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Sunday, November 10, 2013

"Prelude to Veterans Day"



“Prelude to Veterans Day”





Kings, Dictators, Emperors*

seeking to enslave citizens

disarm and isolate veterans

those who’ve fought in wars

preserving the freedoms of all

or on behalf of the leaders

to subvert and to enslave;


Making them run or else cave

telling people treasoness feeders

putting out the warning call

opening where none new sores

to disarm those called veterans

isolating them as carcinogens

kings, dictators, vasodilators;


These are the most dangerous

those who know how to survive

those who served them well

allowing them to keep power

now the enemy of their state

in our own nation on this day;


Prelude to this Veteran’s Day

never will evil seek to abate

their lies the media to shower

making our Constitution a shell

with a new slavery to thrive

our leaders now most traitorous!


*Presidents or any wicked

person in leadership


The Governor of Illinois made the citizens of Nauvoo surrender all of their arms to the militia - and then within two years forced them to abandon their homes in the middle of the winter across the Mississippi - carving out holes to survive the cold. Several years earlier the Governor of Missouri order the 'extinction' of those living in Far West (and other settlements) after making them surrender their arms. These events took place in 1830's and 1840's. The Government of the US did nothing to interfere and the MSM media of the time applauded the Governments of the two states and the incidental murdering and raping of the women and their children (some infant babies) - as did the clergy of the day. We must remember history does repeat itself - over and over!


Copyright © 2013 – cji

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