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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

“The Risk of our Nation – or National Security because of the Government Shutdown” (an essay)

“The Risk of our Nation – or National Security because of the Government Shutdown” cji 10/3/13
Much conjecture over the failure of our current government in action or lack of action has generated some historical prognosis of what would happen when the people allowed the government to violate the Constitution – deny God’s hand in the divine providence of the making of the United States and allowing an oligarchy to be formed.  The political correctness of our current state of affairs: Senators for life – presidential executive orders – the executive writing laws (Obama care is a tax law forced through by the executive office) – the courts politically appointed – the msm inter-posing lies and deception are all the worst dangers the Founding Father’s warned the nation about! We’ve now Oligarchy acting under the tenants of Plato’s ‘The Republic’ which by its very nature was abhorrent to the Founding Fathers. In addition, we’re very close to Socialism with a demi-god leading the nation – with minions in the Senate and courts – where also are found many demigods. The Constitution is violated daily by those in power – especially the Senate/House and White House – by exempting themselves from laws they pass – ignoring the voice of the people and yes our current leadership is not much better off than a 3rd world country – with a fraudulent voter base which is violent – made up of illegal aliens – dead people – and rift with voter fraud. Intimidation at the polls is now standard operating procedure as well as voting booths more rigged than crooked games of chance in gambling. Stalin, Hitler, and others would be proud and they’ve made Khrushchev look like a genius! 
They’ve deleted the divine out of the nation – and incorporated much of the plan offered by Lucifer in the pre-existence.  Plato and Draco – are finding great accomplishment in their socialistic works – while Erasmus – is saying, “I told you so!” Roger Williams, Rev. Hooker, President Washington, Abraham Lincoln, 2000 who starved to death in Valley Forge, the hundreds of thousands who sacrificed their all on battlefields all over the world, those who believe in the Father and the Son – and are honest citizens – weep! Indeed, even this week we’ve seen the administration over riding common sense and law in blocking or attempting to block WWII survivors from visiting their memorial in Washington DC – at the direction of the White House. The providing of benefits to illegal aliens and terrorists by the executive orders of the administration without any resistance by the Senate or the House is illegal!
The multiple cover-ups and lies told by this administration and their media minions is a slap in the face of the Constitution and the honest American Citizen. The intervention is murder cases (when it meets their political objectives – of racial separation within the nation); and the constant ignoring by the media of racial acts of other-than-whites is deception of the worst kind.
However, in all of this there is still hope the ‘ship of nation’ can be corrected – and in the Scriptures we know that the Savior has overcome the world – but that Satan will have his day. Therefore things will continue to get worse – almost unbearable for the righteous – but the Constitution will stand as long as there are righteous women and men living in the US who keep all of the Commandments in honoring both the Father and the Son.
Thus CBS can scream the ‘deceptions’ of the administration all they want – this administration has fully and knowingly endangered the security in our nation far more than ‘government shutdown!’ Their idea of ‘hope and change’ is to destroy what’s good and right and change it to chaos and martial law. When one has the goal of replacing the Constitution with Socialism and their home owned Oligarchy (or demi-god dictatorship). 
American citizens must back the House who is saying this nation belongs to the honest citizens and not to demi-gods and socialists or to illegal aliens and felons from justice. It is too bad that the Senate because their hands are as scarlet will not ensure the preservation of the Constitution (which the Supreme Court left long ago – to pass laws rather than to rule whether something was Constitutional or not) and enforce the Constitution on themselves, the White House and the Judicial System. These so-called elected leaders have apparently decided that they’ve paid for their Senate Seats and therefore have no honor to the honest American Citizens. 
John Adams – was truly correct when he said and wrote, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” With the current riff-raff in our government at almost all levels – we’ve no longer a nation run by a moral and religious people and at best much of our population is found to equally lacking in these attributes.
