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Saturday, January 26, 2013

“Getting Into a Mess” (short essay)

“Getting Into a Mess”
Have a government
which pays itself
excludes itself from laws
sets its own vacations
hires aides to do their work
confiscates property
gives federal lands away
entitles those who vote
(well only who vote for them)
oaths of loyalty to them
none to the Constitution
incompetents in office
political convenience
political expedience
political correctness
disregarding truth
accepting bribes
plausible deniability
getting into a mess
one must confess
owning the press
nation in distress
a game of chess
no errant knight
no more right
unable to fight
day into night
nowhere to flight
ugly this sight!
Copyright © 2013 – cji
“How Did We Get Into This Mess” cji 1/27/13
Agreed but this started shortly after the swearing in of Thomas Jefferson – when media and others learned that these men/women had a price!  Over the next 90 years it grew with various aspects of market crashes (man-made), labor strikes (man-made), monopolies (man-made), fear mongering (man-made), unethical MSM (man-made), disarmament of the Indians and then wholesale slaughter (man-made), pushing mainstream religion while killing and abusing others (man-made), media cooperation (owned by the wealthy – man-made), and then we found the meeting on the Golden Isles! 
From 1880-today – the overall plan is to have a one-world government (of course they didn’t count on China) which they would control with some of the wealthy in Europe.  By the election of Grant – the political system was owned by the wealthy in the Executive and House of Representatives.  Thus they also controlled the Courts (Federal Appointees).  By the 1930’s the Senate was now fully owned and the two party system began to disappear.  Every now and then a guy wearing a white hat is allowed to be president – but mostly not.  Fraud, corruption, lying, blackmail, murder, and a few other evil tendencies have taken over until the mainstream voted is controlled by the large urban areas which are always for more government and less responsibility or accountability. 
Planned – and now nearing its full execution!  If states don’t comply with new laws or executive orders – federal aid will be cut!  If they’ve to cut the budget they’ll hit at the military – retired – disabled first and those who are legitimately on Social Security.  Of course the backup is to cut off their voter base – the illegals – the entitled – and others – who will then riot and they can declare martial law. 
How did we get here – brainwashing with the creation of the public school system organized by the Dewey system.  The division of equality by overt racism.  The realization that fear and incentives are far more popular than one’s personal motivation. The MSM constantly pushing violence, sex, swearing, and mis-reporting of events and refusing to report on the positives.  The courts and civil servants who are unprofessional and have their positions via political favors.  The MSM always attacking and making a huge deal out of a normal citizen who gets into trouble when innocent – convicting the persons with never an apology! 
Of course the Prophets past and present have forewarned that the desire for material things would be the downfall of any nation – until the greed, lusts, envy and other carnal desires destroys anything of good, virtue or worthy.  In the event anyone fails to notice the media destroys men and women who do not bow to their agenda’s.  Why? Certainly not for freedom of the press – but because those who own and control them are the same cult as those who met on the Golden Isles so long ago.  Violence and corruption is their plan of action!  Always has been and always will for they’ll never earn anything. 
As Marx once was quoted as saying, “Socialism will rule the day – however, it needs a push now and then – even though it is inevitable!”  Thus the workers of the world needed to unite!  Now they find themselves enslaved to the union and organizations of corruption. 
Will it get better – no – simple stuff – they’ve rolled their dice – they need to play out their hand – what they’ve lost in the roll and hand – they can only win (achieve) now by further violence and attacks on the decent and law abiding – by any means possible!  Ask the Indians at Wounded Knee – disarmed – then slaughtered – 270 – 200 of which were women and children!  What is the difference between this and CT?  Better media coverage to hide the truth – which will never come out (even though it has – it is ignored). 
Copyright © 2013 – cji

Thursday, January 17, 2013

“What is Coming” cji 1/17/13


“What is Coming”  cji 1/17/13


Some of us are too young to remember the depression but we’ve lived through some trying times – however, we’ve all seen “It’s a Wonderful Life” on at least one or more occasion. Remember the run on the banks? The rich got far richer and the middle class and other did quite poorly. Jobs were lost and the crime rate sky-rocketed.  Food lines and forced labor (government sponsored projects) took care of only some.  But back to the banks and investments. The rich were buying 5 to 10 cents on the dollar – and the market never really crashed. However, the larger banks lasted and took (legal word for stole) the assets of the smaller banks. Once a bank closed its doors it was done.  Whereas the hero of the movie – paid one dollar on a dollar – the bank across the street only paid a quarter or less on the dollar (business being what is was) as in this case the one bank had shares and the other was buying the shares.


