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Friday, December 23, 2011

"Questions and Thoughts about the Martyred"

"Questions and Thoughts about the Martyred"


Over the years many have read the Holy Scriptures - while
many have never heard of them. The later most likely make up the larger group
in the world today. But for now we'll dwell on those who've read the Scriptures
and portend to fully understand them in their fullness. These are those
who've attending schools of higher learning - professing the authority to not
only confer degrees but also an awkward form of the Priesthood. Awkward in that
it must be sustained by the laws of the land, school, nation or the creeds of
men and has no need of a calling from the Father or the Son. Let's be very
clear the creeds of men have no acknowledgement of the heavens being open and
there be any continuing revelation and therefore no contact or communications
with the Father or the Son. Thus none with such a Priesthood can claim if
from the authority of the Father or the Son.

Yet from this group we find volume's of books, pamphlets,
sermons, hell and damnation, and the actual degradation of other
religions. These are considered the learned of our age - but have not
really done all of their homework. They add to their communications the
soul of philosophy, mythology, psychology and here and there some of the
Scriptures as they've access to use. While claiming they've all there is
- they ignore many teachings and about 3400 books of the Old and New Testaments
hidden away somewhere - and in addition while allowing no new revealed
Scriptures they constantly change and add and delete (saying for clarification)
since the 3rd and 4th Centuries.

You can find some 52,000+ of these variations of teachings
within just the US alone - and this number changes weekly. It's a wonder
they understand that God is not a God of confusion but one of simple
clarity. They claim Paul as an Apostle but will also say there were only
12 Apostles and can be no more. They claim the teachings of the New
Testament - but deny their literalness.

But enough - what about those Martyred for the teaching of
the Father - and claiming revelation and keys to be authorized to do
such. Throughout the ages the Prophets and Apostles of God the Father and
His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have been killed, murdered, or
otherwise abused for some really very simple testimonies. Nothing as complex as
the professional clergy would have us believe or not believe.

The Savior was Crucified for teaching from the Scriptures -
and repeatedly testifying about His Father - and about who he was. Paul,
Stephen, James, Peter, and one could number more and more to this list from the
Old and New Testament - while others have been added during the coming out in
public the Bible as we now have it (considering always the modifications made
by modern man/woman); such as Hess, Wycliffe, Tyndale. Since the early
1800's while most think this killing of those testifying of the Father and the
Son - having seen them and spoken to them has ceased but again it has
not. We've modern Prophet's and Apostles who've also been Martyred for
the exact same reasons of the others.

What are these reasons? Below you will find the 13
reasons all Prophets, Apostles and the Savior himself have been Martyred (Today
they are referred to as the Articles of Faith):

1 We abelieve
in bGod, the Eternal Father, and in His cSon,
Jesus Christ, and in the dHoly Ghost.
2 We believe that men will
be apunished for their bown
sins, and not for Adam’s ctransgression.
3 We believe that through
the aAtonement of Christ, all bmankind
may be csaved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
4 We believe that the
first principles and aordinances
of the Gospel are: first, bFaith
in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, cRepentance;
third, dBaptism by eimmersion
for the fremission of sins; fourth, Laying on of ghands
for the hgift of the Holy Ghost.
5 We believe that a man
must be acalled of God, by bprophecy,
and by the laying on of chands
by those who are in dauthority,
to epreach the Gospel and administer in the fordinances
6 We believe in the same aorganization
that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, bprophets,
cpastors, dteachers,
eevangelists, and so forth.
7 We believe in the agift
of btongues, cprophecy,
drevelation, evisions,
fhealing, ginterpretation
of tongues, and so forth.
8 We believe the aBible
to be the bword of God as far as it is translated ccorrectly;
we also believe the dBook
of Mormon to be the word of God.
9 We believe all that God
has arevealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He
will yet breveal many great and important things pertaining to the
Kingdom of God.
10 We believe in the
literal agathering of Israel and in the restoration of the bTen Tribes;
that cZion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American
continent; that Christ will dreign
personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be erenewed
and receive its fparadisiacal
11 We claim the aprivilege
of worshiping Almighty God according to the bdictates
of our own cconscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them dworship
how, where, or what they may.
12 We believe in being asubject
to bkings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in cobeying,
honoring, and sustaining the dlaw.
13 aWe
believe in being bhonest,
true, cchaste, dbenevolent,
virtuous, and in doing egood
to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe
all things, we fhope
all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to gendure
all things. If there is anything hvirtuous,
ilovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after
these things.
Joseph Smith, Jr.
"About the


Gone from our sight
men and women to miss
yet their teaching
and their memories

Names many of the
having given their
their cries to us
to always do the

Over millennium to
their minds
only to be cut short
about the martyred to

Men/women strong and
of the Father/Son to
our Spirits/Souls
helping us to
Celestial grow!

Copyright © 2011 – cji

Saturday, November 26, 2011

“PTSD and the Guilt Factor”

“PTSD and the Guilt Factor”

(Disclaimer: First I’m neither a medical doctor nor a psychologist. However, I know what I both know and don’t know – which the Egyptians would define as “All that there is – that what I can see and not see.” Secondly, over the years I’ve had to deal with a multitude of doctors and psychologists for a variety of medical reasons. It seemed to appear if one had a medical complaint in the military they almost always had to see the psychologist in residence. c/ork)

Over the years of my life I’ve observed much in a plethora of areas and interests. Having been associated for the majority of this time with the military – most of my immediate friends come from this arena. Combat veterans and I seem to have a kindred spirit whenever and wherever we meet. Understand I was never in combat per se’ but in the mid-to late 1960’s I started two of the first Vietnam Veteran Clubs at the colleges I attended. We in those days counseled each other and helped as we could and would.

Sometime in the 1970’s the Government decided they had some responsibility in doing this and hired psychologists and social workers to do this counseling. However until the mid-1980’s and still today we continue to assist each other – mostly not trusting these government appointed counselors. Most all of these counselors or psychologists had no military experience and if they did – no direct contact with those in combat. With one exception – almost everyone I was sent to see had no combat and almost no idea with how to understand what had/has taken place in my life or others.

One example of this was when I read at a Holocaust Memorial afterwards I was approached by one of these psychologists and asked, “Why can’t I communicate with those like you and others?” His role was to counsel returning men and women from combat areas and he didn’t have a clue. I explained in simple terms that he hadn’t been or done – and what he read in the books wasn’t going to help him very much. He would have to change how he thought about things and open up new windows of how to listen and understand (will address this more in a bit).
The second example was a VA social worker who’d been to Nam – but was an apologist for what had happened and held most of us in some contempt that we didn’t agree with him (i.e. similar to Kerry) as to how evil we’d been in our service to our nation. This is where I believe that the idea of ‘guilt’ associated with PTSD began as a seedling – to explain away anything else of importance in dealing with PTSD.

Thus there were two points which were present in the early days of dealing with PTSD – one a complete lack of knowledge and the second – that we had been or had done something evil – i.e. that we had guilt for our actions.

Addressing the first of these the lack of knowledge – each time I was assigned a new counselor or to see a psychologist they would put me through a series of questionnaires. Mostly the following two events would occur: first, that I should be in a hospital or jail; or second, that they just didn’t understand and could I help them in dealing with veterans.

Those with the first response I would have call a specific number and speak with ‘Chick’ (many might know who this is) – and he would patiently explain that I was okay, etc. With the second response – I knew only that I had to assist this person into understanding – not so as to help me but to help the others he/she would eventually have to be seeing.

A couple of things one must understand – veterans are pretty honest and straight-forward in what they say and think. Each has learned in differing ways to deal with their lives and actions. They answer questions truthfully and fully – which in many cases shocks those who’ve been hired to help them – as it is beyond their scope of understanding. Louis L’Amour in his many novels and short stories was able to convey this in the following way. Usually a stage pulls into town and as the new people to the west were getting off the stage there’s a shooting – good guy versus bad guy. One lies dead in the street almost at their feet and the other rides away. This is brutal and shocking to those newly arrived and they think (rather than understand) one man has just killed a person and ridden off. They understand not the circumstances and for the most part initial judgment has been made and is final. Later, the learning and discerning ones better understand the clarity of what took place – but it could be months or years. This is what happens – the veteran – confronts the bad – deals with it and rides away. Those who are observing haven’t a clue if they’re new to the arena.

It’s the stark honesty which gets most veterans in trouble with the civilized world – they don’t understand the simpleness of either our thinking or actions. Once when taking a science exam – was pondering over what to do about a ‘germ’ trying to enter my body. The teacher came up and drew a little germ on a piece of paper and said, “How would you keep this out of your body?” I picked up a book and smashed it! She wasn’t pleased with the reply (smile). However, to me it solved the problem. And most veterans being mission orientated – solve the problems simply and efficiently.

When working in a drug rehab program (our population was 11-18 years old – first time offenders) we found it took about six months to get most to open up (and this was in a contained environment). In addition, we didn’t have a negative influence from the media or government. As we had to earn the trust of these young people – equally one has to earn the trust of the veteran.

