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Would gather many would question my answers – smile – c/ork
1. What is your concept of time?
When we were investigating the Church and thereafter ‘time’ was one of my biggest questions – I really wanted to understand it more fully. My real question centered on Father’s Time and not ‘our’ time. Being strangers here our adjustment to man’s time has been one of the most difficult of all things as it’s more finite than we were used to in the preexistence. When doing this I researched the scriptures (all of them); dictionaries; asked questions of President Rossiter and generally studied all I could. Over years of research and pondering my concept of time is one of randomness. It’s random because we use it either to our advantage or we don’t and Father wants us to use it all wisely (without measure) in the service and mission He sent us here to perform. It’s both a blessing and a curse in our lives. Man has made it finite so that they have a feeling of control. Father has made time measurable only to how we use it – either wisely or foolishly.
Conditions set by man are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years (and all the other things such as nano-seconds, etc.) By the use of these conditions they measure both life and all of the elements within a lifetime. They set paychecks, school years, vacations, sick time, ages of marriage, smoking, drinking, sex, retirement and term limits or none. When man had his complete agency – many found they could not survive in something as simple and basic as choosing right or wrong – to use their mortal probation wisely or unwisely.
In the Garden of Eden – Adam and Eve had no time nor seasons – they were there and they tended the garden – we know there was day and night and seasons but without a description as to cold or hot – and one would guess it was moderate to their needs. However upon leaving the Garden for their journey in mortal probation things changed and they were not geographically restricted to one area.
There’s no mention of time initially upon their entering mortality – however they did keep a journal (as commanded – or a Book of Life with records) and one would guess they measured and knew when to plant – harvest, etc. Eve would know the relative duration of her pregnancies – but again this would be passed on. Time as we know it today would’ve begun with the event of Cane slewing Able. Cane would’ve led those who went with him and under the mentoring of Satan understand the need for controls and the removal of Agency. Since the wicked more often than not exercise control they would’ve enforced this use of measurement known as ‘worldly time’. With such a control one of many they could exercise more and more dominion over the choices of all those in Mortal Probation. While Satan has only one goal – Father could use this one control ‘time’ for his purposes in both Prophesy and allowing for the teaching of elements of the eternal within the mortal. Thus there now could be an age of accountability – an age of mortality – a calendar – the meridian of time – which was part and parcel of the Plan of Salvation.
Satan in his controls and removal of agency also used the measurements of time to more control his minions and lead mankind astray into believing there was time to repent and thus the idea of procrastination was invoked into the thinking of mortal probation. If one looks from afar and could see the division one item into two – two items into four and so on till today where this is a number beyond our comprehension one could see the confusion and chaos caused by this one control enacted so long ago by Cain upon Able.
Thus today – time is simply a tool of the world upon those in their mortal probation – some can accept to be controlled by the world – or better understand that Father has sent us here on a mission – and we either use this mortality wisely or unwisely. The word Slothful comes to mind. So often I worry I’m being slothful in my stewardships in going to the woods – reading fiction – playing games – playing golf – watching movies – when I know there’s so much I’ve to do. In all events one can only try to be true to the Commandments and Covenants we’ve made – holding fast to the Iron Rod and repenting of our slips.
To me man’s usage of time is somewhat unimportant – however, Father’s time and agency is not!! Yes I hopefully will live longer – to see Corinne and Anneliese grow and each you and your brother and your families mature and grow. As the scriptures state, Doctrine and Covenants 122:9 “Thy days are known, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever.”
2. How does your concept of time tie into your perspective on human behavior?
Would think part of this answer is addressed above – but will continue in explanation. Human behavior is mostly predicated upon the two aspects I’ve long instilled within you – their motivation is to either avoid a loss or to gain a benefit. Now the great difference – for those who remember why they’re here – where they came from and where they might go is worthy is totally established on being obedient to the Commandments and Covenants while here on earth. On the opposite side is the world – predicated only on today – self-gratification – selfishness and the world’s definition of happiness.
The first which is part and parcel of the Plan of Salvation requires one to fully commit to the Gospel of Jesus Christ – understanding the world is a temporary thing at best and for the most part completely wrong – i.e. the road to Babylon. Thus the choice of their behavior is in knowing which is the road to Zion and being found on no other road.
The second is much more complicated because it’s intertwined with man’s philosophy and tidbits of the Gospel. This second again reverts to the singular goal of Satan – to make everyone as miserable as he is! This is where the world comes to play – offering to men/women the choices of many ways with none being really poor or bad choices! The end is to meet the common demands of carnality of the human – to seek the easier of the two ways thinking they’re on the road to Zion and not Babylon’s road. Then one finds the world of those who think they know more than the Father – and apply human reasoning to the Scriptures to make them more acceptable to the intelligent members of the society or elite thinkers of the world. Augustine did this – as so many others of the early 3rd and 4th Century religious and secular leaders. What they couldn’t understand or explain became a mystery – or better a subject to be bend to their limited knowledge base. I.e. the world was most likely flat and was the center of the universe and the definition of the God-head.
