Should the study of human behavior be done by philosophers or scientists?
This is a loaded question with only two choices – and my answer is ‘NO!’ First of all in explanation to by emphatic ‘NO’ for most of the world’s philosophers and scientists are strangers to the Plan of Salvation and any understanding of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Most see life as a one time – full time thing with little hope of much else and better nothing to look forward to after death. This is true of most of the worldly intelligent beings (by their standards) who feel they’ve to determine what’s best for everyone else. They shun Prophets and Apostles – looking for their faults and not their truths. They mix the teachings of the Greeks and all of it’s rhetoric into the life teachings of others and disapprove of either simplicity or common sense when decreeing their anthems. This is much like the teachings of Marx – in that the State is God doing away with a human soul. The worldly clergy and religions make this easy for them and in fact are part and parcel of the same schools. Human behavior is individual and private – to decide to worldize it is in the extreme dehumanizing and in the moderate demeaning. That someone can go to college – get a degree – and then understand the underlying study of human behavior is like someone going to sea and expecting to handle every condition – steer the ship – take care of the engines – feed the passengers – direct the band – clean the staterooms – and all on their first voyage in a hurricane. They look to those who quote the same ideas and inter-quote each other for their supports of their ideas. Outside of the one thing, “This is all there is!” they’ve no other conclusions and only add to the confusion and contentions found in the world today. Human behavior is mostly predicated on peer pressure and learned experiences from family and surroundings. Someone raised in the inner-city of Detroit knows little of the trappings of the swamps in SE Georgia – ever though there is life threatening experiences facing either when going outside. Vermin exist in both environments – one in thieves, robbers and murderers – the other in nature wishing not to be disturbed. Yet somewhere in Human Behavior is a remembering of other places and other teachings – with the lingering idea that they’re strangers here. Worldly time is keynote to this as it doesn’t seem to fit with where they’d otherwise been. As they absorb the teachings of men/women (or the world) they perceive the inconsistencies and confusion being presented and are concerned. Many are convinced that this is their imagination and succumb to the worldly way. Others however understand the simplicity of the Plan of Salvation – common sense right and wrong and most importantly recognize they’re a stranger here. This being a stranger then ignites their search for ‘real truth’ and of the ‘Who, Where and What they are and can become.‘ The study of human behavior for the most part is man-make and contrived! Outside of providing income and a lifestyle for many – so far it’s provided nothing but empty answers – added further confusion and become contentious when faced with a Prophet of God – or real truth. It’s a self-fulfilling game of educational realms almost without beginning or end (smile). The field self-proclaims their genius and great men/women and points to themselves as the experts. When in reality the real genius’s ignore their confusion and seek for the simplicity of common sense. In the end they (those who profess to be the greats of the Study of Human Behavior) provide convenient excuses for the world to continue in their worldly ways and ignore the warnings of the Prophets and Apostles as foolishness. If human behavior needs to be studied at all it should be done by those with a clear understanding of the Plan of Salvation. However in my humble opinion the mess so far created in this field would make anything so simple impossible to change or alter any conception of what I’ve presented. Man/woman are set in their ways – how dare anyone point out a difference or a relevant ‘other’ way. Thus the problem maker themselves are stirring the pot – and will continue to do so until it’s everlastingly too late.
Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us
[image: Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us]
Last night, Iran fired 181 missiles into Israel, sending us (10 million
people, including...
4 months ago
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