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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

“Hitting on a Sensitive Nail” cji 10/17/12

“Hitting on a Sensitive Nail” cji 10/17/12
Hitting on a sensitive nail – that of the need to be peaceful, loving and understanding to improve relationships with others is very important and for some time consuming.  The ideals stated are those which are why MLK Jr. was killed. He truly wanted full integration and understood the problems involved in achieving this and the process above. JJ an Big Al - wanted separate but equal and MLK Jr became expendable.
All of the words in the world will never make two people become friends or enemies. Each person has to associate with another person as a child of God. And as Bob says in (What About Bob) - "like phone booths some are out of order, so you go to another phone booth." We'll find both friends and enemies among all those we meet - intermediate judgment tells us which we enjoy being around and those who we don't. It is wise to follow the discernment of intermediate judgment - but it doesn't mean we don't love our brother - but it does tell us we don't like some of his behaviors. We never are to make final judgment on anyone as we do not know why they are the way they are or the reasons for what they do.
We are first and foremost accountable for who and what we are and do. This is where our schools, churches and society is failing - in that they do not teach accountability or responsibility for one’s own actions. It is not politically correct to do so - i.e. teach morals, values, honesty, virtue, truth-telling, doing right for the right reason at the right time/place. Instead the teaching is all about hatred, evil, entitlements, ‘it’s okay to commit a little sin, cheat a little, by unchaste, and the list continues, lie a little, etc.’  Teaching anything to pacify and justify behavior which has no meaning or value to the society.  This in the end teaches separatism, and thus divides and destroys law, public good, and ultimately the family and society. 
The hitting on a sensitive nail has been tried by every generation since the time of Cain and Able.  It has always led to the destruction of many – while the wicked rule the righteous will always suffer for stating the truth and the obvious.  In the story of the “Emperor’s New Clothes” – it took a child to state the obvious – we’re all to become like little children.  We’re to become honest, loving, forgiving, forgetting, and trying to bring happiness and smiles by behavior in accordance with the Ten Commandments (whether a believer or not). 
Those in our society who want to see freedom’s, rights of the citizen, the US Constitution and the family survive better not be afraid to be found hitting on the sensitive nail of truth. Any who cannot be fully involved in their family, God and Country will reap that which those who don’t harvest.  Telling the truth is only ‘hard language’ to those who don’t want to be found in the light of truth. Oh there is so much to be learned and shared – but until each individual in this free society wake up and start reading and studying for themselves – one is deemed to live in the learning of those who do it for them and their goals – which most times have little to do with their goals or souls.
Someday - we'll all be accountable and responsible for how we lived our lives - if one has one shred of belief in God the Father and His Son. If you don't it won't matter as you'll still be accountable and responsible if you find you were wrong and those who believe were correct. Yes, the opposite is true - if you're right and we're wrong our having lived accountable and responsible lives will not make a difference - except for those we loved and shared and served throughout our lives.
“A Sensitive Nail”
The blacksmith at work knows
hotter the nail the better effect
framing the shoe or rim to be
yet applied to the human nail
more sensitive it becomes
for one doesn’t like change
and the hammering is change
molding, shaping -awakening
seeking to open one’s eyes
their hearts and minds too
of reality’s truth to view
while affecting all too few!
Copyright © 2012 – cji

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