In a wondrous event they created ‘confusion’ in human behavior but throwing in equal measures of doubt, truth and rhetoric. With time being the first of their controls they continued to invoke their will upon those willing to listen to them – calling themselves the ‘righteous’ and demeaning those who indeed were the righteous. Making this point stick was their ability to kill, maim, incarcerate, enslave, abuse or otherwise controls of those true followers of Jesus Christ and the Father. The media and other powers to be went along and added to the doubt of the Doctrine of Salvation and Eternal Life – Miracles and Prophecies of the Prophets and Apostles and any other teachings found therein.
The time element simply was used in this control by setting predetermined standards for such things as repentance – absolution – detention – using man’s law to override Father’s Law! Thus human behavior could then be measured in a finite way by the world against standards set in Babylon and not Zion. Human Behavior without absolute law and without absolutes of right and wrong – good or evil – loses in degrees by personal choices the agency given by the Father to all of his children.
In the first instant’s Father’s time is incompatible with anything found in Babylon or confusion – it’s absolute and dependent on obedience to the Commandments and Covenants given and made with the Father – thus ensuring one having complete agency in all of their choices. Agency in the essence of time – requires obedience to the Commandments and Covenants of the Father. Human Behavior has been taught culturally and scholastically to reject this premise to one of more freedom and less obedience. The world has taught through time one can correct or change – choose some good and some evil – some obedience and some disobedience – some gray and some not so gray – causing a confusion of principles without absolute definitions.
3. What is the most important aspect of human behavior?
Obedience to the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of Heavenly Father! Thus it would have to be ‘agency’ which for the purposes of this reply means ‘the ability to choose to be obedient or to not be obedient.’ This is the area most attacked by Satan whose whole plan had taken away ‘agency’. Thus Satan has had to change the meaning of the word agency to fit his dominion or that of the world. Part and parcel of this would be found in the word contention or justification. One of biggest, if not the only, reason for conflict is one person trying to take away another’s agency and subject them to their own. (Reread the last sentence!) One cannot have ‘agency’ taken away from him/her – only they can give it away – and they do this by choices over a period of time. Sometimes innocently and sometimes knowingly we each make decisions which will determine compromise, foolishness or obedience.
Without obedience – the kind generated by love and understanding – one is up for the wiles and guile of the world. Father expects loving and willing obedience – while the world treats obedience as abhorrent and repulsive – unless of course it’s to them! Thus the idea of many choices all equally good – or detestably horrible (making sure none would choose under normal circumstances). The world understands the need for one to feel they’re making their own decisions – using media, follywood, Madison Ave., music, TV and whatever influence they can exert peer pressure with.
In the understanding we’re all strangers here – and thus we’re unique to those in the world who feel or have been let to think they’re here for the duration of life – so live it now or regret not doing so later. It teaches one to be in style – in all ways – and thus human behavior actually does align itself with the world – wanting to be accepted into the world and just happy being a stranger here. Look at this like the starving child looking into the bakery’s window – dreaming of being inside – warm – well fed and thus happy!
Thus the two ways – either to understand our agency – accepting the responsibility and accountability which goes with being a child of God! Otherwise one is simply required to partially give up their birth right in the confusion/contention and misrepresentation of their agency.
4. Should the study of human behavior be done by philosophers or scientists? Explain your answer.
This is a loaded question with only two choices – and my answer is ‘NO!’ First of all in explanation to by emphatic ‘NO’ for most of the world’s philosophers and scientists are strangers to the Plan of Salvation and any understanding of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Most see life as a one time – full time thing with little hope of much else and better nothing to look forward to after death. This is true of most of the worldly intelligent beings (by their standards) who feel they’ve to determine what’s best for everyone else. They shun Prophets and Apostles – looking for their faults and not their truths. They mix the teachings of the Greeks and all of it’s rhetoric into the life teachings of others and disapprove of either simplicity or common sense when decreeing their anthems. This is much like the teachings of Marx – in that the State is God doing away with a human soul. The worldly clergy and religions make this easy for them and in fact are part and parcel of the same schools. Human behavior is individual and private – to decide to worldize it is in the extreme dehumanizing and in the moderate demeaning. That someone can go to college – get a degree – and then understand the underlying study of human behavior is like someone going to sea and expecting to handle every condition – steer the ship – take care of the engines – feed the passengers – direct the band – clean the staterooms – and all on their first voyage in a hurricane. They look to those who quote the same ideas and inter-quote each other for their supports of their ideas. Outside of the one thing, “This is all there is!” they’ve no other conclusions and only add to the confusion and contentions found in the world today.
