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Sunday, March 2, 2014

"Lights On or Off" (essay)

“Lights On or Off”

Many have driving in fog and or at dusk or dawn. How many have their lights on – not just to see – but so others can see you as well? Even in total darkness how many have their lights turned on? Thinking of this when one looks out a window what do they expect to see? If the window is covered heavily and or covered in dirt – what can one see?

Years ago I was asked by one of the National Board Members of a safe driving panel what one thing would I recommend? Immediately I responded, “When a vehicle is turned on – the lights are on!” Was told too many would forget to turn them off and kill their batteries. Within several years a GM Engineer earned a very substantial bonus designing a way to have the vehicle lights to come on when started and turn off when turned off. Without too many variations this benefit to safe driving. Why? Because with the vehicle lights on when being used allows other drivers to see the on-coming; or vehicle ahead either in the dark – the dawn – the dusk or especially in fog. (Note: this does not diminish the need for having lights on in inclement weather of all kinds.)

Thus one can see the common sense of having one’s lights on in a variety of conditions. Then why should we not in our personal lives? How often do we walk around without our internal lights on? When we do so how many things do we bump into? Do we trip often or are we paralyzed sitting on only place afraid to move?

During a live tear gas exercise – my vision was lost – and thus knowing where I was I sat down next to a tree waiting for the gas to dissipate.  Unknowing to me another side effect was in place. I was in the early stages of heart disease and the gas also caused me to become disorientated. Therefore as the gas dissipated I discovered I couldn’t function properly – therefore when I heard others near I called out – and they came to where I was. In doing this I’d turned my internal light on and was able with the assistance of others get oriented once more.

In the above I had two choices – be quiet – prideful – waiting until I could fully function or I could verbalize where I was and that I needed assistance. Too often it has been my experience that too many are too prideful to request assistance to get back on the proper path and be productive with the talents they’ve been given to share. Thus they end up hiding under the guise of darkness until too soon enveloped by the darkness.


Light and darkness are the keys to truth or deception. In the Scriptures we find two relevant thoughts from Heavenly Father – transmitted through His Risen Son (Our Lord and Savior): Both can be cross-references though all of the Scriptures:And that which doth not edify is not of  God, and is darkness“ Doctrine and Covenants 50:23; Cross-references: 1 Timothy 1:4 Ephesians 4:16 Ephesians 4:29 Romans 14:19

And accompany are the following Scriptures: “One manifestation of the light of Christ is conscience, which helps a person choose between right and wrong (Moro. 7:16). As people learn more about the gospel, their consciences become more sensitive (Moro. 7:12–19). People who hearken to the light;” Doctrine and Covenants 80:50 Then shall ye know that ye have seen me, that I am, and that I am the true light that is in you, and that you are in me; otherwise ye could not abound. Cross References: D&C 50:24 Proverbs 4:18 Isaiah 60:19Mosiah 16:9 Revelation 18:23 Isaiah 60:20 2 Peter 1:19 Mosiah 27:29 2 Samuel 21:17 Alma 9:23 Abraham 3:5 Matthew 11

Too often the most important of Scriptures are over-looked by dwelling on only a few which taken out of context – or chosen deliberately and cause a circular ‘argument’ (understanding any contention is not of the Savior!). We’ve to be very careful in our studying and understanding of the Scriptures on our own or by those called not by themselves to teach – but by the Father and the Son as disciples, Prophets, Apostles, and Seventies, with the proper authority to do so. These are called and therefore do not receive either payment or other gratuities from those to whom they teach. They teach only of the Savior in providing more Truth and Light – allowing each to accept or reject as they might.

We’ve been commanded to study and ponder the Scriptures (all of them) and thus to pray in our private places to receive for ourselves a testimony of the truth and light contained there-in and that also what others are teaching us – either those called of the Lord or those called by man. They must and we must receive direct revelation in the truthfulness of all things. When one reads the Scriptures that we can receive such revelation is easily found throughout.

One can study many things – and many do study that which only supports their personal beliefs or traditions – ignoring that which can provide further light into their inner-being and thus their complete understanding of full truth. We live in a world where universally all but one religion denies that the heavens are open and that God the Father and the Son communicate with those living on this earth. Yet the Scriptures in toto testify that the Father and the Son are the same yesterday – today – and forever; therefore that they will continue to communicate with those who will listen and harken unto them both! Little children understand this completely – and we’ve been commanded to become as little children. Are we found doing so in Spiritual things of an eternal nature?

