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Monday, February 22, 2010

"What I Know to be True"

(Note: This subject and short essay wells up in me a certain frustration but also one of understanding of why so many believe as they do. Having studied men/women and history for the better part of my life and the implications of religion and religious beliefs it is not strange to find such confusion and misunderstanding. It is sometimes to the point of a universal frustration (which is Satan’s goal) and most just surrender to what they have or believe and say, “It is good enough!” In my life I could never accept this and would guess as a result have trouble reconciling that others would feel this way. Thus a double edged sword exists within me as to what to share – how much to share – and regardless of the results knowing if not to share I’m denying the most important aspect and beliefs in my life with those who I care for the most – friends and family. In the end I’d rather have everyone in the world mad at me – but also everyone knowing what I know to be true with a certainty that I cannot deny and therefore they can deny it for themselves but cannot deny what I know to be true. With this risk once more I set out to be obedient to the Commandments – sharing what I know to be true and of eternal importance to those I send this to. If you wish to share it or condemn know that I would be absolutely remiss not to have done so. c/ork)

“What I Know to be True” cji 2/23/10

Over the decades of being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – I’ve heard on multiple occasions comments similar to the following: “We being of this failing earth try to do what is right and truthful and as I see it there is more than one true religion.” Also in similar comments were the mention of the Missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and their approaches to answering questions, etc.

Over the years I’ve understood the thoughts about the Missionaries - however, they have no canned answers but try to answer the questions to the understanding and clarity of the person who's asked a sincere question. In my personal experience of listening to the young missionaries we had some 17 different ones come to our home during our investigation of the Church (1973-74) and they presented information which was designed to teach us the basics of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to testify of the Restoration of His Church to this earth in these latter-days. They had no canned answers as they did not know the questions which we would ask. When they could not answer a question we would search diligently with them in the Scriptures to find an answer or they would write down the question to return at a later date with the best answer they could find and compare with what we had found. In that it was asking too many questions which got me dismissed from every other church we had attended this was much more acceptable. Eventually we did get our questions answered. From experience I know our questions were different from others and so could have no canned answers – yet some were simple as well and the replies might appear to have been canned (but in turn were simple doctrine).

Thus In giving an answer, i.e. what would appear to be canned to some is not to another. Yes these 19-21 year old young men and young women (sisters have to be 21) - they go out many times without much more than their own testimony and scriptural understandings of the Holy Bible - The Book of Mormon - The Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price. They've each been given the gift of the Holy Ghost when they were baptized (usually at the age of 8 years old) by one having authority to give this gift on behalf of the Father and the Son. They in many cases have to learn a second or third language - to sign - and then travel to locations far distant from their homes. They go door to door - regardless of the weather - doing one thing only, sharing their testimony of the Restored Church and Truth in these latter-days. They invite these contacts to read the Book of Mormon - to read their Holy Bibles - to pray earnestly - to seek to know if what they're testifying of is true or not.

Now they do this in spite of hatred - evil speaking of them - persecution - beatings - (in France they are sometimes stoned and still in the US they sometimes find severe treatment) - to find the one or two who will find this Restoration of All Things to be the Work of Heavenly Father and his only begotten Son - Jesus Christ. This isn't a football stadium where thousands flock - believe and then go home - leaving substantial monies behind for the evangelists - it's seeking the one or two - maybe here a family - but also allowing all men/women and children to believe in what they choose to believe. There's no coercion or promises or even for the missionaries any worldly gain to be had. They've not changed the Scriptures in any way - they can use any Bible which a contact may own - truth is still truth (no matter how revised or altered) - and they usually leave with a word of prayer.

Missionaries are sent forth to find the elect – those who will hear and recognize the voice of the Savior and his messengers. They do not go after the multitude for a mass conversion – but to teach them one at a time – or a family. They are commanded (as all members of the Church of the Savior) to call all men/women to repentance and to come unto the Savior with a contrite spirit/heart to receive the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Scriptures be it the Bible or others continue to call men/women to repentance while in this second estate before it’s too late to do so.

