“Why is it important that we study masterpieces?”
This question is presuming that one must study masterpieces – and this is not a valid thought. This is a dictated premise of the world so that one would learn its ideas and ways. Thus it would be ludicrous to think that those in the world should study the masterpieces of men. Most of this world are barely literate and live from day to day – while others struggle in the world to survive. Yes in certain parts of the world there’s wealth and opulence and mostly reserved for the elite to hold it over the less fortunate. To me this question is both beguiling in the world of men/women who use their advantages to create the illusions of value or worth and to include what they determine to be masterpieces.
However let’s reverse here and seek to understand the question differently. Why is it important that we study the Father’s masterpieces? Now we’ve something to put our teeth into and relish. The Father’s creations of this world (like unnumbered others) could keep someone happily engaged for all of their life. Just the masterpiece of life or of the simplest of grasses one can stand all amazed. One should study the Scriptures – to listen to the words of the great Prophets then and now. To learn of whom they are – where they came from and what they might become. In the days of the reason for the Temples were to study – not just the muses but the things of eternity. They taught of the creation of this world and all that is in it (or was).
One should study masterpieces to understand the reason of the efforts put forth to give one’s best in any endeavor. By studying those who’ve created something which endures has a value for those who come in the next generation. The inspiration which comes to those who feel the promptings can create from the elements available something which touches and can touch any and all who participate in observation.
Feelings are the most important part of the study of masterpieces such as those which Father inspires. When one looks at the paintings of men/women – there’s a message within each. Sometimes the feeling of the message can be good and some evil. This alone can differentiate at least in the beginning what’s good and bad – what might have merit to become a masterpiece of worth and/or a masterpiece of the world.
There’s a sensitivity within each person – when properly tuned the gift of discernment will allow one to know good from evil – right from wrong! The world has one overall goal and that’s to destroy this sensitivity – i.e. the term from the scriptures which says, “Without Feelings or Beyond Feelings.” The world seeks this attitude to instill apathy and guile and thus control all those it can.
Without sensitivity the value of a real masterpiece is lost! Thus one is stuck with the worldly way of doing business and with the world’s definition and values. Most reject this finding with thoughts that they cannot be beguiled by the world or of other men/women. And thus the world comes out ahead by causing contention and confusion in the thinking of men/women.
This may seem distracting to the answer of the question but all of this is interrelated and effects the idea of what is a masterpiece and what should one be studying. The world of men/women and the worlds without end of the Father and the Son – do not have much in common other than location during mortality.
Thus we’ll return directly to the question of why we should be studying masterpieces. The why is very important – but we need to see beyond the veil of mortality! The need is very important to understand the eternity of the human spirit as its one ways of we can learn to feel and discern right from wrong.
The world has tried to kidnap this ability to discern and feel by declaring what is and what isn’t to be considered a masterpiece (or better of worldly value). Yet each person – regardless of birth or where-with-all has the gene of Heavenly Father and the ability to feel and discern. Therefore each person has the innate ability to develop a gift of discernment and deeper feelings. It’s through ‘real’ masterpieces that one can gain such entitlement. As with all parts of mortality one needs to study and prepare them to learn as much as they can – not just in one area or part of their lives but in all areas (see essay on ‘Progress,’ cji 1/22/09).
“Articles of Faith 13: We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.” To study means to seek after – trying to learn, discern and gather information without bias or prejudice. As one studies a real masterpiece all of the above Article of Faith should come into play and multiply one’s wisdom – thus engaging their feelings and increase their ability to discern good and evil.
When people study a masterpiece (meeting the eternal definition) they learn to exercise their agency to choose which way to go with their lives. They understand what truth (real truth) is and the world’s truth. Individually each person has to choose obedience and independence – or to choose the world’s way and subjection.
The one who chooses obedience and continues this pursuit will continue to gain more and more agency of their own – for with real wisdom comes a further understanding and the purposes of life in mortality. The other one who chooses the world’s truth (rhetoric) will find acceptance in the world – but a dulling of their senses.
Masterpieces are in the eyes of the beholder – but this isn’t really true – but better in the soul of a person. It’s found in their ability to recognize clearly what’s good and what is not. As the numbness of the world embraces some they lose this ability – and when so doing they become the minions of others no matter how well heeded they are within the status of the world. This is why one should take great care when studying the masterpieces of the world – or of Father – each has their value – and an extremely great cost – in eternity!
Copyright © 2009 – cji
Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us
[image: Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us]
Last night, Iran fired 181 missiles into Israel, sending us (10 million
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