Different Prisms – Different Points of View”
(One God or many – One Church – or many?)
Thoughts to ponder: “In an age where we even debate barbaric stoning it shows how insane our mental state and priority lists are. The basic rules of humanity or that of loving for our fellow man and woman we see waning. It is found the same with religion.....unfortunately. The decline in Christianity numbers and beliefs and applications would be less if religious leaders would stop shooting their members with stupidity.”
My ponderings in return:
When looks directly in front of them with eyes that can see – they see a multitude of things – in varying colors. Yet if one were to change the spectrum what would they see? If one were to look through a prism – the diffusion of what they see greatly multiples. Thus when we’ve many different persons using their own prism the plethora of options can increase to infinity. The different points of the prism from which we each view our present surroundings will vary. We will each see our world – our beliefs and study the past though our experiences only. Thus while we are found inquiring into the future will vary even more greatly.
Sometimes two people see the same event occur – yet when they report what they’ve seen the two testimonies may vary greatly. A person who studies history and philosophy will describe what they saw different from one who studies the stars and cosmos. They’ve different understandings – and thus what they describe will be from their point of learning. There will be some similarities but not in all points. Prejudice will also play a role – hatred – guile – lusts – greed – and a desire to control or get acclaim from others.
Let’s now turn to the current two views of religion; first that of men/women and secondly that of God, the Prophets and Apostles (duly called and ordained by one having authority)! The religion of men/women includes all religions found in the world which have a genesis from men/women and not the Father or the Son.
The Religion of Men/Women:
Below are found a series of quotes on ‘Religion’ from some of the noted men of Philosophy, Science and Theology:
Emile-Auguste Chartier: "If religion is only human, and its form is man's form, it follows that everything in religion is true.”
John Leonard: “Granted, religion is wishful thinking, but there is no other kind of thinking.”
Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama): "My true religion is Kindness.”
George Santayana: "Religions are not true or false, but better or worse.”
Blaise Pascal: "Men despise religion. They hate it and are afraid it may be true.”
Matthew Arnold: "The true meaning of religion is thus, not simply morality, but morality touched by emotion.”
Don Miller: "How does a person separate true, personal religion from a religion of conformity? Christianity is not really as white and wealthy and judgmental as we might want it to be.”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: "A religion, that is, a true religion, must consist of ideas and facts both; not of ideas alone without facts, for then it would be mere Philosophy; -- nor of facts alone without ideas, of which those facts are symbols, or out of which they arise, or upon which they are grounded; for then it would be mere History.”
Charles Hartshorne: "The idea of revelation is the idea of special knowledge of God, or of religious truth, possessed by some people and transmitted by them to others. In some form or other the idea is reasonable. In all other matters people differ in their degree of skill or insight. Why not in religion?”
Cardinal J Newman: "From the age of fifteen, dogma has been the fundamental principle of my religion: I know no other religion; I cannot enter into the idea of any other sort of religion; religion, as a mere sentiment, is to me a dream and a mockery.”
Albert Einstein: "My religion consists of a humble admiration of the unlimitable superior who reveals Himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.”
Oscar Wilde: "Religions die when they are proved to be true. Science is the record of dead religions.”
Francis Bacon: "It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion.”
Stephen Prothero: “As I argue in my new book, "God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World—and Why Their Differences Matter," religion is an immensely powerful force both personally and politically. So if we want to understand the world we must understand the world's religions. This includes reckoning with both similarities and differences, and with the capacity of each of the great religions to do both good and evil.”
“Evangelical Christians, on the other hand, don’t worry about achieving any kind of enlightenment while they’re on earth, but believe that your soul will be eternally damned unless you are ’saved’ before you die. This would mean being ‘born again’ if you’re already a Christian, or converted, if you’re not. (Chicago Sun Times).”
And what some say about the leaders of other religions:
The executive director of Interserve, Doug Van Bronkhorrst, says (referring to the Dali Lama), “Oh, sure, he’s a very thoughtful man. He has a lot of good things to say about peace in the world, and he’s quite knowledgeable about other faiths, including the Christian faith.” “But, he’s getting on in years and if we can’t save him before he dies, he’ll go straight to *** hell.”
Man’s religion or belief filled preaching is many times confusing, contending and since the days of Cain have been filled with justifications (mixed with some truths as they suppose). These religions do not have living Prophets, Apostles and most especially the current revelations. They do not teach as the Savior or his Prophet’s and Apostles (Disciples) taught only of and from the Scriptures and as prompted by the Holy Ghost which each had by the full authority of the Father and the Son and not from school of religion or theology. We should remember there are so many scriptures which reference the wisdom or logismoi of men and it being the opposite of the gnosis of the Father and the Son.