Rumors have a lot to do with earning trust. Currently, most veterans are unwilling to trust anyone who’s the ability to disarm them. Further when one has the power based on ‘generic test results’ to confine or otherwise control a person’s life – the idea of actual trust dissipates in a hurry. Thus the knowledge and understanding gap – the trust gap – and what is eventually reported (supposedly confidential) does not exist in the environment of counseling one with PTSD (whether a veteran or a victim of a violent crime).
The second factor mentioned above is the new rage to associate ‘guilt’ with PTSD. First off what is ‘guilt?’ “Guilt is the state of being responsible for the commission of an offense.[1] It is also a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes—accurately or not—that he or she has violated a moral standard, and bears significant responsibility for that violation.[2] It is closely related to the concept of remorse.[1]” The idea of violating a moral standard would depend on who’s doing the association. We find many times in reference to veterans the word ‘kill or killing’ and thus meaning that in wartime or combat that this is in violation of the Ten Commandments, etc. However, one must realize in the original Decalogue the word was ‘murder’ and not ‘kill’. There is significant difference in the meaning and usage of these two words – yet it would appear for convenience the worldly of today have self associated the two as meaning the same.
Very few if any of the veterans I’ve known or know are having a problem with guilt in their lives over their previous actions associated with combat in the service of our nation. They have a different association with the thoughts of, “Why me and Not them” in relation to the death of a friend/buddy in combat. This is not guilt – it is trying to discern why things happened the way they did. If this in anyway can be discerned as guilt then everyone who watches the evening news – travels on a highway – or sees a serious accident would have ‘guilt’ feelings why it was someone else killed or injured in an accident or abusive crime. To my knowledge this doesn’t happen as a regular turn of events in most lives.

Even those like Kerry who admitted to killing (murdering) mothers and babies didn’t feel guilt or even remorse of any kind – he used as something political in condemning those who were beneath him or his liberal beliefs. Others have done the same – over and over – and while mainstream media and the world of counselors/psychologists enjoin them – they never condemn them but make excuses for them. The veteran or victims of a violent crime who have PTSD on the other-hand are never freed from being honest and open. The media wants to keep them as the victims and to disenfranchise the worthy veteran.

Sadly today many veterans and even victims of violent crimes will not go to counseling or seek redress for their suffering. Each time the headlines proclaim another violent crime – or similar event to what they’ve suffered (even if years ago) their past open up like a sore wound. For the veteran it’s worse only in the fact they are always subject to confinement for being honest when telling their story or feelings. Do real victims feel guilt – if so only because of our society in defending the criminal at the expense of the real victims?

Guilt is something others inflict upon the innocent to justify their actions being done without remorse. The government and many if not all of their intrusions into another’s life – are failures – planned and executed to be such from the beginning. Councilors and Psychologists who’re untrained and have nothing to do with diagnosis – dealing instead with prescriptions and results (have to meet their numbers) – fail in dealing with most victims and veterans with PTSD. Therefore, as their justifications and excuses they seek to blame the victims and veterans for doing something that was morally incorrect which has caused their present state of being.

What is needed is a wakeup call - shrill and deafening – for those who’re in the fields of counseling and psychological analysis to reprogram themselves to listen to our sisters and brothers, fathers and mothers, son and daughters – friends and associates – and stop predetermining based on shallow books – incomprehensible to most. One needs only to keep it simple – honest – and without condemnation of the innocent. A veteran and a victim in order to get on in their lives do just that – speak the truth – simply and clearly.

PTSD and the guilt factor is only one more way in which government and the sciences are saying – they need an excuse and this is it! Don’t believe or accept this as a truth – because it is not. The veteran and victim have not violated any moral law or committed any violent crime – they are not guilty of anything – anywhere – no matter how hard the media and government try to prove otherwise. Sadly, now even more will not seek assistance due to the inference of their guilt. More will continue to still be coming home but never quite reaching it fully. c/ork

“am I guilty?”


Did I do something
morally against society
did I create a monster
a crime so evilly bad
am I guilty of being
did the world change
are the innocent evil
wherefore am I sought
will I never be left alone
is home really there
or as in illusions oft
just a mirage of sand?

Copyright © 2011 – cji
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guilt

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

“Surface People”

“Surface People”


Unable to think alone
depending on others
decisions unmade too
indifference to reason
in apathetical comfort
going to the malls oft
tv and video games
drinking and playing
for these are only
surface people
between birth
and sure death!

Copyright © 2011 – cji

“Surface People”
Many years ago there were some very deep thinkers which abounded in small clusters throughout the world. Almost always these persons would know of each other or meet within their geographical areas. In Europe this could extend over the breathe and length of the land: Italy to the Franks; Brittany to Prussia; and throughout the Middle East in all directions. There were some women involved but for the most part these were the men of letters who communicated with others of their peers. The idea of calling them men of letters is this is the way they communicated – and these are what their recorded records became. Now we’ve left the Far East out of the initial thought as they too had similar scholars – but the communication links were not the same as throughout Europe at this early time.
To establish the time of these events one must consider from about 3000BC to the early part of 1700AD. The means of travel were in either large convoys or caravans or with armies of conquest. One used for trade and the other for dominion and destruction. The year 3000BC is about the time of the use of papyrus from Northern Africa (Egypt) and thus a new means of relating or communicating – in a more accessible manner was available[1]. One must not forget writing has been around as long as man has been on this earth (we cannot speak of other than our earth). Thus some of the earliest forms of written communication (called systems of ideographic[2] and/or early mnemonic symbols[3]. (writers note: Some would think we’re going back to this form of writing due to the current increase in illiteracy – but hopefully not.)
Over the last 6 millennium writing and communications have changed greatly as well as the intent of the writers. The religious writers of the first 4 thousand years (ending about 100 years into the 1st Century AD) tended to write from experience and or revelations. Histories were kept and kept accurately by certain members of the various different developing thoughts on theology. These records and books go back again as far as 6 thousand years ago[4].
We can then look at fictional writing – which the early myths of the Greek’s are considered the oldest – being about the 8th Century BC. Some have attributed Epic of Gilgamesh as being the earliest but it was about the 7th Century. One would venture ‘tall tales’ and ‘stories’ were told since the beginning of time – but being written these seem to be the earliest. Interestingly much research since the 1970’s has revealed that the works of Homer may indeed be true – as well as the Epic of Gilgamesh – as this type of writing cannot be accomplished without sound information to support them. I.e. the various myths and illusions add grandeur to the subject – but the overall story is based on some factual information. Today we’d call it Historical Fiction. This however, we do know about the Greeks is that they whole-heartedly accepted rhetoric as a way of life and writing, speaking and in oration of the theater. Thus, they accepted lying as a means of teaching and explaining what they did not understand. This was carried forward and still alive and well in most of the world in one form or another.
After the second century AD – we find much changed in the world of written thought in the European environment – (to include the Middle East, Brittany, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, etc.). With the Primitive Church (which it is called in history) established by Jesus the Christ – and it’s spread across many lands – Scriptures came to life in the fulfillment of Prophecies and also in the teachings from the primary source. There were no longer the need for interpreters or someone to tell you what was meant by this Prophet or that one. This continued until, the schools decided religion was the way to attain wealth and power. These schools mixed neo-Platonism with rhetoric and complicated even the simplest literal words taken from the Teachings of the Savior and the Prophets. Interestingly the Jewish community bought into this new theology of discarding the literal meanings found in the Scriptures. The Gnostics won the day – only through others accepting they’re doctrines instead of the true doctrines.
Thus wherein we’ve two various dimensions – the early writers before fiction and those who came after the accepted usage of fiction (making it up as you go along to impress and please others into acceptance). We now have two schools – those who seek to find and know truth based on common sense[5] and those who seek to attract the attention of others no matter how they do it – with or without truth.
Thus we’ve two schools from which to choose – fiction or non-fiction! Fiction being defined as men/women who decide to interpret for others what someone else has said or meant without regard to research or worrying about what is true or not. The research is an interesting topic all of its own but will be addressed as we continue in context with what we’ve already written.
Research which is done by millions of students every single day has only two goals: 1) to meet the needs of a class assignment; and 2) to satisfy the curiosity of the student. Research is also done by thousands of scholars on a daily basis as well – and it too has certain goals: 1) not to upset the apple cart of their belief system; 2) to upset the apple cart of their belief system; 3) to publish; 4) to validate someone else’s conclusions and 5) to actually reveal as much as possible what can be known about a subject.
Research today is more circular than seeking of a Primary or Secondary sources (which in many cases requires much time and effort). The circular only requires one to quote what others have already said quoting another, etc. without wondering where the quotes came from to begin with. Many times if one source checks an article in the newspaper or in a term paper one will find they quoting redundant sources. Darwin’s theory is much like this – most who accept it as fact – are doing so based on someone else calling it a fact – when in reality Darwin himself said he could never prove his theory and no one else has either.
Thus where are we going with the idea of all of this above and ‘Surface People?’ We started with the scholars of the past – men of letters – who dug deep into the soil of their respective topics – exchanged their information with others – and were always willing to add new knowledge and information where they could find it – accepting that which made common sense and rejected that which did not. They understood that no one knows what is under the surface until they look – and that in all cases they must look before drawing any conclusions. They understand two people can look under the same rock and see many different things – thus they would start by agreeing on what they both see – and then dig deeper to see what the other saw that they did not. Somehow this type of scholarship has faded from the relevant world of today.
Therefore we’ve what I call ‘Surface People’ – those who neither look nor care what’s under the surface or under the rock. They only go on what others tell them and when they pretend at reporting or scholarship they use watercolors or chalk on cement pavements. These are the quote ‘Brenda Starr’s’ of today – pretending to be what they’re not – without any liability for what they report. Interestingly most never follow up on their stories and find out what really happened and seek to make corrections where others can see.
These ‘surface people’ are found in all walks of life (actually more dead than alive) unwilling to learn or change based on new information – when they say, “I’ve all I need!” These are the ones who really don’t know or understand their professions or their responsibilities other than to know to appear altruistic while guessing and fumbling others lives. These are the ones who the public see – day-in-day-out and somehow they become acceptable – like the napkin next to the fork on a set table. They get away because like them most others don’t care about ‘old news’ and if any errors were made in the processing of events of the day.
These are the people who ruin the lives of others! But since the current system is full of these people – (they say the average reader in the US today is about at a 5th grade level) – and most haven’t read a non-fiction book in years – and outside of TV – video games – going to the Mall and hanging out with peers – nothing else matters. This transcends into all ages just different hangouts, etc.
Moral and ethical accountability is basically dead in this nation, i.e. Penn State of today – college kids rioting for all the wrong reasons! Yes something has been done – but too little too late for those who’ve been injured for the rest of their lives[6]. Decision-making in the ruining of another’s life based on incomplete information – splashing it all over the media – without accountability is rampant and the effects are equally damaging with the advent of the Internet – and that while a person can be completely innocent – the Internet never seems to tell that or have that updated information – thus something will and can haunt someone as long as another is willing to search the net to find old news – never corrected – again they (the person searching and the postings) act in spite to hurt this person over and over.
Surface People write the manuals for school – determine the laws for the land – change the existing codes for ethics – and for the most part have never done any homework to validate whether what they’re doing is beneficial to the greater number – as long as those who are around them or vote for them like what they’ve done. Surface people ignore those who either work for them (usage of terms here – one can work for someone or with someone – those working with each other seem to accomplish more than those working for another) or with them. They don’t want to hear that something doesn’t make sense as long as it feels good to them (rhetoric is used to make the people feel good).
What can one do about ‘Surface People?’ Most can do nothing – these people are tenured or considered either not worth the effort (to sue or otherwise hold accountable) or just not affecting enough people to do anything – and anyway it was yesterday’s news or report. Those who care about doing something find the system of laws and answering systems so flawed that nothing can be accomplished without great frustration and time investment. Most lawyers don’t want to do anything within their community to upset the apple cart unless it’ll gain them more fame and fortune. Of course if one of the surface people hit on the wrong person at the right time with the wrong information – then watch out. If someone has the time and monetary resources then something will and can be done.
Why even write this essay? Sometimes the frustration of where our nation and culture are headed seems endlessly doomed to failure. Maybe by turning on one light at a time – there might be a difference made to protect someone – somewhere in the future. Maybe there’s a caravan which will carry ‘letters’ to others who care and share a similar interest as in the days when ‘letters’ were the only means of transmission of information – and the information valuable enough to influence culture and lives in a positive way. Deep thinking is needful in each and every person – to know what’s right and what’s wrong for them! Going under the surface – digging deep – not accepting generalities in place of true information of value is needed for each individual. Turning off the TV, Video Game, going to the Mall – or whatever – to take a serious look at who one is – and what positive effect they can and should have on others.
My conclusions are only right for me – not for another – I can express how I achieved my knowledge and why and how I did my homework and continue to do so, but the other still has to do their own. I’ve friends (many of them) who don’t believe as I do but respect my understandings. I respect theirs – and their ability to come to the conclusions they’ve arrived at. We find what we see the same – and then look at what the other sees – sometimes finding a melding and sometimes the differences continue. Each has to be able to do this with confidence in their life – and not the lack of confidence of a surface person – who’s lacking even the basic clues of ethics and values.

