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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"What is Your Goal" (short essay on the Wealthiest's goal)

What is your goal – is linked to what is someone else’s goal. Those who feel empowered to act over us in unrighteous dominion have their goals – and most especially one goal. So it is important to comprehend your goal(s) in accordance with their goal! What follows is a conversation between a good friend and me. It started as a reply to the circulation of who’s lying – the Pope or our POTUS? One has a track record of telling the truth the other has been caught in many distortions of fact and indeed outright lying. The former if ever caught in deception would make world headlines and our media would attempt to destroy him and the church he represents. While the latter is venerated by our media to the point of we’ve to wonder if they see someone we don’t.
Concluding at the end of the conversation are my added thoughts.
Thus the conversation (my friends part is in quotes – mine without):
“Obama isn't fooling anybody any longer . . . as he increasingly looks to the world like the ass he really is.”
Actually he’s fooling most of the illiterate in the US – including the media, congress, courts and homeland security (IRS/FBI/CIA) - c
“True!!!  With the caveat that the last 40-50 years of the insidious infiltration of our country by liberal, socialist, communist, Bilderberg, illuminati, brotherhood groups or however you choose to identify them are on the final path to the achievement of their long term goals.  They will not be denied!!!”
Ah! The long range goal – was stated at a meeting held on the Golden Isles (off the Coast of Georgia) in early 1880’s. The attendees were the richest men in America and possibly some from Europe. The goal was to have a one world government with the wealthy being the heads of the government (shades of Plato’s Republic). Over time – they’ve made the US an Oligarchy – Federal Reserve Bank (mirror image of the World Bank in Europe) – direct election of Senators (now could be paid for) – Social Security (which has evolved into the more current welfare system of entitlements) – and the slow eroding of the Constitution – doing away of a belief in God – gay and lesbian movements – race riots – social discontent – movie now openly pornographic, false representations of history – especially pushing the stupidity of the conservative right. Indeed with the national elections it only takes 21 (or 22) states to elect a president (the electoral votes are all they need) – thus the inner-city/urban areas control the states. The goal is almost within reach – G. Soros at the forefront but of the wealthiest Americans – 45 of the top 60 are all on his side of the aisle and fund every worthless endeavor of our society – like the “How to be a Lesbian” seminar at the University of South Carolina.
There are a couple of stumbling blocks – which can be pro or con; China/Russia and Islam! China and Russia both want to be top dog in the world government (currently China has the edge – Russia has the leadership). Islam is the ringer as they hate everyone – want to kill everyone – and are considered fanatics at accomplishing their goal which is undefined and of no worth to the rest of the world. While the current administration embraces the Islamic movement – China and Russia – simply kill them when necessary – and/or arms them to kill people in other lands – specifically the US! 
One must remember the countries of Europe locked themselves into the common market – which is nothing more than an Oligarchy of the wealthy – while allowing the nation governments to function as meaningless. Welfare is destroying most of the European nations – and what welfare hasn’t the increased presence of Islam is taking care of. 
Thus overall the one-world government goal – is that of a Totalitarian Oligarchical Welfare (total dependence on those in charge) State. Russia plays the power pieces – much like in the game of Risk. While China seemingly playing the same game (note their incursion into the world market – within a week of 9/11 and now into the Indian Ocean as of yesterday) play the game of ‘Go!’  
Fortunately I’m getting older  - so might not see the final curtain – but have a good idea as things continue to get worse – that what the Prophets have foretold is falling into place and all of those seeking unrighteous dominion will fail!
“I certainly cannot/do not disagree with anything you have written!”

Understandable - as the biggest weapon the wealthy have is time – the same for the Chinese! The biggest weakness the average person (in the US) has is impatience.

Concluding thoughts:

The wealthy pass their wealth on to their off-spring and since they’ve no cares for anything they enjoy the game of manipulation – generation to generation. Remember without a single vote – a Rockefeller was one heart beat from being President and in evidence of whose in the WH at this time!

