadly the Commandment given is that we are to stay unspotted from the sins of the world - and as many confuse the world with this Earth - which it is not. We must understand given their right to choose right or wrong many will follow the path of least resistance which usually if not always is not correct. However, we must not forget it's always easier to be obedient to the Commandments - but the worldly have taught the opposite.

Is there to be found a good politician - I think this thought reeks of an oxymoron. There are very few 'good' people and even far fewer of these who'll willingly get involved in corrupt politics. And then any who do will be raped and pillaged in the name of free speech/1st amendment by the media/press/TV/Follywood and other special interest groups.

The voice of the people and the idea of taking back the Government from these self-serving politicians and their ilk - is scaring the 'hot air' out of them - but they'll fight to the death and kill millions of others along with themselves. The politicians are already organizing military units into 'riot control' groups to fight against their own. The organizers are already going into High Schools and signing up youth to be trained in same manner our current person sitting in the White House was - with our tax dollars.

But chin up - this is all foretold in the Scriptures - even down to in the Book of Mormon one only need to change the names and dates. It also will continue to get worse!

Thus we've over 600,000 without power - yet we've to spend billions and trillions on the rich and corrupt and on 3rd world countries and in reality giving our first born to the enemy! We've much to remember and be grateful for - and to be mindful that we remember who we are - why we are here and where we can be going if worthy!

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