“What really is Ignorance and Why is it so Vast?”
Was asked the following question in a recent correspondence:
“How can any sane person not see Islam for what it is, what it must do as dictated by its doctrine and the horror that it will visit on the non-Muslim (not just Christian) world?”
This question has given me pause to consider what is the real question facing our world today. Not just those living in the United States but throughout the world as a whole. Yes, we must consider that many within the world live in abject poverty and just their daily survival would preclude them in such a discussion, if it were not for the fact that this same group of persons enables those who lust for power and dominion over the whole world. Thus maybe as many as three-quarters of the world’s population is deliberately kept in such a condition as to be forced laborers in the world of darkness and ignorance, in the pursuit of another’s goals. Included in this group must be considered those who dwell in the large urban sprawl called the inter-cities of the United States and other non-third world nations.
One could then say, “Ignorance is a tool of those seeking power and dominion over all others to achieve their personal goals without regard to any morals, virtue, honesty, truths and righteousness.” Further, ignorance entitles those with specific goals without any regard to personal lives or human rights. Freedom therefore is only the excuse to condone what one does to subject another to their will in their quest for power and dominion and when no longer needed is done away with. They replace this freedom of which they used with a system of total control and obedience to what they declare to be law. Of which the punishment is usually found in the form of torture and death.
To continue this thought – what causes ignorance is anything that is not uplifting or edifying in the truth of the Father and the Son – but leads one to confusion, darkness and contention. Many times what is known as the wisdom of man or logismoi – is found to be without merit, confusing, darkness instead of light and leading all who believe such into contention. Thus there is another group who dwell in ignorance in addition to the three-quarters of the world’s population surviving at the bare subsistence level – which consider themselves educated, liberated and the elite of their societies. Blinded within the wisdom of man – selling their eternities for the glories of the wealth of the worldly today – they profess to be so smart as to not need any religion of literal truth as found in the Scriptures – but have enough as provided by Plato or the philosophers and their paid teachers of wisdom (or logismoi).
One can see if what is written above is accurate then much of the world, i.e. the overwhelming majority deal in a world dominated by greed, lust, power, wealth, lying, deceit, guile, murder, war, rapine, violence, revenge and passing judgment on others who disagree with them or their beliefs. Now let’s be clear that so many choose to live this way is their choice – for all men/women have agency to do what they want. In doing this by our choices we also accept the responsibility and accountability for what we will find after this life. For the vast majority they believe in nothing – i.e. Creatio ex Niliho. Therefore having come from nothing they will return to nothing. Some believe there’ll be something after this life but it is quite vague and all will be treated equally – i.e. the same rewards for everyone. And the various beliefs continue in slight different thoughts but basically what one says is more important than what one does.
When dealing with ignorance one must adjust their thinking to what is known and what can be known and what should be known. Sadly, history of the past seven thousand plus years has shown in writings and other records most just don’t care, i.e. apathy. As long as their basic needs are met – lusts satisfied, all is well in their worlds. Peer pressure and being accepted is more important even in the lowest of circumstances than what one could become or learn.
The world works very hard at delivering to the majority’s satisfactions – music, news, novels, TV and movies all degenerate to the lowest common denominator. The toys for children, games for adults, what’s taught in the schools have one desired goal – teaching average or below skills are okay for all – with the exception of the elite of each society. Laws or the land, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights and indeed any decency is mocked and ridiculed. Prayer and the Ten Commandments are totally discarded or used in such a way as to deny any knowledge of order or literal content of the Holy Bible. Whereas one will fight to the death to defend the doing of whatever anyone wants (i.e. saying their agency allows this) - they will quickly condemn those who choose differently from them as being fools and/or crazy. In fact they will murder, accuse falsely, exile, burn and pillage such as these who are found amongst them.
(Note: From this point forward will be dealing mostly with what is happening in the United States of America.)
What does this above have to do with the question from my friend, everything. Above the word ‘apathy’ was used. The worldly and the world have been taught to be apathetic – to just not care! Either they’re to be found politically correct or to stay non-involved. When younger we used to have the three monkeys; see no evil, hear no evil and say no evil. The world today is found to be in such a condition where evil and its brothers/sisters are found to dwell. As a matter of fact evil is glorified – worshipped and given a form of acceptance to which righteous is not. It is okay to be evil – or non-committed but it is wrong to be righteous or truthful.
