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Saturday, April 21, 2012

“History is Repetitive”

“History is Repetitive”



History is very repetitive – as the adversary knows what works and what doesn’t.  Most ignore what they should be learning.  Substituting what they’d like to know (that which makes life easier) disregarding responsibility and accountability – i.e. the alternate plan in the preexistence which those with physical mortal bodies rejected.  Satan’s Plan was that we all come down get a body and then return without trials or tribulations – thus without agency to choose right or wrong.  We choose to be tested, tried and to enter the refiner’s fire. 

As having chosen the path of agency and that of choices – men/women tend to weaken under the stress and revert to that of less accountability and responsibility – which is why they choose kings, queens, dictators, czars and large powerful governments rather than to exercise their own freedoms – they want someone telling them what to do and when and with what.  Which is why few there are that make it in the world of Heavenly Father’s Commandments.  Thus some 50,000 churches to choose from each teaching some truth mixed with the philosophy of men/women.  Many are called and few chosen – while many more never will hear the word’s or even know of the Father and the Son.  However, those who do and can read and understand – are those who live under the justice of knowledge – and most of these choose the Gospel of Men/Women – i.e. Greek Philosophy rather than the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They reject the idea of one church, one baptism and one way.  This they say is too restrictive!  However, obedience is always more restrictive until one understands the purpose of the Plan of Salvation and true happiness in this life and eternal life hereafter. 

Indeed many who are righteous – good people – feel useless in the world of men/women – because they do not literally believe the Bible or other Scriptures.  And yes there is little we can do for the salvation of this world – but there is much we can do for ourselves, loved ones, and those seeking to find the answers to: 1) Where did we come from; 2) Why are we here; and 3) Where will be going after death.  Example and good works – and complete, willing obedience to the Commandments (all of them – and there are many more than just the basic ten) and the Covenants one can make with the Father and the Son only while in mortality if they’ve knowledge of who the Father and the Son are – read or had access to the Bible.  All of the remainder will hear these things during the Millennium and choose as they would’ve chosen if having heard in their mortal probation. Many will still reject this message of eternal life. 

One must comprehend that many of the 50,000 Christian denominations believe there’s a heaven and hell – while neither accepting Paul’s or others teachings – especially those of the Savior – and figure on deathbed repentance or some time, somewhere and then becoming administering angels.  Only one absolutely believes what the Prophets and the Savior have taught – that families can be eternal in the Celestial Kingdom (if worthy) and have eternal increase – while those not found worthy will be in one of the other Kingdom’s as described in Scriptures – with only a few being cast into outer darkness with Satan and the one-third which followed him in the preexistence.  Most who describe Hell have little or no understanding – the same as understanding Heaven. 

Yet men/women will reject the simple common sense – consider those like me a ‘bigot’ or ‘self-righteous’ while having neither done their own homework of what is available to be studied and understood.  It’s much easier to label another than to improve oneself by personal study or research.  Many have retrograded their learning where they accept fiction as truth – and nothing can change their minds. Thus the world is more than happy to have company cater to this type of thinking and learning.  The whole idea of the Greeks was give them what they want and they will pay you well for what they get – rhetoric. 

In many places one is not allowed to even say certain things – i.e. Middle East – anything of any religion other than Islam or Judaism (depending on nation); both founded upon the ideals of men/women seeking power after the death of another.  This is not unlike some in the Racist community using Dr. King as an example of their belief system – while denying privately all that he tried to accomplish. In Islam there was no one to follow Mohammed – yet they could form governments and enforce their will upon others – claiming one thing while teaching another.  In Judaism the Rabbi’s did the same thing in 70AD – destroying everything which taught the true beliefs on their religion – claiming the right to be the spokesmen from then on.  In Christianity the same thing has occurred from the time of the end of the Apostles of the Savior – by the Gnostics – who changed the teachings of the Apostles and the Savior till the semblance of what was taught once was gone forever as Paul foretold.  In history it is much the same – China one cannot have any religion and be acknowledged by the government – the same in Russia and many other nations around the world.  In the US one can teach whatever they want as long as it doesn’t take the Bible literally or any other claiming to be Scripture.  Not being allowed to mention something dealing with truth is to deny truth – and thus substitute with their own fiction and calling it truth (which it will never be). 

Of course much of this is redundant – over and over – and then they turn to the books sold as revised history which can be shuffled as a deck of cards to reject both common sense and truth.  Therefore history is irrelevant unless it supports what one wants to believe and ignore the truth of what really happened and why – and what will happen and why.  Of course the Scriptures in their fullness are really only understandable to those who ask with a sincere heart – having faith – and then putting into their works what they’ve learned.  Thus the same with history – it becomes only relevant when one goes to primary sources – unaltered by men/women and defines what was going on at the time of the various events.  This material is available (actually in abundance) but since most no longer desire to read – it lies gathering dust on the shelves of time.  When one does refer to it – they are thought to be out of step and out of time.  History and religion are tied closely together – to ignore one and destroy the other as men/women continue to do is to redefine where we came from – why we are here – and where we might be going after death.  Remove these three questions and their answers which are easily available (without interpretation for each to learn on their own) one destroys the ability or reason to be honest, moral, virtuous, truthful, and any other characteristic of good.  When one looks into the windows of today’s world they see men/women as nothing more than animals – with the one difference of having greed, avarice, envy, lusts, desires for wealth and power, and to be liked!  Most animals are mainly worried about survival – and unfortunately now are many of those called men/women.

The great minds of this world have lost a grip on reality – having become much as spoken in Genesis – 3:22 “¶And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:”  Men/women feel they’re not only like deity but indeed smarter than whatever might have been out there. Thus they no longer need any religion – and anyway doesn’t evolution prove there was nothing before – and therefore nothing after?  Common sense and reason – have been replaced by a false reality of pleasing the audience – being rewarded – living for the day with no thought of the next second, minute, hour, day or indeed future time.  In the beliefs of this world – because of a need for membership – funds – and followers – anything is taught to satisfy the animal hunger of men/women. 

In those remote cases where this is not the case – and truth is taught and believed and lived - these beliefs are ridiculed and denied making those who believe symbols of a lie.  Thus one will find very few totally obedient to the Commandments and Teachings literally found in the Bible or other Scriptures.  And who are those most vindictive against these truthful teachings – those that others pay to teach them.  Therefore getting what they want to hear – going away sedated with their lifestyle the attacks continue against any truths being taught or lived.  History is the same way – many refuse to believe there was a Holocaust – others refuse that there are Prophets – while others refuse to believe in a God – others still believe nothing and don’t really care. 

One might ask an onion a question being as acceptable as anyone else – and this might be acceptable if an onion could talk or reason. One can see and know an onion can make you cry – please your taste – and flavor your life – just like the beguiling words of men/women who speak and teach without reason yet are able to talk.  In the world there are those taught by onions (or similar) and being so taught – they cry, taste and find flavor – and come away without reason or truth in a world which someday (even today and yesterday) requires truth and reason.


“History is Repetitive”



Great books are so written

paintings of such wonder

oratory in plays or opera

measures of time past

history is repetitive to all

even those who care not

as to those who desire all

blending truth and fiction

points of view so diverse

depending on the goals

to gain men/women’s souls

demandingly to converse

creating confused friction

any learning to forestall

revisionist history forgot

somehow unable to recall

anyway nothing to last

even the blood of sabra

rhetoric left to ponder

so said and so written!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

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