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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Thus to Meet" (where is our nation/world headed)

One must read and understand the Scriptures for those who profess a belief and love of the Father and the Son – Satan is banking that most will never do this – and allow those who’re paid to do it for them! Just in case he offers alternatives to the various Commandments – i.e. the main way we show our love for the Father and the Son – “If you love me keep my Commandments” – therefore – he’s offered Sunday Sports; Shopping on Sunday; Immorality; Break-up of the Families; Alternative Life Styles; Entitlements if one doesn’t marry but has Children; and the list continues as Satan never rests. The below is an example of the path not just the US is on but much of the world. The failure to understand and be obedient to the Scriptures – is similar to the idea most do not study history and therefore they’re bound to repeat the consequences of both! 

What is happening in the writing below started long before our current situation – sadly as there is more and more access to information and more state-of-the-art communications – what is going on becomes far more clear – Satan no longer has to operate in the dark – and can be blatantly obvious because he knows that many cannot no longer see – no longer want to hear and are beyond feeling. The enmity of those who judge others – accepting false teachings – denying the literal truth found in the Scriptures grows daily – while to unite with others to preserve what is right, virtuous, honest, pure truth is attacked the most!

I wish all a wonderful Christmas – with the pure intent that we each strive to unite under the literal acceptance and understanding of common sense, reason to the truths found in the Holy Scriptures!  c/ork

Please read to the end, then make your decision!


In God we trust

I know there are some of you that are Democratic, and love Obama, but

this is for Christians first, politics later. I do pray that it

doesn't offend anybody with the truth of the message, but it has to be

sent. If you love your Lord first and your politics later, then you

will appreciate this message. If you don't, I'm sorry I judged you wrong.

When we get 100,000,000, that's one hundred million willing Christians

to BOND together, voice their concerns and vote, we can take back

America with God's help, Become one of the One hundred million... Then

let's get 200 million. It can be done by sending this email to your

friends. Do the math.

It only takes a willing heart and a fed up soul. God Bless America and

Shine your light on Her..

In 1952

President Truman

Established one day a year as a

"National Day of Prayer."


In 1988

President Reagan

Designated the

First Thursday in May of each year as

The National Day of Prayer.


In June 2007


Presidential Candidate Barack Obama

Declared that the USA

"Was no longer a

Christian nation."


This year

President Obama

Canceled the

21st annual National Day

Of Prayer ceremony

At the White

House under the ruse

Of "not wanting to offend anyone"


BUT... On September 25, 2009

From 4 AM until 7 PM,

A National Day of Prayer


Was Held on Capitol Hill,

Beside the White House.

There were over 50,000 Muslims

In D.C. That day.


I guess it Doesn't matter

If "Christians"

Are offended by this event -

We obviously

Don 't count as

"anyone" Anymore.

The direction this country is headed

Should strike fear in the heart of every Christian,

Especially knowing that the Muslim religion

believes that if Christians cannot be Converted,

they should be annihilated.

Send this to ten people

And the person who

Sent it to you!...

To let them know that

Indeed, it was sent

Out to many more.


“Thus to Meet”





Wandering on the street

walking on the ocean shore

many strangers thus to meet

sharing smiles and more;


The morning joy to share

quickly the sun to rise

meeting those who’re there

friends then to always prize;


Sometimes only one or two

yet each day more to meet

able to share time tis true

when strangers to greet!


Copyright © 2013 – cji

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