When a nation sees many of its top investors withdrawing from the market some heavy thinking must ensue – why? Because in all of the previous crashes (all man-made or government directed) those who held their investments made millions (if not more). These were the same who were buying on the sell order a nickel or dime on the dollar.  They owned land, businesses (controlling stock), farms and everything else the banks foreclosed. 


Now we’ve a nation in a debt crisis and what is happening it is still doling your millions and billions to foreign nations, illegal aliens and disasters which should’ve been covered by insurance.  The system is corrupt as you don’t see one Senator, Congress person, judge, lawyer very much worried – and the MSM causing a high-pitched siren crying the sky is falling! To pull a bank robbery is to cause distraction – and we’re in the middle of a great distraction which is being stirred by a president who says he really doesn’t like the constitution, our way of life and his whose wife thinks the flag is a waste of time. 


It would be highly recommended to cover your bases – keeping in your bank what will cover your monthly bills – but very little else. Remember it’s this same government which insures your bank account which is the point dog on the crisis.  Indeed they’ve included gun control – using the latest shooting in CT as their horse to ride (while not mentioning that 3 others were apprehended, the killer shot himself in the back of the head with a rifle locked in the trunk of his car, and his older brother said the family hadn’t seen or heard from him in two years).  Since this administration won reelection in the grandest voter fraud in modern times (the other not nearly as blatant was JFK and the Chicago mob finding 150,000 missing votes). The number one selling item in the US has been guns and ammunition.  To the point most calibers of ammunition are out of stock in almost every store which used to have any. Let us not forget that the government itself has purchased millions of rounds for Homeland Defense the Post Office and other government agencies. 


Covering your basis is not being like those I’ve seen recently in gun shops, Wal-Mart and other stores where ammo is sold and they are unable to buy any and even then only one box at a time. The banks and the food markets will be a far worse situation. Remembering that they’ve already set the stage for a major shutdown of power grids, the Internet, Communications systems, gasoline, and other of what we consider essentials.  Ask why the bus drivers in NYC went on strike – weren’t we told the unions weren’t greedy and were on the side of the people. Yet now they expose more children to potential danger riding on subways and having more vehicles on the roads.


For those who’ve forgotten when Russia left Cuba – China moved in and the first thing it did was take control of every available communications system on the island. Since that time they’ve done everything possible (on a small scale) to target our air traffic – electrical grids – and any communications systems.  Daily over 1,000,000 hits per minute or more occur on the various communication systems of our government and industries.  China claims its military is for home defense – against who? The same with Homeland security in the US was to be used to weed out terrorists and illegal aliens – while instead targeting veterans and legal, lawful American citizens. They protected those protesting violently and with hatred against those who’ve peaceably demonstrated. Indeed in the last election it was mobs who denied the rights of many to vote in some areas of our nation. And one cannot forget the blotched attempts to get the votes out to those stationed overseas – thus denying thousands the right to vote.


We’ve a nation is serious trouble and without a government who is the least concerned – except that they gain absolute power.  When the government declares itself bankrupt – they’ll stop sending out welfare checks – and who receive the majority of these checks?  With just the threat of such an action two years down the road – the recipients in Great Britain rioted. Now we don’t need to draw any photos for those who were alive and well in the sixties and seventies.  Riots in America are almost always planned in advance – by various groups – major sporting events have a great attraction to these rioters (win or lose).  If and when they start to riot the government will decry military law – remember in New Orleans the first thing the government tried to do was to disarm the law abiding citizen – while the local police were helping to loot the stores (it was recorded on film and in photos). 


If where you live has its normal share of murders, rapes, robberies, then watch out – for it will double over night if given the chance – as a criminal if he/she thinks chaos is ruling the roost will take full advantage – and this includes every description of violence and atrocities.  Check out what is happening in those nations with strict gun laws and no guns in the hands of private citizens with the exception of the government and criminals.


Cover your bets – don’t be paranoid – but cover your bets for no one else will. If you’ve no food on hand – go out to eat a lot – have anything nice laying around – young children – you’ll soon be a target – they know robbing someone shabby and poor isn’t worth the effort.  In addition, if you’ve no food on hand there won’t be any to buy and if there is it’ll be extremely expensive and if you’ve no cash – then you will starve! No checks or credit cards will be accepted.  And if you’re out and about to purchase items you’re instantly a target! Remember the adversary has no rules – none at all – and all of those who’ve decided to walk away from the light and right really don’t care even if he did.


