”Why is genius important to progress?” cji 2/1/09
This question doesn’t define whether one is talking (asking) about worldly genius and worldly progress – or that which is eternal. Therefore with the freedom allotted we’ll approach both venues with equal zest! The approach will be from the eternal first and then the worldly.
Absolutely essential to eternal progress is the necessity to develop all that we’ve been endowed with as a child of Heavenly Father. We must be able to exercise the expansion of our light and knowledge. Our light in this circumstance is our ‘genius’ and our knowledge helps us to know what we don’t know. It’s been said, “The more I learn – the more I know that I don’t know and need to learn.” In 1968 in an essay of self that I wrote – I finished it with a poem and in this poem I said something like this, “For each mountain that I climb – one more will I see – and need to climb - for each question that I ask that many more will I know to ask…,” (paraphrase – it was long ago – smile). Knowledge and adding light in mortality is unending and will also continue after death in our next estate. The more we do in mortality will better prepare us for our next estate.
Genius: noun pl. geniuses gen′·iuses
1. according to ancient Roman belief, a guardian spirit assigned to a person at birth; tutelary deity
2. the guardian spirit of any person, place, etc.
3. either of two spirits, one good and one evil, supposed to influence one's destiny
4. a person considered as having strong influence over another
5. jinni (think of TV and Movies)
6. the personification of a quality
7. particular character or essential spirit or nature of a nation, place, age, etc.
8. a great natural ability (for a particular activity); strong disposition or inclination
9. great mental capacity and inventive ability; esp., great and original creative ability in some art, science, etc.
10. a person having such capacity or ability
11. popularly any person with a very high IQ (interesting to note this has little application to the rest of the definitions – yet the world highlights).
When one reviews the various definitions – there’s a noted linkage to our eternal parentage and potential. It’s not limited to just anyone with the exception the ‘popular’ worldly definition. Righteousness is paramount in ones example and thus an integral part of ‘genius.’ Yet there’s always the unrighteous influence to lead people. Genius can be on either side of the fence – but most will associate the eternal with good and not evil. And this could be very wrong! There are two sides to eternity – one is with our Heavenly Father and the other is in outer darkness or not being with Heavenly Father.
Many influence both ways to go - but the world only influences one way and that’s not to live with Heavenly Father. For with the rejection of a real Prophet and the fulfillment of Prophecies, including the Restoration of all things in the latter-days – the world denies all lineages of us with the Father and the Son – and thus denies ‘genius’ to all but their peers.
Thus we cross over from what’s eternal to what’s worldly – i.e. #11 in the list above. The world has taken the definition of ‘genius’ and the use of it in progress which is eternal! The world’s identification of Genius and its association with ‘progress’ is in the world of things is all tangible! Things of value – controls – creating sciences - worldly wealth and power over the material objects of the world. Whatever is good they determine if it’s worthy or unworthy of worldly praise or value and then use it or abuse it accordingly.
In the world one cannot really study ‘genius’ as it’s predetermined by the tests of the world and either you are or you are not! You cannot become a ‘genius’ and therefore any study of genius is of no worth. You’re allowed to study various geniuses but only what the world presents to you on them.
An example might be good here. I like and have read most of Albert Einstein’s works – he’s humorous – simple and easy to follow. Yet when I pick up a book about him – it’s convoluted and distressing – pointing out non-essential guess work (on their parts – the author) – about him and his life. Thus, if I want to know more about Albert Einstein – I read what he’s written. The same is true of Winston Churchill and others of their status in world history and apparent service given to freedom and agency.
Therefore we come back to the question of ‘why is genius important to progress?’ and find a circle – one being eternal and the other being just a circle without any meaning. The eternal circle is without beginning or ending – while the worldly circle is a rut going nowhere and ending nowhere. To be eternal is to continue to progress without end – while to be worldly the end is at death and the beginning at birth – i.e. mortality.
Genius is important to progress because of the eternal nature of our being and our direct lineage to Heavenly Father as his children. Without progress (or better progression) we’ll not be able to return to him and our home with him! This means each individual within the scope of their life only and not compared to another.
If you’re still here and following this – think of the word ‘progress and progress’ and define the difference? To progress to move along individually towards a destination – while progress defines what’s happened in the development of a thing or invention. Progression is the process of moving by an individual – while progress is a measurement of a worldly standard against some object.
One could ask if you’re making progress on homework or work assignments – while eternally one could consider how to progress to a higher level of light and knowledge. Which is it in your life? Since we’ve all the ‘genius’ gene and we can all progress to be with Father – the answer should be relatively simple why genius is related to progression!
Copyright © 2009 – cji
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