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Friday, December 22, 2017

"Gathering Sloth" (essay)

Alma 33:21 O my brethren, if ye could be healed by merely casting about your eyes that ye might be healed, would ye not behold quickly, or would ye rather harden your hearts in unbelief, and be slothful, that ye would not cast about your eyes, that ye might perish?

“How Could a Compassionate God”
(allow bad things to happen?)

cji 12/21/17

Throughout the history (written) of mankind one has learned to blame all evil on our Heavenly Father. Why? Because we voted in the pre-existence to have our own agency to be obedient to the Commandments of God or not to do so. The Plan offered by the adversary was that no one had any agency to choose right or wrong and all would be good we’d come get our mortal body and return and all the glory would be his. 1/3 of the hosts of Heaven choose his plan. 2/3rds choose Father’s Plan – if you’ve a mortal body today – which can feel love, pain; touch; hearing; taste; smell then you were one of the 2/3rds (some a tad reluctantly – but most willing to follow the Father. 

Which is it? You cannot have it both ways! Of course 99% of today’s population have never embraced fully Father’s Plan and are for the most part not in obedience to the Commandments of God. They’re good people just not within the fold. If you’re one of the less than 1% that is within the fold and you’re blaming Heavenly Father then you better repent without hesitation and get back into the obedience mold. There is nothing easy about exercising one’s agency fully in obedience to all of the Commandments. Even Brigham Young when speaking in St. George Utah – told those assembled there were a lot of Mormon’s present but very few Saints.

When one asks ‘how could a compassionate God allow evil to happen this would indicate God is responsible for the suffering of mankind – however each of us have to endure a refiners fire to see how we’ll endure to the end or not – the negativity – contention – anger comes from the adversary making us want to blame someone and God’s gets most of the blame.

Think of it differently in the Count of Monte Christo – the Abbey Farah when he died and Donte’s was full of anger – he told him to remember the good times – the wonderful times – the loving times – these are memories which overcome the ones not so sweet.  If everything was sweet there’d be no bitter – no comparison to test us and or our faith. We can pass or fail on how we think or make decisions about things. Usually for most of us the bad/sad/sorrowful all come at the end and we forget the playing in the snow – laughing in the bedroom – being at the alter – our first kiss – and or our last – we’ve the choice to make of our memories – we can remember holding each other’s hands – a gentle touch of the lips – or our first argument – up to us – each individually – hating God is not the answer – that would be like saying no thank you to all the good things in our lives – ignoring the loving kindnesses shown you over days or decades of life.

Do those who live in abject poverty around the world choose to do so? No, however because evil men/women exercise unrighteous dominion over their lives. Is this God’s fault? How can it be – those exercising unrighteous dominion have chosen to be disobedient to the Commandments of God. This can be the bully – the elected officials – the rapist – the thief – the movie maker – the video game maker – the slum lords – the minister – anyone who exercises unrighteous dominion over another. And since they’re all in cahoots with one another – they shift the blame to God.

We know we’ve a ‘fake media’ where does it begin or stop? Augustine and Origen were both rhetoricians – telling the people what they wanted to hear – since they’re collectively known as the fathers of Eastern and Western Christianity – we’d have to wonder what changes and how many they made to the Scriptures and the Doctrines of the Father and the Son. If rhetoric is known as not telling the full truth then it must be considered to be lies. It the two founders of 99% of the world Christian religions are/were and still were lairs – where does that leave those churches of the reformation age?

Thus when you consider all of the other religions within the world today considered non-Christian where are they found? Most all of these non-Christian sacred texts while meaningful – beautiful – but passed down – rewritten – translated and none leading to the eternal family of what value other than earthly. Earthly in meaning they do not transcend the Veil. Only the eternal family will transcend the veil to the highest degree of glory. Of course most including almost all of the various Christian religions don’t believe there’s an eternal family unit – and as no way of doing the Sealing Ordinance’s given to Peter James and John – ‘whatever is not sealed on earth will not be sealed in Heaven’ we’ve to accept this as being true.

How could a compassionate God allow bad things to happen because we voted for agency – no one can take another’s agency away from them – only they can give it away by their choices.  This means their choices to be fully obedient or not to the Commandments of God.
President Boyd K. Packer (now deceased) said in a talk, “Since God could not take my agency back – I decided to give it back to him. I would simply be obedient to everything. I learned a great lesson the more obedient I was in giving it back to him – the agency I had.” (This is a paraphrase – sorry.)

We’ve each choices – blame God for the bad – and pat ourselves on the back for the good – or recognize the why and how of agency. However, blaming God is not right nor is it likely to make any significant changes in your life or those around you. This is the reason the adversary celebrates your anger – confusion and hopes to provide you with plenty of contention to go through your life with – remembering the bad and forgetting the good.  In the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork

“Gathering Sloth”


So many are so smart
some claim very smart
ever more-so than God
logismoi Peter called it
denying the gnosis all
literal are all Scriptures
even those loosely to be
changes and translations
still enough to discern
what is true and not
what is agency and not
so smart are men/women
to blame God always
thus making others follow
gladly minions of satan
gathering sloth beliefs
justifying their logismoi!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

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