Copyright © 2011 – cji
[1] H. Idris Bell and T.C. Skeat, 1935. "Papyrus and its uses" (British Museum pamphlet).
[2] from Greek ἰδέα idea "idea" + γράφω grafo "to write"

[3] Catherine Soanes; Angus Stevenson; Sara Hawker, ed (29 March 2006). Concise Oxford English Dictionary (Computer Software) (11th ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. Entry mnemonic

[4] Many have a problem with this finding or conclusion in that without a belief in eternal things or that of a Heavenly Father or his Son Jesus Christ – much of the early Theological writings accorded to the Prophets is usually dismissed. Personally I know writings which go back to at least 3000BC and information on others which were already a thousand years old at the time of the Shabako Stone’s discovery. Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon testify of early writings and records which were kept from the time of Adam.
[5] Common sense has always been the most important aspect of understand truth. If it doesn’t make common sense most likely it isn’t true. Common sense is simply and not complicated and everything which is true can be broken down to its simplest parts.
[6] Sexual abuse goes with a person as long as they live – each time a news event uncovers another such event – the events of their life flash back in reality.

Monday, October 17, 2011

“A Drawn Line”

“A Drawn Line!”


“But the world will still get worse – on our watch – but in some places and those things we can exert influence it will not. However the sides of good and bad – right and wrong are getting more and more organized – and believe me those who are on the side of bad – meaning – anything not pure white is quite large – while the side of pure white is quite small. Just ask William Tyndale” cji 10/16/2001

Iffy is the way many decide to look at what is right and wrong – white or black! Too many want to think it’s none of their business – as they’ve been taught, “Just be good and that’s enough.” Being good by this teaching is just doing what others do – understanding not to murder anyone – or rob a bank – which most people wouldn’t do. However, it also means that the Commandments are simply suggestions for moral behavior but are not to be taken literally. Being good is taking baths, going to church (now and again) – paying in the plate when passed. Being good is putting on a show when in the public eye – much like a politician or a con man/woman.

Thus we see the being good is only relative to time and circumstances. One can choose to be good or at just being good and no one is the wiser. We’ve to understand the only reason that Follywood, television, pornography, drugs, adultery, petty theft in the work place, breaking the Sabbath Day, foul language in public, high divorce rates, illegitimate children, abortion, starvation, homelessness, discrimination, child abuse, spousal abuse, taking of the Lord’s name in vain, swearing oaths, street gangs, rape, failing educational systems and whatever else could be added to this list is because – those being good allow it to take place. These good people are the first to say, ‘they’re only boys being boys’ or ‘it doesn’t affect me’ or ‘it’s up to the government’ or ‘we can’t do anything’ and finally the worst excuse, ‘we don’t see what’s so bad about it – everyone is accepting what is going on.”

Thus I’ll just cut to the quick, when Joseph Smith, Jr. a 14 year old boy said he’d seen a vision of the Father and the Son in the 1820’s the first to belittle and deny what he said were the righteous clergy of the day. From the first moment this was known – the clergy have never let this vile attack stop. Even today they hold fast to the idea that the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a cult and false deceptive religion. Never minding the fact that in everything this Church does is in defense of the Holy Bible and proclaiming the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ. In over 190 years no one has yet to refute any of the teachings of Joseph Smith, Jr. or any of those called as Prophet’s or Apostles in these latter-days. The rhetoric flows – but one could take all of the thousands of anti-Mormon (anti- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and basically the pages are interchangeable and made up of gross lies and innuendoes. But we must understand the being good people want to accept whatever will make their way easier.

See the teachings of the Restored Church are that the Bible is literally true where translated and transferred correctly from generation to generation and that the Book of Mormon testifies of the Holy Bible – thus having a Second Witness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In addition they believe the Commandments (and there are more than just ten) are all literally true and need to be obeyed to the letter! Further, that man/woman have the agency to choose to be obedient to the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of the Father and the Son – or not to. The caveat being that those who choose not to – willingly give away their agency and fall into the bondage of others and ultimately the Adversary.

Here is the a drawn line – there is no discussion of where the line is – and what it means. Either one is on the Lord’s side or not. There is no middle ground. Yes there are a lot of good people who attend a variety of churches throughout the world – and these churches each have some truths. But only one Church (and if one cares to study history they’ll find this is true) with all of the keys and authority on the earth at one time. There is only one Prophet at the Head of the Church representing the Father and the Son. However, there are 14 additional Prophets/Apostles who hold these keys but cannot exercise them – except to testify of Jesus Christ. The Church is organized and run by the Savior – it is His Church and none other.