We’ve seriously to consider what is happening in the world and especially in the US at this time in history. Even while things are happening they’re being rewritten – distorted – denied – with no apparent remorse or care about the freedoms of the legal residents of this nation. Plausible deniability is the claim. Was there voter fraud – possibly when 109% of one district voted for only one candidate! Was there corruption in the FBI/IRS/ACORN and others siding with the current administration – possibly to the less than 50% of the population who work for a living!

We’ve also to recognize that what is happening is nothing new – as it’s happened throughout history – to a lesser or greater degree! Remember when it was against the law to break into a home and shoot an innocent citizen by the police? Yet in the 1900’s we saw this happen in several nations of the world. China, Russia, Germany, Japan, Korea and Vietnam just to name a few. In the 1800’s it happened in the US – where the media and the clergy of the day applauded the murder, rape and pillage on the front pages. In some cases vile killers were awarded medals for their atrocities.

Our nation has come a long way from what was founded with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution – to now these men are being accused of being nothing more than racists! While the likes of certain politicians today are treated as royalty because of the fear the MSM has of them. One even has his son (convicted of a felony) earning more in prison than the average honest working citizen makes. One might conclude that justice is no longer blind – but insane! Yet no one is doing anything to stop it! There are no lawsuits against those violating the Constitution blatantly. Congress exempts itself from its own laws – and in addition continues to vote for pay raises. The Supreme Court now is a political forum without any rules of even considering the Constitution. The Appellate Courts and other Federal Courts are so stacked with those who openly are racist, anti-Constitutional, pushing a political agenda that it will take decades to get things back to fair and just.

There is no longer any fairness – innocent persons are convicted in the MSM before ever going to trial – and if they’re proved innocent there are no retractions or apologies. In order for the wealthy referenced above to succeed – they need first to have a controlled chaos! Then they can have their flunkies declare martial law. Stalin did this in Russia and ended up killing some 60,000,000 Russians! This is what a Totalitarian Dictatorship does to gain control. This is what is being pushed in the US today. Think not? When the British Parliament indicated that in 2014 (this was in 2012) that they would no longer be able to fund welfare at the current rate – people took to the streets in riots and protests. This was a trial run for what will happen in the same circumstances in the US. Instead of funding welfare the government announces that they’ll fund Social Security (to those who paid into it) the masses in the inner-cities will take to the streets caring not what they destroy or who they maim or kill. Want an example – watch the organized rioting in the cities where a champion is crowned or the one where their team lost! (Note: it seems the police have finally gotten wise on this to some degree – but these riots were organized in the past.)

Remember the goal is one world government – ruled by the wealthy! (Note: review Plato’s Republic.) Those who end up ruling will never be bothered by the rioting and could care less how much of America or the rest of the world is destroyed as long as they achieve their goal. Again, China and Russia have the same goal as does Islam. Each feels they’ll be the last one standing as king of the mountain. Think this hasn’t happened in the past – review the history of the world and it has been attempted over and over again. The goal is achievable in the minds of men/women – however, since they fail to take into account outside interference and that they indeed are the pawns in a much bigger game and stage – they will fail as those in the past have also failed. One needs allies to become the king – and then the allies become pretenders to the throne – over and over again. Of course in Noah’s day the Lord simply got fed up with all of them! It is my belief things will get much worse – the Prophets have all foretold this happening – for there has to be sifting out of the evil and the righteous. Currently the evil is winning (or so it would appear) – but the righteous always the underdog – playing by the rules – being obedient to a higher law – a divine law will always be consider meek and of little worldly worth.

When one remembers the only thing on this earth which will be found in the Celestial Kingdom – eternal and forever is the family. As this is not taught in many of the worldly churches it is in fact taught in the Scriptures and attendant written materials from the beginning of time – preexistent – today and forever.

When one understands the goal – a world government – run by a totalitarian oligarchy – then one can begin to better understand what is happening today!

“What is Your Goal?”


Each day all arise
some to say prayers
others simply tracking
either to the head
or to the kitchen found
making coffee/shaving

Each and everyone
have a goal in mind
it is their goal alone
either spur of moment
or written and planned
some make short lists
others only in mind;

What is your goal
do you have many
or just one at a time
long term or short
selfish or unselfish
what is your goal?

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