Human behavior is mostly predicated on peer pressure and learned experiences from family and surroundings. Someone raised in the inner-city of Detroit knows little of the trappings of the swamps in SE Georgia – ever though there is life threatening experiences facing either when going outside. Vermin exist in both environments – one in thieves, robbers and murderers – the other in nature wishing not to be disturbed. Yet somewhere in Human Behavior is a remembering of other places and other teachings – with the lingering idea that they’re strangers here. Worldly time is keynote to this as it doesn’t seem to fit with where they’d otherwise been. As they absorb the teachings of men/women (or the world) they perceive the inconsistencies and confusion being presented and are concerned. Many are convinced that this is their imagination and succumb to the worldly way. Others however understand the simplicity of the Plan of Salvation – common sense right and wrong and most importantly recognize they’re a stranger here. This being a stranger then ignites their search for ‘real truth’ and of the ‘Who, Where and What they are and can become.‘
The study of human behavior for the most part is man-make and contrived! Outside of providing income and a lifestyle for many – so far it’s provided nothing but empty answers – added further confusion and become contentious when faced with a Prophet of God – or real truth. It’s a self-fulfilling game of educational realms almost without beginning or end (smile). The field self-proclaims their genius and great men/women and points to themselves as the experts. When in reality the real genius’s ignore their confusion and seek for the simplicity of common sense to remain themselves and to assist others. In the end they (those who profess to be the greats of the Study of Human Behavior) provide convenient excuses for the world to continue in their worldly ways and ignore the warnings of the Prophets and Apostles as foolishness.
If human behavior needs to be studied at all it should be done by those with a clear understanding of the Plan of Salvation. However in my humble opinion the mess so far created in this field would make anything so simple impossible to change or alter any conception of what I’ve presented. Man/woman are set in their ways – how dare anyone point out a difference or a relevant ‘other’ way. Thus the problem maker themselves are stirring the pot – and will continue to do so until it’s everlastingly too late.
5. Why should we study human behavior?
Outside of a defensive measure you’ve got me on this one (smile). One would guess ‘warfare’ is the main reason for the study of human behavior – i.e. warfare meaning any type of contention between one human and another. Madison Ave. studies it to determine how best to get people to spend their money in some way they might not. Governments study it to determine how best to dominate their citizens. Judges for the purposes of determining how likely a violator of the law is likely to be a repeat offender. Police and law enforcement for the same reasons. Basically its study is to determine why people will do what they will or won’t do, i.e. gain a benefit or avoid a loss, and then try to present such a choice to beguile one into changing their minds.
It’s also used as a study to convenience the idea of many ways and reasons (excuses) for behavior not within their mean of acceptability. Thus it then can be used to ‘label’ groups, beliefs, stimuli and other factors of everyday living. Self justification in choosing that the world is complex and not able to be understood is one real result of the study of human behavior. The study of human behavior dismisses without regard what they don’t like in history – either written or unwritten. Thus Cain might’ve been depressed – annoyed – afraid – on drugs – when he killed Able (if in fact this really happened) but certainly there was no outside influence such as a Satan or a Devil to make him do it. Even here they’ll accept a Devil as a tormentor of his mind – but nothing more real than that.
One must always remember the premise behind the Greek School of Philosophy was not ‘truth’ but ‘rhetoric. Any altruism strived for in the study of human behavior is quickly subjected to the world and to be used to manipulate others. In the book the ‘Hunt for Red October’ by Tom Clancy, 1st ed. 1984 on p.25 what I’m trying to say is said, “As a boy, Ramius sensed more than thought that Soviet Communism ignored a basic human need. … The good of the People was laudable enough goal but in denying a man’s soul, an enduring part of his being, Marxism stripped away the foundation of human dignity and individual value. This is then part and parcel of what those who replace the study of human behavior do as well – i.e. casting aside the human soul – in exchange for a ‘thing’ to be used and manipulated for the world’s good.
One of the read books on University Campus’ and other areas of elite learning is “I and Thou” by Marin Buber, 1970 ed. Translated by Walter Kaufmann. In the introduction Dr. Kaufmann dispels any and all connections to ‘meaning’ or ‘Prophets’ and what the Old or New Testament teaches. He goes further to conclude that Buber like Hegel believe in no otherworldliness – thus it only the here and now – with no hope of anything beyond. His final conclusion is, “Ich und Du speaks to men and women who have become wary of promises and hopes: it takes its stand resolutely in the here and now. It is a sermon on the words of Hillel; “If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”
To finish the idea of Ramius in Red October, “It also cast aside the objective measure of justice and ethics which, he decided, was the principal legacy of religion to a civilized life.” The confusion presented in the worldly religions of the day thus work hand in hand with those who are currently giving us their treasures of human behavior.
6. Which of all the behavioral sciences is the most important? Explain your answer.
Self-awareness and ownership of one’s own actions and reasons for their motivations. Accountability and responsibility for oneself – which of course is not found in any of the world’s behavioral sciences! Maybe a course on personal worth and value which is predicated on being found unselfish and knowing mortality is a temporary state of things?
