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Monday, August 11, 2014

"Other Opinions"

What follows is my response to another’s giving his philosophy about the world and lies – then adding his beliefs. My response deals with his asking for other opinions.

His presentation: For those who may be curious about my stance on the situation in the Middle East, follow this link:  LIES

Hi T - Being somewhat a student of history – going back some 6,000 years in my research – I find exception to your narrative (knowing it is abbreviated) still – Britannica to me is not a viable source as it was meant to be politically correct in what they presented – sometimes (and not just a few) they never even went to the source of their information but had others who wrote about the various religions (including the Rabbis who usurped the Priesthood in 70AD). Now had you quoted the Shabako Stone – the Letters of Timothy Archbishop of Alexandria (He presided over the second Ecumenical Council at Constantinople called by Emperor Theodosius) (d. 385AD) – Alfred – Cicero to name a few it might add credence to your position. Then again if one only refers to the Bible they short themselves of multiple discoveries and revelations both before and after the Bible. It would be like quoting Plato over Socrates’ in proving the type of society one should abide in. Of course Plato wrote a lot of nonsense pleasing to the people then and now (especially our current liberal left in this nation).

As for murder – in every conflict where soldier (if one can call the terrorists such) hides within homes, hospitals, schools – what is one to do evacuate the innocent and just leave the terrorists within? What did the Jews do during their exodus from Egypt – they were told to destroy all – leaving no exceptions – why? As today in the world of Iraq and other Muslim nations – that is murder for the ones being killed are not combatants – much as in the Holocaust (both in Asia and Europe/Middle East/Africa) where murder was done to accomplish a political goal of extermination – much like the murder done in the US of members of various religions which went against the mainstream ministers. 

Israel has their problems – one would guess you’d call the Atomic Bomb murder – rather than saving millions of lives. However, Israel is defending their homeland of which all of the Middle East has sworn to annihilate – thus they should just stand by and let it happen? Would you stand by and let your family, friends, freedoms be destroyed and do nothing?

In addition, the population wasn’t 15K in 1898 but increased by over 15K making it just under 50K. And this was just in one location not the total population. One must remember in many nations Jews were not considered citizens and much like the slave (white or black) or women simply were not counted. One must also take into account the various plagues, wars, famines, and other factors in measuring a population – knowing the low estimate of the migration from Egypt was 600,000. Sadly much we will never know as of the destruction of records – missing records (some 3400+ books of Scriptures) and those hidden away in vaults because they go against what the Political Correct churches want taught to their paying memberships. Rome, Syria and other nations will never release what records they’ve in their possession.

As to the lies – Lucifer is the Father of all lies – and as to the fall of Adam and Eve – we were all cheering as before the fall they were still immortal – after it they became mortal and could thus have off-spring. Are we or are we not descendants of Adam and Eve? If you believe the Scriptures prior to 1880 – we are! Of course there were many errors already by 1880 – but this is the date of the revisionists (making some 36,000 changes – of which there are now over 120,000 changes and some 20,000+ thousand editions) to the Scriptures. And as a good historian you must know what is left of the Scriptures Old and New Testament that they are not in chronological order!

Had you stayed to your initial idea of lies and the world being full of them your dissertation was okay – but you strayed into circular thinking – you asked for opinions – this is mine chuck

“Other Opinions”


Too often many are asked
expecting to say nothing
while some read and feel
having an opinion to add
thus other opinions given
when none is expected
avoiding contention always
presenting additional facts
never ask what you want not
for in reply there is truth
more than what shown
thus edification for all
expected to say nothing
when asked for thoughts!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

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