“What is Coming”





Darkness is settling in around

street lights are being dimmed

energy drained by a stranger

deliberately to cause trouble

not a stranger from without

but one from within the USA

seeking our blood donations

caring not who lives or dies

for power is without principle

asking no quarter beguiling

knowing what is coming today

well maybe a tomorrow to be

yesterday was the seed planted

the buds on the trees planning

hoping the birds don’t eat all

perchance the nation is aware

nothing new on the menu

just one more time to try for all

and if not today or tomorrow

another time will come about

for those who do not learn

are easy targets when again

re-vote – re-vote – re-volt!


Copyright © 2012 – cji

Monday, January 7, 2013

“Long Ago and Far Away” cji 1/7/13 (update of an essay from Nov. 8, 2012)

“Long Ago and Far Away”  cji 1/7/13 (update of an essay from Nov. 8, 2012)
“FBI finds most terrorism threat reports baseless Fri Nov 7, 2008 By Randall Mikkelsen WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI tracked about 108,000 potential terrorism threats or suspicious incidents from mid-2004 to November 2007, but most were found groundless, a Justice Department review found on Friday. The department's office of inspector general gave the figure in an audit of the FBI's terrorism case-tracking system, called Guardian, launched in 2002 after the September 11 attacks." The FBI determined that the overwhelming majority of the threat information documented in Guardian had no nexus to terrorism. However, as a result of information reported in Guardian the FBI initiated over 600 criminal and terrorism-related investigations from October 2006 to December 2007," the inspector general's report said. The report did not discuss the result of the investigations. FBI policy requires that each threat or suspicious incident reported by the public or other government agencies and law enforcement officers be reviewed to determine whether there is a link to terrorism. The report expressed concern over delays in the development of a related system, called E-Guardian, for sharing terrorism-related information with local law enforcement. It said the automated Guardian system had improved since it was first implemented, and the number of incidents tracked had grown dramatically. FBI spokesman John Miller said the agency had implemented steps to resolve concerns and it accepted recommendations made by the inspector general.(Editing by Mohammad Zargham)”
My thoughts: This 600 out of 108000 represent ½ of 1% or .005556 – one of the purposes of Terrorism is to cause disruption! We don’t know what the 600 criminal investigations were about or what the outcomes were. Let’s say three – only three (3) – (.000002%) not anymore were involved the use of vectors (germs) or some simple homemade chemical – even something as simple as to take samples from a decaying carcass – plenty along the roadways and cultured (simple stuff in a HS science classroom or Mr. Wizard Science Kit).
Or that they were being supplied by one of the major terrorist groups or nations funding terrorists and could get something exotic*. Now in a city the size of NY or Brooklyn – this culture is used to contaminate vegetables in a super market or even better the warehouses where the food is distributed to the major restaurants. Or someone going from restaurant to restaurant checking on the salad bars before deciding to eat at the place – many old folks like us do this to see if we’ll get our monies worth. Someone with this intent should be creative enough to spray unobserved the contaminate on the salad – especially the high use items – tomatoes – lettuce, etc. One could do multiple restaurants in a short time with several working in concert with others. Areas of Wall Street – and other high profile areas could be targeted – even a football game if one has an insider.
Next for additional distribution – any of the grocery stores where high enders – politicians – etc. shop – hitting again the fresh veggies. Anyone doing this would not care much about detection on cameras as they’d be long gone before the results of their efforts would take effect. The idea is cause ‘panic’ or ‘disruption’ – in some cases death or a shutdown of the market place and even better a government. Thus the only difference would be the agent used. Now if this person or group are funded by Iran/China/Al-Qaeda and others who endorse this type of warfare – would have the means and agents to get to the points of distribution.