Each person is individually accountable for obedience to the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of the Father – no one else, after the age of accountability if they’ve been taught or are able to be taught right and wrong. For those who’re not taught there is no law – and those who should’ve taught them are under condemnation.
When a person is able to comprehend personal self-worth based on higher laws and covenants to our Father and his Son – then one is really able to come alive – live and help others live – finding both meaning and understanding of the Eternal Plan of Salvation and the teaching of the Father, Son and their Prophets and Apostles.
This is not an impossible goal to write a syllabus and to teach such a course – however, most Federally financed institutions would not allow it to be taught and in those where it was taught ACLU would be knocking down their doors with threatened or real lawsuits. Thus is the reason for Family Home Evening – Family and Personal Prayer – partaking of the Sacrament by those with the authority of Father and/or His Son to administer this ordinance – Family and Personal Scripture study – and most of all listening and being found obedient to all of the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of Father and His Son – our Savior Jesus Christ!
Our homes become our University’s and Learning centers – they provide the warmth of eternal love and understanding. The Temple’s or House of the Lord – provide the way and understanding of the Eternal Covenants that bind both the Father and the Son and us by the law of Obedience forever and ever – eternally as a family.
Since this behavioral science cannot be taught without the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ - then we must go and do as fully understood and commanded to teach others – and invite them to learn of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness before it’s too late! Whether they accept or not is part and parcel of their agency – however in the eternities they cannot come to us and accuse us of not having tried to share this eternal truth and truths.
7. What is the role of the arts in human behavior?
It totally depends on whose definition of arts and how it’s used – a further explanation of ‘arts’ would be fully needed to address the presentation of this question. One can only guess at the comparison of the world’s (or Babylon’s) meaning and Zion’s?
Thus for this reply I’ll use my definition of ‘arts’ and how they apply to human behavior – hopefully this will suffice? I’ll use the ‘muses’ as found in the Greek Classical understanding for the nine arts: Heroic Poetry; History; Love or Erotic poetry, Lyrics and Marriage Songs; Music and Lyric Poetry; Tragedy; Song-Oratory-Lyric-Singing and Rhetoric; Comedy and Bucolic Poetry; and Astronomy. From these nine we’ll work with Poetry (all forms); Songs; Plays; Sculptures/Paintings and Books. The modern world has seemingly grouped these in today’s voice as Movies, TV, Art, Music and Writing.
The current role using my understanding is one of brain washing and manipulation for the most part. When on considers one can never erase what they’ve once seen and then consider the multitude of junk and obscene material exposed to ‘all’ either on billboards, TV, movies, Internet, magazines, clothing (or lack of any), tee shirts, etc., the mind boggles at what’s been let inside uninvited by some and greatly sought after by others. A second part of this understanding is ‘spaced repetition’ and the use of this in the ‘arts’ especially music and literature. Atlantic Records discovered in the 1950’s they could intersperse lyrics into their music almost obscene and get away with it in the rhythm similar to what Country and Western Music has also used. One needs only to reflect upon the entrance of females into the country scene and the exchange of lyrics which then developed. Hank Snow was one of the first in a vinyl entitled, “Boardwalk Angel” – Anita Carter was on the female artist to the best of my memory. The audience found fun and interest in all of this going on in the music industry while avid readers were finding more and more sex and adultery (starting in the beginning of printing or writing one would guess) now more available in the general market place. Movies since their inception have been full of the sexual content. One would guess it’ll only worse and more obscene. With the advent of various magazines – Playboy only the elevation of the smut available.
The only role of the arts today in human behavior is fraught with deception to entice, excite, tempt, arouse, or otherwise demean the human spirit. Which at one time elevated – now the overall pretense has dissipated altogether in these latter-days. Pompeii and other places in history choose the same route in isolated situations – while leaving an appearance of moral and virtue to those who came for visits to their realm. Thus with the creation of spiritual illusions people throughout the ages have deceived themselves into our day that in reality rhetoric is better than truth or indeed any goodness in art! The killing of feelings – until only peer pressure determines what is acceptable and approvable. Currently media determines what is currently in acceptance – and sure and fast demeans something which even hints at being good or pure.
Indeed in the USA most hide under the guise of the 1st Amendment to profane the nation with profanity/sex/abuses and more in the name of ‘art’. Our youth are losing any morality on a daily dose basis wherever they turn. Thus one most be more and more careful in what they allow into their homes (or into their minds) in the name of ‘art’ or its associates in human behavior.
