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Thursday, May 13, 2010

“Of Corrupt Humans” cji 5/14/10

Follow-up to “Choices Within Agency” – “Of Corrupt Humans” cji 5/14/10

In following up to the short essay entitled, ‘Choices Within Agency” there's going to be a lot who've decided to choose the worldly over the delayed blessings of the Celestial! We knew that before we came down here! The noise of the world overwhelms the still small voice of the Spirit’s promptings to do what is right for the right reasons - all of the time! Fun to the worldly is like having a credit card! They can use it now and figure they'll pay later. Sadly most don't realize many with credit cards seldom pay at all - and they then pay all it is the interest with very little paid against the principal!

Many of the worldly clergy are telling their employers (those who pay them) – sin a little now - just a little or a lot - once you're saved you'll be forgiven; or be beaten with a few stripes and then forgiven! They forget a few stripes if applied expertly will kill the person receiving them – just a surely as will sin! Delayed repentance doesn't work well if at all. Many feel they’ve lots of time to repent – leave the play grounds of sin behind and get their lives in order – this has never been true and has always been a lie!

When one studies the Scriptures the seriousness of sin begins with the denial of the Holy Ghost - refusing to feel knowledge of the truth to which one is entitled if having received the gift of the Holy Ghost. (Writers note: The promptings of the Spirit are available to all – but are different from the absolute testimony of the Holy Ghost!) Second to this and equal in gravity is that of shedding innocent blood - i.e. murder! The commission of these two sins - will open the doors wide to 'outer darkness' and they will be very difficult if almost impossible to close. Doesn't mean they can't be closed - but will be very difficult to do.

The third major sin is that of any form of sexual transgression - which it would appear the worldly are totally accepting of either in politically correctness or actual participation. Sexual transgression is so serious because it is directly linked to the process of creation which Heavenly Father shares with his children in righteousness to bring forth life. Thus the adversary works on this more so than the other two major sins.

Why? As for the denial of the Holy Ghost - most don't even understand what this implies and one must have received the Gift of Holy Ghost by proper authority before they can deny it - thus it directly effects those who've come to the truth - been baptized - confirmed a member of the Lord's Church (not any of man's or woman's or of the worldly) - and then have become apostate from these truths. Further, because the adversary knows most people won't go out and kill someone (of course he's getting more to do so) but for much of the human race this is not a choice they'd make. Therefore - the sexual sin becomes the one of choice for the adversary to use.

Noise of any kind as in loud music dulls the senses. Additionally the usage of drugs - lewd language – reading dirty books – going to PG-R-X rated movies – visiting Internet sites with sexual content or violence – or accepting in one’s own life loose morals will find as most of the worldly, hooked. The adversary and his minions start with the very youth of the nations and work until they've infiltrated every vestige of family life - or the lack of such. They seek by the usage of rhetoric and changing meanings of words to pave the road with a slight slope and then slowly steepen the incline until most think it's too late to repent or forsake - and therefore believe it's okay. Justification is the highest form of excuse for poor choices - and the worldly uses it all of the time. Reason and logic pass off any bad feelings and peer pressure does the rest in beguiling even the elect into choices of participation rather than to be the subject of other's ridicule. Calling happiness what is in reality a numbness of feeling – blindness and being deaf to the eternal truths of the Scriptures, the Prophets and the Father and the Son!

Corrupt humans therefore find themselves happy to be in the pig-sty of life and condemn anyone who says that's where they are living. When one doesn't understand the eternal price, i.e. the Celestial Kingdom which is being paid as the price of their actions - then there's nothing of value that they're giving up in choosing to be corrupt. Lots of good people are corrupt as the meaning has been changed. People find good things to say about the most evil of others - because they're friends, etc. Politicians have made an art form of this in their speeches and lives.

In the final analysis one has to understand that they're not their own person! The Savior paid the price for our eternal lives - and thus we've a responsibility to all that He and His Father have commanded us to do! Agency within this is our choice to be obedient. If we choose any other choice we alone will destroy our agency by succumbing to the wiles and guile of the worldly. Many have no comprehension of this - they are not taught this in their places of worship - and they read not - nor study their Scriptures to learn and understand.

If the Savior is the way to return to the Father and our home - then it would not be either confusing or have multiple roads. It would be simple - straight forward- and with only one path (or one Church) for each to attain this goal of the Celestial Kingdom - Sealed in Marriage for Time and All Eternity - bound with our families forever and ever! Only one Church on this Earth today teaches this, practices this and covenants to do this - and it was Restored to this Earth by the Father and the Son as the Savior told his Apostles it would be in the Latter-days. The hardest and most difficult part of this is to face the enmity of the worldly for this choice of eternal life and accepting the Scriptures as being literally true. It's far easier to just say, "I'm Saved" or to just believe one preachers/priests/rabbi's/ministers, etc. because they teach Greek Philosophy mixed with Scriptures - and using man/woman's reason/wisdom which is foolishness compared the Savior and His Prophet's.

The last day’s are to be filled with all sorts of corruption – at all levels and by many – without regard to age – color – nationality – male or female. All of the prophecies will be fulfilled – and all will know – there will be no exceptions!

Chin up my friends – we know the results – now it’s what we choose to do with that information – in the name of Jesus Christ – amen c/ork

“Of Corrupt Humans”


Choosing to violate law
or Commandments
knowing not to get caught
or buying off penalties
found lying or denying
or excusing behavior
for of corrupt humans
or others acting so
there’s time only here
or living the moment
credit card sprees had
or living in full debt
finding the immediate
or the time at hand
more than what’s ahead
or if there’s eternity!

Copyright © 2010 – cji

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