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Sunday, April 28, 2013

“A Chaotic Oligarchy” cji 4/28/13 (essay)

“A Chaotic Oligarchy” cji 4/28/13
What follows will be a combination of comments on various subjects relating to the state of affairs in the US at this point in time. Everything from approval ratings for our past Secretary of State Ms. Clinton who it appears has committed perjury under oath – to the usage of terminology regarding Communism/Socialism – and the affect education in our nation has played on these above matters. Certainly with the lack of an objective – truth-telling Main Stream Media (MSM) – we’ve a distorted nation and chaotic reasoning going on either for us or forcing us into decisions.
First a comment on polls in America - these are paid pollsters - they've an agenda – Ms. Clinton has a 73% favorable rating in the polls which basically only represent the 21 major Urban areas of the Blue states which one would expect to be about correct! One must remember in the previous 2012 election from these same areas in the actual voting 108%+ of the registered voters voted and in some instances voted 100% for only one candidate!  These same people when polled would vote the way they're told which is for the person with the 73% rating. In the US to be elected President you need only win 20-22 states to win the election - less than 4% of the land mass of the US contain these 20-22 urban areas!
On Communism - which is not really meeting the true definition of the same - this is the Socialism (a way of life) dependent upon the dictatorship or ruling junta (oligarchy) which is allowed unlimited power to meet the needs of the people whether they like it or not. A Russian defector who was one of the leaders of the Public Relations for Russia in the early 1950's wrote a book telling how through the manipulation of the MSM they were able to push the totalitarian dictatorship (Russia is not a Communist Nation - it is an Oligarchical Totalitarian Dictatorship) in the US! In the 1960’s The Vietnam War provided the needed 'opportunity' to alter the US educational system over the brink and into chaos. (Note: you could avoid Nam by being in College; then by being a Teacher; then by being Married; then by having Children - end of story; as in the 1970's and continuing to present divorce was the choice made by those above when they no longer needed to avoid Nam or any other war/conflict.) Therefore they ended their marriages (and set the pattern today of either no marriages or most which have a wedding ending in divorce) - had their degrees - and were tenured in the educational system - and by the 1980's and 1990’s were the administrators as well. How better to implement Socialism and the Oligarchical Totalitarian Dictatorship in the US.
This leads us to education in the public school systems which was designed in the early 1900's to make everyone 'equal' and that means with common beliefs - as determined by those who designed the system – by Dr. Dewey (if anyone remembers) who was a Humanist. We've to remember - the schools are the ones who've preached 'in loco parentis' not the family or parents. If one decides to abdicate their parental responsibilities to the schools they've endorsed Socialism as a way of life! We must remember there are those today openly calling for the rights of parents to be abolished completely (read the papers). Unless one was blind – deaf and apathetic this has been going on for the past 110 years in our educational system. Only the wealthy and powerful really are gaining from the educational system which has nothing to do with the public schools. To assay those who indicate the gifted and talented one must remember these are quickly separated from their peers in the inner-city schools (as much for their safety as anything else) – and given an elite brain washing. Only when parents (plural) stay the course and keep involved will any values – morals – purity – and indeed an objective education be accomplished.
At the age of 11 years old (1955) I rewrote a school system (note: I called this a ‘Guided Progressive Educational System’ where students were taught based on their interests and in small group settings of between 10-15 students ranging in age from 10-17 years old). At the time I wrote this I was asked ‘sarcastically’ if I didn’t like the system how would I change it? Most adults (especially teachers) laughed at me – (some didn’t) and therefore I read an average of three to five books a day until I could go take the GED in the military - after the age of eight one is accountable and responsible for their actions and choices - thus we've each choices on how we gain our educations. (Note: the High School librarian knew of my quest for learning and would pick out three books a day - six on Friday for me to read - she believed in the Constitution and truth. As for the other books they were of my choice – many in sports especially sailing/baseball and basketball.) About ten years ago the last time I saw members of my adopted family (my age 5 was adopted) – the step-mother inquired how I’ve accomplished so much as she handed me my report cards from middle and high-school since I was so dumb? Her sister who was with almost couldn’t contain her anger and laughter (we had always been good friends). See my parents (per se’) didn’t care much of what I did as long as it didn’t detain them from their lifestyles. 
Thus today – there are still plenty of books to read – or even listen to (which we do daily in our home) if one wants to learn and grow.  However, if one chooses video games - violence on TV – to disregard for the Commandments - and to defile themselves (which are all adoptive behaviors) after the age of eight - then they'll get what they deserve (not earn) in life. Our education system is designed to make each person the best of the worst and the worst of the best! Money and power - decide who become the elite in the classrooms via better teachers (hopefully) - better books - and less violence in the classrooms.
The polling – system under one chooses to live (if they’ve a choice – most of the world doesn’t but in the US we still do) is determined on several things – among them a good objective education – firm beliefs in their self-worth – and a desire to learn. When one has none of these or other intangibles – they’ll follow the crowd doing what they’re told and only making waves where they think they can get away with making them. Violence and the size of the waves have been increasing disproportionally over the past six decades till the tsunami is the rule and not the exception in our inter-cities and wherever groups gather together (whether college/high school age or adults).