1. What is your concept of time?
When we were investigating the Church and thereafter ‘time’ was one of my biggest questions – I really wanted to understand it more fully. My real question centered on Father’s Time and not ‘our’ time. Being strangers here our adjustment to man’s time has been one of the most difficult of all things as it’s more finite than we were used to in the preexistence. When doing this I researched the scriptures (all of them); dictionaries; asked questions of President Rossiter and generally studied all I could. Over years of research and pondering my concept of time is one of randomness. It’s random because we use it either to our advantage or we don’t and Father wants us to use it all wisely (without measure) in the service and mission He sent us here to perform. It’s both a blessing and a curse in our lives. Man has made it finite so that they have a feeling of control. Father has made time measurable only to how we use it – either wisely or foolishly.
Conditions set by man are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years (and all the other things such as nano-seconds, etc.) By the use of these conditions they measure both life and all of the elements within a lifetime. They set paychecks, school years, vacations, sick time, ages of marriage, smoking, drinking, sex, retirement and term limits or none. When man had his complete agency – many found they could not survive in something as simple and basic as choosing right or wrong – to use their mortal probation wisely or unwisely.
In the Garden of Eden – Adam and Eve had no time nor seasons – they were there and they tended the garden – we know there was day and night and seasons but without a description as to cold or hot – and one would guess it was moderate to their needs. However upon leaving the Garden for their journey in mortal probation things changed and they were not geographically restricted to one area.
There’s no mention of time initially upon their entering mortality – however they did keep a journal (as commanded – or a Book of Life with records) and one would guess they measured and knew when to plant – harvest, etc. Eve would know the relative duration of her pregnancies – but again this would be passed on. Time as we know it today would’ve begun with the event of Cane slewing Able. Cane would’ve led those who went with him and under the mentoring of Satan understand the need for controls and the removal of Agency. Since the wicked more often than not exercise control they would’ve enforced this use of measurement known as ‘worldly time’. With such a control one of many they could exercise more and more dominion over the choices of all those in Mortal Probation. While Satan has only one goal – Father could use this one control ‘time’ for his purposes in both Prophesy and allowing for the teaching of elements of the eternal within the mortal. Thus there now could be an age of accountability – an age of mortality – a calendar – the meridian of time – which was part and parcel of the Plan of Salvation.
Satan in his controls and removal of agency also used the measurements of time to more control his minions and lead mankind astray into believing there was time to repent and thus the idea of procrastination was invoked into the thinking of mortal probation. If one looks from afar and could see the division one item into two – two items into four and so on till today where this is a number beyond our comprehension one could see the confusion and chaos caused by this one control enacted so long ago by Cain upon Able.
Thus today – time is simply a tool of the world upon those in their mortal probation – some can accept to be controlled by the world – or better understand that Father has sent us here on a mission – and we either use this mortality wisely or unwisely. The word Slothful comes to mind. So often I worry I’m being slothful in my stewardships in going to the woods – reading fiction – playing games – playing golf – watching movies – when I know there’s so much I’ve to do. In all events one can only try to be true to the Commandments and Covenants we’ve made – holding fast to the Iron Rod and repenting of our slips.
To me man’s usage of time is somewhat unimportant – however, Father’s time and agency is not!! Yes I hopefully will live longer – to see Corinne and Anneliese grow and each you and your brother and your families mature and grow. As the scriptures state, Doctrine and Covenants 122:9 “Thy days are known, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever.”
2. How does your concept of time tie into your perspective on human behavior?
Would think part of this answer is addressed above – but will continue in explanation. Human behavior is mostly predicated upon the two aspects I’ve long instilled within you – their motivation is to either avoid a loss or to gain a benefit. Now the great difference – for those who remember why they’re here – where they came from and where they might go is worthy is totally established on being obedient to the Commandments and Covenants while here on earth. On the opposite side is the world – predicated only on today – self-gratification – selfishness and the world’s definition of happiness.
The first which is part and parcel of the Plan of Salvation requires one to fully commit to the Gospel of Jesus Christ – understanding the world is a temporary thing at best and for the most part completely wrong – i.e. the road to Babylon. Thus the choice of their behavior is in knowing which is the road to Zion and being found on no other road.
The second is much more complicated because it’s intertwined with man’s philosophy and tidbits of the Gospel. This second again reverts to the singular goal of Satan – to make everyone as miserable as he is! This is where the world comes to play – offering to men/women the choices of many ways with none being really poor or bad choices! The end is to meet the common demands of carnality of the human – to seek the easier of the two ways thinking they’re on the road to Zion and not Babylon’s road. Then one finds the world of those who think they know more than the Father – and apply human reasoning to the Scriptures to make them more acceptable to the intelligent members of the society or elite thinkers of the world. Augustine did this – as so many others of the early 3rd and 4th Century religious and secular leaders. What they couldn’t understand or explain became a mystery – or better a subject to be bend to their limited knowledge base. I.e. the world was most likely flat and was the center of the universe and the definition of the God-head.
