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Friday, February 19, 2016

"Denial and Reclusion" (a short essay)

“Denial and Reclusion” cji 2/20/16

In a world living in denial and reclusion men/women have chosen conflict, confusion, contention as their road to traverse this mortality. Making everything difficult, almost impossible, valueless, committing to the worldly way of justification. Never at any other time has it become more apparent the number of those who can see being blind, those who can hear being deaf, those who can feel being cold and non-responsive to the truths of why we’re here, where we came from and where we’ve the potential to go. Replacing self-responsibility and accountability is the socialistic plan of Satan and his minions – called welfare, entitlement, excuse for obedience – and the denial of absolute truths. Men/women who rather join their peers – follow the crowds – avoid being different – thus becoming reclusive to their true nature as children of the one and living God and his only begotten Son. Having ignored the basics – embracing to be put under dominion of another either government or in slavery to the masters of their fates.

We need to get back to the basics. Back to the basics would mean to simplify truth. To simplify truth one must know what is true and what is not. One must take the Scriptures (all of them) literally! Doing away with the interpretations/translations and misrepresentations of men/women. Sadly the men/women of this world are in denial and reclusion when it comes to truth. Therefore it comes to the issue of the basics. Common sense - reason - and what's been repeated over the centuries - 'if it doesn’t make sense it most likely isn't true' and that when confusion/contention come into play it is not of the Lord!  

When one reads Isaiah (a commandment from the Savior for all men/women to understand) - the message is pretty clear - so very few will and even fewer who do read will never understand. Isaiah speaks on two themes: 1) the Mortal and Millennial Lord; and 2) the Covenant people (men/women of this world). The presentation on the mortal and millennial Lord are clear and concise leaving no grounds for misunderstanding what is being said. Now to deal with the Covenant people - you and I - everyone born into this mortality. Understand this is very concise: 1) Isaiah gives a diagnosis of what is going on: 2) he then gives a prescription of how to correct the problem/illness/what is wrong; 3) then he presents the prognosis - what is going to happen if one obeys the prescription or if one ignores part or completely the prescription. The choice is always ours to be obedient and willing or to follow men/women instead.

The world is corrupt - very much so - outside of the educated probably 90%+ haven't a clue what's outside their villages. So what the top .05% or less do (those who supposedly lead) matters less to them - and as a result power corrupts and thus they thirst at any cost for more power. Satan sub-contracts (i.e. 'let me play the devil's advocate') has so many helpers they even appear idle (but they are never allowed to be idle). Satan is a very demanding task master - so those who have it easy feel he's resting when in fact he's already got them where he wants them. Those who on the other hand are in the Refiner's Fire daily understand the meaning of 'enduring to the end' and therefore make applicable that what the Lord wants and not men/women. I'm pretty forward - something is either right or wrong - there is no gray - not any - for gray is just a part of black/darkness/illusion/illusive/opaque/non-transparent and therefore cannot be clear/white/transparent or make common sense.

A simple common sense type test:
1. God is not a God of confusion - so would there be one church or many?
2. God is unchanging - so what would he teach if he were here?
3. God is eternal and we're made in his image - what might we become if we become like him?
4. God has no contention - therefore what in the world of contention is from God?
5. God is a God of miracles/revelations - then why do men/women teach these have ceased?
6. God has always and always will work through Prophets he's called - not who've called themselves - has this changed - making him a changeable God?
7. When men/women repetitively repeat the "Lord's Prayer" what do they ask for? 'Thy Kingdom Come...' if this is the case we've been told in the Scriptures the Kingdom will be established prior to his coming so he has a kingdom to come to ... where is that kingdom?
8. How would this kingdom be organized?
9. Is there such a kingdom now on earth organized the way the Church was organized during the meridian of time? If yes - where? If not - why not?
10. If God is perfect - and men/women are not - why do men/women follow other men/women and not God?

