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Sunday, February 22, 2015

"How Can it Be"

From a friend: “Thought you heard it all ?........... Now we have a top ranking State Dept. talking head suggesting that if these poor Radical Islamic ISIS types had more  job opportunities things may be different. Right...........maybe a meat cutter, pyro maniacal expert? We reach an all-time low with this stupid talk. Children of God my butt. Evil is as evil does........... Things are so upside down I feel comfort in a Christian radio station while it is allowed. As I said before....but for the Pope.....surprise ? MOST religions and large groups remain silent doing harm  with their lack of real voice. … How can it be?”  



Those who lead our Church do so by example not chatter – thus the media fails to understand what we’re doing – however, those who generate better sales are those which the media cater.


How can it be? – excellent question and you know most of the answer (so in part a rhetorical question) – but still a question. First and foremost Paul foretold that there would be an apostasy – where the church would lose all or most all of the gnosis (truth). Those who took over the church – inside and outside would turn to logismoi and their logismoi would be from the world i.e. Greek Philosophy and anything which waters down the teachings of the Savior and those called as Prophets to lead his Church.


Soon popular (money mixed with power) would offer multiple churches, religions, beliefs and generally create so much confusion most will say, “It doesn’t matter which church as long as they go.” Matters not which god as long as they pray. Matters not what they believe or which commandments they keep as long as they’re generally a good person (as least to what their friends and associates see). All of this is not found in the Bible – but just the opposite! So who is leading these churches in such confusion? I’ll leave this as a rhetorical question as almost all refuse to believe the only answer possible. However, I would recommend a careful reading of the Bible – cover to cover – without asking other to define what can be easily looked up or researched by each individual. The Scriptures are literally true – even with all of the translations, transmissions, political corrections and changes made to them since first written.


What has resulted is called confusion and confusion is of the adversary! It’s called lying, beguiling, altering, and otherwise all the things of which Satan is known to employ to fool even the very elect. Thus they contain some truth (ever so little) so one can hang their hats on them – but still and all the common sense and logical understanding is gone from them.


However, when a Church is led by a Prophet of God – which Thomas S. Monson is today – they thus act on behalf of the Father and the Son and in their name. They give the guidance which those of the world are to follow – but as in the days of the dead Prophets most do not listen – certainly don’t obey and seek to kill a living Prophet (of which President Monson is under constant threats). As the Scribes and Pharisee’s then so are the preachers, ministers, clerics, rabbis, priests, and any other worldly ordained clergy – they simply do not accept living Prophets. Their living is made off of the people who they service – while no person ever called of God the Father or the Son our Savior has ever lived off of the labor of another. They also (those called) live the law of consecration fully is such service. While those at Regional, Stake, Ward and Branch levels live and work within their communities receiving no monies from the Church ever!  


They can teach only truth – literal understanding of the Scriptures – and they’ve continued revelations from the Father and the Son whose Church it is and always has been. It is called by the Savior’s name, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – as during the period of the Savior’s ministry and until the apostasy – The Church of Jesus Christ (reference Paul’s writings).


Further clarification starts with what each Church professes to be their core beliefs or their Creeds. My suspicion is that most have no clue what their creeds state in fact. However there is one truth supreme above all others, The Father and the Son are two separate and distinct individuals with both having resurrected physical bodies of flesh and bone. (This is repeatedly testified to throughout the Scriptures) which all of the creeds of men/women reject except one.


There should be no mistake in that anyone can believe what they want to believe and in so doing make themselves accountable and responsible to those beliefs – every church on this earth (even those of Satan) have some truth – some more than others. Each person who honors the commandments – in full obedience within their beliefs should be recognized and appreciated. All can do good – some do more than others. Sadly most do little at all – which is why the world is in the sad condition which it is in. We’ve to remember this is by design and choices made by those who’ve influence over others.


Matters not what one ultimately calls themselves or others – matters whether or not they’re obedient to the Commandments of God and not those of men/women! The Savior repeated over and over – ‘If you love me – keep my Commandments’ and there are far more than just ten – but the first two are the most important. Yet we’ve to remember also the Savior said, ‘if you break the least of my Commandments it’s the same as if you broke them all.’ 


There is no easy answer to the turmoil of the worldly – therefore we’ve been commanded to do what we can where we can – even if only by example – knowing the adversary will do all in his power to destroy any good to be found. Therefore – ourselves – our families – our communities – require our work to be done where we can be of most value. Hopefully we’ll be found anxiously engaged in doing what we can – and poorly engaged in doing what we can’t.


“How Can it Be”





The world of religions

idle away their time

crossing not PC lines

watching in horror

or some in delight

world hemorrhaging

blood, burning, evil

how can it be …

can no one step in

is everyone so afraid

can no one stem the tide

or is it as Prophet’s wrote

all things to be fulfilled

ever jot and tittle

and in ignorance

much like those past

refusing to believe

the Prophets of God!



Copyright © 2015 – cji

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