In a wondrous event they created ‘confusion’ in human behavior but throwing in equal measures of doubt, truth and rhetoric. With time being the first of their controls they continued to invoke their will upon those willing to listen to them – calling themselves the ‘righteous’ and demeaning those who indeed were the righteous. Making this point stick was their ability to kill, maim, incarcerate, enslave, abuse or otherwise controls of those true followers of Jesus Christ and the Father. The media and other powers to be went along and added to the doubt of the Doctrine of Salvation and Eternal Life – Miracles and Prophecies of the Prophets and Apostles and any other teachings found therein.
The time element simply was used in this control by setting predetermined standards for such things as repentance – absolution – detention – using man’s law to override Father’s Law! Thus human behavior could then be measured in a finite way by the world against standards set in Babylon and not Zion. Human Behavior without absolute law and without absolutes of right and wrong – good or evil – loses in degrees by personal choices the agency given by the Father to all of his children.
In the first instant’s Father’s time is incompatible with anything found in Babylon or confusion – it’s absolute and dependent on obedience to the Commandments and Covenants given and made with the Father – thus ensuring one having complete agency in all of their choices. Agency in the essence of time – requires obedience to the Commandments and Covenants of the Father. Human Behavior has been taught culturally and scholastically to reject this premise to one of more freedom and less obedience. The world has taught through time one can correct or change – choose some good and some evil – some obedience and some disobedience – some gray and some not so gray – causing a confusion of principles without absolute definitions.
3. What is the most important aspect of human behavior?
Obedience to the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of Heavenly Father! Thus it would have to be ‘agency’ which for the purposes of this reply means ‘the ability to choose to be obedient or to not be obedient.’ This is the area most attacked by Satan whose whole plan had taken away ‘agency’. Thus Satan has had to change the meaning of the word agency to fit his dominion or that of the world. Part and parcel of this would be found in the word contention or justification. One of biggest, if not the only, reason for conflict is one person trying to take away another’s agency and subject them to their own. (Reread the last sentence!) One cannot have ‘agency’ taken away from him/her – only they can give it away – and they do this by choices over a period of time. Sometimes innocently and sometimes knowingly we each make decisions which will determine compromise, foolishness or obedience.
Without obedience – the kind generated by love and understanding – one is up for the wiles and guile of the world. Father expects loving and willing obedience – while the world treats obedience as abhorrent and repulsive – unless of course it’s to them! Thus the idea of many choices all equally good – or detestably horrible (making sure none would choose under normal circumstances). The world understands the need for one to feel they’re making their own decisions – using media, follywood, Madison Ave., music, TV and whatever influence they can exert peer pressure with.
In the understanding we’re all strangers here – and thus we’re unique to those in the world who feel or have been let to think they’re here for the duration of life – so live it now or regret not doing so later. It teaches one to be in style – in all ways – and thus human behavior actually does align itself with the world – wanting to be accepted into the world and just happy being a stranger here. Look at this like the starving child looking into the bakery’s window – dreaming of being inside – warm – well fed and thus happy!
Thus the two ways – either to understand our agency – accepting the responsibility and accountability which goes with being a child of God! Otherwise one is simply required to partially give up their birth right in the confusion/contention and misrepresentation of their agency.
4. Should the study of human behavior be done by philosophers or scientists? Explain your answer.
This is a loaded question with only two choices – and my answer is ‘NO!’ First of all in explanation to by emphatic ‘NO’ for most of the world’s philosophers and scientists are strangers to the Plan of Salvation and any understanding of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Most see life as a one time – full time thing with little hope of much else and better nothing to look forward to after death. This is true of most of the worldly intelligent beings (by their standards) who feel they’ve to determine what’s best for everyone else. They shun Prophets and Apostles – looking for their faults and not their truths. They mix the teachings of the Greeks and all of it’s rhetoric into the life teachings of others and disapprove of either simplicity or common sense when decreeing their anthems. This is much like the teachings of Marx – in that the State is God doing away with a human soul. The worldly clergy and religions make this easy for them and in fact are part and parcel of the same schools. Human behavior is individual and private – to decide to worldize it is in the extreme dehumanizing and in the moderate demeaning. That someone can go to college – get a degree – and then understand the underlying study of human behavior is like someone going to sea and expecting to handle every condition – steer the ship – take care of the engines – feed the passengers – direct the band – clean the staterooms – and all on their first voyage in a hurricane. They look to those who quote the same ideas and inter-quote each other for their supports of their ideas. Outside of the one thing, “This is all there is!” they’ve no other conclusions and only add to the confusion and contentions found in the world today.