It's the why they do this which is the crux of the question - and this goes to the second comment, "There is more than one true religion." If this is so then God ceases to be God - as he's not a God of confusion or contention or changeable - and God will never cease to be God! There is only one true religion and that is, The Gospel of Jesus Christ - as taken literally from the Scriptures. That there are many churches is different - and in each church one will find some truths.

As found in (William) Smith's Bible Dictionary, vol. 1, p. 458 - "As God permits men to mar the perfection of his designs in their behalf, and as men have both corrupted the doctrines and broken the unity of the Church, we not expect to see the Church of the Holy Scripture actually existing in its perfection on earth. It is not to be found, thus perfect, either in the collected fragments of Christendom, or still less in any one of these fragments; though it is possible that one of those fragments more than another may approach the scriptural and apostolic ideal which existed only until sin, heresy, and schism, had time sufficiently to develop themselves to do their work." (William Smith is not to be confused with having any relationship to Joseph Smith, Jr. or Mormonism.) Most theologians agree with this idea - but then go ahead and continue to act as if they've the only true church - which is being one and the same as the Church as organized by the Savior. And in doing so they conflict and contend with all other churches - they've no other choice - for the Savior taught there can be only one way - one Gospel and one Church - being called by his name and none other. With he (the Savior) at the head of said church, being called the Church of God (or The Church of Jesus Christ; Paul had to call many to repentance because of using other names for the Church).

Thus if there's to be a restoration of all things prior to the second coming of the Savior - then why would there not be one Church which literally meets all of the criteria of Holy Scriptures? Should men/women for their own convenience decide there will be no one church - as it would put them out of work - then one would guess this is what's happened. During the age of the reformation - everyone of the reformers in their own writings declared they were not starting a new church - but seeking to get closer to what was taught in the scriptures so that when the one Church was restored they and their followers could recognize it for what it was. Yet, with wealth, power, greed, lusts and other additional corruptions they found the status quo better than to admit there might have been a restoration as claimed by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. and the teachings of the missionaries and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

That the many churches band together in denouncing - condemning - ridiculing - and slandering but one church in and of itself is worthy of note. As in many scuffles - the many band together - and afterwards go back to fighting each other when they disband. These many proclaimed the death of Mormonism when Joseph Smith, Jr. was murdered in the jail he was being held under false charges. There were bold front page headlines praising the murderers (or mob) - as being heroes of Christianity. Yet this was and is the work as foretold by Daniel - which will go forward and not be stayed.

If one were to accept (William) Smith's declaration - and that there never will be one church as literally defined in the Holy Scriptures - then there will be no second coming - as there would've been no restoration in the fullness of times. John the Revelator proclaimed of an angel flying through the Heavens carrying a book - and since all prophecies must be fulfilled - then this could not have happened - yet it did. Heavenly messengers is the way most often used for the Father and the Son to communicate with their servants on this earth.

When one recites the Lord's Prayer - a key phrase is, "Thy Kingdom Come - thy Will be done." What is being asked for? Kingdom and Church were interchangeable words used during the meridian of time - some used Kingdom and only Matthew used Church - but after the four synoptic gospels church is used more frequently. Why do we ask for the Kingdom to come and then disregard it as the Jews did of the Messiah? The Kingdom has come again to this earth - with all of the keys and authority to act in the name of the Father and the Son under whose absolute direction it is headed. The second part of the phrase, Thy Will be Done - seems to have little or no meaning to men/women as they no longer seek to do the Will of the Father or the Son. They deny that the Father or the Son could have visited a 14 year old boy in a grove where he knelt and prayed inquiring which church he should join. In fact rather than accepting the Will of the Father and the Son in this matter - they laughed and scorned this 14 year old boy because he would not and never did deny his testimony of this event. His life was a pure hell in his dealing with the worldly men/women until he was murdered at the age of 39. Yet what he accomplished is also beyond belief of those who even today hate and deny him so much as to defy reason or understanding.

