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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

“Reasons Unknown” cji 6/20/13

“Reasons Unknown” cji 6/20/13
It seem almost daily we hear of senseless murders! Most take place in the Urban Environment as these are more crowded and usually much stricter gun laws for the common law-abiding citizen. Thus the criminal knows most of their prey will be unarmed. Then why murder – because without witnesses to a crime and therefore with the current laws it is more beneficial to kill (murder their victims). Thus our society has reformed criminal activity from simple robbery to the more violent rape and murder.
Sadly MSM/Courts and especially our Federal Government provide the greatest excuses to the criminal to commit murder without worry of extreme prosecution. Especially if they can get the MSM to be afraid of racial profiling and otherwise inciting crowd violence.  Sadly, this doesn’t work both ways and only when politically correct. The MSM is very quick to accuse and convict without getting all of their facts – and so is our Federal Government.
Therefore It seems we lose two, three, four and maybe more persons for reasons unknown – maybe hatred  - maybe anger – but for sure we know the daily shootings are in states with the ‘strictest gun laws’ and the loosest moral values and the most liberal MSM/Courts and governments. They deny ownership and protections to the average honest citizen by withholding any means of self-defense. In fact in many crimes the victim faces charges if they do attempt and or successfully defend themselves.
Sadly the victims become a political benefit for those with agenda’s to destroy our nation. While the criminal is given the excuses which MSM and the liberals use as if they were nails in a nail gun (oops did I use the word gun?).
No longer can we understand these were not killings (the term MSM and liberals use) but murders! Big difference – but to the immediate families without an understanding of the purposes of mortality (and even those who do) it is devastating!
For the families – I’m sorry our immediate government – and the laws without merit did not protect your loved ones – for the rest of the nation some might want to wake up (based on the comments here) and understand the US is a vibrant war zone – pitting one against the other – led by the MSM – and sadly our government for the lack of truthfulness of our history – our Constitution – and the freedoms which no other nation on earth have or ever had.
Soon we will no longer enjoy these freedoms – and when MSM realize the fools and tools they’ve become it will be too late. However, any who know and understand the purpose of the US will know they’ve to choose between obedience or to sacrifice (Samuel).  One needs to read and understand the Constitution of the United States! Without having done this immediate study and reading the writings of the Founding Fathers one makes themselves a potential victim to the media rhetorical presentations. The guile of our elected officials is also doing everything in their power to assume more power.
As in all of my essays one must be found studying the Scriptures to know where we came from, why we are here, and where we might some day be going; for without this daily study – one risks ignoring the purpose of this life and get caught up in the MSM and liberal political correctness.
For those who know not where start would highly recommend 2 Timothy 3 (all)!
“Reasons Unknown”
Extreme caution and behavior
inviting chaos and ill manners
promoting profanity and hatred
garnering voter fraud as earned
back mouthing anything of value
caught in lying, cheating, abuse
yet not caught only to be entitled
excuses made and fabricated
blaming society not themselves
all of this for reasons unknown
lurk in our urban areas as ooze
spreading into the suburbs daily
then soon into the heartlands
leaving none uncontaminated
filth and pelf and self-abuse
denying anything of virtue
all of this and soon more
for reasons unknown to all
yet this is what MSM wants
and not what is true to know
many know what is happening
and why our courts do nothing!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

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