In the world today we find a major government under the name of Islam trying to overthrow the entire known world – either by murder and destruction or with the threat of death if one chooses not to join them. Indeed, China has also the same goal but openly admit that they intend to this by continued warfare – nation against nation – until none are left except China. Thus Islam is actually funded in part by China as are all rebellions everywhere in the world today. Islam and China are playing the Chinese game of ‘Go!’ While China knows there is only one board – Islam at present is using many boards.
Islam has declared Jihad on the whole world – with the major adversary (or devil) being the United States of America. The USA stands in the way of both Islam and China in achieving total victory in the world today. It is the only nation with complete freedoms built into the fabric of the nation. Whereas most other nations of the world are already submitting to the whims of those preaching Jihad – the US still has the power to resist. However, if the US can continue to resist the destruction of the Constitution their allies will resist also. When the US loses its freedoms of self rule – the Constitution – and becomes socialized – then Islam and/or China will just step in and take over without a fight.
Most Americans happily don’t care – they’ve their street gangs – football – music – movies – TV – dime store novels – and generally live a life-style even among the poorest which is higher than the rest of the known world – and still want more and more without having to do anything to get more – except complain expecting bigger government will provide for all their wants and needs. Those who teach in the educational system teach what’s wrong with America and not what is right. The negatives being taught become pervasive and engrained into a lifestyle which just doesn’t care. The family is being destroyed – the music and movie industry are working overtime to accomplish this one goal – to do away with family values. Abuse, filth, infidelity, ridicule – especially of adult role models - replacing with role models of evil, half-truths and the big lie, “everyone is doing it.”
Islam is given a free ride by our government – illegal immigrants are given a free ride by our government – and criminals are given more rights than the general public (one need only to look at those in government positions who by their own admission have violated the laws that they wrote. Racial profiling is unlawful – and therefore one cannot look at the cause of terrorism – but only to warn those not involved to avoid certain areas. Our government seeks to go to the UN against states within the United States in complete violation of the Constitution and actually seeks to do away with the Law of the Land – the Constitution. Islam and China rub their hands in anticipation of the day when the American Government will disarm all of its citizens.
In the United States of America – the government has engendered a fear of punishment against anyone who would speak against Islam or any other gang or group advocating the overthrow of the Constitution or the United States which is one and the same. Those who speak up for the rights of Americans – the Constitution – or otherwise disagree with our government are condemned as racists and terrorists. The media/press/follywood follow after the government presenting lies (using guile) and labeling Americans as the enemy and not as the protectors of freedom.
In answer to my friend’s question, “How can any sane person not see Islam for what it is, what it must do as dictated by its doctrine and the horror that it will visit on the non-Muslim (not just Christian) world?” one would have to be constrained to make it as simple as, “They’ve all been taught as the three monkeys – see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” Apathy and fear lead the way in accomplishing the ignorance of those who just do want to believe truth when they either read it or hear it or see it. Within the US these are the same who drove people out of the US for having different beliefs than the majority did – this is the same people who watched other murder, rape, steal, burn, falsely imprison and otherwise accuse those who did not believe as they did. These are the same people led by the media, ministers/priests/governors/judges who sought the extermination of people who did not believe as they did. These are the same people who turn the other way when seeing a crime committed – or laugh when seeing someone being ridiculed – or join in when foul language and off-colored jokes are being said in public. These are the same people who have been taught just not to care – watch out for number one – take what you can get away with – not to edify or uplift – and there are no Ten Commandments and the Constitution is outdated anyway.
The picture most see is so crowded – overloaded – confusing – that most in frustration just turn away saying, “I can do nothing!” This is what Islam and China wants to happen and also it would appear that our government wants us to do as well. Those in the inter-cities and urban areas – where it only takes 22 urban areas in the US to elect a President and most control their Senators as well – will continue to keep people on the dole and as their minions and servants.