Now to go in a different direction:
Terryl Givens's (a good anti-Mormon) book reminds us what "a great scholar" once told Orson F. Whitney:

You Mormons are all ignoramuses. You don't even know the strength of your own position. It is so strong that there is only one other tenable in the whole Christian world, and that is the position of the Catholic Church. The issue is between Catholicism and Mormonism. If we are right, you are wrong; if you are right we are wrong; and that's all there is to it. The Protestants haven't a leg to stand on. For if we are wrong, they are wrong with us, since they were a part of us and went out from us; while if we are right, they are apostates whom we cut off long ago. If we have the apostolic succession from St. Peter, as we claim, there was no need of Joseph Smith and Mormonism; but if we have not that succession, then such a man as Joseph Smith was necessary, and Mormonism's attitude is the only consistent one. It is either the perpetuation of the Gospel from ancient times, or the restoration of the Gospel in latter days."

And that, as Givens so carefully presents, is the essential ground of all orthodox persecution of Mormons. That, as Whitney wrote so long ago, is the "Strength of the 'Mormon' Position." In addition one must understand the full strength of the Mormon position is one of truth – simple and clear – pure and concise – no confusion or contention. Further those who profess to be Mormons believe everyone who does not deny the Holy Ghost or shed innocent blood will be saved in one of the degrees of glory known as the heavens. Unlike those who proclaim all Mormons are going to Hell (smile)!

Each and every church in this world should proclaim that they are the only true Church - while it can only be one of them - as long as they're in existence they must by nature of survival deny all of the others as to being true. Yet we know this cannot be – for men/women while believing this would never declare it for fear of retribution of the other religions with which they contend for membership – leading to status – wealth and power.

There is only one true Church on the earth today - if this is not so - then there is no true Church on the earth today – (it can only be one of these two tenets). They all cannot be true as they all teach different doctrines (a mixture of scripture and Plato or some other philosopher) - yet only one teaches none of the philosophies of men/women - Plato or others - and accepts the Holy Bible and its teachings as being literally true. Only one is led by a Prophet of God and Apostles - having all of the keys of all of the dispensations since the creation of this earth and world - including the Sealing Ordinances - the Vicarious Work for the Dead - and having the Authority to bestow the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Yet if men/women deny this – it does not change its truthfulness. Israel stoned the Prophets – denied the Holy Ghost – repented not and worshipped false Gods while saying they lived the Law of Moses – what is different from them and the worldly today – nothing!

Let me go farther in this train of thought – if all of the churches of men/women (with their philosophy and creeds) are right – what have those who belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints lost? Nothing, as we believe all of the truths of the Bible literally and believe in the same Heavenly Father and Savior – obey and follow the Ten Commandments (literally) – deny not the Holy Ghost – and seek all that’s good, of virtue and of eternal value. Now let’s reverse the question – what if The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and correct – what have those worldly men/women who deny and contend against lost? Everything – if one reads the Scriptures they’ll find this is so. The Egyptians defined ‘everything’ as all that knew and all that was that the didn’t know – thus the eternal principles of the Plan of Salvation – Celestial Families in the presence of the Father and the Son – with physical bodies of flesh and bone – sealed for time and all eternity – if worthy – this is what is lost to those who deny the truthfulness of the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Prophets – yesterday – today and forever.

It should be noted they will not be disappointed (those who deny the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ) as they’ll have the reward of what their various creeds and beliefs have taught them. One should seriously read these creeds which they hold as the tenets of their various beliefs. They are not compatible with the literal truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and thus not in harmony with the literal truths found in the Old and New Testaments. (Let’s note I’ve read them all – when I was investigating the various churches since the age of 11 – I tested what I’d read in the Holy Bible and found them all wanting – for if the Bible was true – and I knew it was – then these creeds made no sense at all!) Understand I’m not condemning them as I understand all men/women can believe what they want to believe – similarly as do I – however, I’m writing to friends and not strangers and I want no doubt as to either my words or research in stating what I state to be either true or false. As a youth I had to recite the Apostles Creed and say numerous memorized prayer – it didn’t make sense then and it still doesn’t today. Why – because it was confusing why I had to go against the Scriptures and accept the teachings of men/women in such eternal matters. In my reading I’d learned that we were not to have vain repetitions in our prayers – and that the true order of prayer was given in the Lord’s Prayer (not to be memorized) that we were to pray unto the Father in all things and close in the name of the Savior – His only begotten Son and our advocate with the Father. Also in the Scriptures I learned that confusion and contention were of the adversary – or Satan – and not of God! It is for these reasons – I quested to know and learn where the Church was to be found.