Next the Oligarchy is dependent on the dumbing down of a society – this is done with entitlements – in those nations who’ve traditionally had a very high standard of living – not to be compared to where subjection and dominion have been the rules as in Russia/China/India/SE Asia/S. America/Africa/Middle East – and other 3rd world nations. France/Germany/Great Britain/Australia/Canada and especially the US are the exceptions to having had high standards of living associated with Freedom! France has been decimated over and over again by warfare and now the over-taking of their nation by Islamic Jihad (which is brewing). Germany is almost the same condition – especially those who lived in East Germany after WWII. The Scandinavian Nations are finding their loose moral fiber and social programs have become a breeding ground for Islam immigration and welfare drainage of all their resources. Japan is self-contained but is threatened by China – who’ve a long memory and are seeking revenge (study history). Spain lost most of its perceived prestige after the loss of their fleet sailing from the America’s was captured by the Dutch in the 1630’s (one has to remember it was Queen Isabella who brought together Spain in the late 1480’s – and consolidated it with the Inquisition by brutality which set the stage for much of the settlement in Florida and other areas – while killing and disenfranchising thousands and thousands within the confines of her rule. (Note: many forget the bombers in Spain by Jihadist’s were told it was in retribution for the defeat in 1492 of the Moors in Southern Spain that they carried out their bombings.)
One of the greatest fears of the Founding Father’s in the United States was the un-sedated appetite of the wealthy and powerful who were among their ranks. Thus the elections – separation of powers – no pay for public officials (which back fired) – the States to have powers not designated to the Federal Government in the Constitution (which President T. Roosevelt reversed) – and no retirement. By the usage of the MSM – one by one over the next 200+ years the theory and beliefs of the Founding Fathers have been replaced by their worst fears. With the taking of the US off of the gold standard (Federal Reserve System – 1913-16); the direct election of Senators (removing the power of the states to control this office) in the early 1930’s; setting up the public dole under FDR; and robbing of the Social Security System by the 1938 Congress into the General Funds; the political appointment of Supreme Court and other Federal Judges who now make rather than interpret law; a Congress which have continued to vote themselves both exclusions from law they make and to give themselves pay raises and other benefits not for the general public; and the Executive Office which by-passes the Congress/Courts and the Constitution we’ve had our Republican Form of Government dismantled. We now have what could be termed as a Chaotic Oligarchy – with the sole goal to self-destruct all that the United States has held sacred since the American Revolution. The entitled out-vote the workers and producers – while the government seeks to appease the worthless to be more worthless – by adding more and more to the dole – when already bankrupt.
One must appreciate in an Oligarchy while the majority (up to 96% or higher of the population suffer) the leadership does not – and they control the military.  (Note: the Department of Homeland Security is building its own military – armed and provided for by our taxes and or by our apathy.) Indeed several of the top echelon of leadership are Islamic and have no allegiance to the US. Called now a Chaotic Oligarchy because the 4% all think they’ll be running the show after martial law is declared – our weapons removed and most imprisoned and/or murdered (all from within) – while China waits at the door to just walk in!
To sum up the above - manipulation of the MSM - brainwashing in the schools - worst of the best or best of the worse - most don't care as it is only semantics - abortions - child parents - entitlements - and we are effectively back in the age of Homer (or the Archaic Age) - with all the bells and whistles of why Socrates' had to drink the hemlock. We now are facing the same choice – metaphorically – as we either align with the idiots who seek to destroy the Constitution and our freedoms or will be murdered either with the hemlock or a bullet. Hitler and others have proved most other ways are too messy and leave to much of a record. The government has us in an effective catch-22 – one way or the other if things do not change they’ll have control – if we individually try to resist they’ll have control and if we unite to resist they’ll claim us to have committed treason and have control.
However, there are simple solutions all which make common sense to ending this take-over of our freedoms. We as a nation have to return to the Scriptures – adhere to the words of a Living Prophet and stop paying someone else to tell us how to read and understand what they have so diluted with Greek Philosophy and dare to call it Christianity or religion! Most seem to have no sense of the Old Testament – and the rest have ignored the simple truths as preserved by William Tyndale of which he said, “even a pusher of the plow can understand the Scriptures now” (paraphrase) – and that was in the 1500’s (not now or in in 1820). How much more should we understand today. As one screaming into the winds of corruption most will ignore the simple truths – as taught by the Savior – and through His and His Father’s Prophets then and now – because it is too easy – and their families and peers would consider them fools to do so. The way is there and clear – each must choose – but sadly most already have and Babylon is far more exciting than to be obedient and listen.
My tears are those for loss of those who I call my friends who think me the fool for provided what is truthful. Both known and unknown who someday could be with Father forever with their families (loved ones) -  c/ork
“What is Truthful”
Simple stuff all there in writing
multiple languages to be found
nothing hidden or mysterious
common sense as covenanted
between Father and us long ago
for to return home is the only goal
with our loved ones and families
being obedient to what is truthful
taking the lonely trek to Zion today
holding fast to the Word of God
nothing wavering and or missing
shedding of the tears found in joy
and not the tears of frustration
knowing many have lost so much
by the teachings of those so paid
to have the agenda of Babylon!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

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