To make one sick: Agent of Choice: Most cases of salmonellosis are caused by food infected with S. enterica, which often infects cattle and poultry, though also other animals such as domestic cats and hamsters[6] have also been shown to be sources of infection to humans. However, investigations of vacuum cleaner bags have shown that households can act as a reservoir of the bacterium; this is more likely if the household has contact with an infection source, for example through members working with cattle or in a veterinary clinic.
Raw chicken and goose eggs can harbor S. enterica, initially in the whites of the eggs, although most eggs are not infected. As the egg ages at room temperature, the yolk membrane begins to break down and S. enterica can spread into the yolk. Refrigeration and freezing do not kill all the bacteria, but substantially slow or halt their growth. Pasteurizing and food irradiation are used to kill Salmonella for commercially-produced foodstuffs containing raw eggs such as ice cream. Foods prepared in the home from raw eggs such as mayonnaise, cakes and cookies can spread salmonella if not properly cooked before consumption. See Egg (food)
To Kill or Cause Plague: “The bacteria that cause plague and tularemia (the toxin which carries botulism), and hemorrhagic fever viruses (HFVs) such as Ebola and Marburg. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention think that these agents pose the greatest hazard to public health, though they may not be the most likely choices for a terrorist attack.·
Could terrorist groups use these agents? Not easily. Precisely because they are so deadly and contagious, these microbes are difficult to work with. In order to cause mass casualties, terrorist groups would also need to develop an effective means of dispersing them through the air, which would be difficult without specialized technical assistance. The agents would have to be converted into tiny particles by a specialized sprayer or milled into a very fine powder, then dispersed in an aerosol. But neither specialized sprayers nor milled, “superfine” versions of these agents are easy to come by.
Terrorists might resort instead to using an agent to contaminate food or beverage supplies, but this method probably wouldn’t inflict mass casualties. Botulinum toxin might be the best candidate for food or beverage contamination, even though it is killed by thorough cooking.” (Note – one doesn’t cook salads.) The idea of not easily is based on our Western Culture where we value life! However a terrorist has not this value nor concern.
One of the main exports of Iraq prior to this last war was – sprays – the agents theoretically could already be in place. Iraq ranked 2nd in the export of Cosmetics and personal care items over the past three years and Iran is ranked 4th (doubling its production in the past 3 years). China doesn’t rank at all – and yet in toothpaste, etc. we’ve seen what they can do. One must remember Saddam never in his fondest dreams thought he could win a war against the US and others. He had adequate time to bury jets – and disburse his supplies of gold, chemicals and biologics. Give the richest dictator in the world nine (9) months to two (2) years to hide – or otherwise distribute what they considered of value in warfare – they could do it.
Many of the papers now being uncovered (translated) is proving up on this regardless to whether the media/press or politicians want to believe it or not. One doesn’t bring the Russian Spezna teams to get rid of perfumes. You don’t rinse out tanker trucks with gasoline for carrying only gold. One must apply a bit of common sense.
Okay what’s the casualty count of this .000002% success ratio of a real terrorist action? In a make believe exercise of a plague in Denver – the city was shut down within 72 hours and the plague would not have been under any control and actually would’ve spread from the West Coast (Hawaii – Japan) and to the East (NYC – London) within this 72 hours. Once a person becomes infected they then become the ‘vector’ and they contaminate any who they come in contact with through normal contact – coughing – kissing – etc.
Thus if the FBI report is going to be used – how will it be used? Not track anymore threats? – Not likely – even a blind fool wouldn’t do that unless they’ve a death wish or worse a destruction wish for man-kind. They should keep following up on what they get – not all horses are zebras – but some zebras are out there. What’s more important is the ability to move these threats through the complicated system of government – making a more viable connecting the dots possible.