Human behavior is mostly predicated on peer pressure and learned experiences from family and surroundings. Someone raised in the inner-city of Detroit knows little of the trappings of the swamps in SE Georgia – ever though there is life threatening experiences facing either when going outside. Vermin exist in both environments – one in thieves, robbers and murderers – the other in nature wishing not to be disturbed. Yet somewhere in Human Behavior is a remembering of other places and other teachings – with the lingering idea that they’re strangers here. Worldly time is keynote to this as it doesn’t seem to fit with where they’d otherwise been. As they absorb the teachings of men/women (or the world) they perceive the inconsistencies and confusion being presented and are concerned. Many are convinced that this is their imagination and succumb to the worldly way. Others however understand the simplicity of the Plan of Salvation – common sense right and wrong and most importantly recognize they’re a stranger here. This being a stranger then ignites their search for ‘real truth’ and of the ‘Who, Where and What they are and can become.‘
The study of human behavior for the most part is man-make and contrived! Outside of providing income and a lifestyle for many – so far it’s provided nothing but empty answers – added further confusion and become contentious when faced with a Prophet of God – or real truth. It’s a self-fulfilling game of educational realms almost without beginning or end (smile). The field self-proclaims their genius and great men/women and points to themselves as the experts. When in reality the real genius’s ignore their confusion and seek for the simplicity of common sense to remain themselves and to assist others. In the end they (those who profess to be the greats of the Study of Human Behavior) provide convenient excuses for the world to continue in their worldly ways and ignore the warnings of the Prophets and Apostles as foolishness.
If human behavior needs to be studied at all it should be done by those with a clear understanding of the Plan of Salvation. However in my humble opinion the mess so far created in this field would make anything so simple impossible to change or alter any conception of what I’ve presented. Man/woman are set in their ways – how dare anyone point out a difference or a relevant ‘other’ way. Thus the problem maker themselves are stirring the pot – and will continue to do so until it’s everlastingly too late.
5. Why should we study human behavior?
Outside of a defensive measure you’ve got me on this one (smile). One would guess ‘warfare’ is the main reason for the study of human behavior – i.e. warfare meaning any type of contention between one human and another. Madison Ave. studies it to determine how best to get people to spend their money in some way they might not. Governments study it to determine how best to dominate their citizens. Judges for the purposes of determining how likely a violator of the law is likely to be a repeat offender. Police and law enforcement for the same reasons. Basically its study is to determine why people will do what they will or won’t do, i.e. gain a benefit or avoid a loss, and then try to present such a choice to beguile one into changing their minds.
It’s also used as a study to convenience the idea of many ways and reasons (excuses) for behavior not within their mean of acceptability. Thus it then can be used to ‘label’ groups, beliefs, stimuli and other factors of everyday living. Self justification in choosing that the world is complex and not able to be understood is one real result of the study of human behavior. The study of human behavior dismisses without regard what they don’t like in history – either written or unwritten. Thus Cain might’ve been depressed – annoyed – afraid – on drugs – when he killed Able (if in fact this really happened) but certainly there was no outside influence such as a Satan or a Devil to make him do it. Even here they’ll accept a Devil as a tormentor of his mind – but nothing more real than that.
One must always remember the premise behind the Greek School of Philosophy was not ‘truth’ but ‘rhetoric. Any altruism strived for in the study of human behavior is quickly subjected to the world and to be used to manipulate others. In the book the ‘Hunt for Red October’ by Tom Clancy, 1st ed. 1984 on p.25 what I’m trying to say is said, “As a boy, Ramius sensed more than thought that Soviet Communism ignored a basic human need. … The good of the People was laudable enough goal but in denying a man’s soul, an enduring part of his being, Marxism stripped away the foundation of human dignity and individual value. This is then part and parcel of what those who replace the study of human behavior do as well – i.e. casting aside the human soul – in exchange for a ‘thing’ to be used and manipulated for the world’s good.
One of the read books on University Campus’ and other areas of elite learning is “I and Thou” by Marin Buber, 1970 ed. Translated by Walter Kaufmann. In the introduction Dr. Kaufmann dispels any and all connections to ‘meaning’ or ‘Prophets’ and what the Old or New Testament teaches. He goes further to conclude that Buber like Hegel believe in no otherworldliness – thus it only the here and now – with no hope of anything beyond. His final conclusion is, “Ich und Du speaks to men and women who have become wary of promises and hopes: it takes its stand resolutely in the here and now. It is a sermon on the words of Hillel; “If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”
To finish the idea of Ramius in Red October, “It also cast aside the objective measure of justice and ethics which, he decided, was the principal legacy of religion to a civilized life.” The confusion presented in the worldly religions of the day thus work hand in hand with those who are currently giving us their treasures of human behavior.
6. Which of all the behavioral sciences is the most important? Explain your answer.
Self-awareness and ownership of one’s own actions and reasons for their motivations. Accountability and responsibility for oneself – which of course is not found in any of the world’s behavioral sciences! Maybe a course on personal worth and value which is predicated on being found unselfish and knowing mortality is a temporary state of things?
Each person is individually accountable for obedience to the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of the Father – no one else, after the age of accountability if they’ve been taught or are able to be taught right and wrong. For those who’re not taught there is no law – and those who should’ve taught them are under condemnation.