Let’s go further – most men and women love their families and spouses – yet due to the false teachings of the various churches these family units will not traverse the veil upon the death of the family members. Yes it’s now happening that some ministers are promising their flocks that they’ve this power to ‘seal for time and all eternity’ but they do not. Due to where they received their various degrees - and which religion that affiliate with – they’ve only civil or local authority for any of their actions. And if one reads the various creeds associated with the varying churches one will see that this belief of eternal families is not taught, while often referenced in the Scriptures.

The sole purpose of coming to this earth is to pass through mortality and return into the presence of our Heavenly Father and his Son our Savior Jesus Christ to be together with them and their families and ours – sealed for time and all eternity. Our ancestors cry out to us to understand this gospel ordinance which can only be performed in the House of the Lord or a Holy Temple dedicated for this and other ordinances. As Paul has taught all will be saved through the atonement of the Savior – but all will not go to the Celestial Kingdom. He explained three various kingdom each different and each with varying degrees within them. A drawn line is made between each and what is expected to gain which ever degree or kingdom we desire to attain.

The difference of a drawn line by the Father and the Son is that it defines a dispensation of the Gospel being on the earth. Many people pray repetitively – “Thy Kingdom Come…” well the Kingdom has come! For the Savior cannot return without the Kingdom already being restored to the earth. Otherwise it would be to someone else’s kingdom and not his. All of the Scriptures point to this truth – but yet men/women at the instructions of their leaders deny this truth. They deny lots of truths – continued revelations – miracles – Prophets – Apostles – continual Scriptures – and most of all they deny God and his works. They changed ‘their god’ to one who’s changing – uncaring – unfeeling – and most of all to a god that meets no definition within the Scriptures – but only in their confused creeds.

Which side of the line will each of us choose to be found – matters not if you choose other than the Father and the Son’s line – if you choose not to believe that there are Prophets and Apostles on the earth today – matters not you choose to follow your preachers, ministers, priests, rabbis, clerics, clergy, or any other person – Darwin, etc. for a drawn line is a reality.

The sides of good and evil are aligning – well structured and well defined! What is written above I’ve spent my whole life researching (since the age of 8). The documentation and proofs are undeniable. Most let others do their homework – and pay them for doing so. Each is responsible for doing their own! A line drawn by the Lord cannot be denied – or ignored – for there will be no excuse as to what choices each person makes. Each will be accountable and responsible for themselves – saying, “another made me do what I did or led me astray into the choices I made!”

Just as the many who lived in the meridian of time have denied the Christ and his Prophets and Apostles so have men/women though out all of the dispensations of the Gospel upon this earth. Whether we see history – or review the Scriptures what makes us immune to what it has been taught? A line drawn cannot be undone – the Father and the Son are forever and ever – and we can become like them (read the Bible – it says this) – however, we’ve to choose to be obedient unto them and to do their will and not ours.

I testify to the truths found in the Bible and the Book of Mormon – and all of the Scriptures – that Jesus is the Christ – the son of our Heavenly Father – and as he came in the flesh to do his Father’s work – so have we! And as the Savior departed in the flesh so has he come back again with he who sent him as he told his Apostles 2000 years ago. We’ve a living Prophet on the earth today – his name is Thomas S. Monson called by the Father and the Son with all of the keys and authorities in the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Father and the Son commune with man today as they did in the past – unchanging forever and ever. These things I say in the name of Jesus Christ amen – c/ork

“A Drawn Line”


Where the veil is thin
all who seek pure truth
see and know the line
see and understand fully
feel of the Spirit within
knowing both the Father
of His Son our Savior
and of a drawn line
which can give eternally
or which can take all
with the choices made
each accountable forever
and responsible fully!

“Deuteronomy 30:15 See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;”

Copyright © 2011 – cji

Sunday, October 16, 2011

"How' response to comment

In the interest of objectivity and always wondering who ‘anonymous’ is the below was sent to me in reply to the short essay entitled, “Crossroads – Worry or Faith/Works.”

“From: Anonymous [mailto:noreply-comment@blogger.com] Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:49 AMSubject: [Newest Poems & Writings] New comment on “Crossroads – Worry or Faith/Works”.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "“Crossroads – Worry or Faith/Works”: I have found that 'how' is quiet... maybe almost archaic but mostly unseen and not a popular option. So if the set of conditions were to slightly shift in favor of being answered I would highly esteem and recommend a question that is least favored and most likely a punctuated ending will contain the age old question.“In pondering this and in trying to understand it correctly I made the following short response.

"How" is always the excuse for multiple religions and ways. Sadly for the 'how' there's only one way, one Baptism and one Church. Since the beginning of time this has been the case - and of course the beginning of those who'd chose to make the 'how' silent and beguiling rather than quite clear and loud. But mortals will not be forced ever to be obedient - and Satan will make sure there are plenty of options. c/ork”

It is always interesting to note the argument about which way is the best to accomplish something. While on the surface the item would appear to be quite simple. Yet though simple is complicated by man/woman into being so complex as to be un-understandable. The Holy Bible is one of the basics to understanding those things of ‘true religion’ and is supported by the Book of Mormon as to the explicate teachings of The Father, The Son (Jesus Christ) and the Prophets.

Seemingly it is always left to those who are seeking profit, wealth, power or to fulfill their own lusts who strive to make things complicated. i.e. “Pay me and I’ll teach you understanding (which they never do).” They go to colleges, schools of divinity, Bible schools and all sorts of various paths to claim to be preachers, ministers, deacons, elders, priests, clergy, clerics, rabbis, and a plethora of other such titles known to the public and media. Yet they comprehend so little of what they are paid to teach that they instead turn to Greek Philosophy and Neo-Platonism for the majority of what is taught.

So why not read the Bible and heed what is taught there as to ‘how’ to accomplish the sole mission of mortality which is to return to Heavenly Father with our family (ancestors and posterity) intact. This ‘how’ was explained in the essay referenced above.

Obedience is the key – and obedience only to the Father and the Son and their appointed representatives on earth called and set apart by those having authority (from the Father and the Son) Prophets and Apostles at the head of the Saviors Church. There is no confusion, contradiction, contention, cloudiness or any other mistaking the Son’s Church and the appointed (called leadership).

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only Church which accepts the teachings of the Holy Bible literally as being true (where translated and transmitted correctly). They are the only Church led by a Prophet and Apostles called by proper authority and the only one’s holding the sealing keys delegated to them by Elijah. (People can argue about this all day long, etc. but none has ever proven the Church to be anything but what it claims to be as that of the Savior.)

Thus we’re talking simple – straight forward – understandable – requiring obedience to the Commandments of God (all of them) as to the ‘how’ of accomplishing will of the Father and the Son. Anyone who teaches anything else is neither of the Father or the Son.

The ‘how’ is neither silent, nor quiet! It is not archaic or invisible. Yet, it is a very difficult option and therefore very unpopular. When one thinks of today – everyone wants an easy solution – so as to not interrupt their fun and games.

The ‘how’ is about knowing and understanding – when William Tyndale translated the Scriptures (which make up 80% of the current Bible known as the King James version – Old and New Testaments) – he stated, “even a plowboy could understand what it both said and meant.” It would appear that some (many) think they’re much better than the plowboy – and therefore lead many astray. Sadly the ‘how’ has been transformed into ‘for your money’ – and sadly many would rather pay than to do. Samuel told Saul, “It’s better to be obedient than to sacrifice.”




What streams do we follow
whither the halls hallowed;

What truths do we swallow
what facts have we hollowed;

How do we know which way
have any thought to pray;

How do the course we stay
Which arrow shows the way;

Too often we glance away
and wrong paths followed;

Too often lies swallowed
and the ‘how’ lies in decay!

Copyright © 2011 – cji

Monday, October 10, 2011

“Crossroads – Worry or Faith/Works”

cji 10/11/11

(Pausing to Consider):

Over the course of history many people worried over their daily existence – i.e. food, water and shelter. Those who worried usually accomplished little in their efforts to gain all three and became dependent on others to provide it for them. Today the Government and media play to those who worry still today about what now is considered the basics of survival; cars, homes, jewelry, television sets, I-pods, computers and much more to which everyone today feels entitled to possess. Yet whatever man/woman touch seems to be short lived and a disaster in the long term, i.e. several weeks to several months.

Terms and meanings have changed and been manipulated to satisfy the guile of those using a new language to hide their real intent. One can easily start a run on a bank – and just as quickly almost all banks will be forewarned and close their doors – thinking the money is theirs and not the account holders. Just as easily the Government can start a depression with bad fiscal policies and count on industry to step right in and help it gain momentum. History has shown almost every depression was man/woman made and not because of anything else. Indeed those who start the depression usually gain the most in the end – owning foreclosed properties and anything else they desire at 1 cent to 10 cents on the dollar.

Understanding that 95%+ of the wealth of the United States is owned and controlled by less than 4% (this figure is of some discussion but not a lot) of the population should awaken some to the problems facing either our economy or economic future. When looking for the victim and the victor one needs only look to those who’ve the most to lose(and little to gain) to those who’ve the most to gain (and the least to lose). On the world stage this is always China – on the US stage it’s the 4% (and even a smaller percentage within this group) with the most to gain and the least to lose. While on the world stage the free nations have the most to lose and least to gain; and the working class (those who pay the taxes and produce the goods/services) who’ve the most to lose and the least to gain.