Each of these questions has a definitive answer - if you understand the Scriptures literally - having read them yourself - and pray to understand them - and do what they say to do - however, most pay someone else to interpret them for them - pay them to practice 'pure religion' - to act in behalf of them (governments - clergy - Inman - clerics - rabbis - priests - college professors - and the list is endless who men/women follow and pay well in most cases). Thus we learn men/women put their trust/faith/love in the worldly rather than in their God. This leads to sub-contracting - which leads to larger organizations - which leads to government - who then feel empowered to practice 'Pure Religion' making the people pay for it indirectly skimming off the top more and more for their own uses and it is not for the general welfare of neither nations, people or the world.

God has been replaced by organizations - not created or authorized by him - but self-assumed by men/women. This was done not by 'delegation of authority' but assumption of authority by those unauthorized to do so and it's been going on for several thousand years. People don't want a Prophet (unless he's a dead one) to lead them - therefore they reject those called by authority from God - to establish his kingdom on this earth. He inspired the Constitution so there could be freedom in the land for his kingdom to be restored in these latter-days - and it has whether men/women choose to believe it or not. All of the time one can hear about the 2nd Coming - and this can only occur after his Church (Kingdom) has been restored first. Let's understand - the Lord knows what has taken place - he sees how men have rejected him as they did throughout history - but he also knows that the few who've believed them can receive all of the saving ordinances covenanted with his Prophets in the past and those on the earth today. Men/women have their agency to choose the right or wrong - but once choosing the wrong they've to repent - come back into full obedience with the Commandments and the Covenants they made in the pre-existence with the Father and the Son prior to coming to this earth. Now we’ve a world choosing denial and reclusion – rather than truth and covenants based on obedience.

Read Isaiah – ponder and study – read the Bible – the Book of Mormon – why because they testify of Jesus Christ – of Heavenly Father – of the Holy Ghost – three separate and distinct individuals. Indeed they make two witnesses – (TWO) – and the only reason most read neither is because men/women disciples of the adversary tell them not to – and that they’ll teach them, provide for them, rule over them, make their decisions for them which is where the world is headed – and will be completed upon the destruction of the Constitution of the US. Let’s understand – as long as there’s righteous men/women – obedient to the Commandments and Covenants – the Constitution will stand. Nothing is easy – trials and tribulations will be numerous – enduring to the end is essential – and most will not endure but will submit, surrender, give up – but still a few will endure to the end.

Answer Guide:
1. God is not a God of confusion - so would there be one church or many? One
2. God is unchanging - so what would he teach if he were here? the Scriptures and the Prophets
3. God is eternal and we're made in his image - what might we become if we become like him? Eternal
4. God has no contention - therefore what in the world of contention is from God? Nothing
5. God is a God of miracles/revelations - then why do men/women teach these have ceased? only because men/women have told the world so - (Miracles and Revelations are continuing always)
6. God has always and always will work through Prophets he's called - not who've called themselves - has this changed - making him a changeable God? He is not a changeable God and His Prophets are still alive and well today.
7. When men/women repetitively repeat the "Lord's Prayer" what do they ask for? 'Thy Kingdom Come...' if this is the case we've been told in the Scriptures the Kingdom will be established prior to his coming so he has a kingdom to come to ... where is that kingdom? The Kingdom is on this earth today - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - with a Prophet and Apostles
8. How would this kingdom be organized? The same as when the Church was organized during the Ministry of the Mortal Messiah.
9. Is there such a kingdom now on earth organized the way the Church was organized during the meridian of time? If yes - where? (See 7 above); If not - why not? - Because men/women say it is not
10. If God is perfect - and men/women are not - why do men/women follow other men/women and not God? Because they follow the plan of the adversary men/women running governments and using socialism/dictatorships/demi-gods/kings/queens exercising unrighteous dominion (or what we've got today in the world)

“Denial and Reclusion”


Living a fake life of meaning
pretending to be in love
loving the Father and Son
without the Commandments
then praying for peace
leaving behind the reality
embracing entitlements
including as they wish
welfare, salvation, heaven
believe one goes either
to heaven or to hell
forgetting Paul’s teachings
ignoring what they read
in denial of the basic truth
in reclusion from the right
a fake life of meaning living!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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