“Bad/Evil – Deceit = Good – Truth”
cji 2/22/09
We must understand fully what’s going on in today’s world (and has been for quite some time – only accelerated in our time) between good and evil! What's changed is the definition of 'bad/evil - deceit' and it was deliberate in replacing ‘good and truth’! Some even many will say this was not deliberate but is a natural happening with the wisdom of men and greater intelligence growing, that the need for moral or value or even commandments of behavior were/are no longer necessary.
Rappers made the word 'bad' the equivalent of good in their sounds as have the balladeers of the last 1500 years. The movement even led by monks into bringing ribald verses and wording into the written and oral words of their and now ours vocabulary and acceptance. There’s the oft told story of dropping a frog into hot water and it’ll hop right out again – yet if you slowly heat the water around him – he’ll stay in the water and die. This is as true of numbing the senses of mankind – and creating an unfeeling and unloving selfish population of radical extremes of hatred and abuses. It’s the seductive introduction which allows this evolution to take place – i.e. removing the understanding of being a child of God with a royal and eternal birthright – to one of evolving from the beasts of the field by pure chance.
Man in their constant looking for excuses and justifications of their excesses and abuses – turning to both the pulpit and the schools for their lifestyles. When one pays someone to preach to them – the preacher better provide what they want to hear. When one decides what is right and wrong they want someone teaching the same ideas. When they want little understanding they command and receive confusion taught – without any whites or blacks – truths or untruths – rights or wrongs. They received what they wanted and in return elevated those in their employ – with titles of Doctor or Professor, etc. Honors and tributes of their peers and adulation from their non-employee followers – i.e. all that they world had was theirs to feast upon, all they had to do was ask. The Greeks taught this in their schools for thousands of years – in the idea, “Give the people what they want – and they will give you what you want,” (paraphrase). Out of this comes what was known as ‘rhetoric’ (or tautology).
In fact what we’ve found are all of the aspects for an almost perfect crime and yet mankind wallows in their ignorance rather to admit a crime has been perpetrated upon them and all humanity. “A perfect crime is a crime committed with sufficient planning and skill that no evidence is apparent, and the culprit cannot be traced. The term can also refer to a crime that remains undetected after commission, or sufficiently unsubstantiated to prevent active investigation, so that nobody knows conclusively if the crime has in fact been committed,” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_crime). Those committing the crime are convinced by their circular reasoning and quoting each other – writing the textbooks – approving the lesson plans – issuing the degrees and paying for the services of those who validate their beliefs unto others. One could see this in the Monopolists of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s in having the schools teach their brand of economics and then going so far as to get one of their stooges elected President of the US. Other places of more importance is found in the daily media – which passes for ‘news’ and in fact is nothing more than a ‘party line.’ One must think of the movie, “Bye, Bye Birdie” which took a rock star almost to the White House.
Indeed the hoax being put upon people of all walks of life come from both the innocent (at least to begin with) to those knowingly violating the trust given to them in their various offices of responsibility. The innocent who get wrapped up in a good cause – or because of knowing that they’re too smart to be fooled, etc. and the others from knowing what they’re doing isn’t right – but to not do it would be to be cast out and no longer to find the social or peer acceptance of those around them. To be good, honest, etc. is to be a stranger in this world today! It’s been said, “The price of integrity is to live in isolation and to be ostracized by the world.” One would hope more would like to be found as such rather than embraced by the world of deceptions and confusions. Yet this is not the case – for gray is the prevalent color of worldly knowledge and so many preaching the same things can’t all be wrong –but yet they can and are!
Let’s give an example of this – you’ve the formula given to you for the perfect health drug. There’re found all sorts of recommendations and personal testimonies of this drug. The medical journals and laboratory tests abound with the praises of this drug. It’s found to be the greatest thing since the M&M Peanut. Not only all of this but it’s affordable for you to own and use. Thus you use the drug – and nothing happens – nothing at all that you can see on the surface. So you stop using it – and it sits on the shelf. Several years later you develop an incurable disease and you die well before your normal life expectancy. The hospital and the police rule illness as the cause of death. In the meantime this same occurrence is happening all over the world – and CDC gets involved. Ultimately they are able to link it back to the pill bottle you put on the shelf years ago. The business long ago went out of business – the medical editors and testers nowhere to be found – yet they were all absolute in their testimony of this drug and you now are dead! All over the world there’s a hue and cry – and no one to blame! For all were correct in their tests – the unknowns of the drug were latent and could not be known.