Therefore we’ve a circular situation which repeats itself over and over – with the wealthy and government taking more and more control over the ‘people’ who actually produce so they can. As much as politicians complain – they in fact gain the most from the current policies and events within the US. They’ve salaries for life – vote their own pay raises and exempt themselves from all of the unwise legislation which they force upon the people.

Thus we now have to concern ourselves with in whom we trust? If we trust the Government and Politicians to watch out for our best interests and to remove the worry over our daily, weekly needs then we indeed have even a greater need to worry. Faith in the Government is falsely placed and always has been which is why governments come and go throughout history because traditionally they let down those they’ve been chosen by to serve. Of course where there’re Kings, Queens, Dictatorships and Despots one is usually given to be at their whim and without any rights. In an elected government this should not be the case – however, it is!

If we cannot trust or faith in our government or elected representatives then who is left? The 4%+ who control the wealth of our nation certainly don’t care much for us as has been shown over the past century and one-half by the absolute abuse of their wealth and power to gain more wealth and power. They say nice things and give public donations to appease and beguile those who might find some good in them. The media/TV/movies make them into big heroes but they are not.

We certainly cannot trust the new wealthy class known as actors/actresses or athletes for the very same reasons of the others. For the most part they’re out for number 1 and number 1 only. Plus they’ve much in common with the government, politicians and the 4%+ - they for the most part believe not in the Ten Commandments – other than as suggestions for the weaker among them. This is the case of several (many) bad apples overwhelming any good in their company.
(Interlude to Change of Values and Culture)
When the turn of the 19th Century to the 20th Century occurred – there was not a car in every garage – nor running water in the homes – or TV’s or anything material to excess. Canned food was thought a luxury and many found some of the new ‘contraptions’ just that. People survived hurricanes, tornados, floods, blizzards and all other natural events without the intercession of the government. People relied on each other (as some still do in this nation). There were abuses but in most areas of the country these were controlled and dealt with promptly within the local community.
With the advent of the urban clusters (early 1800’s onward) people stopped watching out for each other and demanded someone else do it for them. People stopped living both the Commandments and as neighbors. Indeed we found we could not trust very many around us – and thus there was always doubt in any gesture to do good or to share. In the larger rural areas this took until the mid-1950’s for this abandonment of helping each other especially with urban spread. One can still find in the smaller towns and villages in the US the caring and sharing feelings – however, with the advent of the drug culture, rising crime (without conscious), illegal aliens and the welfare class – much of this is also being dissipated.
(Further Consideration Good Old Days of the United States):
Many times we hear of those preaching the good old days and values but they fail to understand to what they’re referring. Thus when some indicate the return to the good old days or early values of the nation – one seeks to be led astray in the fantasy of one’s own mind. There is no return to the good old days – basically because while our memories are built in follywood and paperback books – the evil was always inherently there. Instead in reality only temporary fixes can be found – and someone who chooses the right is not the opposite of what I indicated – there will always be those who’ve values, morals, integrity, being honest, and seeking to do what is right for the right reasons.

The Prophets have foretold is that men/women will become more and more wicked – dividing the gap between those who really follow the Savior and His Father – and those who don’t. i.e. those who seek to do the right thing for the right reason – being obedient to the Commandments of the Father and the Son – and those who don’t and seek only to do that which they want to do regardless of the reasons being either right or wrong.

The rebirth of America is an interesting request – as America itself started out in violence and has continued to be so throughout its short history. And if one wants to go back before Amerigo Vespucci it won’t take much research to see many wars and violence – resulting in a history back to 2000BC and before. For a window of roughly 200 years – about c35 AD to 200AD there was peace on this continent as we now know it as North America.

America became an idea – one of worth and that even the common man could improve himself/herself. Yet ever there were those who tried to profit off of everyone else – i.e. the richer, bigger, more violent, etc. would seek and do anything to advance their own goals at the expense of others. Thomas Jefferson did it at the expense of John Adams. Henry Clay at the expense of Andrew Jackson. The North and South at the great expense of lives. The carpet baggers at the expense of the South – led be a most righteous General Butterfield(worth). Politicians at the expense of the Constitution and the people. The criminal at the expense of society.

The rebirth of the USA as was the dream and hymn’s have portrayed has always been and will be an ideal! Every now and then – we get a Reagan or Truman or a John Adams (hopefully) who actually knows what the Constitution says and means – but very infrequently – and even then the media/press/TV/movies will seek to destroy such leadership. Therefore we seek this first within our own homes and then within our sphere of friends and neighbors. Where we attend Church and where we go to shop or eat. Where we shop and where we chose to play. Otherwise the restraints placed upon the many by the vicious few is both seen and felt.
(The Return to the Ten Commandments):
Ahh… the Ten Commandments or as some scream from the pulpit or in the media – the Scriptures – and for money they’ll teach whatever one pays them to teach. It would seem in the world of today we’re running out of options of finding an absence of worry in our lives and to instead find faith and works. Worry is the motivation for cheating, lying, stealing, and generally not keeping the Ten Commandments or any others which are also found in the Scriptures. And if you violate the Ten Commandments or others – you’ve then agreed with the Father and the Son that you do not love them nor have faith in them – thus you cannot do good works either.

Most of the clergy of today say it is only Faith alone which is needful to be saved and considered a good Christian – which of course then denies what is taught in the Scriptures. The excuse is that they need only use about 5% of the Scriptures to teach their doctrines and creeds instead of the Saviors. They’ve appointed themselves and their schools to be the High Priests of who is and isn’t going to be saved – which again denies the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Therefore one still has a lot to worry about when turning to the Creeds and teachings of the majority of the Christian/Jewish/Muslim and other off-shoot religions of today as found in the US. Thus, none of the Clergy, etc. can tell you where the cut off line is between going to heaven or hell. Given that they only present two choices again they deny the teachings of Paul and other Prophets of the Scriptures. Of course the more you pay the better your chances according to them to their flocks.

So what is left? We certainly don’t want to worry – and we know the times ahead are going to be harder and harder to survive. Most who believe the Scriptures should entertain what Malachi says in the 4th Chapter – referring to the Great and Dreadful Day.

Yet how many really have studied and understand what the full purpose of mortality is? If one believes men/women – the answer is nothing. The churches also teach it is nothing, i.e. Creatio ex Niliho – if one is made from nothing there is only nothing to return to. Or as those who profess Darwinism as a fact (i.e. again never proven) – they’ve even worse prospects after death. Yet if one sincerely ponders and reads the Scriptures they’ll find a completely different presentation from the Creeds and teachings of men/women about the purpose of this mortality.

Therefore – if one truly has Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ – believes literally His Father’s Doctrines and those presented by His representatives on this Earth – the Prophets; then there should be an absence of worry! We’re commanded in the Scriptures to keep all of the Commandments! If we love the Lord – we will literally do this – and when we slip we’ll repent fully. We’ll stand against the ‘pricks and piercings’ of a wicked world without fear or doubt about who we are, where we came from and where we are going.

The essentials of this life are momentary and in reality not even ours – they are all the Lords. The Savior asks us to pay a full tithe on our increase – which in effect is all his anyway. If we do this we’ve great promises towards our well being and that of our family. The Savior asks to obey fully the Commandments – to be found righteously engaged in all things and all times. For this the Savior has helped us to attain various talents to share with others and also provides us free time. The Savior and His Prophets have expressed over and over – one Church – one Gospel and one Baptism – if we’ve faith in the Savior we ought to believe Him and not the men/women of the world.