What do men/women instead teach? They teach from the schools of philosophy, theology, science, history mixed freely with the Scriptures. They use un-literal text understandings – thus denying what is or was taught literally in the Scriptures. This has been the trend since the days of Adam – was especially present in the days of the Jewish teachers in the meridian of time and with the advent of the latter half of the second century it has since grown more universally and worldly.
Foremost man’s religion does not teach of the Scriptures as being literally true. The religion of men is based on creeds – professional clergy – clerics – priests – or other known names of those professing to have the gospel in its fulness to share with others. They instead exchange – interpret – have additions or revisions. Yet they say nothing can be added or taken away and that the Bible is complete as it is? Then they turn around and create another book or edition of the Bible to explain away simple doctrine and create impossibility to understand what they’ve written or added. Yet one need only look at the number of Bibles currently available – over 4,000+ - is each original – is each true – is each to be the final word? Yet when being used the Bible is only picked apart – taking a little here and some there – mixing it well with the philosophy of men/women and the current politically correct teachings.
When one is paid for their hire (a professional clergy) they then serve mammon and those who pay the most – and teach that which is pleasing to their hearing and feelings. While each should be claiming to be the one and only true church on this earth at this time – they do not! Yet in their Scriptures they freely can read that God is not a God of confusion, contention or logismoi!
The churches or religions of men/women have no ‘living’ Prophet’s or Apostles – which is strange as to not have these is to not have the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – for how can they if they do not receive current revelations and teachings in preparation to the Second Coming? What do they make of all of the prophecies about the latter-days? They can only be ignoring that which is found in the Scriptures or better just do not understand or want to understand that what they profess to believe. Yet these same men/women freely call this person or that a Prophet – while denying both the dead and living called by the Father and the Son. Instead they’ve changed the meaning and calling – and gaining popularity from the world in doing so.
For a moment let’s separate those who do not believe in the Christ – for they claim other deity – and dismiss the Scriptures (more specifically the Holy Bible) – creating either their own doctrines/scriptures or putting forth an oral history and teachings. They’ve very good beliefs and many who follow in these religions live lives of goodness. As many of the all the religions of men/women they’ve no living Prophet’s (except those who are dead), Apostles and deny that the heavens are open. Any belief system which leads one to be a better person – thus willing to be a servant of those in need – is good and cannot be considered anything else. That they’ve not heard the teachings of Jesus Christ will be understood and in the Millennium of Time after the Second Coming all will hear – and accept as they would’ve while in this mortality.
The religions of men/women are not true and pure religion if they teach the philosophy of men/women – deny the Scriptures being literally true. This cannot be the case! If one was to consider any of these churches separately or collectively as being true is to - then one is saying they trust not in God for they teach not his doctrines. Indeed they are very doubtful of trusting in men - but men to them are tangible and therefore something to relate with or to. As stated before the God of men/women is incomprehensible when one compares the Scriptures to the Creeds of men/women.
The rules or religions of men are difficult to trust. When one strays from the teachings of the Scriptures literally is the first sign of teaching false truths of men/women or the worldly. When one teaches for their own gain and pleasure – peer acceptance and the praise of the world they’ve crossed the line and no longer are found in the service of the Father or the Son but of mammon. And most difficult of all in the religions of men/women is their being subject to change with the winds and tides, politically correctness and self-justifications. The Savior in the last week of his earthly mission, while still in mortality, foretold of those who would come with religion for a price - and have nothing to do with eternal life - the sealing ordinances - family units after death - the Celestial Kingdom - and in some cases even what they teach of as hell.
Now to turn to the Church as Organized and led by the Savior in the Meridian of Time:
True Religion according to the Father and the Son:
James 1:27: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
Religion of the Father and the Son – is consistent – simple – without contention – and open to all regardless of who, where or what they are. It is not judgmental in final judgment with the exception of that which the Father and the Son exercise. The disciples are expected to exercise intermediate judgment for the well-being of themselves and their families. It condemns no person to hell or outer darkness with the two exceptions of shedding of innocent blood and the denial of the Holy Ghost once received.
The true religion is established by Revelations, Teachings of the Savior (including his Prophets and Apostles), Covenants, Ordinances, Commandments – Statutes and Laws as given and revealed from the Son either in person or to his servants the Prophets and Apostles. A follower of the Saviors Church “The Church of Jesus Christ” – called by some Disciples and others as Saints – accepts and covenants to be totally obedient in all things to the Commandments – Statutes and Laws as known in the Scriptures of old and in modern revelations today. A true follower then is under covenant with the Lord – and not with man/woman.
