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Sunday, June 29, 2014

“To Be as Our Father and Our Savior (his only begotten Son)” (The eternal purpose and meaning of Spirituality)

“To Be as Our Father and Our Savior (his only begotten Son)”
(The eternal purpose and meaning of Spirituality)


What follows is from a conversation with my wife of 45+ years on the meaning and how to apply Spirituality in our lives. Having come from a meeting where there was discussion of the fundamentals to gain Spirituality; i.e. Prayer, meeting attendance, FHE, Tithing and Offerings and other such channels. While within the meeting her mind took a different avenue in which involves  how Spirituality increases in our lives. Therefore in seeking clarity we discussed her thoughts in more detail.

First, let’s clarify her thoughts into written form: when one speaks or thinks of Spirituality it involves the ideas of our oneness with the Father and the Son (Matt. 5:48). For only by being perfect can we return their presence and be one with the Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ as they are one with each other (and we’ve been commanded to do so). By the grace (power given to us to endure) the Father and the Son provide to us insights to learn more about them. Thus Spirituality within us – returns power and energy to them  through our service/ works thus showing our respect and honor to them. Each must remember one gives honor and respect to the Father and the Son by doing their will. Therefore the interchange of energy’s become more than just one or the other. Making us (the servants) more able to do and to learn – and our Father and his Son are thus able to bestow more blessings upon us.

Second, it is necessary to understand energy and power. Energy begets and builds more energy – the Lord’s grace while greatly misunderstood by the worldly – is the spiritual power given for us to endure the trials and tribulations of this world. The scripture (see Ether 12:27, D&C 17:8, 2 Corinthians 12:9) which refers to ‘grace’ isn’t just about being ‘saved’ but a beginning to become more like the Savior (until we indeed can become like Him (Moroni 7:48). Energy equates power – power equates to grace – grace must therefore equate to energy. One could consider this the power and energy which emanates and returns to the highest degree of glory of Celestial Kingdom. Only does the Celestial Kingdom require full obedience, works, faith, and becoming even one with the Father and the Son.

Third, in what has been discussed above then helps us understand that what has been proposed as to the meaning and understanding of Spirituality, which it is intangible except by our works to learn more of the intangibles of the doctrines of the Father and the Son to which we’re to learn to adopt as our own. Below is the definition of energy as found in Wikipedia:

When we are speaking of energy there are several dynamic forms but what is discussed here is not the worldly energy (or available energy) but of infinite energy that which we not only need – but which we can increase infinitely for our righteous behavior. Thus if Heavenly Father is the author of all natural law – then he has infinite energy of which he can bestow upon those who honor and respect he and his Son. We’re able to earn such energy through not only our obedience in the commandments but in our exercising our agency as to have eternal faith in that which we yet do not know – but will eventually know – and in our choices of doing work of service unto others for the Father.

Therefore in acknowledging all of the above – we must always be mindful of doing the simple tangible things of the commandments; i.e. tithing’s, offerings, callings, home teaching, visiting teaching, or those things which are expected in order to be able to do the intangible. The basics are well known still even though most of which are simple to perform and to complete these basics are usually overlooked – or even worse, considered all that needs to be done.

The goal of this mortal probation is to return to the presences of our Heavenly Father and his only begotten his Son – our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Too many people ignore divine doctrine. Therefore it is taught that by Grace all are saved via the Atonement – which only in part is very true. What is forgotten all  nothing excepted; those who’ve lived even when the Gospel of Jesus Christ was not on this earth – and those who when living while the Gospel has been on the earth never heard it. Again too many deny this belief as well – thinking there is only the two choices of Heaven or Hell ignoring about the various kingdoms from the teachings of Paul. With all of this belief system in mind, the world is a thoroughly wicked place with the influence and doctrines of the adversary in the forefront of the teachings (logismoi) of men replacing the gnosis of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Now to return to the premise above – that Spirituality is a means of our becoming one with the Father and the Son. Indeed a power exchange between the Father and  achieving righteousness as His children (you or I). An exchange which increases our respect and honoring for the Father – and his in turn to extend to us his Son’s grace for us to endure to the end in this wicked world. Without it being a two way interchange it would be meaningless! For when energy only goes in one direction it expends itself in the infinity of space or otherwise separates into other matter. Energy has to have a reciprocal giving and taking or it becomes disordered (refer to the three laws of energy).  Therefore, if the grace from the Father and the Son above is provided and not in some way returned to them then it to will turn to disorder. It is incumbent upon each of us to return our grace (power/energy) in kind (our prayers/works/services/testimonies and other ways) in seeking to become like the Father and the Son.

The acceptance of our role in our eternal salvation is of utmost importance – we’ve choices to make – things to do – both tangible and intangible – much to learn. We’ve to become as the Father and the Son – as they are with each other. We’ve been commanded to do so – why do we do otherwise?

(Note: I wish to thank my wife for such wonderful insights that I’m able to share with others.) c/ork

“Our Spirituality”


Increasing or disordering
to be obedient-disobedient
increasing communications
between us and our Father
exchanging respect/honor
extending our willing service
providing energy to endure
increasing in strength always
never to atrophy or changed
also grace allowing to endure
the wickedness of worldly
increasing or disordering!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

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