(What is Expected of Us):
What is expected of us in this eternal relationship – which if we do will remove the worry and concerns of the world? First, we must do as directed in James 1:27! Second, we must read and study the Scriptures daily. Third, we must be found in full compliance and obedience to all of the Commandments. Forth, we must do our genealogy for our ancestors and get their work done in the House of the Lord during mortality. Fifth, we must sustain the Saviors representatives on this Earth in this Day and from the past – the Prophets. Sixth, we must literally accept the teachings of the Scriptures (all of them) and apply them in our lives to set a good example of a good example in a loving and kind way towards all others. Seventh, we must love our spouses and our families. Eight, we must sustain our leaders – called by the Father and the Son in these latter-days. Ninth, we must have Charity, Faith and Hope; or as Paul admonished, “We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.” And tenth, we must report often in daily personal prayer, (and family prayer) on our progress and delays in those assigned promptings which we’ve received.
Next what is expected of us to do on a daily basis? First, a year’s supply of food storage which you rotate and use. Second, to get out of debt especially credit card debt. Third, to have emergency supplies for cold, hot and times without electricity. Forth, a well supplied first aid kit. Fifth, money set aside for emergencies. Sixth, important papers where they’re protected yet easy to find. Seventh, batteries and radio which can be used without electricity. Eight, tools which can be used without electrical power, i.e. hand saws, can openers, flashlights, hammers, etc.. Ninth, a way to gather wild game or a garden for vegetables. Tenth, a knowledge of how to purify water, cook, candles, matches, soap for self and laundry. These are the basics – nothing fancy.
In return for being found in obedience the promises of all the Scriptures can be ours – and thus the worries and concerns of the world are mute in reflection and thus we can better understand the Saints of the Primitive Church during their persecutions and hardships. We’ve all the trials of Abraham to endure – we’ll all carry our own crosses – we’ve the refiner’s fire to enter into willingly and happily! None are exempt – nor would we wish to be – if we’re true disciples of the Savior in these latter-days.
Thus one can follow man/woman – creeds which make no sense – interpretations of the Scriptures which are more neo-Platonist than anything else – or they can follow the simple, clear truths of the Scriptures and those of the Savior – which were and are all done in obedience to the Father – becoming as the same.
(Hard Truths):
Hard truths – or easy – worry or the absence of worry is a personal choice. Most of us will never be a politician or among the 4%+ in wealth or power. Most of us will never be a government. It would be my understanding that few would even desire for these things. Yet in being a disciple of the Savior one can only then no longer have to worry about the things of the world.
Remember – if we do what Father and the Son have commanded – in doing so we’ll find talents to develop – some as doctors, nurses, laborers, teachers and whatever else we desire and will find the family is the most important role within mortality. None were ever promised more than their needs – sadly too many supplant needs with wants. This we cannot do as a disciple of the Savior. This doesn’t mean we’ll live in a hovel – eat the throwaway food or garbage of others – but it does mean we’ll be concerned of the welfare of others as in James 1:27.
Heavenly Father knows who each of us are – what the intent of our hearts desire – and furthermore what our needs really are. When we’ve done all we can do – to better ourselves – to improve our minds – to support our families and loved ones – Father knows! Faith without works is dead (see James and Paul). Our works allow us to become free from worry – our faith directs our works and through the Grace of our Savior – we’ll have the strength to endure to the end.
In the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork



Coming to the decision
what am I here for to do
where did I come from
where might I be going
when knowing about life
thinking of the trials
then tribulations abound
special times to be found
hearing the worlds wiles
like sharpening a knife
where might I be going
where did I come from
what am I here to do
coming to the decision!

Copyright © 2011 – cji

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

“Obedience to Do”

“Obedience to Do”


How far can one see
how much can one hear
how much can one do
are we in service true
is the Veil ever sheer
are we ever really free?

Obedience to do today
yesterday and tomorrow
with a sense of freedom
to enter Father’s kingdom
and ward off all sorrow
for this we each must pray!

Copyright © 2011 – cji

We’ve a friends visiting South Africa currently – as per the norm much of what they see and hear is about the recent past (last 70 years) and not the last 400 years. Here’s what I responded with - c

Remember when South Africa was settled – there was no one living there. After the area was beginning to be settled – those who had no employment other where’s started to come into the land. It wasn’t perfect – but it was also very scary in parts of Africa – many who were sold into slavery were sold by the conquering tribes – and it was one step better than complete destruction. When the comments were being made in South Africa by Sen. Robert Kennedy – complete groups of white people were being liquidated in Rhodesia (North and South) – by those who’d moved to the area for work. Still today this liquidation is going on within Zimbabwe. Yes it was and is unfair – but one must remember events sometimes frame themselves to those in power. As Ben Franklyn observed, “Traitor is the term applied to those who lose a war – by those who win the war.” There’re many today in the areas you’re visiting feel it’s just a matter of time for similar liquidations to begin.

Of course we’ve nothing by love and understanding in our nation with Jesse Jackson and his powerful friends – who teach hatred instead of understanding. You and I and others will someday have to atone for the slavery which occurred here – relative to those enslaved (both white and black) who otherwise would’ve been annihilated prior to the slavery option. Civilization has little to do with rights and wrongs – but more with who’s in power. Many in the US would rather have a King than an elected government – some think we have one already – most don’t want freedom with responsibility and accountability – they want the fruits of another’s labor without doing anything themselves (a review of history has always shown this to be the case).

We must remember in the pre-existence there was only one Plan. However, there were two who offered to implement the Plan – the Savior – with the words, “Thy will be done – and the glory be thine.” And the other, “Let me go and I’ll have everyone return – the glory be mine.” Thus we’ve the introduction of both freedom and slavery from the very beginning. The first offering the right of choice (to choose to be obedient or not) and the other with no choice (but to be obedient without any thought of doing wrong).

Don’t misunderstand my thinking on slavery – however, let’s remember that sometimes it’s the only route to freedom of accountability and responsibility. Heavenly Father understood this – and therefore – we’ve the choice to obey or not. The sadness is when we choose not to obey we voluntarily relinquish our freedom of choices. Thus are we not in slavery to our Heavenly Father and the Savior? Do we not refer to them as Lord and Master? Do they not inflict harsh penalties upon those who’re disobedient? One must remember the stage in which mortality is played upon is very short in relationship to the eternities taught in the Scriptures. Yet how many by their choices infinitely define the limitations of what will happen after their mortal probation by having disobeyed even the simplest of Commandments?

Most feel the Old Testament is harsh and unforgiving – but it was the people and their continuous rebellion – wanting the easier life (at the expense of others) which caused their hardships. What was the penalty for disobedience to the Father and the Son? Death! What is our penalty to disobedience to the Father and the Son? A Spiritual Death and never being allowed to be with our loved ones in the Celestial Kingdom of which Paul and the Savior taught to all! “Many are called, but few are chosen – and why are they not chosen? Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of the world.” Should we then judge the history of a people from 20/20 hindsight? Rather should we not be obedient to the commands of the Father and the Son – doing what we’re to be doing today in our time and place? (See James 1:27)

Didn’t mean to go on like this but felt clarification was needful between friends. When a nation fosters hatred – they give life to it. Our nation is like this – it fosters division and hatred. Why? Because it is the easiest way for another to control and have power! Divide and conquer. The adversary loves it – and has been using it since the beginning of time and his rejection by the Father in favor of the 1st Born. Will there be a bloodbath in South Africa – I hope not – but if history is a measure of what will happen – someday at sometime things will go seriously wrong. England today is only the beginning (the riots there are planned – the same as those in our nation after every major sporting event). Sadly man/woman prefer war to peace – and hatred to love – and contention to happiness. Life is really quite simple and plain – yet we work overtime to complicate even the simplest tasks.


Friday, May 27, 2011

“Why Armor”

“Why Armor”


Riding a motorcycle
fighting a fire raging
racing fast cars/trucks
body armor of police
soldiers going to battle
doctors into surgery
yet why wear armor
protection against
as many wear less
some almost none
why need protection
entering the fires
refining gold/silver
heat beyond melting
a society left nude
such society crude
without beliefs
without morals
without values
without armor
jesting always,
‘why armor?’

Copyright © 2011 – cji

“A Salute”

“A Salute”


Each season each year
someone sheds a tear
without any known fear
seeing the veil sheer;

Veterans see all clear
past, present, futures
life/liberty/family dear
precious is the sutures;

Sacrificing one’s life
giving of some or all
remember all the strife
answering freedom’s call;

Thus a salute for each
flags flying half-mast
our veterans to reach
freedom’s highest caste!

Copyright © 2011 – cji

Sunday, May 15, 2011

“The Results”

“The Results”


Over the millennial of time – one studies history. What do they learn? One can only find the results of what has taken place! Benjamin Franklin spoke often of how the winners or survivors relate their renditions of what took place. These results are biased and from only one point of view – especially in oral traditions. When one considers the absolute destruction of one people or another. The total destruction of civilizations – removing any memory or relics and to totally destroy men, women and children. Indeed sometimes both civilizations would be totally annihilated by each other fighting to the last man/woman or child on both sides. One knows that from research that many written records were destroyed or tampered with over time. In addition, there were very few written documents during certain periods of history. Even today we watch history being rewritten to serve the few and their point of view. If someone looks back 100 years from now at what our media leaves behind they’ll have no idea what was truth or fiction – what was real or imagined – only that what they see is a biased point of view. They will see only the results of what is left by those who controlled the means of information.

As each person goes forward into the new day they’ve control over the decisions which they make. However, they’ve no control over the results of their choices be they good or evil. One knows (or should) the difference of right and wrong – good and bad – righteous or unrighteous – but many like to point out the grey of each. There is no grey – never has been – except in the rhetorical teachings of men/women. Things are black or white! Thus when choices are made one knows why they’re making their choice. Yes, one can see instant gratification from a choice – but this is only short term and they will not see or refuse to see the long term consequences of making poor choices for the moment. Thus many are willing to risk all to follow the world and ignoring or slighting the principles of righteous behavior. Window washing of the soul is a poor substitute for obedience to the Commandments of God (all of them – all of the time).

