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Thursday, January 17, 2013

“What is Coming” cji 1/17/13


“What is Coming”  cji 1/17/13


Some of us are too young to remember the depression but we’ve lived through some trying times – however, we’ve all seen “It’s a Wonderful Life” on at least one or more occasion. Remember the run on the banks? The rich got far richer and the middle class and other did quite poorly. Jobs were lost and the crime rate sky-rocketed.  Food lines and forced labor (government sponsored projects) took care of only some.  But back to the banks and investments. The rich were buying 5 to 10 cents on the dollar – and the market never really crashed. However, the larger banks lasted and took (legal word for stole) the assets of the smaller banks. Once a bank closed its doors it was done.  Whereas the hero of the movie – paid one dollar on a dollar – the bank across the street only paid a quarter or less on the dollar (business being what is was) as in this case the one bank had shares and the other was buying the shares.


When a nation sees many of its top investors withdrawing from the market some heavy thinking must ensue – why? Because in all of the previous crashes (all man-made or government directed) those who held their investments made millions (if not more). These were the same who were buying on the sell order a nickel or dime on the dollar.  They owned land, businesses (controlling stock), farms and everything else the banks foreclosed. 


Now we’ve a nation in a debt crisis and what is happening it is still doling your millions and billions to foreign nations, illegal aliens and disasters which should’ve been covered by insurance.  The system is corrupt as you don’t see one Senator, Congress person, judge, lawyer very much worried – and the MSM causing a high-pitched siren crying the sky is falling! To pull a bank robbery is to cause distraction – and we’re in the middle of a great distraction which is being stirred by a president who says he really doesn’t like the constitution, our way of life and his whose wife thinks the flag is a waste of time. 


It would be highly recommended to cover your bases – keeping in your bank what will cover your monthly bills – but very little else. Remember it’s this same government which insures your bank account which is the point dog on the crisis.  Indeed they’ve included gun control – using the latest shooting in CT as their horse to ride (while not mentioning that 3 others were apprehended, the killer shot himself in the back of the head with a rifle locked in the trunk of his car, and his older brother said the family hadn’t seen or heard from him in two years).  Since this administration won reelection in the grandest voter fraud in modern times (the other not nearly as blatant was JFK and the Chicago mob finding 150,000 missing votes). The number one selling item in the US has been guns and ammunition.  To the point most calibers of ammunition are out of stock in almost every store which used to have any. Let us not forget that the government itself has purchased millions of rounds for Homeland Defense the Post Office and other government agencies. 


Covering your basis is not being like those I’ve seen recently in gun shops, Wal-Mart and other stores where ammo is sold and they are unable to buy any and even then only one box at a time. The banks and the food markets will be a far worse situation. Remembering that they’ve already set the stage for a major shutdown of power grids, the Internet, Communications systems, gasoline, and other of what we consider essentials.  Ask why the bus drivers in NYC went on strike – weren’t we told the unions weren’t greedy and were on the side of the people. Yet now they expose more children to potential danger riding on subways and having more vehicles on the roads.


For those who’ve forgotten when Russia left Cuba – China moved in and the first thing it did was take control of every available communications system on the island. Since that time they’ve done everything possible (on a small scale) to target our air traffic – electrical grids – and any communications systems.  Daily over 1,000,000 hits per minute or more occur on the various communication systems of our government and industries.  China claims its military is for home defense – against who? The same with Homeland security in the US was to be used to weed out terrorists and illegal aliens – while instead targeting veterans and legal, lawful American citizens. They protected those protesting violently and with hatred against those who’ve peaceably demonstrated. Indeed in the last election it was mobs who denied the rights of many to vote in some areas of our nation. And one cannot forget the blotched attempts to get the votes out to those stationed overseas – thus denying thousands the right to vote.


We’ve a nation is serious trouble and without a government who is the least concerned – except that they gain absolute power.  When the government declares itself bankrupt – they’ll stop sending out welfare checks – and who receive the majority of these checks?  With just the threat of such an action two years down the road – the recipients in Great Britain rioted. Now we don’t need to draw any photos for those who were alive and well in the sixties and seventies.  Riots in America are almost always planned in advance – by various groups – major sporting events have a great attraction to these rioters (win or lose).  If and when they start to riot the government will decry military law – remember in New Orleans the first thing the government tried to do was to disarm the law abiding citizen – while the local police were helping to loot the stores (it was recorded on film and in photos). 


If where you live has its normal share of murders, rapes, robberies, then watch out – for it will double over night if given the chance – as a criminal if he/she thinks chaos is ruling the roost will take full advantage – and this includes every description of violence and atrocities.  Check out what is happening in those nations with strict gun laws and no guns in the hands of private citizens with the exception of the government and criminals.


Cover your bets – don’t be paranoid – but cover your bets for no one else will. If you’ve no food on hand – go out to eat a lot – have anything nice laying around – young children – you’ll soon be a target – they know robbing someone shabby and poor isn’t worth the effort.  In addition, if you’ve no food on hand there won’t be any to buy and if there is it’ll be extremely expensive and if you’ve no cash – then you will starve! No checks or credit cards will be accepted.  And if you’re out and about to purchase items you’re instantly a target! Remember the adversary has no rules – none at all – and all of those who’ve decided to walk away from the light and right really don’t care even if he did.


“What is Coming”





Darkness is settling in around

street lights are being dimmed

energy drained by a stranger

deliberately to cause trouble

not a stranger from without

but one from within the USA

seeking our blood donations

caring not who lives or dies

for power is without principle

asking no quarter beguiling

knowing what is coming today

well maybe a tomorrow to be

yesterday was the seed planted

the buds on the trees planning

hoping the birds don’t eat all

perchance the nation is aware

nothing new on the menu

just one more time to try for all

and if not today or tomorrow

another time will come about

for those who do not learn

are easy targets when again

re-vote – re-vote – re-volt!


Copyright © 2012 – cji

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