In the above case – worst case scenario would be the disabling of at least NYC/Brooklyn (one can do the numbers) – and if in the DC area the disabling of the Government for a period of time which cannot be measured until the vector is known. The best case is that people are sick – tie up hospitals and use up resources at a higher than normal rate. This is conditional that there is no rioting – and/or panicking – which are both more likely than not.
One can guess that whoever was in bed with Saddam – or Iran and how much they really hate the US and its allies. Saddam knew defeat was at hand and thus nothing to lose in the dissemination of biologics/chemicals to sleepers, etc. throughout the world. Revenge is part and parcel of Terrorism.
Remembering this above was written in 2008, within days of the election of our 44th President. There are many ways to defeat a nation! Currently people (illegal aliens) have been the source of vectors. Not unlike China over the years of sending unarmed hoards of soldiers into combat zones with contagious diseases – we’ve the same in our nation. One must remember Japan in the 1930’s and until the very end of WWII did this to China but in a much more obvious way using bombs to spread various deadly diseases. (Note: while we’ve not heard of Yellow Mountain – one can assume it is still bright in the memory of SE Asians.)
The ability of tying up our resources more and more every day; hospitals, welfare, government, and our criminal systems. We’ve on the spot killings – what better way to drive those who desire gun control to get the population to over-react? We’ve a MSM which seems more bent on destroying ours and their freedoms by spewing rhetorical news rather than truthful news. Racism and class distinctions are now overwhelming much of the urban areas of our nation.
The heartbeat of our nation is now Chicago politics – appoint only those who you have secret information on so you know they’ll toe your party line. It has been reported with no denial that MSM have to pass any articles dealing with our current administration through either WH Press Reviews or Chicago Reviews before publication. We’re a nation held hostage by our own government – with threats against the conservative right on a daily basis while executive orders dismantle our Constitution on a daily if not hourly basis.
As for the nuclear, biological and chemical warfare it is unending. Nations who hate the US – want it disarmed – and or destroyed or in complete submission are doing all they can and one must never forget what our POTUS told the leadership of Russia – “After the election I’ll have more flexibility!”  Iran, Russia, China, 3rd world nations, N. Korea and many more know and understand that to disarm the US is to weaken and thus to allow the nations which have nothing to do with disarmament can then take over the free world.
What exactly has the government/FBI done since 2008? This is the research that needs to be done and reported on. We know we’ve now a Homeland Security Youth Group – that the turnover of all of our various in country agencies has been almost complete. That we’ve had failures in the US and the areas of our presence throughout the world. The persons heading up some of these agencies or giving advice to the POTUS and others are believers and followers of Islam (who’ve no allegiance to the US or the Constitution).  We’ve the liberal left saying to shoot to kill gun owners – drag them behind vehicles – congressional leaders calling for the restrictions on the freedoms of conservatives – and much more which the MSM doesn’t report truthfully or report on at all.
One must appreciate somewhere in our Federal Government and our State and Local Governments – we’ve loyal – God fearing – public officials who support and sustain the Constitution of the US. But currently due to the political correctness of our society and our MSM – they’re silent.
My memory continues to return to the first several chapters of 3 Nephi – changing the names and places – the circumstances are the same. Then my mind wanders to Isaiah, Revelations, Jeremiah, and other books of the Old and New Testaments. How often we’ve been warned – been shown – and still we continue to go to the Malls, engage in violations of the Commandments – seeking the worldly.  c/ork
“What to Think?”
Let’s think nothing
we’re not involved
let another worry
watching tv today;
What to think or why
going to the mall
a big game later
not of my concern!
Copyright © 2008 – cji

