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Saturday, October 7, 2017

“Required to Know More Than We Do” cji 10/8/17 (short essay)

“Required to Know More Than We Do”  cji 10/8/17

Sometimes one is required to know a lot more than they do having become dependent on others for their education. Most instead select satan’s plan – which is the opposite of agency (Heavenly Father’s Plan) which requires free choice to choose right or wrong – while satan left no agency – choices already made – and therefore no consequences! Soon becoming simply ‘creatio ex niliho’ nothing to nothing – and therefore nothing matters! Of course for those who deny unorganized matter – one world to another – which would include not quite believing in God the Father – his Son Jesus Christ – or the Holy Ghost – maybe only as symbols – illusions – proclaiming a voice of belief (just to be safe) without believing either the Bible or other Scriptures. Have thus accepted a fully inadequate education becoming nothing more than minions of the worldly.

With an inadequate education – one is unprepared to think on their own. Unable to think on their own – they accept a prideful appearance that they do! Unable to ask questions and to seek the answers on their own. Therefore only having traditional answers, excuses and justifications. Quoting those using circular disparities until all is confusion and not worth further pursuing. Thousands upon thousands of books have been written on religion – very few without value by almost lacking understanding of who the Father and Son really are and therefore unable to help another understand. These books thus become more and more disjointed in describing what they themselves do not understand. When one reads the introductions the authors almost all admit this and then go ahead trying to explain what they just indicated could not be understood.

These are the same people throughout history who’ve tried to explain what we need to know about the Bible and other Scriptures. Sadly the same people who’ve translated or otherwise manipulated the Bible. However, even with all of the errors of transmission-translations-man made changes the Bible (and other Scriptures) is still to be taken literally for what is taught that the creative errors cannot erase! Too many have some truth but ignore all of the truth – taking and paying others to tell them what it means. Letting others take care of their religion – really no different than what satan extolls as his religion which much of the world accepts or is required to accept. Many religions require obedience to their creeds rather that to the Scriptures!

Most forget what they learned in the Pre-existence – being taught there was no pre-existence. i.e. creatio ex niliho – even most churches teach this with most any of their members can expect someday to be an angel without body parts or passions. The same as they’re taught of the Godhead – without body parts or passions. Which goes against everything taught in the Scriptures – making them meaningless outside of peer acceptance indicating of some belief when in reality none at all!

Anyone who proclaims to love the Savior – would seek for the full truth of the Bible and other Scriptures – only then could they show their love by full obedience to all of the Commandments all of the time! When one cannot comprehend who our Heavenly Father or his only begotten Son Jesus Christ really are – that they have physical bodies of flesh and bones – and are awaiting our return with our families having been sealed in eternal marriage by proper authority – how can one really put their works with their faith? The Savior has said, “If you love me – keep my Commandments!”

Obedience requires understanding – sometimes being obedient to begin with until understanding comes is needful. Gaining a testimony of truth(s) found within the love of the Savior. However, no obedience or understanding is required to follow satan or his plan. Much easier and especially when the many churches teach it is not necessary; that they could sin a little – repent – sin some more – maybe we’ll be punished a little but in the end we’ll all be saved. A truth mixed within a rhetorical misconception. Yes because of the Atonement we’ll be saved – but to where? Some to the Terrestrial, some to the Telestial – and some to the Celestial -  and others to outer darkness. So just being saved isn’t enough – obedience is required by our works. Of course for some just being saved is enough regardless of what Kingdom they end up in. And this is what satan is banking on! Only that we don’t return with our families into the full presence of the Father and the Son. Thus following satan’s plan requires confusion, ignorance, justification, with or without obedience to the Commandments. He doesn’t care really what anyone teaches or does as long as they do not believe the Scriptures fully.

The Scriptures as we know them to date include: The Holy Bible (Old and New Testament); The Book of Mormon; the Doctrine and Covenants; the Pearl of Great Price; and the teachings of modern day Prophet’s and Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ – called by Him in these Latter-days. And all satan has to do is keep one from doing this! He’s doing a really good job of it – as millions reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness. Professing they’ve all they need.

We live in world where it seems evil is done without consequences – and only those who pay penalties are the righteous. Those who won’t lie, cheat, steal to get out of trouble for refusing to obey laws seem to go unpunished. Even though the jails and prisons are overflowing – while less than 13% of the shootings and murders in Chicago go uncaught and thus unpunished. Rioters have the system figured out – and mostly go unpunished. Steal, destroy and someone will bail them out of trouble. This is satan’s world – teaching confusion, evil, no consequences, and leading even very good people astray. All of this is foretold in the Scriptures! Still millions refuse to believe!

Thus we’re required to know many things – much more individually than we currently do if only being educated by others. Each person is responsible for their journey in this world – and when married for their family – and then for their progenitors (see Malachi) all of which means school of hard knocks education – and self-study – deep research – much prayer and strict obedience to the Father and the Son (See James). If we really want to have our agency we have to be fully obedient unto the Father and the Son – keeping their Commandments in all things and ways. Education in eternal life’s ordinances and covenants should be our major area of study – while if we’re found obedient, anxiously engaged – we can then endure to the end – which all of the Savior’s disciples were told to do!

“Learning More”


Sabbath Day education
studying the Scriptures
delving into understanding
self-education required
reading, pondering, praying
becoming one with Father
discerning Saviors’ teachings
following the true Prophets
learning more especially today
the Sabbath Day eternally!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

1 comment:

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Greetings from the UK. Jesus bless you. I enjoyed reading. Well written.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.