"Questions and Thoughts about the Martyred"
Over the years many have read the Holy Scriptures - while
many have never heard of them. The later most likely make up the larger group
in the world today. But for now we'll dwell on those who've read the Scriptures
and portend to fully understand them in their fullness. These are those
who've attending schools of higher learning - professing the authority to not
only confer degrees but also an awkward form of the Priesthood. Awkward in that
it must be sustained by the laws of the land, school, nation or the creeds of
men and has no need of a calling from the Father or the Son. Let's be very
clear the creeds of men have no acknowledgement of the heavens being open and
there be any continuing revelation and therefore no contact or communications
with the Father or the Son. Thus none with such a Priesthood can claim if
from the authority of the Father or the Son.
Yet from this group we find volume's of books, pamphlets,
sermons, hell and damnation, and the actual degradation of other
religions. These are considered the learned of our age - but have not
really done all of their homework. They add to their communications the
soul of philosophy, mythology, psychology and here and there some of the
Scriptures as they've access to use. While claiming they've all there is
- they ignore many teachings and about 3400 books of the Old and New Testaments
hidden away somewhere - and in addition while allowing no new revealed
Scriptures they constantly change and add and delete (saying for clarification)
since the 3rd and 4th Centuries.
You can find some 52,000+ of these variations of teachings
within just the US alone - and this number changes weekly. It's a wonder
they understand that God is not a God of confusion but one of simple
clarity. They claim Paul as an Apostle but will also say there were only
12 Apostles and can be no more. They claim the teachings of the New
Testament - but deny their literalness.
But enough - what about those Martyred for the teaching of
the Father - and claiming revelation and keys to be authorized to do
such. Throughout the ages the Prophets and Apostles of God the Father and
His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have been killed, murdered, or
otherwise abused for some really very simple testimonies. Nothing as complex as
the professional clergy would have us believe or not believe.
The Savior was Crucified for teaching from the Scriptures -
and repeatedly testifying about His Father - and about who he was. Paul,
Stephen, James, Peter, and one could number more and more to this list from the
Old and New Testament - while others have been added during the coming out in
public the Bible as we now have it (considering always the modifications made
by modern man/woman); such as Hess, Wycliffe, Tyndale. Since the early
1800's while most think this killing of those testifying of the Father and the
Son - having seen them and spoken to them has ceased but again it has
not. We've modern Prophet's and Apostles who've also been Martyred for
the exact same reasons of the others.
What are these reasons? Below you will find the 13
reasons all Prophets, Apostles and the Savior himself have been Martyred (Today
they are referred to as the Articles of Faith):
1 We abelieve
in bGod, the Eternal Father, and in His cSon,
Jesus Christ, and in the dHoly Ghost.
2 We believe that men will
be apunished for their bown
sins, and not for Adam’s ctransgression.
3 We believe that through
the aAtonement of Christ, all bmankind
may be csaved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
4 We believe that the
first principles and aordinances
of the Gospel are: first, bFaith
in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, cRepentance;
third, dBaptism by eimmersion
for the fremission of sins; fourth, Laying on of ghands
for the hgift of the Holy Ghost.
5 We believe that a man
must be acalled of God, by bprophecy,
and by the laying on of chands
by those who are in dauthority,
to epreach the Gospel and administer in the fordinances
6 We believe in the same aorganization
that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, bprophets,
cpastors, dteachers,
eevangelists, and so forth.
7 We believe in the agift
of btongues, cprophecy,
drevelation, evisions,
fhealing, ginterpretation
of tongues, and so forth.
8 We believe the aBible
to be the bword of God as far as it is translated ccorrectly;
we also believe the dBook
of Mormon to be the word of God.
9 We believe all that God
has arevealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He
will yet breveal many great and important things pertaining to the
Kingdom of God.
10 We believe in the
literal agathering of Israel and in the restoration of the bTen Tribes;
that cZion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American
continent; that Christ will dreign
personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be erenewed
and receive its fparadisiacal
11 We claim the aprivilege
of worshiping Almighty God according to the bdictates
of our own cconscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them dworship
how, where, or what they may.
12 We believe in being asubject
to bkings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in cobeying,
honoring, and sustaining the dlaw.
13 aWe
believe in being bhonest,
true, cchaste, dbenevolent,
virtuous, and in doing egood
to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe
all things, we fhope
all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to gendure
all things. If there is anything hvirtuous,
ilovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after
these things.
Joseph Smith, Jr.
"About the
Gone from our sight
men and women to miss
yet their teaching
and their memories
Names many of the
having given their
their cries to us
to always do the
Over millennium to
their minds
only to be cut short
about the martyred to
Men/women strong and
of the Father/Son to
our Spirits/Souls
helping us to
Celestial grow!
Copyright © 2011 – cji
Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us
[image: Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us]
Last night, Iran fired 181 missiles into Israel, sending us (10 million
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4 months ago
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