“What to Think 2”
Has time passed so fast
did anything happen good
are more paying attention
or are many just hanging?
Baseball bats head banging
without any more retention
are we just where we stood
hoping good times to last?
Copyright © 2012 – cji

Sunday, January 6, 2013

“Unwillingness; Unbelief; Unrighteousness!” cji 1/7/13

“Unwillingness; Unbelief; Unrighteousness!” cji 1/7/13
“If We Reject the Lord –
He’ll Reject Us!”
(Isaiah 65)
What causes the Lord to withhold blessings from each of His children?  If the Lord be just and fair – exercising both mercy and justice – the same yesterday, today and forever why would he withhold anything from His children?  Throughout history it has been the pattern of men and women to blame the Lord for all of their misfortunes.  Denying anything on their parts which have caused the destruction, death, fear, and sorrow of which they partake.  The general question is always the same, ‘Why did God let this happen?’ ‘Were Heavenly Father a loving God he would’ve prevented all of the ugly of this life – why hasn’t he?’
Thus men/women blame God – not themselves – not the adversary – only they find value in blaming God! Why would anyone find value in blaming God for the actions of those who choose to do evil; for those who murder; for those who violate laws the nature; for those who indeed act as beasts? The answer is quite simple for it allows them to rebel against God – deny or find loopholes in the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  To blame God allows them to deny the truthfulness of the Bible and all Scriptures.
To blame God allows men/women to become unbelievers, disassociated, evolutionists, in short to fully associate with the world and worldly. 
With having excuses validated by the worldly then there is no reason for anyone individual to read, study and ponder the Scriptures. There is no value in a dead book – one which have been translated so many times – revised so many times and in fact used to exercise dominion and power over any who profess to believe or be saved.  Even their ministers, preachers, priests, rabbi’s, evangelists, nuns, sisters, and clergy of any sort don’t believe in the Bible totally and literally!  The mixture of philosophy and some scripture makes for a good sermon – and the rhetorical mixture of truth, dreams, fiction and outright denial makes for good entertainment. And then of course if it was good enough for their parents it’s good enough for them. 
What indeed has occurred is that while many profess to believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ in reality is only a small fraction of what this Gospel contains.  By not reading, studying and pondering the Scriptures on their own – they are missing the substance of the Gospel.  By allowing another to read and tell them what is being taught – in a mixture of rhetorical interpretation is to be found without truth. How can anyone with such teachings and without having done their own homework ask a question of merit?  For when one asks a question with merit – those being asked will turn on them! When asking a question without merit and milk and toast answer will appease.  Yet it is the merit questions which one asks knowing what they’ve heard to date is wrong and what’s been given as an answer does not make common sense.
The situation then spirals rapidly away from the truthfulness of doctrine so that when real truth is being taught it is rejection of the hearer.  Truth will always make common sense – it’ll feel good and yet be rejected as it is found unfamiliar to those who’ve not read, studied and pondered. With this rejection – comes anger at why it makes sense – and therefore the instinct to believe has to be subdued. This is like a triple negative – two negative’s makes a truth – the third negative rejects the truth. The third negative is the rebellion point that it goes against all that the worldly have taught you to this point in time. For if it is indeed truth then you’ve been beguiled by loved ones – trust figures and worse you allowed it to happen – thus the anger and rejection.
Thus one can see and understand the confusion and contention which exist by those who’ve had years to implant rhetorical thoughts in place of truthful thoughts. In doing so they’ve iced the landscape so it is easy for all to fall down and not want to get back up. To bring everyone to being average – the worst of the best and the best of the worst. Without any permanent reality we’re left as was Basil trying to comfort his best friends at the loss of a child – that there was no hope for the child! For in the creeds, doctrines, teachings of religion with one sole exception not only is there no physical body after death but those who die without some sort of baptism there is no hope of anything after death except outer darkness or what most call hell.
Many churches teach a double doctrine – one which pacifies their members and then always returning to their creeds or doctrines. One can say to a member – you want to be married for all time and eternity then that’s what I’ll say in performing the wedding ceremony. While in their state issued license they’ve no authority and from their various denomination they’ve no authority. However, their followers unless they’ve asked the merit questions have only confidence in what the clergy tell them.
Mohamed was the closest to a better understanding of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ – during the centuries of 100AD to 1830AD but this was all lost at his death.  What was left behind by Mohamed was a governmental power – loosely called a religion without keys or authority. It wasn’t until almost two hundred years after his death that the Qur’an was organized into a written document – and declared the only copy with anything else being burnt.
None of the major religious leaders from the 2nd Century on had the fullness of the Gospel left to teach. What remained were various Bishops of whom none had general authority to act in the name of the Church as organized by the Savior. The Apostasy had occurred! Any claims to the keys from the time of Peter were long disputed and unproved until given new life after the 17th Century.  However, all of the documents and historical writings show conclusively that there was no one bishop with absolute authority.