During my searching I attended a plethora of different churches – even taught Sunday School is some when teachers didn’t show up – was introduced to all of their various doctrines and creeds. When I started asking questions – I would take the answer given and study them out in the Scriptures and return with my findings. This was when anger and conflict began – and no learning took place and I was told to leave. Also as I went from church to church I found those of the same denomination taught differing doctrine depending on their clergy and board of directors. To be honest I was at the point of believing as the world and worldly that I could not find the true church as it had not yet been restored. Yet we’d had a son born to us – and I wanted him to know the Father and the Son as I had learned to know them over the years. Thus this is what I prayed most fervently for – that he could have this knowledge.

Unbeknownst to my bride – I determined one more time to invite a church into our home. One of my co-workers was a Mormon. Of all the churches I studied they alone stood out for their love of families. Thus after asking for five months for him to have the missionaries from his church come to our home – he finally decided I wasn’t kidding him like the others in our work place and helped me to set up an appointment. Now my friends hear and understand what I’ve next to say! When the missionaries knocked on our door – a voice as clearly as any I’ve ever heard told me, “What they’re going to tell you is true – and you’re going to help them prove it!” My bride was in the kitchen and it was not her who spoke – our son was 4 weeks old and it was not him. The missionaries were outside the door and it was not them. Thus I had been given an answer to my fervent prayer – and I could not deny it – and still will not deny that I heard this voice as clearly as one speaks to another. Still from July 1973 to March 1974 – we asked questions seeking answers – until we’d both gained a testimony as to join the Restored Church on the same day. In June of 1975 we went to the Washington DC Temple to be sealed for time and all eternity which fulfilled what we’d discussed when we were dating that marriage was eternal and not until death do you part.

Now we ask if the missionaries or I should not share this message with our loved ones and friends? One must think of what we've to gain by thus sharing and what those have to gain who call this false and evil. The gain the missionaries and I gain is to know that our friends and loved can be together forever and ever as eternal families finding the true happiness and fulfilling our mission and tasks in our mortal probation. Thus our gain is based on love - which is found in the second great Commandment. Those who deny this truth which we share - have much to gain - i.e. continued membership and income from their congregations - power, wealth, public status and/or much to lose of the same worldly prizes. Most notably what they would lose is their peer approval – which if one is really a friend they should still be a friend – but oft times this is not the case.

Once again I'll repeat it took me over 20 years to find the church which met the literal criteria of the Church of the Holy Scriptures - and I was thrown out of many for asking too many questions - for quoting a verse or passage of Scripture which opposed one of their creeds or teachings. Most who know me even today look at me as being strange when it comes to my religious beliefs - but in everything else I'm accepted to them as being honest - upright and truthful. Thus I share my testimony of what I know to be true - that the True Church of the Holy Scriptures is restored to this earth once more in these latter-days and never again to be removed. That Jesus Christ is the head of this His Church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - and that he has called and had set apart Prophet's and Apostles with the authority to act in His Name - and Seal on Earth what will then be Sealed in Heaven. These things I know to be true - in the name of Jesus Christ amen – cji/ork

“What I Know”
(to be true)


I know the Savior
is my Elder Brother!

I know the Atonement
was so I could return home!

I know the truth of truth
is so I cannot deny it!

I know to be obedient
is better than sacrifice!

I know if I love the Lord
I will keep his Commandments!

I know if I love my brother
then I’ll share all truth!

In loving my sister
is to do the same sharing!

I know my brothers/sisters
as my family and friends!

I know the Plan of Salvation
is to return to the Father!

I know anything else is Hell
for me because of what I know!

Copyright © 2010 – cji

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