The results will be found upon our last day in mortal life and first day in eternal life. Each needs to understand that through the Atonement of the Savior all (none excluded) are saved from eternal death! Those who’ve heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and those who have not heard or even know of the Savior. Anyone and everyone ever born into mortal life (within the womb) are saved! As for the results for each individual they’ll be based upon several things. First, what we did with the Gospel of Jesus Christ if we were among those who could read the Scriptures (all of them) and what actions they took upon their understandings. Did we act upon them literally or impersonally? Did we seek to approach the Father in righteousness for the answers to questions (we have/had) about the Scriptures? How did we change our lives after receiving this knowledge? How well did our example help others to learn what we have learned, discerned, understand and acted upon from the Scriptures?

Second, all will accountable for how they lived their lives and the talents which each had/have. This means all – those who heard the Gospel and those who did not! Our works will be part and parcel of what our long term results will be based upon. What examples did we set for others? Paul Meyer wrote, “Is what I’m doing what I want others to do? If not what do I need to do to change? For all we do is reteachable to another – whether good or bad.” James speaks of works being critical to our salvation – as do all of the Prophets and Apostles. “Faith without works is dead.” Almost all clergy and various forms of religion known as Christian disregard this concept – indication one is saved by faith alone. i.e. the Grace of God. However, they misunderstand the meaning and purpose of grace. Grace is the hand extended from the Father and the Son to give us the strength to endure, understand and do what is right. Therefore, what we do – more than what we say – will have a great effect on the results of our lives and all who’ve ever lived a mortal life.

Third, what did we do with truth in our lives? Each is accountable for the acceptance or rejection of pure truth. It is not for us to define men/women’s definition of truth – but that which the light of soul which instinctively knows between truth and untruth. Many have chosen to turn off the light – or deny it’s presence. (Note: We’re not talking about the Gift of the Holy Ghost when referring to the light of our soul.) Everyone is a child of God – none are not who’ve entered into mortal life. Even the 1/3 of the host that followed the adversary were at one time and still are children of Heavenly Father – but have denied their birthright. Thus being Father’s children we’ve inherent gifts to be like and to become like Him. This light allows us to come closer unto the Father and the Son – and to recognize the truth of all things if we use it righteously. This light is continuous and eternal if it is used – however, by disuse or misuse it can dim and eventually be just a lost glimmer waiting for us to reawaken. Even the most evil of men and women can repent – by which process they can again feel this light. Thus here is the problem of the world – they love putting people into various stations. They’re evil – they’re good – they will be condemned – they’ll be saved – they’re borderline – and so the lists continue.

Fourth, the worthiness of our personal integrity, moral excellence – virtue – and are we doing what we were made to do in righteousness. Have we lived a life of righteousness – doing and being in the service of others. Are we doing Father’s will and not ours – until ours is in complete harmony with His! Do we act in pure religion as defined throughout the Scriptures – to care for the widow, the orphan, the naked, the hungry, those in travail – those who need what we’ve to share? Do we murmur in our hearts or do we rejoice at the opportunities and trials which we’ve to endure? Are we a happy and joyful people?

Fifth, if we’ve received the Gift of the Holy Ghost – what have we done with this gift? (Note: Be mindful one can only receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost by one who has the authority to give this gift.) Do we use this gift for the good of all men/women/children? Do we use this gift to build up the Kingdom of God on this earth? Are we doing what we’ve covenanted at our Baptism into the Saviors Church – restored today, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? (Note: Outside of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the Priesthood and Authority to give the Gift of the Holy Ghost is not present.) Worse have we denied the Gift of the Holy Ghost? Remembering in the Scriptures we find there’s only two sure ways to be damned: 1) to deny the Holy Ghost; and 2) to shed innocent blood. Therefore one has to have received the Gift of the Holy Ghost to be able to deny it; i.e. apostates from The Church of Jesus Christ in whatever dispensation it has been upon the earth – with those having the keys to bestow it upon another. (Note: Throughout the recorded history of mankind – the true Church has always been referred to as The Church of Jesus Christ (currently being called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). For a church called by any other name cannot be the Savior’s church – for it is the church of those who named it otherwise.)

Lastly – final judgment is not ours – therefore we’ve no control over the final result in our lives – but we do have the power to exercise our course to be worthy. This is why none can judge another in eternal life. We do not know any external influences which men/women/children have had to endure – with or without knowledge of the Savior for the actions or reactions in their individual lives. The results which many see only day to day – week to week – month to month – or of any time in history are temporary – based on the view point of the one(s) making or writing the history of the past or present. Now if one reads the Scriptures (all of them) with pure intent and takes them literally – one can have a decent idea of what will happen in the future.

When the final harvest comes – for each of us it is the last day of our mortal life and the first day of our eternal life – all will be harvested – good and the evil – righteous and unrighteous – some will be taken – some will be burned – removing them from mortal life. In the preexistence we all fought for the right to make decisions/choices – that we might choose the right – choose to be obedient – confident in our abilities to endure all of the worldly temptations and wiles. Many of us having fallen short – which is why we’ve the ability to repent and sin no more. Man and woman are of a natural mind – unable yet to be perfect – but each has this opportunity to become even as God the Father and the Son – in fact we’ve been commanded to become like them!!

The results of anyone’s life on this world is something one cannot completely control – yet we can make choices to be obedient – righteous (serving and doing Father’s will) – not seeking the glory of the world or men/women. Again we can look to the past – and even the present and see ‘results’ as interpreted by men/women – and yet if we study the choices prior to these results we might find completely different results rather than the bias of men/women. We can make choices to overcome the world/worldly – we can decide to be obedient – we can choose the right every time – or we can choose to do otherwise. The Scriptures are very clear – without mystery or doubt – and instructive of what will happen based on our choices in eternal life – and how to be happy and joyful in this our mortal life’s today.

May we all be willing to be obedient literally to the all of the Commandments and all of the Scriptures – that the Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ was literal and effective for all of us – whether we choose to believe it or not. As the dress maker or the architect we can draw up the plans – visualizing what can someday be – the Father has drawn up the Plan of Salvation – we all were there – we approved of the Plan. Thus, only we can choose to become like the Father and the Son – and thus we’ve been commanded to do so in fulfillment of the Plan of Salvation and the results attendant to it and eternal life!

In the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork

“The Results”


A life unending
a view without end
forever and ever
able to be seen
if one is righteous
obedient to all
literally to read
Scriptures all
to alone heed
found righteous
ties not to sever
worthy to defend
a life unending!

Copyright © 2011 – cji

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

“Does It Matter?”

“Does It Matter?”

Over the past several decades I’ve had multiple conversations and questions to answer on why only one (1) church and not many – and why the leaders of this Church must be called by revelation. Without purse or script for the Prophet’s and Apostles. Recently I was asked why I use the terminology ‘paid clergy’ versus the Church where there is no paid clergy. Also the difference between going to college, seminary, universities or on-line licenses to preach the Gospel for almost every church in the world – while The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have no such program and all of the Priesthood leadership is called by revelation. Further the question of continued revelation and no man-(woman) made creed(s) being needed. Lastly the idea of two good men or women who’ve a belief in Heavenly Father and His Son our Savior Jesus Christ – live good lives – choose righteously – good over evil and are found in the service of their fellowmen(women) without remunerations. to this list of questions and thoughts I’ve addressed the below to answering – not in any specific order – but in general.

First, the biggest difference between the Restored Church and all others is no one strives to become a leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – there is no school or academy or university one can attend – these are callings from the Lord and his representatives on this earth today – like it was in the Primitive Church. No one seeks these or any callings – but all serve willingly and to the best of their abilities to the positions to which they’re called. If anyone thinks there is prestige or anything like such in the Kingdom of God – they’re sadly mistaken. There’s the respect but mostly there’s the never ending work involved (in addition to doing their normal daily work for their living). You will find firemen, policemen, farmers, teachers, bankers, hospital employees, military officer and enlisted holding any number of leadership positions throughout the world serving in these callings.

Further, there is no paid clergy anywhere in the Church – no Branch President – Quorum Leader – Bishop – Stake President – General Authority – Apostle or Prophet is paid. No Relief Society President – no Organist – no Sunday School President – no one anywhere with a calling is paid anything. The only persons paid in the Church are those who’ve jobs and have been hired to attend to them – Custodial – Secretarial – and so on – but these are all hired by the Church! All of the privately owned businesses of the Church – employ and pay their full share of taxes – bottling companies – farms – etc.

To sidetrack for a moment – over the past almost 200 years Joseph Smith, Jr. has had more material written about him of a negative nature than any other person in the history of these 200 years. There are more books (over 10,000+)– written about him while only 1500+ written about George Washington. These books, magazine, pamphlets demean him, calling him a liar – etc. attacking him over and over again. At this point some show no new creativity but just rearrange the words of others. During his life he enjoyed no peace from the time of his first vision with the Father and the Son. He was hounded, ridiculed, tarred and feathered, beaten, shot at, illegally imprisoned for long periods of time and eventually murdered by the same troops which were supposed to protect him. Those who were members of the Church were beaten – had their homes burned – some murdered – women raped and killed – small babies killed next to their mothers/fathers – all done by the members of the communities where they lived with no (not any) protection of the laws of the United States, the Constitution or the laws of the states wherein they resided. They were forced from place to place until the were forced finally from the US fully. Then when the US came to where they’d settled it appeared to start all over again – but instead this time it was done in courts and congress by those who acted corruptly.