Similarly no one is found suing the media, television or advertisers over diseases caused by smoking – only the companies producing the ‘smokes’ and they’ve warned people up front of the dangers. One sues the manufactures of guns and not the parent(s) who raised the person who used the gun in the commission of a crime. The world has established it’s own rules of determination and none of it for the most part falls on the person who indeed is at fault themselves. I.E. the person at McDonalds who tries to drink the coffee while doing something else – spills it and gets burned.
The stupidities of the laws of men sometimes are overwhelming but are they really? The appearance is that they are – but yet if one wants to disenfranchise and remove accountability and responsibility from the population – thus keeping it all for them – this is a rationale act deliberately done to centralize their overall control of the society. Instead of teaching accountability and responsibility they portray these as unneeded and controls of another. They change another definition – i.e. agency from one meaning the right to choose ‘good’ and to be obedient to the Commandments of God – to that of one can go and do whatever they want and don’t get caught.
It’s the getting caught doing something wrong which causes problems and then they’ve their judges in place to override any law which might’ve been broken. Lawyers make big money in getting known criminals set free from known crimes. The murderer of LBJ’s sister’s boyfriend was let off with a suspended sentence while being caught red-handed. One need only to wonder at what else is happening – today we’ve men and women serving in our government who it they were us – would be in prison or at least jail. Some of their crimes include but are not limited to: wrongful death – bribery – income tax evasion – writing their own laws and pays raises – pension funds and filling the pork barrels of those who own them and their votes. If one remembers correctly the US stopped being a Republican Form of government with the direct election of Senators in approximately 1913. Thus all political offices are brought and paid for by someone, whether legal or illegal.
Each of the above continues to numb and deny feelings to those who seek public approval and peer acceptance. All are indeed planned and executed by someone whose selfish interest overrides any of the public good while proclaiming it’s all for the public good. Denying feelings is the one sure way to enjoy excesses either by one or the many. It’s to be without conscience in one’s actions or deeds and certainly without any responsibility or accountability. It’s the one sure way to deny absolute truth and good – allowing instead ‘bad/evil and deceit to take their place as only being a value judgment and nothing more from and onlooker who’s meddling in their affairs.
To shift some and look at the subtle changes in our own society from strict (if ever the case) to permissiveness. We went from G movies to X movies - now there's seldom a PG movie available - but they're rated G - while 30 years ago they would've been an R. In government and other areas dominated by the creeds of business and the slime of corruption one defines sex in the White House as excusable but he should've kept it quiet! There's no mention of the 'Thou Shalt Not!' only that many thought 'Wow' - he did it because he could! The music (if one can call it that) is filled with lyrics which leave no doubt to the intent or meaning - whereas 50 years ago only Atlantic Records went so far - but they got away with it. Even in their documentary the executive of Atlantic Records discuss this new venue they found to exploit.
Parents are less likely to monitor the music or what they’re children watch – using the same excuse to them selves as they used on their parents in similar conditions years before. Also with the advent of the cell phone – photos are now more revealing (until caught) and conversations which might’ve taken place on the home phone are now without any oversight. The dispersion of birth control devices and education – the immorality of the educators (not many but some) – the looseness of the clothing, etc. have all led to denying feelings in exchange for social acceptance. Language abuses in public make it unwelcome for some customers to entitle the others the right of free speech even if it’s offensive. People openly discuss their personal lives – sexual activities and comments of those around them in this exercise of free speech. And again the parent(s) have abdicated their responsibility and accountability to others than themselves in the era of good feeling and being a friend of their children and not a parent.
Finally the idea of ‘bad/evil – deceit = good – truth’ one has to understand one has to dehumanize and relate most all to things – i.e. property – chattel – toys – trophy’s – prizes – scores, etc. Darwin and Spencer went a long way in giving this behavior acceptability – and the schools and pulpits have only increased this acceptance. In denying truth (common sense) and accepting confusion – unknowns – many instead of one – the rules found in society would shame field mice in this behavior. In the movie “Hook” – a key line is given in a joke, “You know what the difference is between a lab rat and an attorney? There are some things even a lab rat won’t do.” This is the condition that man/woman have directed the worldly to accept without any exceptions. Personal pride – personal selfishness – personal self-fulfillment –personal acceptance – and personal power all equate to the person of today in a modern society.
Thus one needs to be proud of the worldly! To be proud one has to understand that we're talking of things - which will eventually go away - with the media exposure - one would guess if they can destroy Mitt Romney they can destroy most anything of value till all are as swine in the mud pit. People have allowed their senses to be numbed - nothing surprises them anymore -- i.e. the two teenagers out of their homes and one found dead at 3:30AM the other unconscious - where were the parents? And how were these girls raised up?