(Note: for those who want to learn more on this subject they might review the various lessons of four of the leading bishops of the time – who argued – wrote back and forth – advised and had to vote on anything of importance which led to the 1st Council of Nicea.  Remembering there had been multiple councils beginning with the earliest in 155AC of the bishops with no Apostles still alive. The Council of Jerusalem (c.50AD) was held and notes kept while most of the Apostles were still alive and where some had been murdered others put in their stead.) 
In the title of this short essay we find the three most important reasons for men/women to go astray; unwillingness, unbelieving and unrighteousness. Too many too often make the choices on their own to be rejected by the Father and the Son – only after they’ve rejected them – or their servants the Prophets. 
(Note: for those not familiar with the Book of Isaiah it is highly recommended that one read, study and ponder all of Isaiah – this was given as a commandment by the Savior to those he taught outside of Jerusalem when he told the Apostles he had other sheep to feed. If one doesn’t feel the need to do this, at least read Chapter 65 of Isaiah. “Ancient Israel was rejected for rejecting the Lord—The Lord’s people will rejoice and triumph during the Millennium.”)
The rejection of those of the House of Israel is not unlike the rejection found today. To reject means not to be found obedient to all of the teachings involved in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One can still be a good person – even a very good person – but if they are unwilling and unbelieving of the teachings literally of the Scriptures and the Prophets and Apostles – then they’ve made the choice to surrender any attention of the Father and the Son. The Scriptures repeat this over and over – until one cannot deny they’ve been taught this principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is accepted and understood anyone acting in unrighteousness have forfeited their rights to the companionship of the Father and/or the Son – and indeed the Holy Ghost for those who’ve received this gift by one having authority to bestow it upon another. (Note: no one with a state license of within the creeds has this authority.) The Father and the Son have repeatedly stated that they can tolerate no semblance of sin. Thus one can see those who act in unrighteousness have rejected the teachings and the Father and the Son.
Looking first then at what are people unwilling to do? Most are unwilling to change – they’d rather stay comfortable and unmoving than to change. Change requires one to become uncomfortable by doing something either new or changing the way they once did something. This is shown over and over again by those who are willing to stay in an abusive situation because at least they know what they have presently. It is the unknown future that scares them more than the abuse. Many of the world’s finest athletes are afraid to change what got them to where they are – thinking to change now might take it all away from them.
However, to learn and understand what one reads, studies and ponders most often requires a change to their individual thinking. A change in thinking or the way one looks at something requires a change of attitude. One must be willing to be responsible for their motivation which is always internal and long lasting.
Most have been conditioned since childhood with fear and incentive motivation – both of which are external and short lived. With the fear the source of fear must be present or very close by one. Whereas incentives must continue to get bigger/more and are always from someone else who wants you to give something to them. Or indeed do something for them. Thus each requires outside intervention which most likely will contradict what ones reads, studies or ponders.
When one takes a course in school there’s the old saying, “Garbage in – garbage out!” It doesn’t matter is what is taught is right – partially right – wrong or completely wrong! If a student wants a good grade they’ve to repeat what the instructor taught them mostly word for word. One of the reasons they spend so much time on math is to condition students (human beings) there is only one correct answer and that was taught to them by an instructor. Schools have no special interest in putting loose ‘free thinkers’ who are trained to ask questions of merit.
Therefore seldom is ones attitude considered in the educational process. Only for the good of the desires of those paying the wages of the instructors is important. From early on in the US this was the whole idea behind the Dewey System – humanism. The educational system was to train as many as possible with the least required skills – to do the minimal wage jobs effectively. The second desire was the break-up of the family unit. In fact it was a large social babysitting center to keep young people under their collective control until the age of sixteen.
While taking the young people out of the work force – their ultraistic reason – meant that someone else had to enter the workplace – for families to keep from starving. The educational system of the schools where no parental interference was tolerated was bland and unappealing except for those of the privileged classes.  It remains so today. Every now and then an exceptional student cannot be held down or otherwise destroyed. This is the exception and not the rule! While those with wealth and power gain special privilege will their children be given special educational opportunities.
Father’s had to start working two and three jobs – and mothers had to leave the home to help support the family. (Note: we’re talking more of the urban areas of the nation in the early years – but now this destruction of the family is gaining a foothold in rural America. This is done through the advertising, music, tv, movies and magazines.)  Today those seeking further educations on their own are finding themselves further in debt and struggling while our social programs pay special privilege to various groups who will play the party line and dance to their tunes.
Next we’ll look at the understanding of being unbelieving of truth. Using the guise of racism, fiction, guile, and social class distinctions we find that so much being presented as fact is actually misrepresentation of a deliberate nature.
There are many examples of this but here I’m only going to deal with two. Both involve religion and while one deals with both men and women the other only involves women. Both involve the same Church – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Church).  One involves the those who were not given the Priesthood and both involve the Temple.
