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Monday, July 6, 2015

"State of Mind"

“It's the idea of Freedom - and retrospective reasoning while truth causes the ignorant great upset and reasons to slam those who tell the truth. This is the same reason that most do not like religion in any form other than window dressing - for to call the Lord our Master requires us to be in His bondage - thus "if you love me - keep my Commandments." Most feel these are suggestions - and if all were to keep only the first two - all of the world problems especially those in the US would be resolved. Wanting or not wanting freedom had a lot to do with economics - after the Civil War most slaves had trouble to adjusting (similar to when the Berlin Wall came down for the East Germans). As we know due to the KKK and others hatred was generated which still exists today as does the bondage of Blacks and those who live in the inter-city ghettos of our nation today. Without parents - access to drugs - free government benefits - subjection to their potential lack of a future of any value - their bondage is more sure than that of those who resided on the large plantations prior to 1862. This applies to White, Hispanics, Blacks and others who live in the gang culture. Bondage is a state of mind which encouraged by government entitlements and those who create racism in all they espouse encourage. Sadly it'll continue to get worse.” c/ork


“State of Mind”





Each chooses their beliefs

call it a ‘state of mind’

driving others or a self

one can choose to be

poor; broke; a slave

entitled; employed

using hatred or love

being free or imprisoned

too many live in their hell

not coming into the light

feeding like rats and vermin

feeding their state of mind

chooses hatred or love!


Copyright © 2015 – cji

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