May we each remember in our prayers for divine intervention – that we are found being fully obedient to the Commandments, Laws and Statutes as given by Heavenly Father and his Son our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ – in our lives – this means without exception. However, even many who read this will not do so – doing things on the Sabbath Day – listening to unwholesome music – going to PG-13, R or X-rated movies (one must remember what was X or R only 20 years ago in now only PG-13) – taking the Lord’s name in vain – lying, cheating, stealing in even little things – or at best failing to love one’s neighbor is more the make-up of the general population today. While most are good, honest people, the rules have changed the Commandments to be grey – and the rewards so confusing for obedience – as men/women have strayed far from the literal Bible (or Scriptures) – that none understand the value of what really is Eternal Life and Salvation. Satan and our national leaders to quote one of them who may someday be the President of the US in the near future has said, “What difference does it make now?”
The greater risk were those who intended fully to again raise the debt limit – enforce a law which will insure millions of illegal aliens – and disfranchise ultimately millions of honest hardworking citizens. This is the greater risk to our nation – and those who’ve become so entitled – welfare, illegal aliens, Senators, administration appointees and others who seek whether knowingly or blindly to bind our nation in a slavery worse than any experienced anywhere in the history of mankind. Let me illustrate this – when the welfare reform came into being during the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he said (many think this speech was written by Eleanor Roosevelt), “I fear I’ve introduced a worse narcotic on the American people than any other known (paraphrased).” Yet he did it anyway – why – votes or out of concern that no other means was available for some to survive.
This was sheer ‘dreaming’ to have government act as the ‘sugar daddy’ without regard to who was actually footing the bill.  Had the government stayed out of things like this – had those of the wealthiest classes not manipulated the banks and the stock market – America would’ve survived and churches would’ve done what they were supposed to do and encourage all Americans to do in caring for the widow, the orphan, the homeless and the naked (see James 1:27). Any social programs are always better managed within individual communities and far less expensive than an enlarged, bloated government at any level – especially the Federal level.
But the American politicians began in the early 1830’s to remove the rights guaranteed under the Constitution across the map. They cheated and lied to the Native Americans, whites and blacks were in bondage (slavery), the media supported candidates which gave them favors and power, and worst of all they cheated and lied to their oaths of office to defend the Constitution of the US (as their replacements are now doing in elected offices). What wasn’t accomplished in the 1800’s was achieved in the 1900’s – beginning with the breakup of the family unit – the Dewey system of education – making schools first babysitters (until the age 16) and now the environment of hedonistic social deviant behaviors.
Our current administration and the formal educators and those who produce the curriculum have rewritten history to suit their needs – introduced sexual education to include behaviors forbidden in the Scriptures – and indeed now justify any behavior without punishment as long as those involved are consenting. This is why so much rape and other sexual crimes go unreported as the victims live in constant fear of the predators knowing there is no recourse in the law – and certainly reprisals within their own sub-cultures. We’ve seen the Jesse Jackson’s and others go off on ‘suggested white on black crimes’ but when proven lies – have never once apologized. Yet when vicious crimes of blacks on blacks or blacks on white are documented and even video-taped – they do nothing at all.
Instead we’ve a nation where it’s now okay to do whatever you want to do – even voter intimidation at the polling booths – without fear of prosecution – if you’re politically correct. Even the media will justify your actions. And those who are elected knowing of such voting fraud enjoy the fruits of the fraud and never renounce what took place.
Why the rant above – because our nation’s security has been threatened in a far worse way by those in power today – than any government shutdown could ever do – indeed it might be the best thing to happen – in that at least for a short window we’re hopefully not funding the illegal actions of our Congress, Courts or Executive Branches of Government.
My feelings go to those who actually will suffer the most – those who are the honest worker within our government who’re productive and not just taking a paycheck to sit a desk doing as little as possible. These are those who’ve honest mortgages and bills to be met to who my feelings go out to. However, one would expect the honest citizen has planned for such an event – or has strong family or community support (either from neighbors or their churches of choice) – to weather this and other storms. A Prophet of God has warned over and over that events like this and others would be coming – and that we should be prepared not if it would happen – but when it did happen. This includes not just storms and natural disasters – but the infamy of our government seeking to destroy the Constitution.
“The Wild Flocks”
Straying from their habitats
ignoring the good shepherd
no longer heeding their call
going further and further away
until the ravenous beasts
seeing them unprotected
attack and devour them all;
How many ignore Father’s call
thinking they’ll be undetected
following their false priests
and in their ignorance to play
the wild flocks thus will fall
ignoring the good shepherd
subject now to chaos’s attacks!
Copyright © 2013 – cji