For years the professional intellects attacked the Church over and over for allowing the Blacks to have the Priesthood or to be able to go to the Temple. In addition, they also attacked the Church for not allowing women to go by themselves to the Temple.
We can discuss these both simultaneously. Basically it is the world crying discrimination about something they knew very little about. For one to understand that very few men or women hold the priesthood or have Temple recommends and will never have that opportunity to ever hold either. When the Savior organized His Church upon the earth in any of its seven dispensations there were very few who held the Priesthood or were able to go to the Temple. For most of the dispensation of the Savior there was no Temple (the one at Jerusalem) was compromised) and there were none others. Then in most churches even found today most members hold no Priesthood and none have a Temple to which to attend.
So why was there a hue and cry against the Church? Why the big issue of racism? Or even that of equal rights? And if these were indeed problems why did Blacks and single women join the Church? Or those women who were married by their spouse who was unworthy to go to the Temple stay in the Church? Of course these questions were never asked – only the accusing finger of racism and of discrimination was always presented. Wouldn’t one find it interesting that those within the Church didn’t seem overly aroused by these accusations? Yet none bothered to ask – unless the person was an apostate from the Church. This is always a good out – find someone who has left an organization to get all of the local dirt.
Let’s consider the fact that only very few members in any of the dispensations of the Saviors true Church being upon the earth since Adam to today ever had access to a Temple or the Priesthood. Secondly that having the Priesthood is not a requirement to earn eternal life – worthiness is the only requirement after first baptism (by one having authority – see the example of the Savior) and then confirmation and receiving of the gift of the Holy Ghost (by one having authority – see Paul and other of the Apostles in the New Testament).  Thus the only requirements to earn eternal life (the ability to return to the Father and the Son with a physical body of flesh and bone and with our family and loved ones are; baptism, confirmation, gift of the Holy Ghost (each done by proper authority) and then to remain worthy.
Therefore this would be the place for those who’ve been so outwardly critical of the Church to have started. (Note: having been a member of the Church for almost 40 years – having the Priesthood has been doing a lot of work (smile) – while with certain exceptions could and was done by those not holding the Priesthood. No one in the Church seeks out a calling of leadership – (some do but learn to regret it and often times end up either inactive or apostatizing from the Church). Leadership places tremendous pressures on the individual and their families.
Thus those unwilling to believe the truth – seek not to learn the truth and thus seldom ask questions of merit – such as what was lost by not having either the Priesthood or a Temple Recommend. In addition, if so many indeed refuse to believe the revelations received – the additional Scriptures translated – then why are they so concerned. Could it be the minions of Satan have gotten them worked up and disturbed? Remember when Joseph Smith, Jr. was murdered it was those in the clergy throughout the US who praised the mobs and damned the remaining members of the Church!
Finally we’ll discuss very briefly the unrighteous. Basically, if God will not tolerate the least amount of sin – then those who are found unrighteous have no claim on anything from the Lord – let alone to blame him for anything worldly. The unrighteous commit the crimes of hate, murder, mass slaughter, sorrow, grief, robbery, cheating, stealing or the violations of many if not most of the Commandments, Laws or Statutes of Heavenly Father and His Son. Yes we find above the big ones – but how many spread rumors – murmur – lie a little – cheat a little – steal a little? Over 70% of High School and College students admit to cheating and how many engage in sex outside of marriage? How many show up at the sporting events or other events on the Sabbath Day?
Casting no pointing fingers for we’ve each choices to make and to be accountable and responsible for – and we all being humans in mortal probations have bad days – but how many willingly seek to repent and return to Heavenly Father? How many feel they’ve done wrong?
We’ve each to seek to learn the questions of merit – and to stick with it until we find the truthful answers of common sense which support the Scriptures literally. If we don’t – that is okay as well as we’ve each the agency to choose as we do. As Paul has explained the various degrees of glory which await all born into this mortality on this earth – all of these various kingdoms will be inherited! Those reading this have the ability to read, study and ponder. Understand those who cannot read this – will never hear of Jesus Christ in their mortal probation will also have the opportunity to hear, study and ponder in the millennium. For all who’ve lived on this earth will hear the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There will be found no excuses – see Matthew.
The initial question was asked: “What causes the Lord to withhold blessings from each of His children?” The answer is simple: men and women reject Him! They do this by being unwilling, unbelieving and unrighteous. The adversary knows this and encourages all three to be used by those in their earthly mortal probations. Ancient Israel was rejected for rejecting the Lord—The Lord’s people will rejoice and triumph during the Millennium. Will this not also apply to us?
Can we understand and appreciate the needfulness of asking merit questions?  It is my hope that we can each strive to continue asking questions of merit until we get the truthful common sense answer which is in full agreement with the Scriptures. c/ork
“If We Reject the Lord –
He’ll Reject Us!”
(Isaiah 65)
When we’re found unwilling to obey
or unwilling to strive to understand
or unwilling to seek the literal truth
or found in unbelief of all that is true
or in unbelief of what we know is true
or in unbelief of common sense known
or acting in unrighteousness in life
being unrighteous in our behaviors
following not the Commandments all
we’ll be found in rejecting the Lord
then as those in the past discerned
in our rejection of Him will he reject us
for we’ve made the choice for both!
Copyright © 2012 – cji