When a person is able to comprehend personal self-worth based on higher laws and covenants to our Father and his Son – then one is really able to come alive – live and help others live – finding both meaning and understanding of the Eternal Plan of Salvation and the teaching of the Father, Son and their Prophets and Apostles.
This is not an impossible goal to write a syllabus and to teach such a course – however, most Federally financed institutions would not allow it to be taught and in those where it was taught ACLU would be knocking down their doors with threatened or real lawsuits. Thus is the reason for Family Home Evening – Family and Personal Prayer – partaking of the Sacrament by those with the authority of Father and/or His Son to administer this ordinance – Family and Personal Scripture study – and most of all listening and being found obedient to all of the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of Father and His Son – our Savior Jesus Christ!
Our homes become our University’s and Learning centers – they provide the warmth of eternal love and understanding. The Temple’s or House of the Lord – provide the way and understanding of the Eternal Covenants that bind both the Father and the Son and us by the law of Obedience forever and ever – eternally as a family.
Since this behavioral science cannot be taught without the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ - then we must go and do as fully understood and commanded to teach others – and invite them to learn of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness before it’s too late! Whether they accept or not is part and parcel of their agency – however in the eternities they cannot come to us and accuse us of not having tried to share this eternal truth and truths.
7. What is the role of the arts in human behavior?
It totally depends on whose definition of arts and how it’s used – a further explanation of ‘arts’ would be fully needed to address the presentation of this question. One can only guess at the comparison of the world’s (or Babylon’s) meaning and Zion’s?
Thus for this reply I’ll use my definition of ‘arts’ and how they apply to human behavior – hopefully this will suffice? I’ll use the ‘muses’ as found in the Greek Classical understanding for the nine arts: Heroic Poetry; History; Love or Erotic poetry, Lyrics and Marriage Songs; Music and Lyric Poetry; Tragedy; Song-Oratory-Lyric-Singing and Rhetoric; Comedy and Bucolic Poetry; and Astronomy. From these nine we’ll work with Poetry (all forms); Songs; Plays; Sculptures/Paintings and Books. The modern world has seemingly grouped these in today’s voice as Movies, TV, Art, Music and Writing.
The current role using my understanding is one of brain washing and manipulation for the most part. When on considers one can never erase what they’ve once seen and then consider the multitude of junk and obscene material exposed to ‘all’ either on billboards, TV, movies, Internet, magazines, clothing (or lack of any), tee shirts, etc., the mind boggles at what’s been let inside uninvited by some and greatly sought after by others. A second part of this understanding is ‘spaced repetition’ and the use of this in the ‘arts’ especially music and literature. Atlantic Records discovered in the 1950’s they could intersperse lyrics into their music almost obscene and get away with it in the rhythm similar to what Country and Western Music has also used. One needs only to reflect upon the entrance of females into the country scene and the exchange of lyrics which then developed. Hank Snow was one of the first in a vinyl entitled, “Boardwalk Angel” – Anita Carter was on the female artist to the best of my memory. The audience found fun and interest in all of this going on in the music industry while avid readers were finding more and more sex and adultery (starting in the beginning of printing or writing one would guess) now more available in the general market place. Movies since their inception have been full of the sexual content. One would guess it’ll only worse and more obscene. With the advent of various magazines – Playboy only the elevation of the smut available.
The only role of the arts today in human behavior is fraught with deception to entice, excite, tempt, arouse, or otherwise demean the human spirit. Which at one time elevated – now the overall pretense has dissipated altogether in these latter-days. Pompeii and other places in history choose the same route in isolated situations – while leaving an appearance of moral and virtue to those who came for visits to their realm. Thus with the creation of spiritual illusions people throughout the ages have deceived themselves into our day that in reality rhetoric is better than truth or indeed any goodness in art! The killing of feelings – until only peer pressure determines what is acceptable and approvable. Currently media determines what is currently in acceptance – and sure and fast demeans something which even hints at being good or pure.
Indeed in the USA most hide under the guise of the 1st Amendment to profane the nation with profanity/sex/abuses and more in the name of ‘art’. Our youth are losing any morality on a daily dose basis wherever they turn. Thus one most be more and more careful in what they allow into their homes (or into their minds) in the name of ‘art’ or its associates in human behavior.
Textbooks in evidence
surely all can’t be wrong
how could this ever be
why shameful found
thoughts such as these;
One needs to be shown
others so much wiser
degrees proclaiming so
controlled all that’s taught
with their rhetoric full!
Copyright © 2009 – cji
Textbooks in evidence
surely all can’t be wrong
how could this ever be
why shameful found
thoughts such as these;
One needs to be shown
others so much wiser
degrees proclaiming so
controlled all that’s taught
with their rhetoric full!
Copyright © 2009 – cji
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