When the people abdicate responsibility and accountability - the mud permeates the whole - thus all looks equally bad -and what's good is used as an example of extremism. Too many seek too much with too little. One can have 5,000 swine marching in order - but what's the point? Yet we find millions doing much the same - so as to be in with peers and with the 'change' of the moment. As one violates the eternal laws one gives up much more than they'll ever receive - to isolate truth from things is much the same. Men and women have always been carnal in their human nature - however it's through self-discipline that one controls their lusts and passions - when there's not longer a teaching of self-discipline and one looks to the world for the music to march to - then indeed they've become what Darwin and Spencer wanted them to become - nothing more than animals. When a human being becomes nothing more than an animal - those in power will gain more and more control of them - it's just a matter of breaking them to the plow. What governments and media cannot do - Madison Ave will do for them.
The acceptance of ‘bad/evil – deceit = good – truth’ requires an adoptive behavior – to deny one is in reality a child of God – with a royal birthright – denies all of God and his Commandments for our well being – and thus denies feelings and self worth. I’ve left out the need to be in the service of others – i.e. James 1:27 (and many other scriptures) – which is such service one seeks not to elevate themselves but to elevate all around them. To love one’s neighbor is a commandment – for one can help his/her neighbor – yet the world has changed this to read, “Love the world” for one cannot comprehending helping the world so they leave it to others.
Someday the ‘Thou Shalt Nots” will be found to be the criteria of our final judgments. Those Prophets then and now will be at the Bar of Judgment and will witnesses against us for denying God and accepting the worldly. Those who chose the confusion of the world will be found without excuse or justification – for man/woman inherently know of the confusion and the lack of common sense if they but read what’s readily available to them in the scriptures. Those who stand in isolation to the worldly will have testified to their friends but to know apparent avail – and will only be able to stand aside and weep for their friends and associates.
The sorrow will be found magnified because to accept truth is so much easier to do – than to accept the rhetorical creeds of the world. And thus in the Scriptures it talks of the God the Father or the Savior weeping – it’s because of those children who choose to follow Satan rather than them. Don’t get me wrong – there are three degrees of being saved – but only one (1) is to return into the presence of the Father and the Son and with our families eternal forever and ever. The other two (2) degrees will be saved – yes – but not able to procreate and be in the presence of the Father and the Son. And of course there will be outer darkness for those who deny the Holy Ghost (i.e. deny the promptings of the Spirit or without feelings) and/or commit murder which is the shedding of innocent blood.
We each must remember who we are and why we’ve come to this earth. It’s not just a chance happening – or a mistake in the laws of nature – but a mission we only can fulfill – and this requires full obedience to the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of Heavenly Father and His Son – Jesus Christ our Savior. Satan doesn’t care whether we’re partially obedient – keeping 3 – 4 and 8; just as long as we don’t keep them all – all of the time. He doesn’t care we profess a belief in Jesus Christ as long we don’t believe his living Prophets now or then. He doesn’t care if we attend churches of the world as long as we don’t attend the Saviors church in these latter days. He doesn’t care if justify or talk badly about him (Satan) even if we deny he exists – as long as we do the same about the Savior in our talk or our actions in denying truths and common sense. We must remember Satan employs those who don’t teach the ‘whole truth’ but instead mix the gospel with the creeds of men – to beguile any and all into a feeling of ‘all is well’ and ‘I’m saved’ – as long as they don’t believe in a living Prophet and the Restored Church today!
Over time ‘bad/evil – deceit = good – truth’ only with the worldly! Those who really understand that these will never be equal must accept peer approval and worldly acceptance – thus the scripture found in Doctrine and Covenants 121: 34-40:
“34 Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen?
35 Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson—
36 That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness.
37 That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.
38 Behold, ere he is aware, he is left unto himself, to kick against the pricks, to persecute the saints, and to fight against God.
39 We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.
40 Hence many are called, but few are chosen.”
Which side will we be found residing – for one cannot straddle the line (as the world teaches) – for to do so is to have made your decision! You can either be on the Lord’s side or you’re not! If not then you’ve made your decision to choose the wisdom of the world over that of the Father and the Son. It’s simple stuff – not complicated – common sense – and to deny this is an adoptive choice and not one of your original birth right. Yes once more all will be saved – this was the reason of the Sacrifice of the Son on the cross to do away with the death of the spirit (and thus the individual) it was done for all of us (with the two exceptions – denying the Holy Spirit of Revelation and shedding of innocent blood). But being just saved is not the purpose of the Plan of Salvation – eternal life and exaltation is clearly defined as our greatest goal in mortality – to be resurrected with a physical body of flesh and bone and become one with the Father and the Son and our families if found worthy.
Thus I leave with each of you, “Joshua. 24: 15.
15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
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[image: Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us]
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