The reason for this sidetrack is to ask one simple question – ‘Why didn’t they all just deny their beliefs – visions – revelations?’ If they had they would’ve been left in relative peace. Not only didn’t they deny their beliefs but more and more people from all over the world joined their ranks – knowing what was waiting for them when they did so. Isn’t this rather strange behavior for what Charles Dickens called the cream of the crop of the British Isles? He in addition said, “What they do is most commendable – what they say is utter nonsense.” Some did deny their testimonies – some left the Church – including some of those who never denied their testimony of seeing and holding the Golden Plates – talking and meeting with an Angel of God, etc. (Eight of the thirteen witnesses left the Church – none ever once denied their testimony and all on their deathbeds reaffirmed their testimony.) Those who did not deny their testimonies – moved with the Saints finally to the Rocky Mountains – acted such because what they knew was true – and they knew it and could not deny it no matter how severe the punishments. (For any historians – this was the exact same behavior of the Primitive Church when being persecuted by the Romans, the Jews, and by all other religions through and until even today. The Restoration of the Church in 1830 caused a rancor among the churches of the day and has continued even until today in their sermons and literature. Men/women, media praised those who committed the crimes against the Saints in the 1800’s and lauded the murderers of Joseph Smith, Jr. with front page headlines.

Today the Prophet Thomas S. Monson and other leaders of the Church live in an environment of a constant threat to their lives. Anyone can attack a person either with words or articles – stones – guns – tar and feathers, however, not one person anywhere has ever successfully attacked the Doctrine of the Church – no has ever proved there were no plates – or that Joseph Smith, Jr. did not translate them. No one has ever proved he didn’t have visions – or that there is continued revelation today.
End of sidetrack!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple – straight-forward and adheres to no creed of men/women – makes common sense – and has been restored in its fulness in these later-days. Everyone who repeats the “Lord’s Prayer” seeks the coming of the Kingdom of God – yet fail to comprehend that this has already taken place. The Savior will or could not come to earth to reign if the Kingdom had not been already restored.

One needs only to read the literal Bible – to know what and how things would take place and what they would look like. Sadly with all of the various translations, changes, transmissions, omissions, political changes, etc. one must strive to find one closest to the original Greek, German, Hebrew or Latin version – which would lead them to the Tyndale Bible – or something in the KJV about 1759. Most edited after the late 1880’s started the interpretation to what one’s creed stated rather than to what was originally written. But even the most skewed of the revised Bibles contain the basic truths of the literal Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let’s understand at one time there were over 3400+ books or texts of the Bible. Remembering also that the word Bible – comes from Bibliography (or collection of books) and that prior to the 1300-1500’s there was no Bible – just Scriptures! The earliest keepers of the record were changing and deleting from the Scriptures before the birth of the Savior and none have stopped since the Savior’s birth. By the 2nd to 4th Century those who were responsible for the Scriptures turned complete to neo-Platonism and have never deviated since that time.

Peter in a letter to James – asked what would happen after he were dead – if while he was living many were changing what he’d said.

If the Church as organized by the Savior is to be upon the earth today it HAS TO BE LED by a PROPHET!! It must have Apostles!! It must have continued REVELATIONS.

A simple question to all of those who say there is no more revelation – or visions – or needed Scripture – how would they know this without continued Revelations?

There is one Baptism – one Church – one God – and one Way. God is not a God of confusion – distraction – contention – but the same yesterday – today and forever.

No other church in the world believes the Bible literally (as translated correctly) – no other creed/church teaches of the resurrection of the physical body – that families can be reunited (together forever to procreate) – no other church teaches that man can be as God is – and that God was once as man is (one need only to read Genesis). No other church teaches that we’re in the literal image of the Father and the Son –and these are two separate individuals with both having physical bodies of flesh and bone!

My friends I persist in sharing this with you because I know how much you love your families and they love you and you need to know whatever sealing you have is valid only on this earth as your minister has their authority from either a school or state/federal government. (Note: Many clergy are now not adding the divorce decree – ‘Till Death do you Part’ in their marriage ceremonies – but sadly they can add nothing of an authoritive nature in its place.) Going to the Temple of the Lord is the only place on this earth were two people can be sealed as husband and wife (with children) forever and ever as a family – eternally.

There is no attacking intended in this short essay – none – just the simple statement of factual information – anyone can read the various creeds of men/women. Also anyone can read the Holy Bible for themselves and understand what I’ve written is true. There was no paid clergy in the time of the Savior – in his Church!! There is no paid clergy today in His Church. There was continued revelation and visions in the primitive Church – the same as today in the Restored Church. Much can be discerned when one reads the Scriptures with a clear and open mind – while where a closed mind is found – not much can be discerned or learned.

Now to the statement of the two equally clean and strong of faith. Both have choices to make – to discern if the Church has been restored or not. If by family tradition, or the influences of the time or if being alive when the Church was not yet upon the earth – is unable to discern the answer as to whether the Church is here or not. Two good men/women will be treated based on their knowledge and what they did with it – those who’ve never heard the Gospel taught (or the Church wasn’t on the earth in their lifetime) will hear the Gospel during the millennial period (all will hear the Gospel either during their lifetime in mortality or afterwards). Each will be judged on what they did – right and wrong – good or bad, etc. All of those who’ve committed the unpardonable sin ‘denying the Holy Ghost’ will go to outer darkness. All others will go to one of the many Kingdoms which have been prepared for them. Yes some of these may also end up in outer darkness.

We know from Paul there are at least three main Kingdoms. Terrestrial, Telestial and Celestial. The most righteous will go to the Celestial – and of these those who’ve been Sealed for Time and all Eternity will enter into the presence of the Father and the Son as an eternal family. Remember in John it states – whatever is sealed on earth will be sealed in heaven and whatever is not sealed on earth will not be sealed in heaven. (Note: for those who’ve been sealed on earth in the Temple of the Lord have to remain worthy to all of the covenants, etc. to gain this Kingdom.)

Many believe in God – but to love Him is to keep his commandments and to return to Him is to know him!! Heavenly Father needs to be known – the Son (our Savior) teaches us about Him in the Scriptures. The Savior needs to be known! As Stephen when he was about to be stoned indicated – ‘behold the heavens opened and he beheld Jesus standing on the right hand of the Father.’

All men and women who’ve lived upon this earth will be judged individually at the bar of the Savior. The Apostles will be there – those from both the Primitive Church – the Restored Church, The Nephite Church, and all of the various Prophet’s from the beginning of time until the end of our mortality on this earth. Justice and Mercy will both be served. One must recognize that Satan will also be their trying to claim his which he’s converted to follow him while in their mortality.

Now comes the final chapter – whether one believes in worldly churches or not – whether one ever hears the Gospel or not – whether one is good or evil or not – all will be judged. Those who never heard the Gospel will be taught the Gospel (much as the Savior did after the crucifixion to those detained in Paradise or where those who died since the great flood dwelled and waited).

The idea that all will go to heaven – as if it is only one place – and or go to hell as if it is another – is manmade theology. All men/women/children and living things upon this earth were ‘saved’ as a result of the Atonement of the Savior for our sins. None will be neglected or lost as to being saved. However, what one does with the knowledge available to them while living will make part of Justice/Mercy balance come into play on where they’ll reside eternally (and how).

God is a just God – man/woman are very unjust in deciding for the Savior what will happen to some and something different for others via heaven or hell. Thus those who proclaim everyone is going to Hell (including the Mormons - smile) if they don’t adhere to this creed or that one – is flat out not doctrine according to the Scriptures. It is instead false theology and very bad doctrine. Nowhere is it found in the teachings of the Savior, The Prophet’s or the Apostles (living or dead).

All men/women are and were saved by the Atonement! After this it will be by what they did or didn’t do while in mortality which will make the differences. You need not join any church to have the benefit of the Atonement in your life! You need only be good – in the service of others – make correct choices of right and wrong and never violate any of the Ten Commandments. Whereas if one joins a Church without doing all of their homework – then in some ways their next life is totally dependent on the teachings and creeds of that church. However, having said this one does need to belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in order to receive the Temple Blessings – the Covenants and Ordinances of the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ if it is indeed the Restored Church as I testify that it is – in the name of Jesus Christ – amen - cji/ork.

“Does It Matter?”


Yes it does but only if
surely there is justice
just as there is mercy
one Church, one Way
one Gospel, one God
one Baptism for all
yet does it matter
if one doesn’t care
if one feels they’ve all
and need no more
full truth is unneeded
just enough will do
then being good is all
proclaiming faith enough
acknowledging a code
acceptable to oneself
for all will be saved*
none will be forever lost
yet faith without works
is surely dead forever**!

Copyright © 2011 – cji
*except those who deny
the Holy Ghost;
**See Chapter 1 –
Book of James.