Rather are we the followers of peers or the worldly things of the world? Some might say it matters not as all are saved – yet these same people teach that those who’ve not accepted the Savior are damned. What tells them this? There is nothing in the Scriptures which tells one that the Atonement was only for one group and not for all! The Atonement saved all men – those from the time of Adam until the start of the Millennial rule of the Savior on this earth. All will be saved with the few exceptions of those who deny the Holy Ghost – and those who shed innocent blood. (Note: one should study the teachings of Paul on the various Kingdoms and the degrees of Glory within each – and then there are many cross-references to these teachings.)

Are we found with our lights on or off – when traversing the trials and tribulations of our mortal probation? There’s been an argument (note the word) that one can prove the Holy Bible because of its many authors – written over a great period of time – and other such things. Therefore one can disprove it just as well – as most of those who either accept or reject the Holy Bible could use the same reasoning as there is no second witness in their belief – or unbelief systems. Billions profess the Qur’an to be the only Scriptures but there is not second witness of it either. It’s the fact that these are arguments – and not testimonies!

Unless one has a Testimony of the Father and the Son (as Peter below) and understands the Scriptures to be the word of God through his Prophets, Disciples and Apostles – then no argument in the world will suffice to show a belief or unbelief. When one has a testimony one can either accept it as being true or false – there is no room for discussion.

The following is from Elder Bruce R. McConkie’s talk at the April 1973 General Conference entitled, “On Judea’s Plain”: “Now I do not minimize in any degree or to any extent the obligation that rests upon us to be gospel scholars, to search the revelations, to learn how to reason and analyze, to present the message of salvation among ourselves and to the world with all the power and ability we have; but that standing alone does not suffice. When that is all over, we have to comply with the command the Lord gave for us in this day: “… ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God.” (Isa. 43:12.) We have to put an approving, divine seal on the doctrine that we teach, and that seal is the seal of testimony, the seal of a personal knowledge borne of the Holy Ghost.

Now how do you prove and establish that the Father and the Son appeared to Joseph Smith; that angels came in our day; that there has been a restoration of the gospel; that all the glorious things we present to the world are true? Well, you reason out of the revelations. You can make a good case; and that isn’t any problem. The truth is with us. The Lord is the author of the system we have received. But after you have reasoned and after you have analyzed, you have got to stand as a personal witness who knows what he is saying. You have to do what the sons of Mosiah did—speak and teach by the spirit of prophecy and the spirit of revelation; and the result is that you speak as one having authority. This is the great thing that separates us from the world, and thanks be to God we have this knowledge. We have received this revelation, and we are in a position to speak as those having authority.

(Most especially one should read and understand Peter’s testimony); Now Peter could have reasoned at great length, and after having so done people could have argued with him and said, “You don’t understand the scriptures. Your interpretations are in error. This or that is wrong.” But you can’t argue with a testimony, and so after Peter had reasoned, if he then said to them, as he must have done in substance and in thought content on many occasions, if he said to them, “I was in an upper room. The Lord Jesus came through the wall. He appeared to us. I recognized him. He was the same person with whom I had labored and traveled for three and a half years. He is the person who lived in my home in Capernaum. I then felt the nail marks in his hands and in his feet. I thrust my hand into his side. I was there when he ate food and drank before us. I know he is the Son of God. The Holy Spirit of God has borne this witness to my soul”—if he said this to them, there was nothing left to debate. You can’t argue with that kind of a presentation. You can say, as Festus said to Paul: “Thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad” (Acts 26:24), but in the final analysis all you can do is accept or reject the witness that is borne. It is either true or it is false. There is no middle ground.”

Lights on or off – it is our choice – there is a second witness of the Holy Bible – it is called the Book of Mormon – of which the Holy Bible also testifies to it being the further word of God. There is much more light available – even if one doesn’t believe the Church has been restored in these latter-day – why would one reject further light and truth which can help them draw closer to the light? Many have read exceedingly powerful books of truth – but other than reading them and accepting the wisdom they’ve taken no further actions.

Soon all will be able to see in the light – however, the sooner the better while in this lifetime of mortal probation. What we do with such knowledge, truth and light are up to each of us individually. I can tell each who read this that Jesus is the Christ – the only begotten Son of Heavenly Father – and that they both appeared to Joseph Smith, Jr. and thus have restored the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this earth for the final dispensation before the coming millennium. In these things I constantly seek the light and truth – everyday – and at every opportunity to learn more and more. In these things I testify in the name of Jesus Christ – amen c/ork

“Lights On or Off”


In the fog and darkness
severe storms blinding
driving with carefulness
or maybe just careless
without lights turned on
caring not of one’s safety
learning not of anything
blindly going forward
being worldly and foolish
while yet another cares
having lights on always
seeking more truth today
lights on or off are we
severe storms blinding
seen in fog and darkness!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

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