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Sunday, September 13, 2015

"Which Role" (short essay)

“The Role of Churches in Political Correctness as this relates to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints*” cji 9/14/15

One has to be careful – whereas many churches play deep and heavy in politics – some do not – however – ramifications based on what membership does may not in many cases represent the stand of the churches. However, within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (*the Church) (which is a plum target of the IRS and current administration and many pulpits around the world) they’re looking for any excuse to get their hands on the Church (to make them bend to the rules of the world rather than the Father’s Laws) – remember in the 1830’s thru to the beginning of the 20th Century – many leaders and members were arrested and applauded within the media and from the other pulpits of the times – including approval of rape, murder of women, children and men – adding to the murder of Joseph Smith, Jr. and others for not denying their testimonies. “Their testimony (and mine) that the Father and Son had appeared again in these latter-days and restored their Church here upon the earth as prophesied by both the Old Testament Prophets – the New Testament Apostles and the Prophets from the Book of Mormon. That this has happened – and we know it has happened and cannot deny it.”

Heavenly Father and the Savior Jesus Christ – do not run their Church according to either the politics of the time nor the intense feelings of the time – but based on the Commandments and Covenants made between them and the members. Where-as I can speak out against the policies of our nation’s current leaders and the absolute insanity of the many peoples with deviance from the Commandments – I cannot do this in my capacity as a member of the Church, but only as a person living in these latter-days.

Many are using the example of the BSA program and the radical changes forced by the worldly and how some have either accepted or withdrawn. Where scouting is concerned the value added for the young men (of our society) – is far higher than that which would be accomplished by boycotting the BSA in my mindAny church which accepts to abide by the new rules – can still find much more value added than lost. However, one must accept the higher risks involved – which requires training from within their homes. So far none of these changes affect the Church* – and should not where the government or outside interest groups can try to intervene or force their actions on ours. Where-as the Church Colleges and Universities come under fire from the various outside interest groups who try to dictate civil laws on them. By decisions made decades ago – the Church has avoided complications with the worldly source of value systems. Worthiness is required within the Church which align themselves with the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of Heavenly Father and his Son – Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Each individual has to have covenants between themselves and Father – thru his Son. Whether we keep them or not is between us and the Lord – remembering that everything is predicated upon obedience. Everything in the Church is predicated upon worthiness – which equates to righteousness – not what the others see – but what Father sees and you individually see. There are a lot of inactive members and those who bend the rules, lie in interviews and try to circumvent the conditions of worthiness (but this can be found anywhere) – those who fall by the wayside for one reason or another. Many continue the trappings of being active but basically it’s social activity rather than real activity. This is a very difficult Church to belong to because all of your covenants are with the Father and the Son. One finds good or evil in all environments – it’s how it is addressed and corrected that’s important.

One remains silent when they’re not in compliance with the Commandments of God – however, this silence among those who are active in full obedience may not be recognized to other – but it is known to the Father or the Son. Actions speak much louder than words. The roles of many churches built of men/women vary greatly in political correctness – however with my experience in the Church – they do not. Some may deceive or get away for a season with incorrect behavior – but will each be called to accountability – while the majority who are active and strong and have a firm testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ do not vary and stand (while silent to the world) true to their covenants to the Father and the Son.

*These are my opinions and thoughts and do not in any way represent The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“Which Role”


Calling of the multitude
numbering each in turn
eliminating some/some not
all accountable to Father
which role they’re to play
obedient or disobedient
one must keep all
not just those of choice
all commandments
where some choose not
eliminating themselves
having been numbered
culling of the multitude!

Copyright © 2015 – cji

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