“What is Theory?”
Without going to the dictionary one would guess that a ‘theory’ is a worldly truth looking for proof by the world. It matters not even if there aren’t any facts to be found – just that the idea which developed the ‘theory’ is alive and well. With time and circular footnotes – one can finally become comfortable with the theory being an actual truth or fact. Thus when one starts with this definition of a ‘theory’ one can easily understand the guile which the works to justify itself in any field or area – either in belief or tangible things.
Here follows a dictionary definition (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/theory)
a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.
a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.
Mathematics. a body of principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory.
the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory.
a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles.
contemplation or speculation.
guess or conjecture.
Origin: 1590–1600; < href="http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=-y&db=luna">-
One must enjoy the first definition in the use of Einstein whose own research was ever ongoing and even today is still being challenged by some. Einstein developed his idea in a letter to a friend in 1905 – and it wasn’t until the lunar eclipse in 1919 that much of it was substantiated to himself – while the world had jumped on it with great glee.
Many of the worldly theories give justification to contrary practices or beliefs. They justify animal like behavior among men/women at the expense of those less fortunate. The Theory of Evolution is most likely the world’s bright shining star of all theories declared true without evidence to support it. Even Darwin in his own writings said it was not proven but might be someday in the future – well the world is still waiting yet the theory is a practicing religion for many in the world today – with disciples and adherents around the world. So much so that many worldly religions (those started by men/women without authority), feel inclined to ratify it – while still proclaiming their belief in an incomprehensible God of the scriptures.
Shortly after the Theory of Evolution hit the streets – the idea of Survival of the Fittest joined into the chorus – and anyone who studies history can see the slavery of The British Isles and beyond throughout the 1800’s and into the 1900’s. In many parts of the civilized world (this is a very risky identifier) many live in abject suffrage to their clerics and governments – as well as to the oligarchy which controls them and their economy (lifestyle).
Theories are used as excuse for the world – they are not just ideas or thoughts but rationales to explain what the world cannot sort and place in its card catalog. One would venture that many theories are guesswork and pure speculation. Wherein anything one wants to be true follows the Greeks of old and implies rhetoric is the only truth – giving people what they want to hear, know and believe as truth (without any or very little truth involved).
Theories and Theorems are interrelated and one in the same is pure foolishness and shows someone without any lights turned on in their thinking or the acceptance of another’s thinking. A theorem is finite to the world of mathematics and numbers. A theory is vague and without a finite definition, which is why it’s called a theory and not a truth or fact.
Liking the idea of Music or Art Theory – one can discuss various aspect of what they like or dislike by either listening, playing, seeing or drawing a finite piece. It’s discussion without conclusion – i.e. Leonard Bernstein did a six-part lecture series at Harvard which in it’s most pure form is Music Theory. He presented to his class a myriad of perspectives on the enjoyment of music.
In addition one could consider the teaching of athletic skills a particular theory of the one doing the teaching. What would work for one might not work for another – so each have to take from the teacher what works best for them! In my life I’ve theories on swimming – coaching – participating in many areas of sports – yet they’re my theories only – and they have application in my life but not in everyone’s life. They might be good theories – well defined and supported – but still with all of the changes which continue to take place they are not the final, ultimate truths.
Theories are a beginning to explore – without restraints or mindless boundaries – it’s what my mind can comprehend and then start to deal with to organize into something which allows me to ask questions and seek their answers. However it’s also been my understanding (smile – theory) that one must not get caught up in figuring out the end result without prayer and effort to discern truth.
Since most think of religions as purely theory or speculation – St. Augustine and others paved the way for this by mixing Greek Philosophy with the Scriptures and produced intellectual acceptable answers (which in many cases was nothing more than confusion and contention). These theories and teaching became more gospel than the Scriptures actually displacing them – even the break away of what is called the Age of Reformation (burnings at the stake, etc.) would not leave these theories – giving them a full creditability while adding new speculations.
Now amid all of these theories; ministers, clergy, clerics, priests, deacons, rabbi’s and anyone else who speaks for God without his authority, we have the blend of confusion which gives an end result – of each individual’s selection of what bests suit them whether true or false! Family, peer pressure, status, pride, prejudice, greed, avarice, lusts and many other factors help in this determination for this is the worldly and not the eternal.
The theorists of the worldly forget that God (or Heavenly Father and the Son) are unchanging – the same yesterday – today and forever. They forget that Heavenly Father and the Son are not working on post-graduate degrees and that they don’t need a middle man to tell someone else what the Scriptures mean. Further they forget that they’ve no authority other than the world’s to dispense their wisdom (which is as nothing) mixed between philosophy and scriptures (they choose or rewrite) as thought it was the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Therefore theorist’s have to mix everything up – continue to throw more into the mix – enthrall students at the universities or from the pulpits into accepting a smorgasbord of rhetorical thinking instead of the simplicity of truth and the real Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is not a Johnny come lately approach is been going on for thousands of years – and is led by none other than the fallen son of the morning.
Guile when mixed with theory is nothing more than garbage – yet when one is conditioned and makes their living on spewing garbage – then they become the men/women of theories and greatness is theirs for the taking.
There is some good theory – but for the most part it’s ignored for what it’s and shunned - the same as truth is shunned. Absolute truth is the most shunned thing in the world today and the past. (One would guess the world has its own theory on how best to shun truth.) Those who’ve professed to have it and revelations are usually demeaned or put to death and the recurring death keeps being handed down from generation to generation. One cannot mix truth or revelation into the mix – and thus those who’ve this eternal understanding have to be a bit off of the cliff of reality.
The problem with theory is that it’s not for all to engage – yet the world aggrandize and make important the unimportant – thus as with all else the world touches it steals the meaning and intent of theory. Indeed they’ve chosen to keep theory when in fact there’s actual knowledge of fact on an issue, thought or concern. Simply put a theory is an abstract thought you or I might have – sort of what if – or how come type question.
We’ll close with a simple example. On Saturday evening I shot and killed a hog. When I got to the spot where the hog laid – I noticed it was not the hog I’d shot at but all in the same it was dead and my shot did the job. Where the entry wound was found there was material which should not have been on that side of her body. After thinking about it I theorized that I actually had shot the hog I was aiming at and hit it – but the bullet continued on and killed the hog behind it. When checking I found this to be the case following the trail of the wounded hog until it went into the swamp (I don’t do swamps anymore – especially at night). Thus I know I shot one shot and hit two hogs. One died at the location of the shot but not the other. My theory is the other is wounded – and will most likely bleed out in time as it was shot through the neck. However, this will always be a theory as I’ve no way to confirm whether the hog dies or not.
Since most philosophical theory is around human behavior and life – one would guess the world doesn’t really want to find an answer – or one different from their circular redundant facts. For eternal life is not a theory – it’s a fact – one can deny it all they want – they can deny the Prophet’s then and now – they can deny what the Father and the Son have taught – they can deny behind their theories forever – but their theories are not Father’s truth or facts. Thus as I began, I’ll conclude, one would guess that a ‘theory’ is a worldly truth looking for proof by the world. It matters not even if there aren’t any facts to be found – just that the idea which developed the ‘theory’ is alive and well.
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[image: Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us]
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