One needs only to seek to find in the Scriptures the difficulty of being a true follower of the Savior and enduring to the end. It was not easy – many apostates where within the second and third year of the Saviors ministry. Peer pressure and other temptations were involved not the least being a threat of death. The same is true today – many find, accept the teachings of the Savior and then fall away back to their original ways of life.
In the first 25 years after the ministry of the Savior many followers of this early Church were fed to the lions – put on display – abused and denied any rights – and this continued even under the direction of Augustine in the 3rd/4th Centuries. The early followers had to be destroyed for those who take over to do so with a clean slate – i.e. the first of the reformers of men/women. Thus by the mid-second century the Church of Jesus Christ was gone in truth, doctrine and beliefs with the exception of the name and a very few who were destroyed over the next three centuries.
The truth - and there is only one truth - and that is the Savior and his teachings whether from himself or through his spokesmen (Prophet's and Apostles) throughout all of the ages of men in our mortality - including today. For he said, “John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” This truth was the cornerstone of the true Church – it is based on the testimony and life of the Savior (see John 17).
Which Church has all of the above – and indeed believes all men/women can be saved predicated on their works, faith and repentance. Which Church teaches all that all of the other churches teach from the Scriptures? Which Church is led by living Prophets and Apostles called by the Father and the Son? Which Church believes the Heavens are open and there are continuous revelations? Which Church believes the Holy Scriptures to be literally true? Which Church teaches and fulfills all of the ordinances as taught in the Meridian of Time, i.e. Baptism for the Dead, Sealing for Time and All Eternity and in full the Temple Ordinances? Which Church teaches that all men/women will be saved or damned to one degree or another based on their lives and works? This Church, if known, and found this earth today – would be the Church of Jesus Christ.
Thoughts Which to Close:
There is a saying that all roads lead to Rome – sadly in its day – Rome was the Babylon of the World – and all roads lead to Babylon – while only one road leads to Zion.
Yes – the Christianity and/or religions of the world today – are vindictive/passive – contentious/compromising – seeking retribution/understanding – unforgiving/negotiating – condemning/justifying – struggling to cause philosophy and beliefs to become as one.
We’re living in an evil generation – as have been most all of the generations of men/women. However, when one prepares for the last days – all of the Prophecies have to come to pass – ALL! And indeed – as was also foretold – there must be a restoration of all things in the Gospel of Jesus Christ – with a Prophet, Apostles, and Temples of the Most High, Covenants, Sealing Ordinances and the work for the dead. Let us seek to be mindful of all of the Scriptures – and much has been uncovered in these last days.
Sadly when one leaves out of the Bible some 5,000 other books one does not have the complete picture or data base – and then when constantly changing what little we have – or otherwise disregard it as simply illusion and not literal – do we not have a need for a Prophet and Apostles?
Then of course if there was no restoration – then there would be no choices to be made and any road will lead one to Babylon. And this is the justification that men/women use to deny the Restoration has occurred!
However, the God which I believe in is constant, unchanging (to doctrines and teachings either by him or his Prophet’s and Apostles). Further the Godhead consists of three separate and distinct persons - two (the Father and the Son) having bodies of flesh and bone - each testifying of each other - as well as all of the chosen Prophets and Apostles! The third member of our God-Head is one of Spirit not yet having come to this earth in mortality - thus he's a different mission than the first two. In addition I take the Holy Scriptures to be literally true - as did the Prophets and Apostles - the disciples, and those who have always followed the Savior completely without doubt.
If we keep it relatively simple – which we must to understand the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – then much more is understandable – we cannot both try to defend mammon and God – nor can we deny either – but to recognize them for what they are. To spend the needless energy on mammon one is spinning their wheels in quicksand and will get the same results.
Which prism are we looking through? What do we individually see, read, understand when reading the Scriptures? It matters – it really does – either the Scriptures are literally true – or if not then it really doesn’t matter and all are wrong. I suggest that all are not wrong – that the Scriptures are literally true – easy to understand – what Father would deliberately confuse or mislead his children which he loved enough to sacrifice the life of his only begotten Son? We wouldn’t and Heavenly Father wouldn’t either. May we be found doing as James has taught us – and then may we seek to find if in fact the prophecies will all be fulfilled – and if so – has the Church of Jesus Christ been restored as foretold before the second coming.
For me and my family we know the Church of Jesus Christ has again been restored to this earth – it is led by a Prophet and Apostles – we are in the last days – and it matters – in the name of Jesus Christ – amen!
Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us
[image: Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us]
Last night, Iran fired 181 missiles into Israel, sending us (10 million
people, including...
5 months ago
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