Ignorance is an adoptive behavior – one can if they’ve the will teach themselves to read in the US – they can go to public library and uplift and edify themselves. No one is born ignorant! Then why is it so vast? It is so vast in the US because the world/worldly have presented an alternative which requires most to do nothing – and still have their basic needs met. The welfare system if used can afford many a better lifestyle than those who actually work for a living. The cheating in the system and abuses within the administration would make a mafia don smile. The abuses which have been found out about ACORN and other government agencies – or beneficiaries of government bailouts/handouts have done nothing more than to put the US at greater risk. This vast pool of ignorance is leading this nation into debt from which it will take decades to dig out of – if this government survives and endures.
(Author’s note: I know that this nation will survive until the Second Coming of the Savior – for this Government is Divinely Inspired from its inception.)
Having written all of the above it should be pointed out there are some with more gaining understanding which are fighting against this ignorance within our nation. They understand what is taking place and why. They know what steps have to be taken to stop both Islam and China from destroying our freedoms and Constitution. Not all are ignorant – and those who are not will put up a great effort to protect those who are from both themselves and to preserve others. One must remember those who control the media/press/follywood have the greater stage for their presentations – they are doing so with mirrors and bright lights – and without truth or substance eventually as a home without a foundation cannot stand – neither will their lies, deceit or actions to otherwise destroy our Constitution or the Ten Commandments.
There is nothing in this which intended to be politically correct – this was not the intent of my answer. To be politically correct one has to try to please and thus not to uplift or edify. One must clearly understand the terrorists and those declaring Jihad are using the name of Islam – and therefore they include all adherents to this form of government and laws as being part and parcel of their cause. Mohammed never taught such rubbish as is being taught today by those claiming to call him their Prophet. One can claim to be anything they want – call themselves anything they want – but in doing so they also have to accept the creeds or requirements as applying to them as well. Many call themselves by various religions of men – and thus by doing so have to subscribe to the creeds of men in doing so. One may call them self a Christian – but if they believe not the Scriptures literally they then are not following the Savior or His Father who sent him but indeed following after men and their logismoi. Yet when one calls him/her self as a Muslim or a follower of Islam they are committing to total allegiance to whatever the clerics tell them to do or believe. They can have no other allegiance – not to the US, England, Australia – none at all.
Similarly, to be a Christian is to only say that one believes in the creeds of men/women; while the Dictionaries describe a Christian as one who believes in Jesus as the Christ. Yet, in the Scriptures if one truly believes that Jesus is the Christ – then in a literal sense they must believe the Scriptures literally – be found in total compliance with the Ten Commandments and to worship no other Gods except He who sent me! Yet, we know that this is not the case by any of the major religions of the world and of men/women. There is no allegiance to anyone or anything – but possibly to the creeds. It must be understood a belief system is a way of life – and thus to be politically correct is very dangerous to one’s eternity which will follow this life.
We’ve to remember when one identifies with Islam – saying such things as, “I am one of them,” that’s what they are committing to regardless of whatever else they might claim or proclaim. When one is a head of state – this state and those people under such rule must understand there is no allegiance to them or their state by this person.
Further, one must understand in terrorism or the game of ‘Go’ there are no rules to be followed – no rights or wrongs – no goods or evils – no lies or truth – but only to win and destroy all others in doing so! Why then is ignorance the state religion found – because with such a religion – this way of life – others maintain and increase their dominion over those who practice such adopted behavior.
Fighting ignorance starts within the home, the family unit and fully understanding the Scriptures. Otherwise one breeds on the ignorance of those who proclaim the logismoi of governments, radicals, racists, terrorists and those who would control others by force, fear or incentives. Ignorance is adoptive – it comes from without as an alternative to knowing what one should know and covenanted to learn before coming to this earth for their mortal probation. Most find this too difficult to do – and therefore allow others to define learning for them. Sadly, most will always be this way – for it’s the way of the world/worldly – and Islam, men/women’s Christianity and China are counting on – advertising for – and paying to have it happen. c/ork
Copyright © 2010 – cji
Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us
[image: Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us]
Last night, Iran fired 181 missiles into Israel, sending us (10 million
people, including...
4 months ago
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